
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Dizzy on January 08, 2005, 10:55:16 pm

Title: SG4 Old feedback thread, please unsticky, there is a new one. Thanks.
Post by: Dizzy on January 08, 2005, 10:55:16 pm
Please note that the shiplist may frequently be updated. So keep an eye out here for changes.

Please feel free to login and play whatever you like. Make sure to report oddities here. Keep an eye out for anything unusual. Please note, alliances have not been adjusted as yet of Saturday. The server will reset often and the stardates will vary as testing continues.

Test moved to D.net to get ready to go live...
Last Edit:  January 17, 2005, 12:58:29 pm   

Installer updated:  http://fire.prohosting.com/astinky/SGO4/SGO4.exe or http://members.lycos.co.uk/astinky/SGO4/

Webmap up: http://www.dynaverse.net/webmap_op/

All races are as they are when you login excpet these:

To play as Lyran, login as Klink (shared).
To play as Mirak, login as Hydran (shared).
To play as Tholian, login as Mirak.
To play as ISC Pirate allies, login as Lyran.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Sticky for feedback.
Post by: Dizzy on January 08, 2005, 10:56:14 pm
DH, the ISC bases need to be added to the Lyran list.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Sticky for feedback.
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 08, 2005, 11:43:14 pm
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 09, 2005, 02:41:50 am
Klink/lyrans are allied to ISC.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 09, 2005, 02:44:18 am
Klink/lyrans are allied to ISC.

They wont be. I explained that in the 1st post. ;)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 09, 2005, 03:03:07 am
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...... where? ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: C-Los on January 09, 2005, 08:44:13 am
Got a "Base Assault" mission in a non-base hex...

Killed 2 ships, never saw a Base, mission ended saying I was unsuccessful, did give me 25 pp though....

Def of hex did go down though...

Was in the ISC hexes by Hydran space

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 09, 2005, 08:54:08 am
That is a gf setting DH will fix. Thx for reporting git.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 09, 2005, 10:21:36 am
Might not be for here, but Fighters with Megapacks (ZYCm) are (imho) perhaps a bit too tough.
AMD seems to work against them, but ehy're prteyy much shrugging off any phaser hits they take.
Only time Ive lost 2 from a group was when they were on a CAD when it blew up.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 09, 2005, 10:51:17 am
The explosion str killed them? Well, that was just all reduced by 30%. So it's unlikely they will get killed by anything now... ;)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 09, 2005, 10:59:51 am
Might not be for here, but Fighters with Megapacks (ZYCm) are (imho) perhaps a bit too tough.
AMD seems to work against them, but ehy're prteyy much shrugging off any phaser hits they take.
Only time Ive lost 2 from a group was when they were on a CAD when it blew up.

This has been noted.  And as Dizzysaid, it is being addressed.

I lost a squad of 3 fighters to an explosion of a ship last night.

Since DH has lowered the damage fighters can take (in exchange for them being more like SFB figters) I recommended he lower the explosion strength of ships.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Lear on January 09, 2005, 12:01:02 pm
did not like my op+4 have uninstalled and reinstalled
to no avail will not install SGO4 i have been playing
SFBOP so something else is wrong.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 09, 2005, 01:07:54 pm
did not like my op+4 have uninstalled and reinstalled
to no avail will not install SGO4 i have been playing
SFBOP so something else is wrong.

Check your registry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\FireSoul\opplus] for "Install_Dir" and "version" if it does not say "4.0" for the version and if the install location does not correspond to the copy of OP that you are using, it will not install. No fancy tricks. (do not modify these entries - just check them - if it does not indicate version 4.0 then OP+4.0 has not been installed properly)

P.S. Are you sure you're installing FireSoul's OP+4.0  (http://klingon.stasis.ca/OP_plusrefit/) (accept no substitutes... ;))

Did you uninstall OP+3.4 before installing OP+4.0? (one should)

Are you running multiple installs? (to be avoided, because you can have multiple locations of data on disk but they'll all use the same registry entries... and inevitably install folders referenced in the registry will not match the copy one might be running... I have been on one OP install for nearly 3 years now - mods installed and uninstalled nearly daily...)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 09, 2005, 02:27:49 pm
The Tholian Homeworld is bugged and will cause a crash at some point in the planet mission. This will be fixed in the next shiplist version.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 09, 2005, 02:48:29 pm
The Tholian Homeworld is bugged and will cause a crash at some point in the planet mission. This will be fixed in the next shiplist version.
What does this mean is SG4 still on or untill this is fixed.Thanks
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 09, 2005, 03:11:31 pm
The test server is up and running. Login and enjoy. Read 1st post. If a problem is reported, like the thol homeworld, then that particular mission is the only one to avoid to a new D/L is available... So dont go take a tholian HW assault! :P
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 09, 2005, 03:38:40 pm
Looks like base assault missions are still coming up in non-base hexes.

Default and reccomended Missionmatching.gf attached:
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Farfarer on January 09, 2005, 06:13:06 pm
For what it is worth, I am usually flummoxed by this stuff.  However, I Unnistalled SFBOP, installed OP4, installed SGO.EXE and I got on the test server. I was in shock. I have so match old server crap hanging around too!
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 09, 2005, 06:38:22 pm
Server restarted with Bonk's GIF settings . . .
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 09, 2005, 06:39:49 pm
Yeah noticed you cut server connection just as I killed my first Fed.
I think not.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 09, 2005, 06:43:01 pm
Yeah noticed you cut server connection just as I killed my first Fed.
I think not.

There will be plenty more AI for you to kill Hexx :P
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 09, 2005, 06:44:53 pm
Yeah noticed you cut server connection just as I killed my first Fed.
I think not.

There will be plenty more AI for you to kill Hexx :P

I'm winning more than 50% of my AI battles now Mr.

BTW AI draw for Lyran STL,DNL,DNLp has once , out of about 15 missions included another dread.
Our DN's may not be the best, but I'm a little insulted here
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT J'inn on January 09, 2005, 06:56:17 pm
Yeah noticed you cut server connection just as I killed my first Fed.
I think not.

There will be plenty more AI for you to kill Hexx :P

I'm winning more than 50% of my AI battles now Mr.

BTW AI draw for Lyran STL,DNL,DNLp has once , out of about 15 missions included another dread.
Our DN's may not be the best, but I'm a little insulted here

Dear Overlord Hexx:



Overlord J'inn

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 09, 2005, 07:25:07 pm
Overlord J'inn

Do not worry my,errr,uhmm friend
With the Lyran ships available to us no mere AI ship can stand in your way.
Even DH flying his cheddar factory DNH shall be forced to withdraw should you
but power up your shields.

For too long you have dismissed your own PVP skills.
Why do you think I have the confidence in you to assign you the pride of our fleet?
The first DNH out of the shipyards is yours
Use it to wreak havok upon your enemies.
(Kill at least one person and we'll overlook the "Casino" additions you've requested be added)


Supreme Overlord Hexx
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 09, 2005, 10:30:32 pm
This is turning out to be so good so far for beta.I have exprienced no problems so far and I like the fact that there are no specialty ships or will there be some ,good going Dizzy,DieHard and Bonk.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 09, 2005, 10:52:49 pm
some ships are special and will be built age. Glad u like it. FS's new 4.0 shiplist has oodles of goodies, and SG4's shiplist uses the SFB ftrs and PF's for all races. No server to date has done this. Lots of new stuff. lots of fun.

The Def Sats you see in planetary assault missions have a broken UI. This will be fixed.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 10, 2005, 12:01:24 am
Thanks for the report of no troubles Farfarer - nice to hear.

Thanks DH, those settings should do the trick.  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 10, 2005, 02:39:54 am
... SG4's shiplist uses the SFB ftrs and PF's for all races. No server to date has done this....

Ummm... did I miss something? (http://www.frescos.dns2go.com:30033/sfbop/) ;)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-Paladin on January 10, 2005, 07:12:51 am
... SG4's shiplist uses the SFB ftrs and PF's for all races. No server to date has done this....

Ummm... did I miss something? ([url]http://www.frescos.dns2go.com:30033/sfbop/[/url]) ;)

Hehehe... no, but I think maybe some others did miss something.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 10, 2005, 07:23:57 am
... SG4's shiplist uses the SFB ftrs and PF's for all races. No server to date has done this....

Ummm... did I miss something? ([url]http://www.frescos.dns2go.com:30033/sfbop/[/url]) ;)

Whoops! u bastige! S'cipio and you are always stealing my thunder!
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: C-Los on January 10, 2005, 09:29:12 am
FYI......Running co-op w/Capt. Jeff, 3 out of 4 missions were "HOST LEFT"    :'(

Sector Assault


3rd I forgot...Had to go after those, but Jeff and I have a good connection both being DSL and I have just never experienced 3 in a row like that before.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Soreyes on January 10, 2005, 09:39:12 am
FYI......Running co-op w/Capt. Jeff, 3 out of 4 missions were "HOST LEFT"    :'(

Sector Assault


3rd I forgot...Had to go after those, but Jeff and I have a good connection both being DSL and I have just never experienced 3 in a row like that before.

