
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: KBF-Nail on February 27, 2005, 07:52:52 pm

Title: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Nail on February 27, 2005, 07:52:52 pm
Post Kills Here

Name of Pilots involved and ships there in.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: 762_XC on February 27, 2005, 08:38:15 pm
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Father Ted on February 27, 2005, 10:07:56 pm
My reply was on the VC thread that Green started, but for the record, H1AF-Father Fart in a H-SAR kills Nail's: L-JGP(?).
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Dizzy on February 28, 2005, 12:56:41 am
What ships you can fly, their VP's and all that:  

Anything with 4 ESG's, 11+ fighters and/or 4 PF's is a 'VP' ship in addition to any ship classed as a BC or DN. Any other ship is not restricted nor have VP's attached to them. VP ships are governed by a 48hr penalty box. Meaning if u lose it, it is reported as a VP kill and you cant use either of your accounts to fly another VP ship again till 48hrs after the ship was lost.

<snip> from the rules page. I assume we post ALL kills here and only those that qualify will be counted in the end? Or we just post the ones that count? What do you want us to do?
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Marikar on February 28, 2005, 04:39:45 pm
I would like to know as well.  Seeing as Warseers and LordKrueg jumped my H-LB using a L-CC and L-CA ?     Since I wanted to see if I could at least disable one of the enemy I charged and got blown away in around a single shot.  Well 2 actually.  Very gg guys.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Dfly on February 28, 2005, 06:25:41 pm
I hate to break all your bubbles on who killed first. 

I did a kill Sunday Afternoon, but be danged if I can remember who it was I killed.  I do hope the guy I took out remembers and posts here too.  I was either in a Hydran LB or the ISC type ship(pirate) the CA2.  It was a planetary assault where I was defending the planet.  Most likely I was in the CA2 as I did most of my online gaming with that ship Sunday afternoon.  If my memory comes back, I will post what comes up.  It most likely wont be a VC Kill due to how early the actual battle took place.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Green on February 28, 2005, 06:34:19 pm
Moved this from the other thread ... (which I started, at Nail's request, 50 minutes earlier ;) )

In an appropriate opening of the GFZ, the first player killed in a PvP {that bothered to report it you slackers ;) ) is none other then Nail.

Green (P-CVL1) and TheJudge (LB) vs Nail (JPG) and War(Sears)Cat in a L-CC.

Nail Died.

WarCat departed snickering as Nail screamed at Judge and me to, and I quote ...


Mine.  Mine, mine, mine.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 01, 2005, 09:07:27 am
I was either in a Hydran LB or the ISC type ship(pirate) the CA2.

holy weed!!!  :rofl:
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: WarSears on March 01, 2005, 09:35:05 am
Moved from other therad.

I got Freedoms LB vs my CC VGG <S>
Almost forgot I had a real wing man me and LordKrueg both of us in L-CC took out Deadman6 LB.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 01, 2005, 03:14:24 pm
KEGButcherClaw in a L-DNE  slaughters H1AF-Father Fart in a H-LB
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 01, 2005, 07:40:59 pm
KEGButcherClaw in a L-DNE kills KBF-Warrior in a H-LB  gg
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: LordSaxon on March 01, 2005, 07:59:35 pm
KEGButcherClaw in a L-DNE  slaughters H1AF-Father Fart in a H-LB
KEGButcherClaw in a L-DNE kills KBF-Warrior in a H-LB  gg

Are DN's restricted by RM's or free game to anyone? I've wanted to try out the Hydran one but wasn't sure if allowed...Thx in advance.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Green on March 01, 2005, 08:03:15 pm
KEGButcherClaw in a L-DNE  slaughters H1AF-Father Fart in a H-LB
KEGButcherClaw in a L-DNE kills KBF-Warrior in a H-LB  gg

Are DN's restricted by RM's or free game to anyone? I've wanted to try out the Hydran one but wasn't sure if allowed...Thx in advance.

The rule that Nail listed was...

Dreadnoughts: The RM may assign any number of players as a FM to fly a DN, but there may only be one DN of any type on the map at a time, and one replacement. If both are lost, no more are available. Pirates dont get DN's.

Nail (who is the Lyran RM afaik ... and may God have mercy on their souls) approved the assignment.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Nail on March 01, 2005, 08:10:08 pm

I am the Acting RM.  But my modem is bad and all I have left is 56k until new modem arrives. :(
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: WarSears on March 01, 2005, 11:43:11 pm

I am the Acting RM.  But my modem is bad and all I have left is 56k until new modem arrives. :(

I'm taking over the Lyran RM spot intill Nail can get back on line pre his request.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Capt Jeff on March 02, 2005, 10:06:26 am
Butcher's L-DNE  smacks a planet in a mission Vs  H1AF-Deadmansix and H1AF-Capt Jeff, both in LB's.

