
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on August 27, 2004, 08:16:13 pm

Title: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on August 27, 2004, 08:16:13 pm
b/c if we are not, what exactly is the use of hosting a slaughter in the making?

Friday night & we have 5 alliance to 13 coalition.

So if you guys don't want to play, tell us so we can save J'inn & DH the trouble.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 27, 2004, 09:02:45 pm
Waaaahhhh, waaaahhhhh.

I had a look at once stage and it was me (just looking) and Vs 3 Feds and a Kzin. Talk about the Coalition being outnumbered,
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Holocat on August 27, 2004, 09:05:40 pm
all the times i've been on with more than five people puttering on the map it's usually been the red plague, hee hee.

It's pretty fun, once you get past the fact we're getting our asses handed to us.

In war, loss is always bitter.  Then again, this is just a simulation of a war that doesen't exist with weapons of improbable design and dubious manufacture.  Let's try not to take it too seriously and just do what must be done, this being doing the best we can with what we have.

Hasn't been a good red plague in ages anyway.  Kinda neat to see.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FireSoul on August 27, 2004, 09:07:55 pm
yep. yep.

But I made a commitment to stick to coalition all the way to the end of the server, sorry.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Strat on August 27, 2004, 09:12:04 pm
I dunno, I've always preferred a challenge towards a goal that CAN be accomplished through hard work and skill.

But this is only for those who like spending time playing SFC just to kill time. Kill time with hard work and skill since nubers have clearley set the game.

To me the former is more productive than the latter.   

I still play, still have fun. I have yet to have seen an 'even' D2 game, probably since I haven't played it much. So this is my only gripe about one aspect of the game.

Not a huge enough gripe to cause me to lose joy in it.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Corbomite on August 27, 2004, 09:12:44 pm
I'll be on I need to eat dinner.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 09:15:15 pm
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Strat on August 27, 2004, 09:15:40 pm
You know, I think its also becuase some people just like to play klingon becuase it such an easy race to master as compaired to Feds or Kzin.  ;)

 :o  Or have I just stuck my foot in my mouth? :smackhead:

 :P Strat
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on August 27, 2004, 09:16:54 pm
Well, Firesoul,

Someone better switch or these last servers are gonna be useless.


I am gonna be polite.

If you actually were out-numbered it was probably b/c the server had just gone back up.

Until about 2130 this evening, it was 4-6 alliance against 12-15 coalition.

Last night, prime time 2100 EST, there was all of TWO alliance pilots on for over an hour. 

So spare me the blue plague routine.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Strat on August 27, 2004, 09:18:16 pm
Hey, I think we're actually making them work a little hard for the win!

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Holocat on August 27, 2004, 09:22:07 pm
Well, Firesoul,

Someone better switch or these last servers are gonna be useless.


I am gonna be polite.

If you actually were out-numbered it was probably b/c the server had just gone back up.

Until about 2130 this evening, it was 4-6 alliance against 12-15 coalition.

Last night, prime time 2100 EST, there was all of TWO alliance pilots on for over an hour. 

So spare me the blue plague routine.

I was one of the really late nighters on yesterday.  Practically morning at that point.  Only four to five of us at that point, a fed, a mirak and a couple klinks, though it would drop to one at some points.  The feds or kzin might rise to two for a bit or so at times as well.  Not like four people are going to paint the map anything in any reasonable amount of time, hee hee.

That reminds me.  Lizard Hunter, the Hunted Lizard told me to tell you to <BEEP> off.

It's colourful language, hence the colour.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 09:22:59 pm
Hey, I think we're actually making them work a little hard for the win!


I wouldn't argue against that. I think you guys' performance has been impressive at times.  Additionally, there still a good 7 days left....that's right, we're all of half way through.  :D

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Reyam on August 27, 2004, 09:25:55 pm
Well, Is lop sidedness a issue. No so True in some respects. Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided.  I've seen and witnessed those who are not Loyal. It is always an honor to play win or lose to one who is true.  Also I have found some of the posts about battle and Glory  to be enjoyable. Its all the way you want to see it. Although If I had my way, I'd just hunt down the Traitors and the Renegades and Kill them again and again.  ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Hexx on August 27, 2004, 10:14:19 pm
Hmm fly Fed eh?

