Off Topic => Ten Forward => Topic started by: Mentat Jon on January 16, 2005, 12:11:08 pm
what do you think? I know you all watched!! for myself, it was all good, good writing, good plot, good speical effects, I personally think this is one of the best launches of the Sci- Fi Series in years.
( the non potlical, Sci-Fi geek post)
I loved it! It is the best new show on TV if you ask me.
Been loving this show week after week, it's about time we got something before you guys!! ;D
It is consistant all the way through........no body heals straight away. Just wait for the episode "hand of god"......stunning.
Whats GSG MJ ? :-[
It was alright, still don't like the series as a whole, though those two first episodes are definately better than that terrible mini series. What bothers me the most is the fact that the creators want the show to be nothing like the original, yet they insist on the same ship name, series name, character names, etc etc etc. Seriously, if you want something original, then start out with original concepts, ideas, plots, names etc etc etc.
Still hate starbuck, this one even more than the original. What a hodiferous hobag. And one thing that has stayed the same, I realize: Boomer- token character in the 70's, nd token character now. Still, she is hot hot hot, and worth watching just because of that.
Im not trying to be a dick, but will sombody please tell me what GSG is? :) I would hate to be missing a good show. ???
It's supposed to read "BSG" as in the new Battlestar Galactica show.
It's supposed to read "BSG" as in the new Battlestar Galactica show.
:lol: Thanks Clark my bad! :-[ i have been checking my TV listings all day trying to figure what channel this show was on.
I should have just used my head. :-[ ::)
Sorry MJ i wasant picking on you. :) My brain just froze on me! :iamwithstupid:
sorry for the typo
and its damn good, I ever dare say, Firefly good it they do it right, might give Entprise a run for its money as best American sci-fi
( and before you stargate guys get on me, I tried to watch it, it didnt grab me, im VERY picky about my TV programs)
Is it cutting edge?...yes...but like every other "cutting edge" program now a days....whatever show it is.... seems to just go from crisis to crisis...bad news to more bad news to even worse news...
Not my idea of entertainment.......
I'll give it a chance....because of the effects a couple chactors if nothing else... ;)
Is it cutting edge?...yes...but like every other "cutting edge" program now a days....whatever show it is.... seems to just go from crisis to crisis...bad news to more bad news to even worse news...
Not my idea of entertainment.......
I'll give it a chance....because of the effects a couple chactors if nothing else... ;)
Ill give you my stock anser.
its better than Voyager :)
( and before you stargate guys get on me, I tried to watch it, it didnt grab me, im VERY picky about my TV programs)
Stargate has an ongoing story. It makes it a little harder to jump in just any time or to see episodes out of order. Past events affect the future, injuries or damage last beyond the episode. Babylon 5 is similar that way, an injured character is still injured in later episodes.
Enterprise has some of that, but not enough.
( and before you stargate guys get on me, I tried to watch it, it didnt grab me, im VERY picky about my TV programs)
Stargate has an ongoing story. It makes it a little harder to jump in just any time or to see episodes out of order. Past events affect the future, injuries or damage last beyond the episode. Babylon 5 is similar that way, an injured character is still injured in later episodes.
Enterprise has some of that, but not enough.
yeah, everyting is out of context for me, I watched B5 from the start, I had to wait a year when they started repeating from Season 1, perhaps I may watch it from season one. oneday..
yeah, everyting is out of context for me, I watched B5 from the start, I had to wait a year when they started repeating from Season 1, perhaps I may watch it from season one. oneday..
I picked up the boxed DVDs for both Stargate (seasons 1-7) and Babylon 5 and watched them sequentially. Much easier to follow.
yeah, everyting is out of context for me, I watched B5 from the start, I had to wait a year when they started repeating from Season 1, perhaps I may watch it from season one. oneday..
I picked up the boxed DVDs for both Stargate (seasons 1-7) and Babylon 5 and watched them sequentially. Much easier to follow.
one of these days im going to go DVD, still have the trusty ol' VCR :)
Is it cutting edge?...yes...but like every other "cutting edge" program now a days....whatever show it is.... seems to just go from crisis to crisis...bad news to more bad news to even worse news...
Not my idea of entertainment.......
I'll give it a chance....because of the effects a couple chactors if nothing else... ;)
Give it some time, Crim.
Realize that in the time line of the series, they have gone from 12 planets and billions of people to a rag tag fleet, an old understaffed Battlestar, and under 50,000 survivors in less than a week.
