Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: WarSears on September 16, 2004, 10:18:33 pm
>:( :'( :-*
Friggin' classic!
Purse doesn't really go with the outfit big guy...
Well...at least he's carrying condoms.... ;D
Purse doesn't really go with the outfit big guy...
Hexx and family going after some poor Fed...
Hexx must be the short one in the picture warsears.
KBF Trajan
War Sears as a member of House Dizaroma
Nice Uniform....... ;D
Chuut-Ritt every day :P
Warsears without his makeup
Warsears without his makeup
**snip Kirk pic**
Oh, man. Now that's COLD!
-S'Cipio the shocked
Warsears without his makeup
:o :o :o :o :o :rofl: :rofl:
Warsears without his makeup
Chuut-Ritt every day :P
:o :o :o :o :lol:
Hexx must be the short one in the picture warsears.
KBF Trajan
the red bikini?
Ok Leroy, you asked for it....
Leroy in uniform
Ok Leroy, you asked for it....
Leroy in uniform
Good karma for that one!
Put him in a gimp suit and ya get another!
I thought the cold front wasn't due in for a few more days !!!
;D ;D ;D
Ok Leroy, you asked for it....
Leroy in uniform
Good karma for that one!
Put him in a gimp suit and ya get another!
Pffffft! Will Wheatin's a whimp :P And Likkerpig can take his gimp suits and *&%$#@!&^$*! ;) ;D
Pffffft! Will Wheatin's a whimp :P And Likkerpig can take his gimp suits and *&%$#@!&^$*! ;) ;D
Didn't quite catch the last part... Likkerpig can take his gimp suits and dress you up like sporty spice? (my recent clients have a spice girls thing going on).
Say after me:
All I want
All I really really want
carry on from there, if you can fit in some "likkerpig's boy-toys-r-us" that would be cool!
Hang tough there peaches, once them storms are over you can get back on the clock.
Pffffft! Will Wheatin's a whimp :P And Likkerpig can take his gimp suits and *&%$#@!&^$*! ;) ;D
Didn't quite catch the last part... Likkerpig can take his gimp suits and dress you up like sporty spice? (my recent clients have a spice girls thing going on).
Say after me:
All I want
All I really really want
carry on from there, if you can fit in some "likkerpig's boy-toys-r-us" that would be cool!
Hang tough there peaches, once them storms are over you can get back on the clock.
Oh, I'd looooooove to clarify that last statement fer ya there, Piggy, but I don't wanna git censored ;D :brickwall:
Oh, I'd looooooove to clarify that last statement fer ya there, Piggy, but I don't wanna git censored ;D :brickwall:
Ahh, let loose there buttercup!
Not as if you are going to show a female Aeriela.
Maybe you can call me a kike, or a towel head? Both seem to pass the censorship filter. Both are true in my ancestry... but it is cool, demeaning me for my ancestors is fair game.
Just kidding, and making a point as well.
Another note, LeRoy never said any of these things to me. I stated them to draw attention to the variable morals of some of the posters here.
Chuut and Hoochiechimps love child. ;D :P
Soryeyes after playing all night. :P
Chuut and Hoochiechimps love child. ;D :P
EGAD!!! :o
Chuut and Hoochiechimps love child. ;D :P
EGAD!!! :o
You sure that is Chutt and Hooch? Looks like there is some Kroma in there also
Now I have to go get that image out of my head.
Chuut and Hoochiechimps love child. ;D :P
EGAD!!! :o
You sure that is Chutt and Hooch? Looks like there is some Kroma in there also
Now I have to go get that image out of my head.
I was thinking Hoochimp and Doggy.
Warsears and Hooch's love child
Leroy we found your parents....... ;D
Chuut and his new lover likkerpig :P
Chuut takin' a bath :P
On a moon in the Neutral Zone Leroy finds evidence that the Kzin had been there...
His curiousity got the best of him, and he decided to sample it, not realizing how powerful it really was.....
As you can see he didn't handle it well.....
What sears was overheard saying to his wife when confronted about his Kirk fetish.
Of course since he was wearing this shirt at the time, he had no chance at denial
You all waana tell me how I got mixed up in this? I have been busy getting a server together.
Don't make me wade into this.
Chuut ready for his date with likkerpig :P
On a moon in the Neutral Zone Leroy finds evidence that the Kzin had been there...
His curiousity got the best of him, and he decided to sample it, not realizing how powerful it really was.....
As you can see he didn't handle it well.....
Then I happened to stumble by where Chuut lives...
You all waana tell me how I got mixed up in this? I have been busy getting a server together.
Don't make me wade into this.
WarSears chaseing Hooch out of this therad
War Sears as a Klingon Shipwright
Chuut as likkerpigs Orion slave girl
Say after me:
All I want
All I really really want
ARRRGH!!! Pig you bastich!! Get that song out of my head. OUT OUT OUT!!!
BTW: Scary Spice is hot.