Pro's - Get lotsa PvP

Con's - Lose lots at PvP, go on TS to hear DH screaming at me,ships don't turn, ships still don't have any ESG's, never in a zillion years get my hands on a SCS or CVA (well actually that goes for either side), just bought a FDW

Are there actually any decent Fed ships aside from the CLC that have a turn of <shudder> 3 ? (Two would be ncie but I know I'm dreaming)
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 27, 2004, 10:17:56 pm

Are there actually any decent Fed ships aside from the CLC that have a turn of <shudder> 3 ? (Two would be ncie but I know I'm dreaming)

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 10:39:52 pm

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 27, 2004, 10:43:44 pm
Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided.  

I could not disagree more.  I believe that those who fly multiple races get a better view of the balances and imbalances within the game.  A pilot who masters one race is to be respected, one who masters more than one is to be honored.  Those who can't get beyond the Coalition/Alliance dogma are missing 1/2 of the fun of the game and taking the risk of condemning themselves to closeminded opinions.  Nothing wrong with having a favored race which you play most often, but never to venture out of it and test the meddle of you fleetmates from the opposite side of a war seems quite limiting to me.  Those who are willing to do it all have my utmost respect.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 10:45:52 pm

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 27, 2004, 10:47:04 pm

That reminds me.  Lizard Hunter, the Hunted Lizard told me to tell you to <BEEP> off.

It's colourful language, hence the colour.

Well the Lizard Hunter replies *BURP*  might have to get me more gator on a stick tonight....... ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 10:49:15 pm
Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided. 

I could not disagree more.  I believe that those who fly multiple races get a better view of the balances and imbalances within the game.  A pilot who masters one race is to be respected, one who masters more than one is to be honored.  Those who can't get beyond the Coalition/Alliance dogma are missing 1/2 of the fun of the game and taking the risk of condemning themselves to closeminded opinions.  Nothing wrong with having a favored race which you play most often, but never to venture out of it and test the meddle of you fleetmates from the opposite side of a war seems quite limiting to me.  Those who are willing to do it all have my utmost respect.

I agree with ya, Chuut...I always enjoy flying Klingon the best, but it keeps the game fun when you move around a little bit..broaden your horizons, etc.  It's educational, too.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 27, 2004, 10:50:12 pm
ROFL...so what exactly was it I said that bought me some bad karma?  Gosh..I was just trying to be light-hearted here...heheh.

did the person who gave me BAD karma bother to notice I sent a Fred player the tools to get on GW3?  For free?  Out of my own pocket?  I spent 45 minutes at the post office to get it in the mail, eh?  :)

Got no idea who did it Doggy, but I wouldn't let it bother me.  Actually I enjoy getting bad karma from certain people, it lets me know I pissed them off, and certain people I really enjoy pissing off as they deserve it...... ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 27, 2004, 10:53:12 pm
Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided. 

I could not disagree more.  I believe that those who fly multiple races get a better view of the balances and imbalances within the game.  A pilot who masters one race is to be respected, one who masters more than one is to be honored.  Those who can't get beyond the Coalition/Alliance dogma are missing 1/2 of the fun of the game and taking the risk of condemning themselves to closeminded opinions.  Nothing wrong with having a favored race which you play most often, but never to venture out of it and test the meddle of you fleetmates from the opposite side of a war seems quite limiting to me.  Those who are willing to do it all have my utmost respect.

I agree with ya, Chuut...I always enjoy flying Klingon the best, but it keeps the game fun when you move around a little bit..broaden your horizons, etc.  It's educational, too.

WORD Doggy!!!!

Why I might ask the KATs/ KOTHs to fly Kzin sometimes but never insist on it if they wanna try something else for a change, I know I'll have some very fun fights if they do.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 10:53:47 pm
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 11:12:50 pm
Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided. 