Yep had the same thing happen to me. Three missions in a row got a Host Left message..... Funny thing was that I was going solo, and I did not draft any one :skeptic:
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 10, 2005, 09:43:50 am
Sector assault... We may need to pull it. Not yet tho. Lets see if it can be confirmed again after I find out what you were flying and agaisnt who.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 10, 2005, 09:47:17 am
Bonk, Tracey and I figured it out about the script issue.

Tracey G. says:

You must delete Dave's original file... why?? Because both missions will have the same internal name. When you load up OP, it reads in all the mission scripts AND executes them... yes, executes them.
It will make no difference if the file is in the mct list or not.

Tracey changed the internal script name and made a minor modification. I'll send you the script for the next installer... sometime tonight or shortly after. We have some shiplist changes as well.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 10, 2005, 12:53:31 pm
Here is a nice goody. Im attacking a klingon  hex drawing fed ai as enemy leaving the mission and getting a defeat and the dv shift in my favor. Im flying Isc.
It has happened in patrol missions not sure wich ones just thought  youd like to know.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 10, 2005, 01:17:57 pm
     There are some fighters missing in R-Frg I do believe.It is the first  Romulan ship in Federation Section of the shiplist the fighters are F-PBDLs.If you need more information I will get it for as I will have to go into game and get it.I do see there are specialty ships but not as much as there was on GW4.I just thought I would let you know and hope it helps.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 10, 2005, 01:18:09 pm
On 3x way servers, things can seem confusing concerning allies and whatnot. Let me explain. If you are ISC and take a mission in a klink hex, then your allies may be either yours or that of the Klingon enemy, which could be any of the Alliance races. You can then say the two sides have a mutual interest in seeing the enemy destroyed. Scripts are hardcoded this way. They have side A and B. Whosoever is on side B must be the enemy of team A. Figure that out.

Now if you say that u attacked the Klink hex and had a Fed enemy combatant in addition to a Klink combatant, that shouldnt be possible. Please report the mission and sides including ships seen. I'd like some more info on what happened. I'll get on and test as well.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 10, 2005, 01:22:19 pm
     There are some fighters missing in R-Frg I do believe.It is the first  Romulan ship in Federation Section of the shiplist the fighters are F-PBDLs.

Im confused. There is no R-frg that I know of.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 10, 2005, 01:29:26 pm
     There are some fighters missing in R-Frg I do believe.It is the first  Romulan ship in Federation Section of the shiplist the fighters are F-PBDLs.

Im confused. There is no R-frg that I know of.
I will get the information for you from the game I didn't write it down.sorry
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 10, 2005, 01:49:02 pm
     There are some fighters missing in R-Frg I do believe.It is the first  Romulan ship in Federation Section of the shiplist the fighters are F-PBDLs.

Im confused. There is no R-frg that I know of.
I will get the information for you from the game I didn't write it down.sorry

Don't boter, I knw what you are talking about, it is not releavant.   They are donor ships, ignore them.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 10, 2005, 01:59:56 pm
    Thanks DieHard.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 10, 2005, 02:05:18 pm
    Thanks DieHard.

I don't mean to be short with anyone (except Hexx), it just that a lot of important stuff is not going to get done because too much attention is being paid to trivial BS.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 10, 2005, 02:34:40 pm
    Thanks DieHard.

I don't mean to be short with anyone (except Hexx), it just that a lot of important stuff is not going to get done because too much attention is being paid to trivial BS.

Everything that needs to get done will be done, DH. trivialities that are not needed to be fixed can be passed over. If you cant handle problems because of time contraints, you need to delegate authority and pass out responsibilities. Thats one of the problems with you. You try and do it all yourself. No wonder u are so tightly strung.

Everyone continue to post problems. I'll make sure they are fixed.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 10, 2005, 02:49:10 pm
Seriously DH you're trying to do too much
Tell you what.
Ill take over the shiplist responsibilities immediately.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 10, 2005, 03:28:08 pm
Seriously DH you're trying to do too much
Tell you what.
Ill take over the shiplist responsibilities immediately.

Shut up, Beavis!! (http://www.home-turf.com/snds/BEAVISANDBUTTHEAD/page01/s_u_ohye.wav)! 
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: GDA-Agave on January 11, 2005, 12:32:43 am
Couple of things I noticed on the SGO4 beta server tonight.

(1) ISC ship zNCSf (strange ship listing for ISC anyway) will NOT go over speed 25.  Very strange.

(2) I could not raise the DV on an ISC hex (I'm flying ISC).  I could flip it from Klingon, but could not raise it from DV 0.

I don't know if these are very important, but I'm just doing my part.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying the beta server.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on January 11, 2005, 02:49:41 am
Ship has 24 warp only Agave, but 10 APR
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on January 11, 2005, 04:18:56 am
Just got off test server, Please tell me that this server ends in late era, just flew some of the new X Cheddar and can't say I care for it at all.  But hey, if you want em its your server, no complaints, just opinions.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 11, 2005, 05:00:23 am
The 1st gen X ships dont even have X tech weapons. They are much more powerful than their counterparts, tho. They will however be controlled tightly with BP's. They will present an interesting opportunity for those wanting to balance the merits of a higher powercurve vs a real warship with all the fit and trimmings...

There will be few built, due to their expense. And I surmise we will somehow figure out how to special them out once they are bought so they dont show up as AI. All is good Chuut. The server doesnt careen out of control into the cheese factory, or at least we have taken steps to see that it doesnt.

And Agave, I flipped a Fed hex and ran it up fine. U say a klink hex flipped to neutral and u couldnt run it up? How many different missions did you take that didnt raise it or flip it your color? Really need the names of the missions, as I am having no issues.

The I-NCS is an OPplus 4.0 ship I believe. DH added a variant that is a special ship which piggybacks PF's into battle. I dont know why it only has 24 warp with 1 move cost. Ask FS.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 09:06:35 am
The I-NCA and I-NCS only have 24 warp in OP+ 4.0.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 11, 2005, 09:07:49 am
The I-NCA and I-NCS only have 24 warp in OP+ 4.0.

Like any of you cheesers are going to be flying them anyway.

Buncha whiney snivelling gits.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 11, 2005, 09:15:58 am
Also (not sure if intentional) LCCX has 20 spares. LBCH and (I think) Dn's only carry 15.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 09:18:37 am

Buncha whiney snivelling gits.

Leave the admins alone!!!! ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 11, 2005, 09:19:25 am
is there any way to  make  hexes ships carry no spares?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 11, 2005, 09:30:30 am
You know if the source code guys can ever get the ESG's to work like they do in SFB I'm going to
look forward to being allied with the Klinks alot more...  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 09:41:18 am
Also (not sure if intentional) LCCX has 20 spares. LBCH and (I think) Dn's only carry 15.

It's based on Damage control rating, some ships have more, some have less.  

The CX ships are supposed to have DN level repair ability.   
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 11, 2005, 10:25:32 am
 there might be a problem with the tholian PF interceptors when  i  launch them they dont show up in  game.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 11, 2005, 10:32:21 am
already fixed...
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 11:12:27 am
already fixed...

Was there a model pointer issue?   I never addressed that.   did you?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 11, 2005, 01:10:41 pm
Lyran CVA should have a FYA of 12 not 17.
Also (if it makes any difference at all,which I doubt it does) it should have 4 forward hull,16 center hull, 4 aft hull.
not 8,8,8.
(Am I being to picky here?  ;D )
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 01:56:51 pm
Lyran CVA should have a FYA of 12 not 17.
Also (if it makes any difference at all,which I doubt it does) it should have 4 forward hull,16 center hull, 4 aft hull.
not 8,8,8.
(Am I being to picky here?  ;D )

I'd fix this if time permited, we'll see if Dizzy gets me the corrections.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: GDA-Agave on January 11, 2005, 01:59:08 pm
And Agave, I flipped a Fed hex and ran it up fine. U say a klink hex flipped to neutral and u couldnt run it up? How many different missions did you take that didnt raise it or flip it your color? Really need the names of the missions, as I am having no issues.


The hex in question was 17.11.   Originally an ISC hex, it was taken by the klingons.   I flipped it back ISC but was not able to raise the DV above 0.   I ran 5 or 6 missions to no avail.   So, you tell me.

Hope this helps.


P.S.  Thanks for the explanation on the zNCSf.   I figured it might be some new ship from OP4.0.  Never hurts to ask though.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on January 11, 2005, 02:19:31 pm

The hex in question was 17.11.   Originally an ISC hex, it was taken by the klingons.   I flipped it back ISC but was not able to raise the DV above 0.   I ran 5 or 6 missions to no avail.  


That's not a bug.  IT'S A FEATURE!!!!!