Rec file attached.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Reejr on March 02, 2005, 03:11:22 pm
Reejr in L-CA vs Dfly H-LB the hydran goes boom. GG Dfly.  :)
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Kurok on March 02, 2005, 03:34:51 pm
Kurok in a cvl2 and war cat in an lcc kill Father Fart in a planet assult mission. He was in  an LB.  GG didnt think we were going to  be able to kill that last base.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: WarSears on March 02, 2005, 05:01:51 pm
I got 762 LB in a CF last night VGG <S>.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Nail on March 02, 2005, 06:13:52 pm
<Sigh> Patiently Waits for New modem.  So I can take revenge on Sears lack of Team Work Skills  >:(
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Dfly on March 02, 2005, 07:23:05 pm
Reejr in L-CA vs Dfly H-LB the hydran goes boom. GG Dfly.  :)

ty Reejr, but truly I flew that one like a newbie.  Also, you were in a CC not a CA, sorry.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 02, 2005, 07:57:28 pm
KEGButcherClaw in a L-CF  kills Dfly in a H-LM gg
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: 762_XC on March 02, 2005, 11:23:48 pm
I got 762 LB in a CF last night VGG <S>.

Are we posting all kills or just VC ones?

Last night's tallies:

Killed LordPirate's CF with an LB
Killed HoHHoch's CC with an LM
Killed Angel Slayer's CW with an LB

gg's all.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 03, 2005, 03:27:38 am
KEGButcherClaw in a L-CF  kills Dfly in a H-LB  gg
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Marikar on March 03, 2005, 06:45:38 pm
Marikar's H-THR dies when jumped by 2 pirate frigates and a heavy cruiser AI.  LordPirate was one pilot not sure the others name, (appologies to the pilot concered).  2 or 3 mins later Lordpirate was caught by my H-LM on his way home from the previous battle.  Result LordPirate got too close to a Planet while trying to get away.  gg though.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on March 03, 2005, 09:07:34 pm
The other was Captain Crunch...and you forgot to mention your 2 AI Pirate helpers... ;)
And that'll teach to me skirt planets so closely, lol.

Later Mutt(CC+) and Lord Pirate(LRO) got drafted by Capt JBelinger(LB) (srry if spelling is incorrect), CaptJ failed to escape... ;D
GGs all.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: WarSears on March 04, 2005, 09:35:07 am
Me in a LRO Nails Daddy <aka Green> in a CAO Green had a asteroid tractord  I few along side him with a leave 2 took the rock did a all stop. :P Green goes boom.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: WarSears on March 04, 2005, 10:01:44 am
Last night Me and Soth both in LRO killed KBF-Warrior LB. :P
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on March 04, 2005, 04:19:12 pm
My DBRO destroyed Marikar's THK in an intense and brutal battle...VGG, sir!
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Dfly on March 04, 2005, 08:16:44 pm
My THR battled Captain Crunch in a small Orion ship,( forgot to write down name of it, sorry) and LordBlood in a DBR, the O version I beleive,(hope he can correct me if needed).  Captain Crunch made it to the border, but did not cross before he fell victim to the Hydrans.  LordBlood escaped easily at that time.  They did damage me nicely and flew very well as a team.  VGG.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Dfly on March 04, 2005, 08:21:43 pm
Captain Crunch ship was the LR+0, he has informed me
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Dfly on March 04, 2005, 09:29:45 pm
A few more battles to report.

Dfly lost his THR to Captain Crunch and LordBlood in the rematch.  they had the same ships as last battle, the LR+O and the DBRO.

Dfly and Wraith decided to try some head to head, and in match 1,  My LM killed Wraith's CF
                                                                                 match 2,  My LM killed Wraith's CAo
                                                                                 match 3,  My LM died vs Wraith's BC
All matches were well fought and fun reguardless of where they were flown.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: RFA-Wraith on March 04, 2005, 09:35:51 pm
ggs DFly
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Green on March 05, 2005, 03:00:38 pm
Marikar lost a shp to NotHexx (I simply had a bigger ship).  GG  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: TraumaTech on March 06, 2005, 11:54:36 am
KBF WARRIOR fell victim to TraumaTech flying the lyran DNPp(thinks?? will have to look to make sure) a dread anyways,vs KBF WARRIOR in his hydren dread(a lge<---i think )a dread anyways.WARRIOR  can correct me if i am wrong.this was a magnificently fought battle by warrior,he made 2 mistakes,the first was firing his fusion,allowing me to overrun,and the second was allowing his fighters to get away ,where i could deal with them alone,without worrying about his dread.once that was done,i picked at range moving slowly with dizzies while esg's recharged.this battle took about 30 minutes maybe longer but was well flown by warrior...thx for the kill WARRIOR GH GL
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Mutilator on March 06, 2005, 07:50:07 pm
Deadmansix's (CAV) and Gashog's (LB) killed by Mutt's (BCPp) GG guys.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Dfly on March 06, 2005, 09:20:13 pm
LordPirate and Mutt with each a BCPP squared off against the P-CVS2 of Dfly.  They were great guys, agreeing to fight fairly, and LordPirate's BCPP fell valiantly to the CVS2 after causing much damage.  Mutt came to the aid of his fallen comrade and finished off my CVS2.  VGG guys.  I will miss my ship.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: Max Power on March 07, 2005, 02:11:38 am
My reply was on the VC thread that Green started, but for the record, H1AF-Father Fart in a H-SAR kills Nail's: L-JGP(?).

