Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Rat Boy on March 10, 2005, 01:50:30 pm
Breaking news from Sci Fi Universe (http://www.scifiuniverse.net/index1.html)
Not real surprising.
I find this unlikely, since:
1. Paramount or TrekUnited would be the ones delivering that kind of news
2. I doubt a website which, on it's Enterprise episode listings, says there's an episode on the 15th of March, when there's no new ones till mid-April, the news of which isnt new. Who knows what mistakes they've been making?
3. They've posted no details. 'Details to follow' for something supposedly of this scale is meaningless.
4. "Its not coming back" has been the line of UPN's secretaries to Star Trek fans every since day 1 of the cancellation. Legally, the lower downs/middle ranks (where this "story" has likely come from) arent allowed to break the party line until the higher-ups change their mind.
I doubt this "news".
1. Paramount or TrekUnited would be the ones delivering that kind of news
As I said at the TrekBBS, that's rather bad reasoning. The decision to cancel the show has already been made and announced; nothing would be served by re-announcing it. And Trek United will never admit that they've failed, since every day that ENT remains cancelled, they have failed.
1. Paramount or TrekUnited would be the ones delivering that kind of news
As I said at the TrekBBS, that's rather bad reasoning. The decision to cancel the show has already been made and announced; nothing would be served by re-announcing it. And Trek United will never admit that they've failed, since every day that ENT remains cancelled, they have failed.
Ok, thats 1. What about the other 3 reasons I have for doubting it...? :)
Well, for reason 2, you misunderstand the term "cancellation." The series won't be coming back in the fall, but it will be allowed to air its remaining episodes. And for three, you're jumping to the conclusion that they have no evidence. Is there some reason that people are so quick to dismiss SFU? As for your last reason, the show is cancelled; how can that be a party line that people can differ with? It is a statement of fact.
The timing of this seems odd, though, since they had just said that they would save the sets not too long ago.
Saving the sets doesn't mean that they're saving the show. Considering how there's a prequel movie in development, it only makes sense to save the ENT sets for use or conversion for the film.
That would make sense but I live in denial I want enterprise back.
I still maintain that a certain amount of all of this is to keep the forums hopping ! Not that discussing all of this is entirely bad. But one has to admit it can be a bit confusing .. and some what annoying with all of the roomers etc.
I agree with the idea of living in denial for the time being. There's bound to be a source with the truth out there somewhere. And it may also very well be that inside of the "circle" of those who can make these sort of decisions that there is disagreement (hence the confusing signals)
1. Paramount or TrekUnited would be the ones delivering that kind of news
As I said at the TrekBBS, that's rather bad reasoning. [color=#00bb00 The decision to cancel the show has already been made and announced; nothing would be served by re-announcing it. [/url] And Trek United will never admit that they've failed, since every day that ENT remains cancelled, they have failed.
So if Paramount would not re-announce it why are you posting a thread that seems to say they did?
Btw, they are plenty of shows that have been on the chopping block that fan initiatives or gutsy producers have saved that went on to do quite well in later seasons. Enterprise seems like one such show.
If, and it is a big if, UPN or another venue is considering picking up Enterprise for another season they certainly wouldn't say anything yet. To announce anything like that now would trap them into negotiating from a position of weakness. Offering a "save-your-butt" deal, on the other hand, gives the new broadcaster all the jacks, so to speak.
Btw, they are plenty of shows that have been on the chopping block that fan initiatives or gutsy producers have saved that went on to do quite well in later seasons. Enterprise seems like one such show.
No, there hasn't. While people like to trumpet TOS as a success of fan rallying to save a TV show, they forget that while it succeeded to get a third season, it failed miserably to get a fourth.
Btw, they are plenty of shows that have been on the chopping block that fan initiatives or gutsy producers have saved that went on to do quite well in later seasons. Enterprise seems like one such show.
No, there hasn't. While people like to trumpet TOS as a success of fan rallying to save a TV show, they forget that while it succeeded to get a third season, it failed miserably to get a fourth.
I was not referring to Trek. There have been other shows (you know, the stuff that surrounds those hours when Trek is not on) that have been saved by fans.
To announce anything like that now would trap them into negotiating from a position of weakness. Offering a "save-your-butt" deal, on the other hand, gives the new broadcaster all the jacks, so to speak.
Very true. Joss Whedon still refers to UPN as his "hero" for actually letting him complete a series (Buffy) by picking up its last two seasons.