I could not disagree more.  I believe that those who fly multiple races get a better view of the balances and imbalances within the game.  A pilot who masters one race is to be respected, one who masters more than one is to be honored.  Those who can't get beyond the Coalition/Alliance dogma are missing 1/2 of the fun of the game and taking the risk of condemning themselves to closeminded opinions.  Nothing wrong with having a favored race which you play most often, but never to venture out of it and test the meddle of you fleetmates from the opposite side of a war seems quite limiting to me.  Those who are willing to do it all have my utmost respect.

I agree with ya, Chuut...I always enjoy flying Klingon the best, but it keeps the game fun when you move around a little bit..broaden your horizons, etc.  It's educational, too.

WORD Doggy!!!!

Why I might ask the KATs/ KOTHs to fly Kzin sometimes but never insist on it if they wanna try something else for a change, I know I'll have some very fun fights if they do.

I have a great deal of loyalty to my fellow Klingon players.  It's always hard to not be with them, especially when they might need the help.  It's tougher lately for me to step out of my Klingon role since I've sort of stepped back into some measure of leadership (as head of the KBF).  Every time I've flown another race in the past, it's been fun, though.  I look forward to being able to do it again sometime.

That said, I think it's also good for the game if there's the core rivalry of the Freds and the Klingons.  As long as it doesn't get nasty/serious, it can make the game fun.

I enjoy the challenges posed by various campaigns .  I guess even when my race/side is getting it's arse handed to it, I still choose to log in an play because I'm still having fun.  If it's not fun, one always has the option to cease the not-so-fun actvity.   SS2 was in the bag for the Coalition for about three weeks...but many kept logging in and fighting it out.   

Then there was the Four Powers War, I think it was...excruciating and brutal for the Klingon/Lyran team....just horrid...but somehow still fun...heheh.

I like to win as much as anyone, but it's not everything.  I think it gets to be too important for some, though..and then tempers start flaring and buzzkills ensue.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 11:22:27 pm
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 27, 2004, 11:27:05 pm
You know, I think its also becuase some people just like to play klingon becuase it such an easy race to master as compaired to Feds or Kzin.  ;)

 :o  Or have I just stuck my foot in my mouth? :smackhead:

 :P Strat

Nothing wrong with being of that opinion.  Frankly, I think Klingon is is just as hard to master as any other race.  I'm not sure I've seen you fly Klingon much.  Have you?  In not, you'll have to try it sometime and tell me how easy it is...  ;)

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 27, 2004, 11:51:53 pm
THis is the last lop-sided server I am going to have anything to do with.  Playing, admining, whatever. 
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: likkerpig on August 27, 2004, 11:58:33 pm
Who offered to set me up on EVE, was it AJTK?
Looking better and better.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Ronin on August 28, 2004, 12:19:07 am
b/c if we are not, what exactly is the use of hosting a slaughter in the making?

Friday night & we have 5 alliance to 13 coalition.

So if you guys don't want to play, tell us so we can save J'inn & DH the trouble.


first off, allow me to say that I understand your pain. It is a painful and frustrating experience to log in and see overwhelming numerical superiority for the enemy. Acknowledged.

Now allow me to move past that with some thoughts.

I don't believe any of us in the SFC gaming community can get hung up on winning or losing as a determinant of whether we will continue our participation. I believe that when we look, as individuals, at why we are here we will find that it is a love of the game, pure and simple, that keeps us playing.

Does it suck to feel that there is no chance for victory? Sure. We can all agree on that. But I have a thought on that too. (Of course. lol) Some of the best games I have ever played were the games where I went into it thinking the odds were against me.

Squad Leader... Midway... 1941... some of the old SFB missions... various Napoleonics scenarios... the John Tiller Civil War series of play by email games as a Confederate (I am a Captain in the American Civil War Gaming Club)... and countless other of the uncountable games I have played in my 25+ years of competetive wargaming are all remembered by me not because I won, but because I did better than expected against seemingly insurmountable odds. For me the game is not about winning. It is about gaining the respect of my adversary. It is about having them say, "Damn... thank God I am Union Army and had ten times the ammunition or you would have wiped me out..." or "Jesus... you did 97 internals to my CL in your hex-flipper when I thought I was going to come out without a scratch..." or "this scenario calls for holding your reserves until turn 29, and you STILL managed to take that hill and wipe out my artillery!" (Try taking the hill at Gettysburg against the Union artillery... then holding it until day three of the battle of Gettysburg when your reserves are exhausted and your reinforcements are paltry... got a commendation for that.) THAT is what I play for, sir.