You killed a Jadgpanther with a Saracen? Quite nice :)
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: C-Los on March 07, 2005, 08:03:24 am
I hesitate to do this....But WS and Wraith said ok.....

Killed Wraith's HBC (BCP) I think, with my RN+....

He's on dial-up we fought twice, I saw him die 2 times....but his connection is not the best...

Don't worry Wraith, I'm sure will meet again and you'll have my...***  in a small piece of space dust    ;)

(Just realized....This is only 1, I repeat 1 Kill)
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: WarSears on March 07, 2005, 10:45:29 am
I got C-Los RN+ with my DNP. gg bud
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: RFA-Wraith on March 07, 2005, 04:35:49 pm
Thanks C-Los and sorry for not been able to finish the games.

Doing a clean reinstall just in case and looking forward to meeting you back out there.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 08, 2005, 07:03:40 am
Defending the Lyran lines:

KEGButcherClaw in a L-BCPp kills Marikar in a H-D7H gg

KEGButcherClaw in a L-BCPp been drafted by FatherFart in a frigate(propably in a DWF but im not sure)  and C-los in a H-LNHV2(10fighters).
The Frigate goes boom with an alpha strike.The BCPp then kills  the LNHV2 ,too. gg
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 08, 2005, 08:00:17 am
KEGButcherClaw in a L-BCPp kills Meridius in a pirate DCRV1 gg

...and parks his BCPp  8)
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 09, 2005, 07:30:38 pm
KEGButcherClaw in a L-BCPp kills  FPF-Dax in a P-AR2 and his wing  Deadmansix in a H-BAR gg
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on March 09, 2005, 08:56:57 pm
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: KBF-Butcher on March 10, 2005, 06:02:56 pm
KEGButcherClaw in a L-NCF kills Deadmansix in a P-BHV2  :whip:  gg
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: deadmansix on March 15, 2005, 02:01:01 am
on sunday on or about 11:30ampst myself and KBFwarrior entered a match with WarCat and Trauma Tech
 WarCat was in a BBT and TT was in a BCHp after TTs BCH was hurt he flew it off the map and took control of one of the bases {it was a planet assult} I was in a MNR and warrior was in a MKE after we fought for a bit warrior was force over the line and that left my MNV VS BBT+Base we fought and after about 20 min WarCat moved for an attack and we exchanged fire and I launched the last of my fighters and and emerged victorious after that it was just a matter of time till the base fell. but do to some minor glitches WarCat as lyarn RM and my self as hydran RM are reviewing the film.

  deadmansix in a MNR & KBFwarrior in a MKE defeats  WarCat in a BBT(destroyed) & Trauma Tech in a BCH (disengaged) (still in review)

  Fantastic fight guys loved it almost an hour long battel :rwoot:
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: WarSears on March 15, 2005, 09:11:20 am
on sunday on or about 11:30ampst myself and KBFwarrior entered a match with WarCat and Trauma Tech
 WarCat was in a BBT and TT was in a BCHp after TTs BCH was hurt he flew it off the map and took control of one of the bases {it was a planet assult} I was in a MNR and warrior was in a MKE after we fought for a bit warrior was force over the line and that left my MNV VS BBT+Base we fought and after about 20 min WarCat moved for an attack and we exchanged fire and I launched the last of my fighters and and emerged victorious after that it was just a matter of time till the base fell. but do to some minor glitches WarCat as lyarn RM and my self as hydran RM are reviewing the film.

  deadmansix in a MNR & KBFwarrior in a MKE defeats  WarCat in a BBT(destroyed) & Trauma Tech in a BCH (disengaged) (still in review)

  Fantastic fight guys loved it almost an hour long battel :rwoot:

Go a head and count it deadmansix It waas a great fight.
Title: Re: Gas Free Zone Kill Thread!!!!
Post by: deadmansix on March 15, 2005, 07:34:47 pm

 ok thanks WS it was it will go into my top 10 of great fights <S!>