It better not get fixed.  I made J'inn pay damn good money for it.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 04:34:28 pm
test server will be back up shortly.   Critical security updates from MS . . .
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 11, 2005, 04:36:46 pm

<snip> Never hurts to ask though.

You know I think he may be on to something..
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: [ISC]Phaser on January 11, 2005, 07:10:13 pm
I am kinda new to d2 and i was wondering about the fighters for OSG4, i'm not a fighter user but this does concern me as a balance issue. I noticed that ISC fighters are completely useless i used the OSG4 ship/fighter list on gsa even in late era they arent much,on the other hand i noticed that the hydran fighters and the fed fighters have extreme weapons on them making them unbalanced IMO was this done on purpose or was it just an oversite?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 07:25:11 pm
I am kinda new to d2 and i was wondering about the fighters for OSG4, i'm not a fighter user but this does concern me as a balance issue. I noticed that ISC fighters are completely useless i used the OSG4 ship/fighter list on gsa even in late era they arent much,on the other hand i noticed that the hydran fighters and the fed fighters have extreme weapons on them making them unbalanced IMO was this done on purpose or was it just an oversite?

There is fighter CnC to control what can and cannot be used.  the Federation Gatling fighters, for example, are only allowed on certain ships which are limited in production.   heck, all carriers are limited production with the exception of the Hydrans.

Yes, the Stingers are downright evil.   Their weapons match the SFB weapons.   They are supposed to be this way, Stingers in SFB would rip a ship in half if they got close.  They only have 10 Hitpoints until 2280 when the Megapacks come out (See J2 for the SFB reference, in brief the add hitpoints and give an extra heavy weapons shot) so they do die easier than Hornets.   

I'm curious how you came to the conclusion that the ISC fighters are useless.   I wrecked an G-DNH in one pass with an I-CVAZ in testing.

What is even more curious is how you came to the conclusion that this is unbalanced.  In testing, the Hydrans got owned by the ISC ship 90-95% or the time (me flying ISC, real Hydrans flying hydran).
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 11, 2005, 07:27:37 pm
The Fed & Hydran fighters are the best in the game hands down.
The ISC,Gorn,& Rom fighters come in (basically) 2kinds.
-Superiority Fighters , where the plasma races (kinda) got hosed. Problems with plasmaD meant these got replaced with photons
                              Your superiority fighter will likely die when facing other fighters. Photons will do a number on a ship though.
-Torpedo Fighters Each of these fighter carries a Plasma F (I hope none carry 2) 3 or four fighters per group firing Plasma Fs at someone
                         is pretty darn good.

Basically (imho) Your Superiority fighters arent as good at fighting other fighters as Feds,Hydrans, Klinks or Mirak
but your torpedo fighters are probably on par with Feds, and better than Kzin or Klingons at attacking ships.

EDIT -And for the love of all that's holy. Don't ask for CavIII's  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 07:31:42 pm
PlasmA F righters rape other fighters so fast it ain't funny.

It is ironic, the roles are kinda reversed.   The "Superiortiy "fighters are good ship killers and the "Assault" fighters and good for killing fighters.

PS - The Heavy Stingers have EXTREME restrictions on them, they replace PFs.  I forgot to mention that.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: [ISC]Phaser on January 11, 2005, 07:32:29 pm
i wasn't attacking you or your work DH..i'll just keep my nose out of this, excuse me for asking questions..
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 11, 2005, 07:34:11 pm
i wasn't attacking you or your work DH..i'll just keep my nose out of this, excuse me for asking questions..

Don't worry about it, the avatar makes me appear meaner than I am.  ;D

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 11, 2005, 07:34:22 pm
All that blue dye you bathe in must be affecting your brain....
Best fighter -fighter killer are the droners.
And never worry about asking questions.
It's not like him & Dizzy are busy putting up the server.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 11, 2005, 08:22:03 pm
i wasn't attacking you or your work DH..i'll just keep my nose out of this, excuse me for asking questions..

Phaser, DH is a prick. Dont mind him. He is more blunt than I am and just tells you how it is w/o care for feelings, he has none. I have a hard time with him. Even his ho's (which he has to pay for) dont like him. ;)

Ask many questions, Phaser. A lot of this is new to you D2 guys. Hell, a lot of this is new for the older D2 vets. We have finally moved onward to more SFB type ships, ftrs and PF's. So much is new that you will need to carefully re-evaluate your tactics depending on your enemy. The biggest problem I see everyone facing is Sun Tzu's advice on 'knowing your enemy'. I promise you will be pwnd if you don't. The Dynaverse is a scary place...
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: GDA-Agave on January 12, 2005, 09:10:02 am
Hey Phaser,

A useful little trick I have found is to use ShipEdit and open the ftrlist to be used for a server.    You can get a good rundown of all the fighters, what they carry, shielding, weapons, etc.  Of course, to look at the PFs you would need to open the shiplist.

If you don't have ShipEdit, I can provide a list of the ISC fighters in the forum if you would like.   In fact, I was just playing around with all the ISC fighters yesterday.   I especially like the FTFm.   Hmmmm, lots of plasma.    Me like.

Just thought I'd mention it.   I always take a good long look at the shiplist/ftrlist before a server just to check what kind of 'interesting things' the admins have included.  ;D

So, DH, what's this I hear about these Fed gatlings fighters, but NO ISC caveats being used.  Here I am planning on flying ISC for the first time on a server and you guys hose the caveats!    OH THE SHAME!!  (j/k)   :-*   ;D   Like I need 'em.    Plasma, phasers, and PFs always worked just fine for me anyway.

the helpful, pain-in-the-arse

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: GDA-Agave on January 12, 2005, 09:13:44 am
Oh, yeah, almost forgot.

Dizzy, I ran several more missions on that same hex to raise the DV.   I was successful.  I really think that it was my choice of missions not anything serverside.

No snip remarks about a Gorn's intelligence, just STFU!!   ;D  ;D

Ahhhh, that felt good.   :woot:

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 12, 2005, 12:02:13 pm
 I seem to be making extreme draws in ai on the server now.I understand that the CCY is "cheese". but it seems to draw nothing but dn and cva's since the reboot. Most missions im drafting a Dn and a heavy while getting some sort of pirate light cruiser as an escort or im drawing two dn.Not that i cant beat it and thats its not  fun But 20 to 30 mins for one mission seems a little extreme. other wise you have done a great job so far.I  going back and doing more testing now.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 12:05:34 pm
Please Agave, my ribs are hurting  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 12, 2005, 12:10:25 pm
Oh, yeah, almost forgot.

Dizzy, I ran several more missions on that same hex to raise the DV.   I was successful.  I really think that it was my choice of missions not anything serverside.

No snip remarks about a Gorn's intelligence, just STFU!!   ;D  ;D

Ahhhh, that felt good.   :woot:


Is it possible to snip anything form a Gorn's intelligence?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 12:18:56 pm
I seem to be making extreme draws in ai on the server now.I understand that the CCY is "cheese". but it seems to draw nothing but dn and cva's since the reboot. Most missions im drafting a Dn and a heavy while getting some sort of pirate light cruiser as an escort or im drawing two dn.Not that i cant beat it and thats its not  fun But 20 to 30 mins for one mission seems a little extreme. other wise you have done a great job so far.I  going back and doing more testing now.

This is funny, I've not touched te AI draw setting.   In fact, the AI settings are "stock" Evil Dave.   Maybe I need to lower the difficulty?

How are the other races drawing?

Feedback like this is greatly appreciated, thank you Kurok
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 12, 2005, 12:28:25 pm
CVD,CVA,STL,STT,BCPp DNM all seem to draw a mix of CAA/CY's and IDNs
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 12:29:48 pm
CVD,CVA,STL,STT,BCPp DNM all seem to draw a mix of CAA/CY's and IDNs

Sounds about right <Snicker>
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 12, 2005, 12:41:18 pm
Actually Im good with the AI draw so far. ESGs/Maolers & Fighters make for quick mission times.
(Of course Ill be crying when i don't have them on the actual server but..)

Only thing I'd point out for missions is that I get ALOT of "Fleet Engagement" in enemy space.
Out of last 21 missions (in enemy space) Ive had 1 patrol,3 Enigma and 17 Fleet engagements of one kind or another.
Not sure if it's supposed to be like this or not.
Could just be the big ships I'm flying (?)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt Jeff on January 12, 2005, 12:44:08 pm
Problems with a mission....

Deadman and I were running some today.

Met_NW8 ShipYPVP  Is what it's name is.  Instead of FRD's, there were 3 Base stations.  every time the second BS was destroyed, the mission would crash.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 12, 2005, 12:56:56 pm
ok as a klingon in a c7 im drawing cl and ca in missons.It is 20 bpv less than the CCY in a Dn at 280  I wa srawing the same as  the CCY.  ill try a smaller ISC ship and see what i draw something in the 180 i think.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 01:01:12 pm
Problems with a mission....

Deadman and I were running some today.

Met_NW8 ShipYPVP  Is what it's name is.  Instead of FRD's, there were 3 Base stations.  every time the second BS was destroyed, the mission would crash.

