Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: toasty0 on February 05, 2005, 12:11:25 am
What the heck is going? ENT finally reaches the point of being well on its way to becoming the BEST Trek series ever and what do the pin heads in the front office do...they cancel it. Freaking popcorn sucking idiots!
*ahem* Related threads here (http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163352164.0.html), here (http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163352158.0.html), and here (http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163352162.0.html). Just FYI...
Interesting News (http://www.trekbbs.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=3952113&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=7&fpart=1)
If you're interested:
a crosspost from MJ at ENTProject
I just got off the phone with Rick Berman's office regarding the
Rick sends us the following message about keeing ENT in production:
Filming ends beginning of March, but sets will be up until end of
March for reshoots and such -- so hitting now, and hitting hard,
IMMEDIATELY, is the way to go.
What the production office would like to see is this:
1) A gangup on UPN. Paramount's floored that UPN's trying to duck
calls and they're certain UPN knew the calling was going to happen.
2) Approach Paramount TV on the idea that if UPN doesn't reconsider,
the show MUST be shopped out for syndication or cable promptly.
3) Do it NOW.
4) When I mentioned the UPN business and suggested the Viacom calls
instead of or as well, let's just say I didn't hear any rebuttal.
I know, I know, we all hate UPN at this point, but UPN can afford
full production costs for the show. Half-price Trek means the good
old days of TOS mis-sliding doors, the boom mike shadows, and all
that other stuff we don't want to see in new productions, along with
fewer guests and plenty less great Trek SFX. (Maybe fewer sets.
Captain, the Klingons have invaded the Mess Hall again... just like
the Tellarites did last episode...)
The planned events at UPN and Viacom fill the production offices with
cheer. Anyone who can make them or knows anyone who can make them,
be there or tell your friends to make it over there.
But -- be sure to let Paramount TV proper know the money's there from
happy fans if the show is ANYWHERE.
And SEND those Valentines if you haven't -- give 'em some more love