Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Dizzy on January 26, 2005, 12:28:35 pm
you dont want showing up. Some of them I will 'R' out for you. I know this is especially iimportant for the Mirdrans and Klink/lyrs.
Still seeing the FTs and D7Ns showing up, not too often, tho...
just post the designations of them here and ill R them out.
I understand frigate prodcution is a problem for the Klingolyrans vs the Mirdran. I suggest we R out most if not all Klingon frigates as they are vehemently despised. That way we can leave frigate production on and the Mirdrans can have their DFs.
37 frigates in the KlingoLyran list and 11 in the Mirdran list... equalising numbers of ships per class in each race will allow for fair production rate adjustments - unequal numbers will result in unequal shipyard populations - even though it may be 'historically' accurate it is clearly not desired and will not be tolerated by players (makes OoB note - scratch a classic F&E OoB...).
shoot me the serverside and Ill take care of it, Bonk.
Oh, and afaik, we just had the second server crash since lat night. That is awesome. 10x less frequency. I'd like to know what the DB size is b4 you do a clean... I'm starting to see more AI on the map than a few hours ago.
Will do...
db was 660 KB last I looked.
660? That sounds good. What was it like before we fixed it after a night of constant crashes b4 u cleaned it?
more like 960-1.2...
What was it right after this last clean?
Posting as I go....
H-FLFu <----this one is definitely Fluf's fault
Also if we can reduce frigate spam...
Please be xtra careful with those frig designations. Thanks. :)
What was it right after this last clean?
299KB (shipyards empty).
460KB after populating the yards for two turns.
edit: Hmmm... If I take the time to figure the average ship object size it may turn out that 660KB is the natural size of the db with the yards full on this list.
edit#2: missions/connections(no firewalls) stability is the next step in eliminating the need for frequent db cleans on the flatfile (dead mission AI is the biggest culprit I figure). I maintain that software firewalls are part of the picture (I ran zonealarm for ages under the "proper" config a few years back... I was disconnecting from mission so much I thought someone was hacking me... it occurred to me to turn off zonealarm and all of a sudden I no longer disconnected from missions unpredictably... never used it since. (hmm, perhaps a smarter firewall detector server is in order...) Disabling anti-virus is also critical to getting the most out of your computer. Also the DMZ has to go... clients behind routers should be on a static lan using port forwarding... but I do ramble off topic here sorry...)
In addition to the ones I PMd you Dizzy, saw K FT1, KFLPh, bunch of KG2s and a couple KFES in the yards. Take all of those out when you have the time, please.
TY. ;D
37 frigates in the KlingoLyran list and 11 in the Mirdran list... equalising numbers of ships per class in each race will allow for fair production rate adjustments - unequal numbers will result in unequal shipyard populations - even though it may be 'historically' accurate it is clearly not desired and will not be tolerated by players (makes OoB note - scratch a classic F&E OoB...).
We've just got to find a good way to make the F5Q work. Emulating PF's seems like the best idea, with the rules sort of like Squadron Commander: that the F5L can never land its boats and must launch them at startup
Posting as I go....
H-FLFu <----this one is definitely Fluf's fault
Also if we can reduce frigate spam...
Please be xtra careful with those frig designations. Thanks. :)
Add the H-PT1 to the list of ships that need an R Thanks.
Edits are done.
I'll do more edits this weekend. Till then, keep an eye on your yards and write down the ships showing up that u dont work. Then post them all here
D5F and D5FK are also showing up. Must have just come out, never saw them before tonight.
And thank for your continuing efforts in this. ;D
RM's please PM me a list of ships you want restricted from the yards that you see appearing there now. Since the new list, I need to re-weed out some of the spam. Sorry for it, but baby steps so we have a solid server. To it's credit, SG4 is about the most stable server of the past several years, for a flatfile DB.