Mision is pulled, thank you.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 12, 2005, 01:27:37 pm
ok in the CATZ at 184 the draw seems about right. In the enigma mission it is still drawing CVA but in the others its ca and cl.
Ill be back on later to test further.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 01:51:16 pm
You guys think the Enigma Mission come up too frequently?   This is a 1v1, does not draft allies.

There is nothing I can do about frequency.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 12, 2005, 02:22:43 pm
it comes up alot that is for sure. is there a way to  make more missions come up  rather than just one or two?.might help speed some of the testing up if we had more to chose from.
As far as pulling it. it is a good pvp mission but not much else good to say about it. Your call im afraid.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT J'inn on January 12, 2005, 02:37:21 pm
im afraid.

Overlord Hexx:  Tsk!

Overlord J'inn:   Tsk!  A Klingon that is afraid.  What the hell happened to our allies.

Overlord Matsukasi:  Didn't you hear, he defected to the ISC.

Overlord Hexx:  The I'm Scared of Cats!!

Overlord Likkerpig:  Well that explains it.

All:   <snicker>

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Father Ted on January 12, 2005, 03:19:33 pm
Ran NW_6 Patrol as Hydran, Kitty, Fed and Gorn. Hydran CTD'd everytime. Kzinti, Fed and Bruce run fine, but Hydran crashes as soon as the mission starts. :cuss:
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: SPQRPardek on January 12, 2005, 03:29:16 pm
CTD with same mission as Romulan ...
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 03:35:04 pm
Mission will be pulled from production, thank you.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 12, 2005, 03:54:53 pm
I seem to be making extreme draws in ai on the server now.I understand that the CCY is "cheese". but it seems to draw nothing but dn and cva's since the reboot. Most missions im drafting a Dn and a heavy while getting some sort of pirate light cruiser as an escort or im drawing two dn.Not that i cant beat it and thats its not  fun But 20 to 30 mins for one mission seems a little extreme. other wise you have done a great job so far.I  going back and doing more testing now.

This is funny, I've not touched te AI draw setting.   In fact, the AI settings are "stock" Evil Dave.   Maybe I need to lower the difficulty?

How are the other races drawing?

Feedback like this is greatly appreciated, thank you Kurok

It would be better to lower AI draws acros the board. 20 Min missions isnt a good thing repeatedly. However, if other ship AI draws are ok, then this wouldnt be the way to go. Instead, I suggest that the individual ships being reported in question be given a BPV reduction to the point where they draw a class size equal to or higher then themselves, instead of the latter each time.

More careful attention has to be paid to this as I myself have been having too much fun running these difficult 20 Min missions, so much fun in fact it blinded me to the fact that the AI draws for select ships are too high. Thanks for pointing it out, Kurok.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 12, 2005, 04:06:56 pm
Not many people fly solo on servers, so I don't see why we really need to lower the AI draws.

Besides, I don't want to hear about how the Kzinti are over-running the area....
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 12, 2005, 04:10:41 pm
Not many people fly solo on servers, so I don't see why we really need to lower the AI draws.

Besides, I don't want to hear about how the Kzinti are over-running the area....

May be a case by case basis. I for one have experienced drawing 3x DN's in a CCY once. It isnt pleasant. This needs closer a look.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 04:13:11 pm
Not many people fly solo on servers, so I don't see why we really need to lower the AI draws.

Besides, I don't want to hear about how the Kzinti are over-running the area....

May be a case by case basis. I for one have experienced drawing 3x DN's in a CCY once. It isnt pleasant. This needs closer a look.

There is no time for this.  The ED mission draw is complete voodoo which seems to have no logic to it.  Plus it involves a download to tweak.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: shin on January 12, 2005, 04:39:25 pm
i saw that the server has been changed but no downloads/installer? if there are downloads please let me know where to find them and the information on how to apply them as i am no genius with files like this, i might mess something up.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 04:59:35 pm
i saw that the server has been changed but no downloads/installer? if there are downloads please let me know where to find them and the information on how to apply them as i am no genius with files like this, i might mess something up.

There will be a new installer for the final release here are the update files that are not in the current installer.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 12, 2005, 05:10:10 pm
Z-cBBV with 16 HAAS fighters vs ISC SBFR.... no go... used most of my stuff fighting a I-BBV and a CLZ... but was not able to even crack the base's shields.

Gonna try an IC+ next.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 12, 2005, 05:46:31 pm
You guys think the Enigma Mission come up too frequently?   This is a 1v1, does not draft allies.

There is nothing I can do about frequency.

1vs1 = bad... why bother with a wing?  Pull it.

I have lost countless ships to the enigma mission. (usually winging with another cl and inevitably a DN drafts only one of us in the enigma mission - very frustrating - unless you have a DN and can reap the benefits of this mission, breaking up fleets of humans)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 12, 2005, 05:50:44 pm
i saw that the server has been changed but no downloads/installer? if there are downloads please let me know where to find them and the information on how to apply them as i am no genius with files like this, i might mess something up.

There will be a new installer for the final release

[url][/url] here are the update files that are not in the current installer.

The current installer is up to date with the server. (as of last night)  http://members.lycos.co.uk/astinky/SGO4/

This was all posted yesterday: http://www.dynaverse.net/forum/index.php/topic,163351133.0.html
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 12, 2005, 06:02:38 pm
Ok, just tried out Hydran Heavy fighters.

And I dropped to desktop.

So, I logged on and tried it again.

CTD on launch of H-St-S(Heavy)....

Model path shows:  assets/models/hpf/hpf.mod

But I do not have a folder for that model.

PS.  All hydran Heavy Fighters seem to be pointing to that non-existant folder.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 12, 2005, 06:07:22 pm
Ok, just tried out Hydran Heavy fighters.

And I dropped to desktop.

So, I logged on and tried it again.

CTD on launch of H-St-S(Heavy)....

Model path shows:  assets/models/hpf/hpf.mod

But I do not have a folder for that model.

PS.  All hydran Heavy Fighters seem to be pointing to that non-existant folder.

I reccomend you use the installer.

Code: [Select]
CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\Assets\Models\hpf"
CopyFiles "$INSTDIR\Assets\Models\hff\*.*" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Models\hpf" 1130
Rename "$INSTDIR\Assets\Models\hpf\hff.mod" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Models\hpf\hpf.mod"
Rename "$INSTDIR\Assets\Models\hpf\hff_brk.mod" "$INSTDIR\Assets\Models\hpf\hpf_brk.mod"

... it does the same for four other races.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 12, 2005, 06:11:28 pm
Check on that... doing it now.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 12, 2005, 06:12:37 pm
Check on that... doing it now.

Note the installer backs up your current files. (the installer does not include stock files to restore on uninstall - a holdover from download size terror... now that people don't seem quite as fearful of a few megs download I suppose I could add them, but restoring the currently installed files on uninstall has a certain logic to it, makes the installer compatible with other mods.. but then some expect to see stock after an uninstall)

P.S. the current installer is here:   http://members.lycos.co.uk/astinky/SGO4/
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 12, 2005, 06:16:43 pm
Got the folder now.


Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 12, 2005, 06:19:02 pm
Youre most welcome... gotta have those stingers!  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 12, 2005, 06:44:05 pm
HEAVY Stingers. ;)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 12, 2005, 06:59:13 pm
You guys think the Enigma Mission come up too frequently?   This is a 1v1, does not draft allies.

There is nothing I can do about frequency.

1vs1 = bad... why bother with a wing?  Pull it.

I have lost countless ships to the enigma mission. (usually winging with another cl and inevitably a DN drafts only one of us in the enigma mission - very frustrating - unless you have a DN and can reap the benefits of this mission, breaking up fleets of humans)

I agree, consider it gone!!
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Komodo on January 12, 2005, 09:55:20 pm
OK- just what point are y'all at here?
Just tried to get this going tonight, got bad script message.
What's needed to log in? I've put in the game, patched, put in OP+4, and the latest installer as above.
Where'd I go wrong?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 12, 2005, 10:16:47 pm
Komodo, unistall the SG4 using the unistaller. A shortuct is in your stat/programs menu under the name SGO4.

Then D/L the new one: http://members.lycos.co.uk/astinky/SGO4/

You should be good. Make sure you have FS's OPplus 4.0 installed 1st.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Komodo on January 12, 2005, 10:45:51 pm
Did that- same error. That was the same installer I had to begin with.
Actually, had a closer look, and I erred by saying bad files- actually, they're missing, listed as follows:
NW10patrolenemy (I have NW10patrolallied instead)

Now what...?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 12, 2005, 10:49:42 pm

P.S. the current installer is here: [url]http://members.lycos.co.uk/astinky/SGO4/[/url]

This is the one DH is currently running.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 12, 2005, 11:12:32 pm
Run the uninstaller. Then install it again using the updated installer located at that link i just gave u. If it doesnt work, uninstall it once more (ur using the new unistaller for the 1st time) and then reinstall the sg4 again. It should work fine the 1st time.