Now I say again, I understand. But I respectfully suggest that we, no matter which side we are on, because the advantage changes from server to server, work in this spirit instead of being concerned with winning or losing... or even with having a chance. There is glory in fighting to the end in a battle you can not win. There is honor amongst your corp... there is respect from your enemy... and those are worth battling on for.

Take heart, brave sir. And do not be demoralized at this turn of events. The battle is not over and we still have time to make our presence felt. But even if we are wiped out completely we have the chance to show our mettle to those we call friends here in this community. And that is worth fighting on for.

With respect...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Ronin on August 28, 2004, 12:30:03 am
Well, Is lop sidedness a issue. No so True in some respects. Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided.  I've seen and witnessed those who are not Loyal. It is always an honor to play win or lose to one who is true.  Also I have found some of the posts about battle and Glory  to be enjoyable. Its all the way you want to see it. Although If I had my way, I'd just hunt down the Traitors and the Renegades and Kill them again and again.  ;D

Sir... I agree that someone who is loyal to their race is something to admire. No doubt about it. Having spent a great deal of time in the GFL Dyna realm as the Romulan XO I can tell you from experience that our victories were often very personal in nature and had more to do with individual battles than with winning a server.

However... I have flown all eight major races competetively in ladder play since December of 1999 and can tell you that there is something to be said for enjoying and learning about each of them. Not only will there be a great deal of enjoyment surrounding the endeavor, but you learn more about each race from the "inside" than you could possibly hope to from the "outside." I feel I have a genuine appreciation and understanding of all the races and that I can, as a result, enjoy the game more fully.

Perhaps you consider me a traitor. Here, in this community, I am a Federation Admiral. I have been a Federation Admiral for the better part of several years and have flown hundreds of player versus player battles that way. But I would have no trouble flying another race if it was apparent that they needed the help in a server. It would be my pleasure.

Respects and kind regards...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Ronin on August 28, 2004, 12:33:29 am
THis is the last lop-sided server I am going to have anything to do with.  Playing, admining, whatever. 

Respectfully suggesting another beer and a good nights rest, my friend. I think I can understand your frustration... long experience as a Romulan in the GFL guarantees that I know where you are coming from... I can only hope that you will see beyond winning and losing to what I think you and I are really here for.

Warm regards...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Ronin on August 28, 2004, 12:35:25 am
For the record... I worked until after nine Pacific time, then came here for a look and got caught up posting. lol Otherwise I would have been in the Dyna sooner. Heading there now.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: 762_XC on August 28, 2004, 12:38:50 am
SSCF, except for a few pilots, has left the game.

KHH has shown up in force the last 2 servers.

The math seems pretty simple.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 28, 2004, 12:48:36 am
THis is the last lop-sided server I am going to have anything to do with.  Playing, admining, whatever. 

Respectfully suggesting another beer and a good nights rest, my friend. I think I can understand your frustration... long experience as a Romulan in the GFL guarantees that I know where you are coming from... I can only hope that you will see beyond winning and losing to what I think you and I are really here for.

Warm regards...

Yup, I am burnt out.   Completely shot.   The 3 weeks of stress of getting this damn thing up and running combined with training, real-life and all this other stuff has got me frazzled and homicidal.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 28, 2004, 12:49:14 am
SSCF, except for a few pilots, has left the game.

KHH has shown up in force the last 2 servers.

The math seems pretty simple.

it is hard to see the obvious when your head it staying up your colon. 
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: SSCF-LeRoy on August 28, 2004, 12:51:17 am
SSCF, except for a few pilots, has left the game.

KHH has shown up in force the last 2 servers.

The math seems pretty simple.

