Taldrenites => General Starfleet Command Forum => Topic started by: Reptor on March 30, 2005, 07:01:37 am
Opening Transmission
Contributors needed!
Hail, fellow SFC oldtimers and new pilots alike! First the project, then some background, then some details:
Project: D.Net SFC:OP Captain’s Manual (we can work on the title).
Properties: 8.5 “ x 11” professionally printed B&W book with glossy full color front & back cover with spiral binding.
Content: Everything OP such as updated weapon charts, ship specs, race strategy, tutorials, fan fiction/art, and anything else you can think of.
Written by the D.Net community (you).
Length: Between 200 to 300 pages. 400 max.
Retail Cost: Between $12 to $18 depending on length.
All proceeds go to The Dynaverse Gaming Association©.
Coordinator: Jim “Reptor” Hurst
Now for some background:
You old-timers may remember me from the old Taldren board. I had the great opportunity to help beta test EAW, OP & SFC3. I was a fleet leader in the old GFL and created the ISC Theater at http://isctheater.50megs.com . Ah, those were the days.
Just prior to the old boards closing, I stopped flying online to concentrate on my art and writing, but I still enjoy flying single player. Since then, I have self-published several “how-to” oil painting books and a novel. See http://embark.to/paint . My novel, Jack Ryder – The Rundorth Faction, should be hitting bookstores this fall (shameless plug). BTW, the entire Starship Oil Painting book's free pdf preview is the entire book itself.
Recently, I returned here and saw Frey’s call for donations. My first thought was to donate a painting for auction, but a better idea hit me. Why not create an updated SFC:OP reference manual and GIVE it to D.Net? All proceeds will go to D.Net to help them maintain this much needed and appreciated service that they supply to the SFC community.
SFC:OP has grown and changed over time, and an updated manual is badly needed. But there is no way I can do this all by myself, nor did I want to. The talent and knowledge base here at D.Net is tremendous and needs to be tapped into, so I decided this has to be a community project. There is also a time factor. I plan to start on my 2nd novel in June/July, so I have a 3 month window to get this done.
I have talked to Frey about the book project and excitedly he gave me the go-ahead to get the ball rolling.
Here are the details:
The book will be broken down into categories such as:
SFC history and Taldren tribute
Weapon charts
Ship Specs
OP enhancement contents and installation
Getting on the dyna
Hot Keys & Taunts
GUI explanation
Race Tactics/Strategy
Ship System explanation & use
Fan Fiction/Art
Etc., whatever category you think needs to be included.
Category Content Creation: Contributors (you) pick a category (or create one) and post that you’d like to write it. Begin laying out the content on Microsoft Word (8.5 x 11). Writers have full control over layout, but to tie the categories together I request similar fonts: Garamond size 12 for normal text and Arial for charts & graphs. All special title fonts, such as federation, klingon, etc need to be a jpg image. All images must be at least 200 dpi and converted to B&W. If more than one person wants to do the same category, they can team up. All contributors will be acknowledged in the book.
Once done, the completed categories will be sent to an editor. The editor and email addy that the content needs to be sent to will be announced by Frey soon. The editor will then compile the material, check for errors, pretty it up a bit and send it to me for final editing and publishing.
Book Cover Contest: A template for the front and back cover will be supplied. You artists can create a full color front and back cover for the book (jpg), and amongst the various submitted book covers one will be chosen and the artist whose cover is picked will get a free copy of the book. Woot!
I’d like to have all content submitted by mid May. That will give time for editing and layout and final proofing before the book is released.
I’m on the up & up about this. I receive no compensation and all profits go to D.Net. But I need your help to make it happen. Let’s get the ball rolling and get this thing in print! Post a category that you’d like to start on (one listed above or one not listed that you think should be in the book). I’ll compile the contributors into a master list with the categories that are currently being undertaken. If there are a lot of contributors within a particular catagory, or if there are squabbles within a team, a team leader will be announced.