Is your .exe for OP in the default location?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 13, 2005, 02:14:42 am
DH, why was the "Met_NW7FleetAssault.scr" pulled? ::)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Soreyes on January 13, 2005, 05:33:32 am
Got drafted by DH and Kroma in there Fed and Gorn BBs :o and me in a I-CCX. The mission was a Base Def mission. As soon as the mission started we new something was wrong. I had 5 Pirate BCHs with me. While at the same time DH and Kroma had some Fleet Docks and a bunch of Def Platforms with them ???

I blew up very nicely for DH and Kroma..... But that was one very weird mission

Oh and by the way there was no base in sight :rofl: :skeptic: ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 06:00:19 am
Did that- same error. That was the same installer I had to begin with.
Actually, had a closer look, and I erred by saying bad files- actually, they're missing, listed as follows:
NW10patrolenemy (I have NW10patrolallied instead)

Now what...?

Most of those missions are not on the SGO4 beta test server.... ( of those you listed only Met_NW10PatrolAllied.scr is used on the server) make sure the server you are logging into is titled  "***** SGO4 BETA *****"

If you are running multiple installs of OP (please tell me no...) then make sure the copy you install OP+4 to is the same copy you install SGO4 to and is the same copy you launch to login.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 06:05:21 am
Got drafted by DH and Kroma in there Fed and Gorn BBs :o and me in a I-CCX. The mission was a Base Def mission. As soon as the mission started we new something was wrong. I had 5 Pirate BCHs with me. While at the same time DH and Kroma had some Fleet Docks and a bunch of Def Platforms with them ???

I blew up very nicely for DH and Kroma..... But that was one very weird mission

Oh and by the way there was no base in sight :rofl: :skeptic: ;D

DH, have you modified ChanceForTwoShips, ChanceForThreeShips settiings for AI generation?

I reccomend the default census settings in MetaMap.gf: (only one I modify is reducing the monster population by 5x)

Code: [Select]

TargetPopulationToEconomicRatio =0.0025 // (0.0025) This is the ratio of AI ships to current economy of an empire

OrionPopulationRatio =0.1 // (0.1) This is the population ratio for orion pirates.

MonsterPopulationRatio =0.005 // (0.025) This is the poplation ratio of Monsters.

StandardAIBPV =100 //Default AI BPV

MaxAIEcoBonusBPV =2.0 // Higher number will make bigger AI ships for losing empires

MinFuzzAIBPV =0.3 //Minimum random AI bpv level 0.3 = 30% less

MaxFuzzAIBPV =3.0 //Maximum random AI bpv level 2.0 = twice base

ChanceForTwoShips =0.2 //This is the chance for 2 ships for an AI

ChanceForThreeShips =0.05 //This is the chance for 3 ships for an AI

AttemptsToCreateAIInHomeHex =10 //Maximum AI to create in 1 turn

MaxAIsToCreatePerTurn =3 //How many AIs to try to create before giving up

MaxAIsToKillPerTurn =10 //Maximum AIs to be killed in 1 turn before ending phase

AITurnOverRate =1 //

MaxBattlesPerTurn =50 //Maximum number AI battles in a turn before ending phase

CreateAIFrequency =2 // How many AIs to create a second, untill goal level reached

KillAIFrequency =2 // How many AIs to kill a second, untill goal level reached

InitalAILevel =100 // How many AI's to create before game starts

MaxAIsPerEmpire = -1 // ( -1 ) Create a fixed number of AIs per empire. -1 means not to use a fixed number.

Mind you, noting the degree of weirdness in that mission it could have been sync issues... the abscence of a base is odd... is Dizzy still messing with the bases? What exactly is being done to them? Sounds like illegal values preventing the base from being created?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 13, 2005, 06:20:05 am
i chnaged some values for the bases, no more. BS's I didnt touch. Was it a SB, BATS or BS def?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 06:22:35 am
i chnaged some values for the bases, no more. BS's I didnt touch. Was it a SB, BATS or BS def?

Since there was no base, he cant say... it was likely one you changed.  The right question is who was defending? Check their starbase.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Soreyes on January 13, 2005, 06:28:47 am
i chnaged some values for the bases, no more. BS's I didnt touch. Was it a SB, BATS or BS def?

Since there was no base, he cant say... it was likely one you changed.  The right question is who was defending? Check their starbase.

It was I who was defending. The mission briefing said it was a SB i was defending. As I said at no time did any of us see a SB
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 13, 2005, 07:06:03 am
Us alliance types had been hitting the I-SB's all day to see what could take them down.

So unless it was a base that had not shown up before, I think they are ok.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 13, 2005, 08:01:02 am
I'd like to test that PvP mission again, repeat the sides.

So far all the bases appear to be fine in the list. I'm wondering if that particular script is looking for a base not in OPplus 4.0. Dunno. More test.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 13, 2005, 09:35:03 am
DH, why was the "Met_NW7FleetAssault.scr" pulled? ::)

It wasn't pulled.   Please know what you are talking about before making acusations  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FA Frey XC on January 13, 2005, 09:57:36 am
OMG DH, was that a "please" in that sentence?

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 13, 2005, 11:20:23 am
DH, why was the "Met_NW7FleetAssault.scr" pulled? ::)

It wasn't pulled.   Please know what you are talking about before making acusations  ;D
n: A charge of wrongdoing that is made against a person or other party.[/list]

Now, DH, did I miss something here? I don't see an accusation against you for anything. Instead, it looks like a question to me. And if I knew what I was talking about, I wouldnt have asked the question, now would I? But I don't go around asking stupid questions for no reason. Perhaps I mistook this mission as a 3v3 which you say have all been pulled. I take it this isnt a 3v3 then? Wern't you the one who told me all the 3v3's were gone? Go take your medicine.

And whoever put that rolling eyes in my post can go take it out.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 13, 2005, 04:45:04 pm
Also- and not to keep smacking the deceased equine- but are we getting ship build + rules up anytime soon?
I'd like to be able to give guys some time to think it over if possible, and since there's always confusion about rules
if we're still trying for a Sunady start I'd hope the rules would be in place Fridayish.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 13, 2005, 05:20:46 pm
Also- and not to keep smacking the deceased equine- but are we getting ship build + rules up anytime soon?
I'd like to be able to give guys some time to think it over if possible, and since there's always confusion about rules
if we're still trying for a Sunady start I'd hope the rules would be in place Fridayish.

Keep wishing, not going to happen.   Final rules will likely be posted after the server starts.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 13, 2005, 05:41:34 pm
OK I just know that makes some sort of weird sense.

What about ship builds? (which is the sorta important thing anyway I guess) is there
a "pre server" build round or is the first one after the server starts?

Lyran CF's & NCF's are not marked as special yet btw.
Since you were so rude as mo mark our escorts as special I assume this was an oversight.
(Nooo the Lyrans can't build escorts!!!)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 13, 2005, 06:05:28 pm
OK I just know that makes some sort of weird sense.

What about ship builds? (which is the sorta important thing anyway I guess) is there
a "pre server" build round or is the first one after the server starts?

Lyran CF's & NCF's are not marked as special yet btw.
Since you were so rude as mo mark our escorts as special I assume this was an oversight.
(Nooo the Lyrans can't build escorts!!!)

honestly, I don't have time to really document stuff.   I have to work ast my new job.   A poste here and there is about all I can squeeze in.

I'm been occupied doing other work that could have been avoided had some people been more organized (not naming names here . . . ).  If you want documentation before the server, the server is going to have to be delayed.

No way around this.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 06:07:57 pm
The installer that is up to date with the server is here (do not download from the link at the beginning of this thread):


edit: oops - lycos appears to be down - gimme a few to upload to another site... OK lycos is responding now... I'll post another mirror shortly.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 13, 2005, 06:12:04 pm
Nah not blaming you.
Figure you'll get all whining & crying and it will be tough to kill yuo if you don't fly on the server.
Kinda waiting for someone else to decide if the minutiae is done to his satisfaction or if he wants to add/remove another ADD
on his starbases.  ::)

Diz- just so I can plan some stuff, are we planning for Sunday or delaying another week?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-Wanderer on January 13, 2005, 06:25:46 pm
I certainly have no problem with delaying, I'd rather have all of the proverbial ducks in a row than chance having stuff be fubar because of rushing it.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 13, 2005, 06:34:07 pm
I agree - I don't want to come across as saying "start it now" Id much rather it be ready.
Just last I heard Dizzy was planning on launching this weekend.
If he needs to (or wants to) wait another week I'm fine with that.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 06:37:23 pm
Additional mirror for installer that is current with the server:

http://fire.prohosting.com/astinky/SGO4/SGO4.exe (click through on the link to the file presented)

or the original location at lycos:


Both of these copies are current with the server.

(do not download from the link at the beginning of this thread)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Komodo on January 13, 2005, 08:18:48 pm
Still no dice.