Exactly. We have failed to take this imbalance into account. This fact needs to be considered for future servers.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 28, 2004, 03:14:46 am


I am gonna be polite.

If you actually were out-numbered it was probably b/c the server had just gone back up.

Until about 2130 this evening, it was 4-6 alliance against 12-15 coalition.

Last night, prime time 2100 EST, there was all of TWO alliance pilots on for over an hour. 

So spare me the blue plague routine.

Why don't you pull your polite head out of where ever you have it, because you might notice that I'm not even playing on that server except to try the missions and the shiplist. Go ahead and cry foul all you want but it isn't me that's ganging up on your poor excuse for a whinge.

As for your little problem with the blue plague, why is it that when the Alliance is outnumbered it's a white wash and when the Coalition is outnumbered it's because the server just rebooted. Pathetic!

You were't even interested in what time it was or what day it was that I came on. Just that it couldn't be possible that what you say is not correct all the time. Next time I drop in and see the same situation I'll send you a nice big fat screen shot just to prove it, then you can cry blue plague all you want. So go cry foul to somebody who cares, or learn to accept that what you saw is not the only way it is all the time.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 28, 2004, 03:18:19 am
Nobody wants to ratio the victory points to number of missions run per side so you are never going to get around variable player numbers, therefore the side with the greater number of player missions will nearly always win.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 28, 2004, 04:10:03 am
Maybe its unbalanced a bit but I'm having a blast.  Got one of my best kill ratios ever!  There are many ways to measure sucess and regardless of the situation one can find ways to achieve it if one sets ones goals within the situational context.  It could be VCs it could be P v P, it might be taking a base of planet when the otherside has the advantage, or perhaps reaching V'Ghinna on a deepstrike.

While I agree the best servers are balanced, fun can still be had on the others.  I remember switching to Klingon on Ragnarok due to lopsidedness and starting in a freighter.  Was a balst to try and get out of it.  Never has a pilot been so happy to purchase an F5 ;D.

Bottom line is we can discuss ways to achieve better balance in the future, but for the current server lets just enjoy what we have, something I plan on doing.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Soreyes on August 28, 2004, 04:26:33 am
Hell I'm having my head handed to me tonight..... But I'm having a blast ;D

OK Doggy Bring on that Monster your flying. I'll take you on again in my MDC....... (Looks at a 1/2 empty bottle of Glenfiddich) Hmmmm I think thats the Scotch talking ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Strat on August 28, 2004, 09:10:21 am
I've reduced to playing on hexes that are not being focused on by other live players. 

Do some damamge there, jump to another hex, do some damamge there for a little bit, then go back and try to turn a hex.  I've been on several neutral hexes to increase the size of the Kling-Fed boarder.

This way I can keep playing and doing some good instead of being killed on a hex that 10 klingons want, and not being able to touch it for 30 minutes to an hour.

I have greater chances of not getting jumped by several klings, and I get to kill a lot of AI's.

Might do better if I played for hours on end, but I don't, so I do a very little actual good this way, but I like it better than fighting 20 Klingons wanting thier hex.

Other night I did it, and I did get far, turned a few klingon hexes before I got thier attention, when I got it, just moved to a different place and started working. :D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Julin Eurthyr on August 28, 2004, 09:28:40 am
Server balance is always based on "last server's turnout", never on the current situation.

Granted, the GW series has taken on a life of it's own.  It was only designed to be a "fun" series to fill time between the main servers.  That doesn't change the core fact of the matter, though, which is this constant bickering about player numbers caused by the changes wroght between given servers.

I'd support a "sign-up" or "registration" process, about a week before server kickoff, with no strings attached, only so the Admins can be prepared to know what the teams are, and can plan the upcoming server accordingly...

Otherwise, we need to be ready to "fly blind" as to turnout each upcoming server and we'll be dancing this dance over and over...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: 762_XC on August 28, 2004, 09:43:15 am
The only solution that has ever worked is people switching sides to even things out.

<nudges the GDA players>
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FireSoul on August 28, 2004, 09:44:04 am
I'd support a "sign-up" or "registration" process, about a week before server kickoff, with no strings attached, only so the Admins can be prepared to know what the teams are, and can plan the upcoming server accordingly...