Understand that there is no compensation for content as all proceeds go to the non profit organization The Dynaverse Gaming Association©. But hey, you’re in print! And we’ll have an updated OP manual!
Hey, good to see you hangin' around these parts again man. Sounds like a great project, I'd like to have one for sure. It would be nice to have another SFC manual that is spiral bound (man, they sure did SFC1 right, didn't they).
Sounds great, but if you put any pics of Kroma or his dress maker in it, I demand a discount.
Dang It's good to see you again Reptor, Hows the Painting going? Anyway, I'll be busy the next few weeks Moving, But I'll get back with you after that.
Yeah, Emerald. The SFC1 book rocked. I remember the outcry when the EAW/OP books were first seen without a spiral bounding. We can actually have 2 versions of the updated OP book. One spiral and one regular glue bound. It'll be a heavy card stock cover with a glossy finish. They look quite nice.
Angel, if Kroma is a contributor, there's no telling what picture he may place LOL! All contributors get a page that they can place what they want such as a bio, fleet info, art, etc. (within bounds of decency, of course).
Stephen, it's great to be back! I havn't painted since last fall as I got bitten by the writing bug, but there is a painting I need to get done for a local church. Cya in a few weeks. ;D
I like the idea! The D2 server "gf Bible" would be a good addition if ready in time too! (I'll keep ya posted).
Thanks, Bonk!
I can't thank Reptor enough for the driving motivation behind this.
I am very excited, as I think this will be a great resource for any and all hardcore D.Net'ters.
I like the idea! The D2 server "gf Bible" would be a good addition if ready in time too! (I'll keep ya posted).
Uh..gf Bible, a codex of the whyfor's and whereas's of the dv .gf settings....sounds like someones been busy.
BTW, I have no idea what a D2 server "gf Bible" is, but the book can be devided into 3 parts:
1) Basic: All good info about flying that a captain needs to know.
2) OP Technical Resource: The how-to's of OP high tech stuff. Setting up a server, modeling, modding, anything that you think would be great to be documented.
3) Fan Fiction: I've read some good ones here.
Contributed art shouldn't have its own catagory, as I think it best to scatter the art throughout the book. Gotta have eye candy, y'know. :D
I absolutely agree that it should have a guid to all the settings and file modifications you can do with the game. I'd much rather see this than fan fiction, or even the SFC history/Taldren tribute thing, which you would probably read once and then move on, but would find the settings thing valuable on many occassions.
This is very timely- good to see ya again Reptor :) I don't poke my head in here a lot either- been too busy!
This sounds like a winner! Keep it moving and it'll do well. If there's any way I can help, I'll see what I can do. Got so much junk it's ridiculous lol
To start, we need content. A lot of what already is available. I went ahead and layed out a few things that I grabbed from stickies/readme:
Hot Keys,
Weapon Chart by Corbomite
OP Enhancement content & installation by Pestelence
Mod Chooser Info by Firesoul
Getting on the Dyna by Ronin
A lot of that really needs to be reworded for print (hint, hint), but this alone takes up 40 pages with no graphics.
Emerald, I agree with ya. But there's plenty of room between the covers for both. If not, a separate fan fiction edition can easily be made as the OP stats/settings/mods get first billing. ;)
Yo, Komoto! I sure can use your help. Post what you have and we can sift through it. Thanks!
The templates for 8.5 x 11 cover and manuscript can be found here: http://www.lulu.com/help/templates
The cover specs are: 8.625" x 11.25" (2588 x 3375 pixels at 300dpi)
We'll be using Lulu.com to create the book. You writers out there need to check it out. It's really a great POD service.
Geez I have a crapload of stuff and access to even more- a whole book could be printed on just tactics alone...
I kinda wonder if it's even a factor worth considering at this point... there is a generalized writeup I've seen which is pretty good that covers each race's characteristics. I think a special section which covers little known game facts would be really cool, such as how mizia works, the DAC, how to effectively use a Mauler, etc etc.