FYI, this is on a fresh install of OP, patched, OP+4.0, then SG04. (actually, it's a copy of a 3.4 installation, that uninstalled, then 4.0 installed, with SG04. Yes- the latest one. Only the scripts are missing)
I didn't have a previous installer or old GW files as I saw mentioned somewhere. I checked the completed installation list of the SG04 installer, and it didn't list those scripts I listed earlier here. Did a login check, still reports the same missing files.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Komodo on January 13, 2005, 08:42:47 pm
this is what the server states

I've checked my scripts folder, and nope, not there  :-\
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Mutilator on January 13, 2005, 08:51:28 pm
I am having problems getting on as well I did a complete wipe and reloaded everything from scratch.  >:(

"This server has detected that on or more of the necessary files required to connect or either missing or incompatible."

List of offending files: met_nw10patrol.scr|missing file|
met_nw10patroenemyl.scr|missing file|
met_nw14rescuel.scr|missing file|
met_nw17patrol.scr|missing file|
met_nw17patrolallied.scr|missing file|
met_nw17patrolallied.scr|missing file|
met_nw22diplomatl.scr|missing file|

My screen shot is same as Komodo's.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 09:30:29 pm
What is the name of the server you are trying to login to?
(Those missions simply are not on the SGO4 server - you must be trying to login to a different server.)

Are you running multiple OP installs?

Are you running firewalls and anti-virus software?

What operating system are you running?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 09:43:17 pm
Hold the phone.... I just wiped my scripts folder and ran the installer...

I was misled... kind of... the mct file supposedly only references:


The other missions must still be in the SGO4 server "ValidatedClientFiles" folder.

I was asked to remove any missions not used from the installer, these same missions should be removed from the "ValidatedClientFiles" folder.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 09:52:18 pm
I will redo the installer to include the missions that are not used. Will post shortly....

The lesson learned here is ALWAYS USE UNIQUE MISSION NAMES TRACEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

... don't listen to Dizzy bonk... Don't listen to Dizzy....  Don't listen to Dizzy.....
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Komodo on January 13, 2005, 10:05:39 pm
 What is the name of the server you are trying to login to?
(Those missions simply are not on the SGO4 server - you must be trying to login to a different server.)
the only one that shows up on the list:
Are you running multiple OP installs?
I do have the original 3.4 files folder listed under a different name in the Taldren Software folder, so it's isolated that way
Are you running firewalls and anti-virus software?
I am- McAfee 9.0 doing both. Windows firewall is not running
What operating system are you running?
Win XP SP2

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 10:09:09 pm
Thanks for the info Komodo, the problem was miscommunication among Dizzy, DieHard and I, sorted out now... I apologise for any inconvenience and frustration.

The prohosting copy of the installer is now updated to include the UNUSED missions:


uploading to lycos now...
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Komodo on January 13, 2005, 10:16:54 pm
No prob- I hope this was helpful for the finished product  ;)  It'd be worthwhile that way at least
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 13, 2005, 10:17:44 pm
the UNUSED missions:

LOL! omg, bonk, sorry, hehe. It stared us in the face...
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Mutilator on January 13, 2005, 10:19:50 pm
It worked was just on the server thanks.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Komodo on January 13, 2005, 10:47:44 pm
got it- logged on no prob  ;D

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 13, 2005, 10:51:34 pm
The copy of the installer at lycos is now finally uploaded. (lycos limits their ftp upload speeds - 50kbit/s vs prohostings 350kbit/s) I'll keep my eye out for any changes...


(P.S. like that sig pic Mutilator, artistic and scary...)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...BUG?
Post by: FPF-Tobin Dax on January 13, 2005, 11:55:53 pm
I just ran a patrol in 13,5 an isc hex of dv 8. I was flying hydran LB and got an AI wingman who was LYRAN, flying a DDX. We were up against a CLY and a little SNP or other small 1st gen warbird.

The mission selected was one on one, but as no live opposition, I was given this patrol.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 14, 2005, 03:38:01 am
Dax, that mission will trigger as a solo even tho it's a PvP mision. Just like EEK scripts are heavily focused towards PvP, they come up frequently as AI.

The Lyran AI is an enemy of your enemy, the ISC. The bottom line is the Lyran AI there had a mutual interest in working with you to kill the ISC. The ISC will get the same thing from time to time...

This will happen on this server. DV reports normally and the allies are dynamic. Ain't it fun?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC on January 14, 2005, 05:35:36 am
I will redo the installer to include the missions that are not used. Will post shortly....

The lesson learned here is ALWAYS USE UNIQUE MISSION NAMES TRACEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

... don't listen to Dizzy bonk... Don't listen to Dizzy....  Don't listen to Dizzy.....

All the missions I modified according to Dizzy's requests, I have plaved a _SG4_ in them to differentiate them between the rest of the missions. As was discovered, it is also necessary to change the internal mission name as well, so the serverkit also differentiates between them, This too is also being done.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 14, 2005, 06:58:57 am
Thanks Tracey, you're the best!  (I was a little irritated when I posted that, please ignore the tone...)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC on January 14, 2005, 11:39:11 am
Thanks Tracey, you're the best!  (I was a little irritated when I posted that, please ignore the tone...)

That's quite alright, I replied in my vulcan posting tone.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 14, 2005, 03:59:31 pm
The copy of the installer at lycos is now finally uploaded. (lycos limits their ftp upload speeds - 50kbit/s vs prohostings 350kbit/s) I'll keep my eye out for any changes...


(P.S. like that sig pic Mutilator, artistic and scary...)
I was just wondering iif this is an updated installer from the one I posted on about yesterday.Thanks.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Farfarer on January 14, 2005, 05:45:19 pm
C8VK with two real good AI help ( ROM new DN and BC+) were able to take an ISC Starbase ( the type with 4 R, 6 PPD etc.)
I note the ISC ships have Plas D and I torps.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 14, 2005, 10:01:00 pm
The copy of the installer at lycos is now finally uploaded. (lycos limits their ftp upload speeds - 50kbit/s vs prohostings 350kbit/s) I'll keep my eye out for any changes...


(P.S. like that sig pic Mutilator, artistic and scary...)
I was just wondering iif this is an updated installer from the one I posted on about yesterday.Thanks.

Yes, but if you can currently login ok, it will make no difference, it just includes a few more optional missions for the server admins to choose from which may not be used anyway as a result of testing observations.. (minimal size increase)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 15, 2005, 03:19:56 am
The copy of the installer at lycos is now finally uploaded. (lycos limits their ftp upload speeds - 50kbit/s vs prohostings 350kbit/s) I'll keep my eye out for any changes...


(P.S. like that sig pic Mutilator, artistic and scary...)
I was just wondering iif this is an updated installer from the one I posted on about yesterday.Thanks.

Yes, but if you can currently login ok, it will make no difference, it just includes a few more optional missions for the server admins to choose from which may not be used anyway as a result of testing observations.. (minimal size increase)
It seems like I will need this one then as I am getting bad CRC Errors.Thanks Bonk.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KDS-KYTARH on January 15, 2005, 09:08:29 am
Drone Loads?? i put on a full load of drones and go into a mission, only use a few drone but when i go to resupply i only have 32 drones left. Also sometimes drones cost 2 sometimes they cost 5. Also what is the drone control for Klingon ships??
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Green on January 15, 2005, 01:34:13 pm
Drone control of a ship, depends on the ship.  Some are 6 others are 12.

Only having 32 drones when you've only shot a couple may not be a new problem.  How many did you start with?  I believe the game will "eat" drones that are used to make an SP (launched or not) or placed in the rack (even if they aren't launched). 

Haven't seen a problem w/ variable drone costs for the same speed drone before.  New one on me.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT J'inn on January 15, 2005, 02:02:55 pm
This may have already been reported but  . . . .

I was flying Some Lyran CX ship.   It was a CA with 3 ESGs  (2 hardpoints).  Anywho . . .   I tried Klingon fighters thinking that they would not work as this ship should use PFs. 

Well the fighters worked and the PFs did not.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KDS-KYTARH on January 15, 2005, 03:36:20 pm
Started with 80 heavy drones, only loaded one scatter and fired two waves, it still automatically resets to the default load out of 32 on this ship when you get back to resupply, also resets from heavy warheads to light warheads,,, basically when you go to resupply ir resets the drones to the default load out. Still getting different drone prices,, cost me 2 one time and 5 another.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KDS-KYTARH on January 15, 2005, 03:38:24 pm
Drone control of a ship, depends on the ship.  Some are 6 others are 12.

6 drone control ,,, on a KLINGON ship,, thats just silly,, please someone fix that.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 15, 2005, 03:40:58 pm
Drone control of a ship, depends on the ship.  Some are 6 others are 12.

6 drone control ,,, on a KLINGON ship,, thats just silly,, please someone fix that.

Uhmm No
Its normal
Some ships have 6 drone control. Some special ones have more.
Same thing for Kzin, same thing For Feds.