ARRRGH!!! Pig you bastich!! Get that song out of my head. OUT OUT OUT!!!
BTW: Scary Spice is hot.
Think that's scary on the left. Time hasn't been kind.....
Sears (aka Col. Klink) on Regis's gameshow.
I think he's confused and needs to call a friend...... ;D
Sears (aka Col. Klink) on Regis's gameshow.
I think he's confused and needs to call a friend...... ;D
Sears (aka Col. Klink) on Regis's gameshow.
I think he's confused and needs to call a friend...... ;D
Sears (aka Col. Klink) on Regis's gameshow.
I think he's confused and needs to call a friend...... ;D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Chuut ready for yet another date with likkerpig :P
Well Warsears,
Hey I get it!
When chuut isn't wearing a vest.... I'm in for some lovin'!
Thanks WS, that mirak is a flighty b****, never recognized the signs!
more proof that Hoochiechimp and Chuut have kids together
more proof that Hoochiechimp and Chuut have kids together
WarSears takes a look at his new home self entertainment center.
WarSears takes a look at his new home self entertainment center.
I didn't know Sears was a member of KISS.
Chuut I see likkerpig has you doing porn now :P
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
It seems that someone else has ventured into the area of adult entertainment as well.
Nice thong......;D
Hoi Chuut,
That is just wrong.
Take care...not to post images *yuck* *uugh* like the one you just posted.
PS Funny, but wrong
Chuut will you and Hoochiechimp get a room already. :P
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
It seems that someone else has ventured into the area of adult entertainment as well.
Nice thong......;D
CENSOR!!! CENSOR!!! CENSOR!!! :o :o :o :rollingpin: :brickwall: :rules: :ban: :spam:
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
It seems that someone else has ventured into the area of adult entertainment as well.
Nice thong......;D
CENSOR!!! CENSOR!!! CENSOR!!! :o :o :o :rollingpin: :brickwall: :rules: :ban: :spam:
Yeah, I would like to reverse my stance on the whole censorship issue. I stand correcct, some speech should be restricted. :P ;D :D ;)
Photo Shop . . . . The end of humanity as we know it.
Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
It seems that someone else has ventured into the area of adult entertainment as well.
Nice thong......;D
CENSOR!!! CENSOR!!! CENSOR!!! :o :o :o :rollingpin: :brickwall: :rules: :ban: :spam:
Yeah, I would like to reverse my stance on the whole censorship issue. I stand correcct, some speech should be restricted. :P ;D :D ;)
What's really scarry is that it looks like somebody had to actually photoshop the thong on the guy <shudders>
What's really scarry is that it looks like somebody had to actually photoshop the thong on the guy <shudders>
LOL...I noticed that too, guess Sears is modest.
What's really scarry is that it looks like somebody had to actually photoshop the thong on the guy <shudders>
LOL...I noticed that too, guess Sears is modest.
Wouldn't say that, you didn't have to see the reverse angle on that T-back..... :o
Chuut I tried to tell you to stay away from likkerping and crack now look at you.
Chuut I tried to tell you to stay away from likkerping and crack now look at you.
EEEEK!!! Now that does look like an alien lifeform :o
Chuut I tried to tell you to stay away from likkerping and crack now look at you.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol:
Good Pic WarSears ;D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Warsears has alot of explaining to do when his wife finds an Inflatable Klingon Girl under the bed....
I thought Klingons preferred leather but Sears seems to like plastic as well..... ;D
Wow been awhile since I've seen anyone have the balls to challenge Chuut to a "da funny" duel. Not half bad Sears not half bad at all.
Would someone lift Junior out of theis thread......
Thank you..... ;D
This whole thread is well.....unfortunate.
Quite funny though.
Did she say you were going to get fixed Chuut? :P
Wow been awhile since I've seen anyone have the balls to challenge Chuut to a "da funny" duel. Not half bad Sears not half bad at all.
Thanks Maverick its been a lot of fun. ;D
Yeah, Sears hasn't had this much fun since his old comedy troop broke up.....
We all know Sears is the "Funny Klingon", just ask google....... ;D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :woot:
Warsears has alot of explaining to do when his wife finds an Inflatable Klingon Girl under the bed....
I thought Klingons preferred leather but Sears seems to like plastic as well..... ;D
Betterr than your plastic doll you are hiding under your bed. :P
Yeah, Sears hasn't had this much fun since his old comedy troop broke up.....
We all know Sears is the "Funny Klingon", just ask google....... ;D
Well At least Im the good looking one ;D
You got a dirty mind Sears, that was merely my Hooch voodoo doll. But then again I guess a Detroit Lions fan would assume it was something else......
You got a dirty mind Sears, that was merely my Hooch voodoo doll. But then again I guess a Detroit Lions fan would assume it was something else......
One more post and I can do the Karma thing. So I will use this one to tell Chuut good one you bastard :P
I knew you were a ugly Kat Chuut but dam. :P