It is dark, it is survival mode. It is much more realistic than the "Carnival Cruise" in space that the original series became.
BTW, MJ, glad you have decided to like the series. ;)
Been loving this show week after week, it's about time we got something before you guys!! ;D
It is consistant all the way through........no body heals straight away. Just wait for the episode "hand of god"......stunning.
So who plays Commander of the Pegasus then? ;)
Been loving this show week after week, it's about time we got something before you guys!! ;D
It is consistant all the way through........no body heals straight away. Just wait for the episode "hand of god"......stunning.
So who plays Commander of the Pegasus then? ;)
Ron Howard as Commander Kane!!!!! ok maybe not ehehehe
BTW, MJ, glad you have decided to like the series. ;)
Im a lot more open minded about my Sci- fi than my poltics ;)
Im a old BSG guy, wanted to hate it, I cant, its good, and Im a fan.
All we need now is for someone to save firefly..
Been loving this show week after week, it's about time we got something before you guys!! ;D
It is consistant all the way through........no body heals straight away. Just wait for the episode "hand of god"......stunning.
So who plays Commander of the Pegasus then? ;)
Ron Howard as Commander Kane!!!!! ok maybe not ehehehe
I dunno.... I was thinking Harrison Ford. ;D
So who plays Commander of the Pegasus then? ;)
George Takei
I like that choice. Why not.... Chekov became the bastard of Babylon 5..... why can't Sulu become a hero in BSG?
The episodes just keep getting better from here on out...
The episodes just keep getting better from here on out...
I agree the acting is out of this world!!! I can't wait for more.
BTW welcome back Judge. :) :) :)
Been loving this show week after week, it's about time we got something before you guys!! ;D
It is consistant all the way through........no body heals straight away. Just wait for the episode "hand of god"......stunning.
Someone in the UK needs to get on Wikipedia and fill in the blanks for the episode summaries. I wanted to cheat by looking ahead but the entries stop at "Bastille Day". >:(
he-he.... this series is awesome.
Series downloaded and watched. Now I just need to watch them on the big screen television with surround-sound stereo when Sci-Fi broadcasts them. They just get better and better throughout until Episode 12 starts wrapping things up for the big explosion.
Sweet, sweet, sweet.
Ditto. Just need to finish watching ep 12.... WOw!.... just WOW!
What really gets me is that even the NON-ACTION oriented episodes are GRIPPING in their intensity. This is no the series to watch for a fun hour. If you want drama, intensity, and nail-biters, this IS the show to watch.
Sharon, Sharon, Sharon, what is wrong with you?
Oh yeah.... just tried to explain to a friend earlier who missed episodes 33 & Water to catch him up for tonight.
Gripping is probably the perfect adjective to describe it.
This is not just action oriented.
Glen A. Larson is a producer, he was the producer for the original also. I hope he is proud of it b/c he should be.
new Episode tonight!!!!! will discuss later!
I'm waiting impatiently. :)
What you'll really be waiting for is the episode "The Hand of God". It's Episode 10, btw.
What you'll really be waiting for is the episode "The Hand of God". It's Episode 10, btw.
Ahh, excellent. Stephen managed to get a cameo.
Oh the series just ROCKS!!!
Waiting impatiently on sp 13. ;D
Oh the series just ROCKS!!!
Waiting impatiently on sp 13. ;D
What is it with Boomer's EWOs getting stuck on planets? This is the second one! Oh, and I don't know why, but he's starting to grow on me as like super studly.
should see the season close..........OMG!!!!!!!!!1
The new BSG series rocks. I already ordered the Mini-Series on DVD just to see the deleted scenes.
The bottom-line US TV ratings numbers are coming in good. So far, BSG on Sci-Fi channel is getting slightly better ratings the Enterprise on the same Friday night. Given the lack of publicity for the new series that's a big accomplishment. Add-in the good ratings from SkyOne in the UK and I'm thinking we are gonna get BSG season 2.
Enterprise makes it past this season? Not so sure...
Ill give you my stock anser.
its better than Voyager :)
Forgive me for asking...but what isnt?
Also, do you think they'll even use the pegasus?? they havent exactly followed the former BSG's show path
Thanks to a friend in England I just finished watching the single best hour of television to ever air. Episode 13 kicks the pants off of any Star Trek episode ever. It kicks butt over every other show I've ever seen. It is that good, and it is worth every second watching the episodes leading up to this season ending.
There MUST be more.
IIRC, a second season has already been authorized.
After the ending of this season, IT HAS TO CONTINUE!!!!!
