
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Sochin on November 12, 2004, 03:51:27 am

Title: Noob Problem
Post by: Sochin on November 12, 2004, 03:51:27 am
I have a problem, I suck at OP (decent at SFC3) any good tips out there to stop me becoming owned.
Title: Re: Noob Problem
Post by: likkerpig on November 12, 2004, 04:08:39 am
Well, if you wanna play Fed, some of the FPF folks can help you.
Klingon? KBF members, or if you want to be uber: Dizzy! :D
Romulan? They don't exist. (Corbomite? I dunno?)
Gorn? Kroma, but you have to be his cabin boy for your internship... cleaning the tutu is a task very few have survived.
ISC? What the hell are they? (Corbomite again?)
Mirak? Well, there is the KAT and KOTH fleets, but they are a bunch of wankers.
Hydran? DeadmanSix or Bearslayer. But they smell bad. Really, really bad.
Lyran? Yer pretty much stuck with me and Hexx. Either way you are screwed.

Ya, my little diatribe didn't help much, but I'm drunk. Plus I was bored trying to mate my Kroma doll with my Hexx doll...
Title: Re: Noob Problem
Post by: Sochin on November 12, 2004, 04:10:30 am
Going fed in GW4, and as for my internship Ol'Buzzaard is my master.
Title: Re: Noob Problem
Post by: likkerpig on November 12, 2004, 04:17:28 am
Going fed in GW4, and as for my internship Ol'Buzzaard is my master.

Ahh then you want to get into the fred forums:
make an account, go to memberlist and request access to the GW Alliance forums. There is a bunch of fed forums there too, you can request access to them as well. What they all do or if anyone posts in them... I dunno.
Damn dirty feds.
Title: Re: Noob Problem
Post by: C-Los on November 12, 2004, 06:44:24 am
You can also find DH on GS training people....

If your going to play GW4, anyone on at the same time will be glad to wing with you in missions too !!

C-Ya  out there...