Off Topic => Ten Forward => Topic started by: Khalee1 on March 19, 2005, 02:02:45 pm
Ol Stephen acts very odd when he gets close to his puppies. Kinda forgets he's a grown up and a Former Marine. As he makes squealing sounds, just to get one of the puppies to make a noise. Kinda funny realy to watch a grown man and former Marine act like that.
Consider Tim Punched for posting secrets about me.
So we just have <squeal> from some attention from Stephen, eh?
ohhh, how cute....
There is nothing wrong with that IMHO. Those puppies are hard to resist. I've had small animals respond to me in ways that could melt anyone's heart!
I get the same way with kittens. ;D
And Now I found out he acts the same way around Baby cows. the way he squealed at the cows when he saw them I think they might be in trouble later on after he gets out there permently. :D
he was probably flipping through this book..
And Now I found out he acts the same way around Baby cows. the way he squealed at the cows when he saw them I think they might be in trouble later on after he gets out there permently. :D
How long till he names a cow "moofighters"?
And Now I found out he acts the same way around Baby cows. the way he squealed at the cows when he saw them I think they might be in trouble later on after he gets out there permently. :D
How long till he names a cow "moofighters"?
How come this makes me feel uncomfortable... :) MOOOOOO!!!
Wow he didn't squeal when he was here. :( I guess we aren't cute enough! ;D mmmmm wait maybe that's a good thing . . . :D
Wow he didn't squeal when he was here. :( I guess we aren't cute enough! ;D mmmmm wait maybe that's a good thing . . . :D
Well with the Wife being sick most of the Trip, I really didn't have time to "Pet" you . ;D ;D ;D
How come this makes me feel uncomfortable... :) MOOOOOO!!!
You don't want to be "immortalized" in beef?
Actually moofighters should be one of his dogs trained to herd those beasts.
Wow he didn't squeal when he was here. :( I guess we aren't cute enough! ;D mmmmm wait maybe that's a good thing . . . :D
Well with the Wife being sick most of the Trip, I really didn't have time to "Pet" you . ;D ;D ;D
mmm just pet me or both of us? Would you be wearing the grass skirt when you do? :o
Wow he didn't squeal when he was here. :( I guess we aren't cute enough! ;D mmmmm wait maybe that's a good thing . . . :D
Well with the Wife being sick most of the Trip, I really didn't have time to "Pet" you . ;D ;D ;D
mmm just pet me or both of us? Would you be wearing the grass skirt when you do? :o
LOL, well so much for our old Enuendo Game. You two are going o get this Moderator in Hella trouble. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I reccomend ejecting from this conversation. Sure, you'll land in the ocean with no chance for rescue and get eaten by sharks...but this is all figurative....so make sure you have some figurative shark repellent.
I reccomend ejecting from this conversation. Sure, you'll land in the ocean with no chance for rescue and get eaten by sharks...but this is all figurative....so make sure you have some figurative shark repellent.
Now why would he want to do that? At least he has a better chance at a pleasureable life than getting eaten by toothy men in grey suits (sharks).
So we just have <squeal> from some attention from Stephen, eh?
ohhh, how cute....
Why do I get an eerie feeling stephen is going to get a little surprise when he turns his back...
Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks
Use of this phrase "Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks," was condoned for use by Clark Kent in referrence to TheJudge in a jocular manner only. Jocular in this manner is meant by New Oxford American Dictionary's definition of ":adjective fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful : she sounded in a jocular mood | his voice was jocular" and not as a reference to male genitalia in any way shape or form. Please consult your New Oxford American Dictionary before use of this word or any derivatives thereof.
Use of the phrase "Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks" is a priviledge and not a right and any individual who uses this phrase without express permission from The Judge is subject to a toungue lashing by said theJudge. Toungue lashing in this case may or may not involve sexual inuendo, consult The Judge before acceptance of any such lashing.
He doesnt use tongues anymore.
Remember, he's gay, he has access to top of the line S&M gear. Including the omni-lash 3000.
He doesnt use tongues anymore.
Remember, he's gay, he has access to top of the line S&M gear. Including the omni-lash 3000.
Now why spend good money on that when a cheep pizza paddle gets more of an area hit? Then again I'm poor and have to make do with household items! ;D
Hey! You want to put people out of work! Hardworking Americans who slave (ha ha) away long hours just to produce quality S&M gear! Bah!
Hey! You want to put people out of work! Hardworking Americans who slave (ha ha) away long hours just to produce quality S&M gear! Bah!
PIFFT! Most of it even the stuff you wear says Made in some Asian Country that doesn't pay enough money for their workers to survive one! Gurrr.
*sigh* I really wish I was rich enough to afford the good leather corsets . . . mmm or brocade! Satin! oooohhhhh silk! YUMMY! :-*