So who plays Commander of the Pegasus then? ;)
George Takei
You guys are missing the obvious: Kate Mulgrew gets to play Commander Kane.
You guys are missing the obvious: Kate Mulgrew gets to play Commander Kane.
With Kroma playing Sheba?
The horror or it all.
Careful Guys....
All this talk about the new BSG??
You'll all get yourselves banned ;)
Careful Guys....
All this talk about the new BSG??
You'll all get yourselves banned ;)
No problem. I'll just start a thread on the original series which I am in the process of watching on DVD. Feels strange to call something besides Star Trek "the original series".
I would say that they needed better scripts but they had the essence of a good series.
The original Battlestar Galactica series was good.. the follow up series called Battlestar 1980 suxed pretty bad.. It supposedly takes place when Boxie grows up and they have found earth... It got cancelled in mid season i think...
And for those of you who are either reading scripts or have privy to episodes nearing the 2nd season.. where I am at, they have only aired the pilot and the first 3 episodes.. the 4th episode comes on tomorrow night, so please kill the spoilers or make a new thread with a spoilers labeling.. your ruining the series for me.. I enjoy the new BSG, but I also Imagine the old ships.. the new one's are OTT in design IMHO.. i only came into this thread because it stated episodes of 33 and Water which have been shown here...
I agree with Toasty on this. I have not seen all of the episodes and would like to watch them in order when they come on.
I truly love to discuss the shows i have seen, :) but i don't want them ruined for me as well :(
The original Battlestar Galactica series was good.. the follow up series called Battlestar 1980 suxed pretty bad.. It supposedly takes place when Boxie grows up and they have found earth... It got cancelled in mid season i think...
I've only seen parts of a few episodes from Battlestar 1980. Despite the reputation I would like to see the rest.
I vaguely remember it . It was truly hideous , with flying children singing :P Lame special effects, pathetic scripts, and bad, to horrible acting.
The last episode of Battlestar 1980 is the one where Adama recants Starbucks disappearance from the Galactica to the teenage doctor super genious... The one where Starbuck befriends a Cylon.
I vaguely remember it . It was truly hideous , with flying children singing :P Lame special effects, pathetic scripts, and bad, to horrible acting.
Well no flying children, but the flying bikes were OTT.. but I agree.. poor scripting, over used clips from the original series, poor acting, but the most annoying is how Adama takes orders from the teenager instead of being strong like in the original series.
I vaguely remember it . It was truly hideous , with flying children singing :P Lame special effects, pathetic scripts, and bad, to horrible acting.
Well no flying children, but the flying bikes were OTT.. but I agree.. poor scripting, over used clips from the original series, poor acting, but the most annoying is how Adama takes orders from the teenager instead of being strong like in the original series.
Remember the one where they landed the children on Earth ,and they found out the gravity was lighter. So all the kids start jumping around, almost flying, singing that inane song? :P :P :P :P
I vaguely remember it . It was truly hideous , with flying children singing :P Lame special effects, pathetic scripts, and bad, to horrible acting.
Well no flying children, but the flying bikes were OTT.. but I agree.. poor scripting, over used clips from the original series, poor acting, but the most annoying is how Adama takes orders from the teenager instead of being strong like in the original series.
Remember the one where they landed the children on Earth ,and they found out the gravity was lighter. So all the kids start jumping around, almost flying, singing that inane song? :P :P :P :P
Yeah.. when they were planting that farm.. their super jump.. lol.. totally stupid.. and how the kids were suppose to be so smart and being on earth for a while.. but each situation showing how stupid they really were.. they only had book smarts.. but they supposedly had high IQ's, so you think they would pick up on things quickly.. lol.. anyhow another proven poor plot point.
I saw that episode, it really sucked. I never saw apollo in that one, where was he?
I will not give away any plot of any episode....but I will say that this new series is r0xx3rs!11!111!1
I saw that episode, it really sucked. I never saw apollo in that one, where was he?
Apollo either retired or died.. can't remember clearly.. supposedly Battlestar 1980 took place 20 years after the original series ended.. They stated at the beginning of the first episode of that series what happened to him.. IIRC I think he died. In Battlestar 1980, the guy with the feathered dirty blond hair is Boxie, Apollo's adopted son from the Original series.
I saw that episode, it really sucked. I never saw apollo in that one, where was he?