What ship is it you're having the loadout problems with btw?
Tried the DXD (only droner in the yards) put 90 fast heavy drones on it, went out shot a bunch of stuff
Had right number upon returning to spacedock, Fast drones cost 5 .
So it might be the ship itself defaults to standard loadout evrytime its in dock.
Thats why you have the 32, and you're paying 2 or 5 as its defaulting to med or fast drones.

Of course I have no idea why it would do this but..
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on January 15, 2005, 03:44:49 pm
A long standing gripe with the Klingons has been 6 Drone control on many of their ships, especially the DNs with the easy ability to put more than that up at once. Most of the late-era ships came with 12, also the drones boats and escorts.
That's why it's always good to be well practiced in the Saber Dance tactic and not depend on "death by drone".  ;)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 15, 2005, 03:51:14 pm
A long standing gripe with the Klingons has been <snip>

Just about everything?  :P
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 15, 2005, 03:53:32 pm
This may have already been reported but  . . . .

I was flying Some Lyran CX ship.   It was a CA with 3 ESGs  (2 hardpoints).  Anywho . . .   I tried Klingon fighters thinking that they would not work as this ship should use PFs. 

Well the fighters worked and the PFs did not.


Have to love the absolute precise descriptions Lawyers bring with them...
What ship? (CCXf I assume?) What fighters and what PF's?
and exactly what did you do? Buy the fighter and nothing lauched?
Buy the fighter and it (one) launched?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on January 15, 2005, 04:13:05 pm
A long standing gripe with the Klingons has been <snip>

Just about everything?  :P

I hope we get in mission together... :2gun:
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Green on January 15, 2005, 05:36:46 pm
Started with 80 heavy drones, only loaded one scatter and fired two waves, it still automatically resets to the default load out of 32 on this ship when you get back to resupply, also resets from heavy warheads to light warheads,,, basically when you go to resupply ir resets the drones to the default load out. Still getting different drone prices,, cost me 2 one time and 5 another.

Are you hitting Done and waiting for the cost to show 0 after resupply?  I know, I know ... but it would result in what you're seeing.  Is anyone else seeing this problem?  Which specific Klingon ship are you flying?  I'll start an account and see if it can be duplicated, then at least there would be two of us.

Type VI drones cost 5.  Type I drones cost 2.  Is that what you are seeing?

6 drone control on a Klingon ship is nothing new.  6 drone control also exists on Mirak and Fed ships.  It has been like that since the begining of the game.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 15, 2005, 05:41:08 pm
This may have already been reported but  . . . .

I was flying Some Lyran CX ship.   It was a CA with 3 ESGs  (2 hardpoints).  Anywho . . .   I tried Klingon fighters thinking that they would not work as this ship should use PFs. 

Well the fighters worked and the PFs did not.


Have to love the absolute precise descriptions Lawyers bring with them...
What ship? (CCXf I assume?) What fighters and what PF's?
and exactly what did you do? Buy the fighter and nothing lauched?
Buy the fighter and it (one) launched?

This means one of the X ships isnt listed properly as a donor. I must know which one.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 15, 2005, 05:45:09 pm
Started with 80 heavy drones, only loaded one scatter and fired two waves, it still automatically resets to the default load out of 32 on this ship when you get back to resupply, also resets from heavy warheads to light warheads,,, basically when you go to resupply ir resets the drones to the default load out. Still getting different drone prices,, cost me 2 one time and 5 another.

Are you hitting Done and waiting for the cost to show 0 after resupply?  I know, I know ... but it would result in what you're seeing.  Is anyone else seeing this problem?  Which specific Klingon ship are you flying?  I'll start an account and see if it can be duplicated, then at least there would be two of us.

Type VI drones cost 5.  Type I drones cost 2.  Is that what you are seeing?

6 drone control on a Klingon ship is nothing new.  6 drone control also exists on Mirak and Fed ships.  It has been like that since the begining of the game.

It has been duplicated... We need to confirm that simply reloading your drones in dock and not touching the warhead type will still give you the same HVY warheads on your next mission despite it saying otherwise.

This may prove to be an extra clickable annoyance. Not a biggie at all tho. besides, who needs drones to kill something? My next server, every ship will have 6 drone control and 12 tractors so we can all learn sum madskillz.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 15, 2005, 05:53:27 pm
Confirmed L-CCXf can launch fighters. Can NOT launch PF's.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 15, 2005, 06:39:36 pm
Try all the L-X ships, Hexx. I think another is missing from the donor list as well.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 15, 2005, 06:59:28 pm
Try all the L-X ships, Hexx. I think another is missing from the donor list as well.

Assuming you're using Gorn as donor- all the ships are there, but the Lyran "X" ships are listed with "s" as prefix
in the Gorn list and "C' as prefix in the Klingon list. (except the CWXf whihc is listed as a "c" in both)
Looks like they got moved from conversion to build ships.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 15, 2005, 07:47:47 pm
Drone control of a ship, depends on the ship.  Some are 6 others are 12.

6 drone control ,,, on a KLINGON ship,, thats just silly,, please someone fix that.

 How long have you been playing this game?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 15, 2005, 07:49:25 pm
Some of Evil Daves Missions "steal" drones.   Deal with it, they've been doing this for years.  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Green on January 15, 2005, 08:06:04 pm
My next server, every ship will have 6 drone control and 12 tractors so we can all learn sum madskillz.

Sounds cool.  I'll skip it though.  Why not simply do an ISC v Rom v Gorn server?  I'd fly ISC on that one.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Ternado on January 16, 2005, 01:50:17 am
HcOs aint right,has no hell,s or fusions,and comes out with a damaged phasers 1 out of 2 it has.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 16, 2005, 01:57:09 am
HcOs aint right,has no hell,s or fusions,and comes out with a damaged phasers 1 out of 2 it has.


I know, it reads it as the COS, cossack carrier.   It will be fixed in tommorow's shiplist update.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 16, 2005, 03:42:39 am
I have a cpl corrections as well. Let's coordinate b4 u pass it out.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on January 16, 2005, 05:04:59 am
Drone control of a ship, depends on the ship.  Some are 6 others are 12.

6 drone control ,,, on a KLINGON ship,, thats just silly,, please someone fix that.

The ones with more than 6 drone control are called either Mirak or Kzin, Klingons should only have 5 actually, one for each finger, anything more confuses them.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on January 16, 2005, 07:44:29 am
HcOs aint right,has no hell,s or fusions,and comes out with a damaged phasers 1 out of 2 it has.


I know, it reads it as the COS, cossack carrier. It will be fixed in tommorow's shiplist update.

LOL... yeah, but we weren't snickering when the H-cOS came out as a H-COS but drew the OS AI. ::)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on January 16, 2005, 08:39:25 am
Some of Evil Daves Missions "steal" drones.   Deal with it, they've been doing this for years.  ;D

I thought that had been corrected? I havn't noticed it happening in recent servers...
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 16, 2005, 09:06:12 am
I have a cpl corrections as well. Let's coordinate b4 u pass it out.

Cool, so shiplist update today? (Sunday - before 11pm EST) Or is it tomorrow (Monday - I won't be home till late...)?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 16, 2005, 10:30:06 am
There are mission pack changes too, so the D/L should get smaller.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KBF-Kurok on January 16, 2005, 12:04:31 pm
ok another problem. I was hitting 37,11 an isc  hex. IM flying an i PFT my pf dont show up  i draw an isc cCSZf as an enemy  his pf show up.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 16, 2005, 12:16:37 pm
ok another problem. I was hitting 37,11 an isc  hex. IM flying an i PFT my pf dont show up  i draw an isc cCSZf as an enemy  his pf show up.

Doh!  I knew I missed something.   This will be fixed in the next release
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on January 17, 2005, 12:21:02 am
I-CVLS only is equiped with 1 fighter, you can't buy the full complement of 6

also I-PFT pfs don't appear in mission

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Soreyes on January 17, 2005, 08:04:26 am
The one little problem I have seen, and it's not much. Is the mission matching for the ISC. I was in a CSZ I believe. The one with two PPD, 8 ph-1s and 4 I-torps.  A CL class ship. I was drawing CA's and BC's. Just my thought, but to me thats just a little OTT.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 17, 2005, 08:10:03 am
It has 6 Ph1's. Not 8. And it shouldnt be drawing many BC's. It does have a 15 BPV adjustment. Maybe that's why it draws larger AI.

I need to know the frequency. How many missions have BC's?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: 762_XC on January 17, 2005, 08:23:15 am
Hey DH, any chance we could roll back to 2271 tonite?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 17, 2005, 11:33:28 am
The one little problem I have seen, and it's not much. Is the mission matching for the ISC. I was in a CSZ I believe. The one with two PPD, 8 ph-1s and 4 I-torps.  A CL class ship. I was drawing CA's and BC's. Just my thought, but to me thats just a little OTT.

Nothing can be done about this, the ED mission drafting is chaotic and some ships just get screwed.