I'd like to see a book created not only as an addition to the original manual, including updates, but more focused on the online experience itself. Include a history of the D2, the evolution of the server, the players involved in running them. A section on past and present fleets would not only be helpful, but can serve as a kind of yearbook way down the line. I have a website online just on this subject alone actually, called Allegiance. (http://showcase.netins.net/web/gamerzinc/Allegiance/) I think you'll find it interesting ;)
That intro was a great read, Komoto. A nice brief history of SFC and Starlance itself. Brought back memories of my old SFC1 fleet Klingon Wolf Pack.
Perhaps you can compile the info you have onto a word doc. Plenty of time as we have a month to get it submitted. If the source is from somewhere else, we may need to ask for its use. Unless there's some kind of open source legality thing that's floating around. :police:
Hey guys! We've posted the news at STGU, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help!
Thanks, ChessMess! The only help I need is content, content, content LOL!
Bonk posted a great link in a different thread to Nuclearwessels D2 setup and mission scripting documentation: http://www3.telus.net/NuclearWessels/sfc/mods.html. Between the two at font 8 is 55 pages. A huge valuable knowledgebase if NuclearWessels lets us use it. Hey Dave, let me know, eh?
This is what I got so far:
SFC History by Komodo (need some D2 history in there).
Hot Keys,
Weapon Chart by Corbomite
OP Enhancement content & installation by Pestelence
Mod Chooser Info by Firesoul
Getting on the Dyna by Ronin
Setting up a Dyna by Dave "Nuclear" Wessels.
Mission Scripting by Dave "Nuclear" Wessels.
Total page count so far with above topics is about 100 pages with no graphics.
I need basic operating procedures. Weapon use. Ship systems explanation, Race tactics, etc. and what ever you think an aspiring new captain needs to know. Komodo's suggestions above were great.
Would you like a description of Universe At War?
Sure would, Chris! If you already have it on a site, I can just copy it, or you can stick it on a word doc & email it to me. It's been about a week since I first called for contributors so I'm about to go pester the mod & modelers forum LOL! But yeah, It'll be great to have some info on your mod. It'll go great in the book.
If you have some tips on the how-to's of modding, ooooh that'll be cool too. ;D
Edited: Downloading the mod right now. It looks like a great one, Chris. Thanks!
I know alot of you hate Stickies, But I feel like this thread should be as the Project Develops.
You can put me down for a copy of that baby ;D
Sorry I haven't replied sooner
I'll see if I can get an expanded intro done SAP for this :)
For Lyran tactics and some good all around stuff feel free to grab from here: http://goldenpridefleet.tripod.com/tactics.htm
The Golden Pride Fleet was in play from the release of SFC2 and on for quite some time before the general dwindling of the player base and the fact that many players just can't juggle well enough to play Lyran let the fleet largely dissapear. I have been playing Lyran since SFB created them and in play since SFC1. Feel free to contact me for help from the Golden fleet!
Thanks, Komoto!
Kzinbane, excellent! The Lyrans are well represented now. :D Reading it, I think I'll give the Lyrans another shot at some flying. Thanks!
Need tactics for the other races. You Feds, Klinks, Roms, Gorns, Hydrans, ISC, & Pirates aren't going to let the Lyrans have sole representation in the book, are ya? :P
Updated list:
SFC History by Komodo (need some D2 history in there).
Hot Keys,
Weapon Chart by Corbomite
Lyran Tactics by Dennis "SFCShadow" Greene provided by Kzinbane
OP Enhancement content & installation by Pestelence
Mod Chooser Info by Firesoul
Getting on the Dyna by Ronin
Setting up a Dyna by Dave "Nuclear" Wessels.
Mission Scripting by Dave "Nuclear" Wessels.
Just an update: The updated OP manual is nearing completion. Est. date of release is mid June. Check the OP manual forum for details.