Apollo either retired or died.. can't remember clearly.. supposedly Battlestar 1980 took place 20 years after the original series ended.. They stated at the beginning of the first episode of that series what happened to him.. IIRC I think he died. In Battlestar 1980, the guy with the feathered dirty blond hair is Boxie, Apollo's adopted son from the Original series.
there was more than one BSG series then?
I saw that episode, it really sucked. I never saw apollo in that one, where was he?
Apollo either retired or died.. can't remember clearly.. supposedly Battlestar 1980 took place 20 years after the original series ended.. They stated at the beginning of the first episode of that series what happened to him.. IIRC I think he died. In Battlestar 1980, the guy with the feathered dirty blond hair is Boxie, Apollo's adopted son from the Original series.
there was more than one BSG series then?
Yes, there was the 1978-79 series of 28 episodes for the original series, then CBS picked up the series with an extremely low budget in 1980 and called it Battlestar 1980.. Still had Loren Greene as Adama, but a totally new cast and they were at Earth.. it totally sucked.. the only decent episode is the last episode of Battlestar 1980 where Starbuck's disappearance tale is played out by Dirk Benidict while Adama narrate it to the "brain child from the stars" who is now the smartest of all the human race according to the series.. as stated before.. the 1980's continuation really sucked.. it basically was intended to be a continuation, but most Battlestar Galactica fans found it to be soooooo bad that is has been ignored almost entirely by any fan site and even to the extent of only having a foot note on Official sites... basically it is treated sort of like Enterprise series to the original Trek Timeline... It never happened... Battlestar 1980 is blasphemy to the church of Battlestar Galactica.
I saw that episode, it really sucked. I never saw apollo in that one, where was he?
Apollo either retired or died.. can't remember clearly.. supposedly Battlestar 1980 took place 20 years after the original series ended.. They stated at the beginning of the first episode of that series what happened to him.. IIRC I think he died. In Battlestar 1980, the guy with the feathered dirty blond hair is Boxie, Apollo's adopted son from the Original series.
there was more than one BSG series then?
Yes, there was the 1978-79 series of 28 episodes for the original series, then CBS picked up the series with an extremely low budget in 1980 and called it Battlestar 1980.. Still had Loren Greene as Adama, but a totally new cast and they were at Earth.. it totally sucked.. the only decent episode is the last episode of Battlestar 1980 where Starbuck's disappearance tale is played out by Dirk Benidict while Adama narrate it to the "brain child from the stars" who is now the smartest of all the human race according to the series.. as stated before.. the 1980's continuation really sucked.. it basically was intended to be a continuation, but most Battlestar Galactica fans found it to be soooooo bad that is has been ignored almost entirely by any fan site and even to the extent of only having a foot note on Official sites... basically it is treated sort of like Enterprise series to the original Trek Timeline... It never happened... Battlestar 1980 is blasphemy to the church of Battlestar Galactica.
The thing I remeber the most are flying motorcycles you poped a wheelie and they took off like rocket.They showed this on the LA highway system .
I saw that episode, it really sucked. I never saw apollo in that one, where was he?
Apollo either retired or died.. can't remember clearly.. supposedly Battlestar 1980 took place 20 years after the original series ended.. They stated at the beginning of the first episode of that series what happened to him.. IIRC I think he died. In Battlestar 1980, the guy with the feathered dirty blond hair is Boxie, Apollo's adopted son from the Original series.
there was more than one BSG series then?
Yes, there was the 1978-79 series of 28 episodes for the original series, then CBS picked up the series with an extremely low budget in 1980 and called it Battlestar 1980.. Still had Loren Greene as Adama, but a totally new cast and they were at Earth.. it totally sucked.. the only decent episode is the last episode of Battlestar 1980 where Starbuck's disappearance tale is played out by Dirk Benidict while Adama narrate it to the "brain child from the stars" who is now the smartest of all the human race according to the series.. as stated before.. the 1980's continuation really sucked.. it basically was intended to be a continuation, but most Battlestar Galactica fans found it to be soooooo bad that is has been ignored almost entirely by any fan site and even to the extent of only having a foot note on Official sites... basically it is treated sort of like Enterprise series to the original Trek Timeline... It never happened... Battlestar 1980 is blasphemy to the church of Battlestar Galactica.
Kinda makes you wonder why corporate tpes think they can grab a show change it and think it will work. This happens alot, and once the show changes hands everything drops right off the deep end.
As for enterprise, I still think it's halfway decent, but it definately doesn't fit in to star trek. Enterprise is enterprise, there is no star trek, and it would be nice if the producers would accept this and stop trying to tie it in to the rest of star trek.