Anyone remember on GW4 how much easier the AI draw was for the F-CB over the F-CLC and the CB is 20 BPV higher?
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 17, 2005, 11:35:40 am
I-CVLS only is equiped with 1 fighter, you can't buy the full complement of 6

also I-PFT pfs don't appear in mission

I can't replicate the first issue, the second has been fixed with the next rev.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 17, 2005, 11:36:28 am
unless u have done it b4, this would be a good test case. Remove the 15 bpv adjustment and see if the AI draws get easier.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-DieHard on January 17, 2005, 12:01:00 pm
unless u have done it b4, this would be a good test case. Remove the 15 bpv adjustment and see if the AI draws get easier.

Done, for next rev, I saw this post 10 minutes too late  ;D
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Soreyes on January 17, 2005, 03:32:25 pm
It has 6 Ph1's. Not 8. And it shouldnt be drawing many BC's. It does have a 15 BPV adjustment. Maybe that's why it draws larger AI.

I need to know the frequency. How many missions have BC's?

Did some more testing this morning. Found that I was drawing a BC about 40% of the time. CAs about 40% and  CLs about 20% of the time.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KDS-KYTARH on January 17, 2005, 07:48:42 pm
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC on January 17, 2005, 08:21:34 pm
I did some testing in single player, I bought a F-CVA and discovered it would let me buy both fighters and PFs for it. In game, my fighterbay shows both fighters and PFs, I can launch them all, but the PF disappears. The PF remains showing as active on the shuttle screen, but is no where to be found in game, nor can it be recovered.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 17, 2005, 08:24:04 pm
It does that.
You can also buy "single" fighters for PF tenders.
Works in shipyards, not so well in mission.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 17, 2005, 09:49:05 pm
I did some testing in single player, I bought a F-CVA and discovered it would let me buy both fighters and PFs for it. In game, my fighterbay shows both fighters and PFs, I can launch them all, but the PF disappears. The PF remains showing as active on the shuttle screen, but is no where to be found in game, nor can it be recovered.

A general statement to all:

Thats because the CVA doesnt carry PF's. You can launch them, but they wont appear in the game. Period.

Same with PF races. If you try and equip a Tender with ftrs, you will be limited to 1 ftr, just as you can only carry 1 PF, and it may not even show in mission.

Bottom line is that if its a carrier, u need to use ftrs and a PF tender must use PF's.

If you don't, then u may launch an illegal loadout and find it may not appear. ;)

One other thing to remember is that in supply dock, there is one clickable button for BOTH ftes and PF's. So you will see them ALL listed. Choose what you are supposed to cary ONLY.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Age on January 18, 2005, 02:07:49 pm
*** An yet ANOTHER SGO Beta Update ***
« on: Today at 11:47:56 AM »   

Fixed the ISC PF Tenders and other p00p.

Do we need to download this if we aren't play ISC or will we get a bad CRC check and where do we unzip it to .assetts.specs/fighterlist?Thanks
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: KAT J'inn on January 18, 2005, 02:09:55 pm
*** An yet ANOTHER SGO Beta Update ***
« on: Today at 11:47:56 AM »   

Fixed the ISC PF Tenders and other p00p.

Do we need to download this if we aren't play ISC or will we get a bad CRC check and where do we unzip it to .assetts.specs/fighterlist?Thanks

Yes you need to download it.

If it is a new shiplist and fighter list (I think it is)  you need to put them in the specs file.

Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dfly on January 18, 2005, 07:51:56 pm
I did some testing in single player, I bought a F-CVA and discovered it would let me buy both fighters and PFs for it. In game, my fighterbay shows both fighters and PFs, I can launch them all, but the PF disappears. The PF remains showing as active on the shuttle screen, but is no where to be found in game, nor can it be recovered.

A general statement to all:

Thats because the CVA doesnt carry PF's. You can launch them, but they wont appear in the game. Period.

Same with PF races. If you try and equip a Tender with ftrs, you will be limited to 1 ftr, just as you can only carry 1 PF, and it may not even show in mission.

Bottom line is that if its a carrier, u need to use ftrs and a PF tender must use PF's.

If you don't, then u may launch an illegal loadout and find it may not appear. ;)

One other thing to remember is that in supply dock, there is one clickable button for BOTH ftes and PF's. So you will see them ALL listed. Choose what you are supposed to cary ONLY.

Well, it is Tueday near 8 pm est.  I have tried the GORN carriers.  They show up as having fighters like they should.  I forgot to take better ones on the first mission and had 8 crappy fighters, but I did have them.  I lost a set of 4, so next round into the spacedocks for repairs and new fighters.  The fighters did not appear in the list of availability for replacements, but only the PF listing.  As soon as I clicked on the PF listing, it gave me this Description:'  Ship Not Found".  Then it went on to remove all my fighters from my ship.  I tried a mission, and no fighters.  Returned to base, got a PF carrier type, went to load up on PF but got message:"Ship Not Found".    I had thought that perhaps it was because I did not have proper files loaded, but then again the game would not have let me play, or told me I was using possilble cheat files, which it did not. 

Hope you guys can fix this.   BTW great map and game so far.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 18, 2005, 08:48:04 pm
My CVD got molested tonight(2278) by a Fed CVS+ (which I killed easily) and 2x L-DDXF (which I did not)

I mean c'mon DH. If yer gonna use Xships for your race's AI help at least use your own..  :P
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 19, 2005, 01:19:13 am

Well, it is Tueday near 8 pm est.  I have tried the GORN carriers.  They show up as having fighters like they should.  I forgot to take better ones on the first mission and had 8 crappy fighters, but I did have them.  I lost a set of 4, so next round into the spacedocks for repairs and new fighters.  The fighters did not appear in the list of availability for replacements, but only the PF listing.  As soon as I clicked on the PF listing, it gave me this Description:'  Ship Not Found".  Then it went on to remove all my fighters from my ship.  I tried a mission, and no fighters.  Returned to base, got a PF carrier type, went to load up on PF but got message:"Ship Not Found".    I had thought that perhaps it was because I did not have proper files loaded, but then again the game would not have let me play, or told me I was using possilble cheat files, which it did not. 

Ahh sh*t. I really need to know the SHIP designation you were using.

Gorn Moderators, make sure you look into this b4 we launch this weekend.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 19, 2005, 07:16:31 am

Well, it is Tueday near 8 pm est.  I have tried the GORN carriers.  They show up as having fighters like they should.  I forgot to take better ones on the first mission and had 8 crappy fighters, but I did have them.  I lost a set of 4, so next round into the spacedocks for repairs and new fighters.  The fighters did not appear in the list of availability for replacements, but only the PF listing.  As soon as I clicked on the PF listing, it gave me this Description:'  Ship Not Found".  Then it went on to remove all my fighters from my ship.  I tried a mission, and no fighters.  Returned to base, got a PF carrier type, went to load up on PF but got message:"Ship Not Found".    I had thought that perhaps it was because I did not have proper files loaded, but then again the game would not have let me play, or told me I was using possilble cheat files, which it did not. 

Ahh sh*t. I really need to know the SHIP designation you were using.

Gorn Moderators, make sure you look into this b4 we launch this weekend.

Bonk thinks... hmmm we have FireSoul's model checker... why not Bonk's PF and fighter donation checker!? (adds to list...)
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dfly on January 19, 2005, 05:47:08 pm
I have seen the Fighters part is fixed for the Gorns and I believe a thanks to DLBR or some such person who was working on the system last night is in order.  Sorry if I forget your actual name or did it incorrectly.  Unfortunately last night I tried a DNDF which has mechlinks for 2 PF, but the PF slot still told me "ShipNotFound".  I dont know if he has had time to try that out or not, hope to find out later tonight.
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Hexx on January 19, 2005, 05:51:32 pm
I have seen the Fighters part is fixed for the Gorns and I believe a thanks to DLBR or some such person who was working on the system last night is in order.  Sorry if I forget your actual name or did it incorrectly.  Unfortunately last night I tried a DNDF which has mechlinks for 2 PF, but the PF slot still told me "ShipNotFound".  I dont know if he has had time to try that out or not, hope to find out later tonight.

Actually just looked at the shiplist.
DNDF has FYA of 9, Gorns dont get INT's until 19 (I think)
Simple FYA fix
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Bonk on January 19, 2005, 10:55:28 pm
Test moved to D.net to get ready to go live...

Installer updated:  http://fire.prohosting.com/astinky/SGO4/SGO4.exe or http://members.lycos.co.uk/astinky/SGO4/

Webmap up: http://www.dynaverse.net/webmap_op/
Title: Re: SG4 Test Server is up. Please Ck here for feedback and updates...
Post by: Dizzy on January 20, 2005, 01:55:10 am
OOOHHH! Webmap! Yummy! Tanka Bonk. ;)
Title: Re: SG4 Old feedback thread, please unsticky, there is a new one. Thanks.
Post by: Bonk on January 20, 2005, 11:23:48 am