
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 12:49:21 am

Title: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 12:49:21 am
Here isss a the official dresss uniform, desssigned by moi, and officially sssanctioned by Her Highnesss Queen Kroma, for the noble Federation captainsss reasssigned to fly the warssships of the Gorn Matriarchy, modeled by Captain C-Losss


And here isss the ssstandard combat uniform, alssso by moi, alssso officailly sssanctioned, modeled by the renegade Tellerite, Likkerpig (before he defected to the enemy, pfft he had no fassshion sssense)


I'm sssure you all will look quite dassshing in thessse, a vast inprovement over the typical unimaginative Ssstarfleet issue, ssso wear them with pride

Secretary to Queen Kroma and Royal Dressmaker
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: C-Los on February 23, 2005, 06:14:48 am
HEY...... >:(

I prefer "BLUE"

My hair hasn't been that long since 1971.... :lol:
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Father Ted on February 23, 2005, 06:53:37 am
C-Los! You go girl!

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 07:12:20 am
And then of courssse there is my design for the ceremonial gown for Queen Kroma'sss Birthday extrvaganza, modeled by Wanderer.


Unfortunately he insssisssted on creating hisss own headpiece, which wasss totally tacky, not to mention putting the wrong number on the birthday.  We all know Queen Kroma isss actually the youthful age of 22 and hasss been for yearsss, so there was no excussse for it.  Sssince that faux passs the Federation captain has been reported misssssing, hisss face on lassst being ssseen on a milkcarton.
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: likkerpig on February 23, 2005, 10:13:00 am
Wow, that pic brings back memories...
Ah to be young and foolish again...
Red never really was my color though, didn't compliment my complexion.
I remember that cigar too... came from the "Bill Clinton" collection... expensive but tasty!
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 10:56:07 am
And then there iss my fabulousss design for the senior officersss dresss uniformsss.  Truly a lovely work of art, modeled by Bach.

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 11:00:30 am
And for the clergyman a more new and fassshionable look, here is Father Ted modeling the latessst in ssspiritual fassshion.  The pink desssign isss sssimply divine.

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 11:30:00 am
Of Coursse desssigning a Ssssecurity uniform require sssomething a litle more aggressssive, so I came up with thisss beautiful look.  Modelled by LeRoy, he looks ssssimply ravissshing and butch.

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: SSCF-LeRoy on February 23, 2005, 12:04:38 pm
And to think that I actually entertained the idea of flyin' Gorn this next go-round :P
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 12:26:34 pm
Now, Now, LeRoy, don't pout, you know it ruins your lipstick, fly Gorn and I'm sssure you will be quite entertained.

If you don't I'll just have to shake my head as I stare at your buns in spandex, thinking of what could have been.



Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 12:39:33 pm
Even our prisssonersss of war will be ssstylish, look at this P.O.W. outfit modeled by the lovely Hexx.  We thought we might need hisss dressss sssize in advance so we got him fitted ahead of time.

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Green on February 23, 2005, 05:38:12 pm
This is disturbing ... on so many levels ...
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Firehawk on February 23, 2005, 05:51:28 pm
See how the Gorn have become a menance to civilized society.  Queen Kroma must be stopped as you can see he/she has already corrupted the Federation.  I ask all civilized people to immediately join with the Romulan people to stop this evil tyrant before his/her corruption spreads any further.
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Strafer on February 23, 2005, 05:55:50 pm
You can worry about the corruption spreading, I'm worried about the girth!
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on February 23, 2005, 06:44:05 pm
See how the Gorn have become a menance to civilized society.  Queen Kroma must be stopped as you can see he/she has already corrupted the Federation.  I ask all civilized people to immediately join with the Romulan people to stop this evil tyrant before his/her corruption spreads any further.

Quit your gripping pointy ears. Kroma never spread anything a little penicillin couldn't cure.
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: KOTH-KieranXC, Ret. on February 23, 2005, 09:53:19 pm
Oh, my. I thought Kroma was... interesting enough by himself... *cue funny alien voice from the Star Wars Ep I bad guys* "Now dere are two of dem!"

Remind me not to entertain thoughts of ever joining a Gorn-Kzin officer exchange program with 'Queen' Kroma and our new royal stylist on the loose. I don't think the uniforms would compliment my strapping, masculine feline figure. Besides, umm, pink really isn't my color.  ;D
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on February 23, 2005, 10:11:04 pm
I don't think the uniforms would compliment my strapping, masculine feline figure.

