
Off Topic => Holodeck => Topic started by: Don Karnage on November 10, 2004, 08:08:54 am

Title: enterprise
Post by: Don Karnage on November 10, 2004, 08:08:54 am
who hoo m the first to post here :)

well i can't wait for the next enterprise episode, the doctor is stupid thinking that the will obey him, after all he's only human :).
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC on November 10, 2004, 08:35:03 am
Enterprise? Is this some kind of TV show??
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Lieutenant_Q on November 10, 2004, 10:21:26 am
I think that Persis is going to kill Malik defending 'father'.  Soong is bound to be pissed after Malik killed the little one, no excuse this time, he can't lie and say that there was a fight.  The real qustion is what is going to happen to Soong.  I'll lay odds he'll live, but Malik is too wild to make anything certain.
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Don Karnage on November 10, 2004, 07:36:47 pm
since its the encestor of doctor soon who build data, i was wondering if he have real children since he's kinda the great grand father of data?
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: MrCue on November 10, 2004, 07:39:50 pm
Wasnt Soong (datas father)'s wife an android, and she didnt know it, so maybe soon would have built an android of himself incase he died which could then have built his wife.

Or maybe they were all androids all along, machine building machine.....
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Don Karnage on November 11, 2004, 07:54:34 am
but the dortor soon from enterprise is the same that build data or someone from is familly or what?,  the hybrid klingon seem cool, that will explain the episode of ds9/tos when the see the tos klingon and worf was not happy whit that because of something the klingon have done in the past?
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Nemesis on November 11, 2004, 07:35:43 pm
worf was not happy whit that because of something the klingon have done in the past?

Assume Worf is a pure blood Klingon with no augmented human in him.  If the Klingon Empire had been taken over and ruled by "half-breeds" would he willingly admit that to anyone - especially humans?  If Bashir was there (I don't recall) it would be even worse because I believe that Bashir himself was augmented. 

Note: I saw little DS9 and can't cite the origin of the information on Bashir being augmented.  It might have been a novel and therefore non canon.
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: E_Look on November 11, 2004, 08:30:27 pm
No, it was a real episode; I watched it.  I just don't remember the season or title.  I recall O'Brien being offended that Bashir faked being worse than him at darts!
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Grand Master of Shadows NCC37385 on November 12, 2004, 07:22:07 am
It was one of the later episodes, during the Dominion War.
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Lieutenant_Q on November 12, 2004, 12:17:06 pm
The episode was the one where Dr. Zimmerman went to DS9 to use Dr. Bashir as the model for the new LMH.  For whatever reason Bashir's parents showed up and spilled the beans to the Hologram, with Zimmerman and O'Brien in earshot in the other room.  I also believe that it was before the outbreak of the Dominion war, Federation civilians would have a hard time going to the foreward BattleStation in a war zone.
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Nemesis on February 18, 2005, 07:52:31 pm
NOTE this is a spoiler for tongihts episode.

A DOH! moment  :) 

I was attempting to rely to my own message and accidently hit the delete button.  Fortunately I had it open in another tab so the original was still available to quote.

I think that the embryos will be taken by the Klingons.  When they are grown they will mate with the Klingons and attempt to seize control.  This will result in hybrid human/Klingons fighting a civil war (depleting the resources as per TOS) leaving the TNG/Enterprise Klingons as an inferiour worker underclass.  By the time they meet Kirk the Hybrids are in control and desperate for resources (add a hereditary grudge with Earth) which is why they choose to expand towards Earth.

Possibly the Empire was split and the side away from the Federation is TNG/Enterprise style Klingons.  Ultimately due to lack of resources (and the Organians preventing the attack on the Federation)  the non hybrid Klingons are able to take control of the whole Empire (by TMP).  Whether the TOS style Klingons (hybrids) still exist in the TNG era is open to question.

Just a guess of course.  This could be the way to clear up the two types of Klingon problem.

Tonights episode has augmented Klingons looking like the TOS type created using genetic material recovered from the wreckage of the ship hijacked by the augments.  More intelligent and stronger than the TNG types present.
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: Ravok on February 18, 2005, 08:52:05 pm
 No wonder they would never discuss it. They have part Human DNA.
Title: Re: enterprise
Post by: toasty0 on February 21, 2005, 10:27:04 am
Enterprise? Is this some kind of TV show??
See what happens when you DON'T use global variable for some things.  :P