Strapping, masculine...hmmm...figure??? What makes you think we would make you wear anything, let alone a uniform. Some things are better appreciated unadorned sweetie.
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 23, 2005, 10:58:53 pm
Oh, my. I thought Kroma was... interesting enough by himself... *cue funny alien voice from the Star Wars Ep I bad guys* "Now dere are two of dem!"

Remind me not to entertain thoughts of ever joining a Gorn-Kzin officer exchange program with 'Queen' Kroma and our new royal stylist on the loose. I don't think the uniforms would compliment my strapping, masculine feline figure. Besides, umm, pink really isn't my color.  ;D

Don't you fret, you furry little ssstudmuffin, jussst stand ssstill and let S'Trupaul get you measurementssss,  my what a ssstrapping chessst, and what a, Oh My!  now thats what I call.....uh...thats going to require sssome extra fabric.  Let me take that measssurement once again.  <Cough>  Sorry baby, didn't realissse my handsss were ssso cold.  There now, jussst a minute and the replicator will have you outfitted....


Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: KOTH-KieranXC, Ret. on February 24, 2005, 08:55:14 am
Well... the tailoring is nice, but... um, like I said, pink really isn't my color..

(Kieran looks over at Hexx and decides he's lucky, it could be worse)

On the other hand, it's an excellent piece of work, looks just fabulous! Now don't make me model anything else...

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on February 24, 2005, 09:25:50 am
Starfleet, in response to concerns expressed by it's captains, will now make available chastity belts for any concerned starship personnel that may be required to serve alongside of our increasingly lusty allies. Prefix codes for unlocking the belts will not be shared with the gorn command structure.
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: KAT J'inn on February 24, 2005, 09:33:16 am
Starfleet, in response to concerns expressed by it's captains, will now make available chastity belts for any concerned starship personnel that may be required to serve alongside of our increasingly lusty allies. Prefix codes for unlocking the belts will not be shared with the gorn command structure.

I suggest using high carbon steel.   Gorn jaw strength is right up there at alligator levels.


Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on February 24, 2005, 11:17:41 am
...and gorn overbite could be fatal!  ;D
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: GDA-Agave on February 24, 2005, 03:25:15 pm
I obvsiously hadn't had  enough to drink before I looked at this thread........

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 26, 2005, 06:57:32 am
Now for the Kzzzinti, we are going to alssso add a line of hair,...er....fur productssss.  Here isss Lyrkiller sssshowing a bold new look, doesssn't he look sssmassshing?


and J'inn looksss sssimply irressssissstable, fit to be the Queen's throw rug, for those cold nightsss when ssshe wissshesss to sssspread out before the fire.

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 26, 2005, 07:02:02 am
And for any ISSSSSC pilotsss we have developed a line of moisture resssitant boby paintssss.  Guarenteed to keep even the Royal tongue from sssmearing your color, so dont be afraid to let Queen Kroma turn you into a prince with a bit of ssssmooching.

Here is Karnak demonstrating the product

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: TheJudge on February 26, 2005, 06:10:41 pm
<submits request for transfer away from Gorn border>
Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: KOTH-KieranXC, Ret. on February 27, 2005, 02:28:12 pm
Hmm, seems Hexx has taken a liking to his uniform and had one custom made for him.

Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: KAT J'inn on February 27, 2005, 07:36:50 pm


This means war.


Title: Re: New Gorn Matriarchy Official uniforms for Ambassador Federation Captians
Post by: Barack Beard on February 28, 2005, 07:52:29 am
Well don't get your pantiesss in a buch, my dear.  If I'd had know you kittiesss wanted to ssshare in the current fassshion, I'd have made you sssomething.  I jussst asssumed that you would be clad in your fur aaaasss typical.  Soooo jusssst stand still and letssss try thissss.

Hmmmm... a bit tight, you ssssaid you were a perfect ssssize 5, but thisss sssseemsss a bit tight.  It ssseems sssomeonesss been hitting the chocodilesss a bit hard lately.  Well never fear I know jussst what to do.  If we take a bit of that fur off you might manage to sssqueeze into it.


now try this on.


Now that looksss jussst lovely on you.