Otherwise, we need to be ready to "fly blind" as to turnout each upcoming server and we'll be dancing this dance over and over...

*nod*. agreed.

..hm.. Isn't there a tool that converts the current flatfile to a SQL DB? Perhaps we can get a current count.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FireSoul on August 28, 2004, 09:45:51 am
The only solution that has ever worked is people switching sides to even things out.

<nudges the GDA players>

What about my commitment to coalition?
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Bonk on August 28, 2004, 09:57:40 am
Nobody wants to ratio the victory points to number of missions run per side so you are never going to get around variable player numbers, therefore the side with the greater number of player missions will nearly always win.

I would love to do it. I'm just that sick!  ;D  It would be easier with SQL, but can can be done with the flatfile too... was it CW5 that posted all the mission stats from the db?  The only problem with missions analysis from the db as I have discovered is that bugged (host left) missions often still report incorrect results and there is no way to detect the bugged results from the actual ones after the fact. Before this is really feasible for vc calcs we need >90% mission stability or a mechanism in the scripts to prevent reporting results if a "host left" or some such error is encountered.

P.S. I'll go fred or kzin if necessary too... perhaps we should have a poll on current numbers?
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: The_Joker on August 28, 2004, 10:16:58 am
Personally, I'm having a great deal of fun both learning a new race and rediscovering a game which has brought me many a great night with my friends over the last 5 years.  I'm sucking at the moment, but I've noticed that enough alcohol makes me feel like I'm flying better, and besides, I'm having fun, outnumbered or not.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Lepton on August 28, 2004, 10:54:00 am


I am gonna be polite.

If you actually were out-numbered it was probably b/c the server had just gone back up.

Until about 2130 this evening, it was 4-6 alliance against 12-15 coalition.

Last night, prime time 2100 EST, there was all of TWO alliance pilots on for over an hour. 

So spare me the blue plague routine.

Why don't you pull your polite head out of where ever you have it, because you might notice that I'm not even playing on that server except to try the missions and the shiplist. Go ahead and cry foul all you want but it isn't me that's ganging up on your poor excuse for a whinge.

As for your little problem with the blue plague, why is it that when the Alliance is outnumbered it's a white wash and when the Coalition is outnumbered it's because the server just rebooted. Pathetic!

You were't even interested in what time it was or what day it was that I came on. Just that it couldn't be possible that what you say is not correct all the time. Next time I drop in and see the same situation I'll send you a nice big fat screen shot just to prove it, then you can cry blue plague all you want. So go cry foul to somebody who cares, or learn to accept that what you saw is not the only way it is all the time.


If you aren't playing on the server, then STFU and go troll elsewhere with your snide, obtuse comments.  You log on once or twice and claim there is no numbers imbalance,  STFU,
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Strat on August 28, 2004, 11:20:41 am

I joined this morning, I musta been the first Fed on.  I was only fed in a room of 15 Klingons.

Later on (~hour or so)  Like 7 more Feds and Kzin came on, but just as many klnigons came on too. lol.

Didn't stop me from causing havok too.

Did my fist PvP today, almost killed him, but DANG d2 disconnected us apparrently.  :cuss:


Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mazeppa on August 28, 2004, 11:36:17 am
If the SSCF has indeed left permanently we do have a problem.  I have been mulling over this situation for a few days, and will present a proposed solution in another thread. 

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FireSoul on August 28, 2004, 04:25:03 pm
If the SSCF has indeed left permanently we do have a problem.  I have been mulling over this situation for a few days, and will present a proposed solution in another thread. 

I am concerned too.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Bossman on August 28, 2004, 04:51:20 pm
What confuses the heck out of me is, of all the games that the SSFC could choose to leave SFC over... they choose EvE?!  There's plenty of MMORPG out in the industry that's more successfully than EvE. 
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: SSCF-LeRoy on August 28, 2004, 05:21:18 pm
Uuuuuh... ya think ya got enought anime there, Bossman? :skeptic: :screwloose: ;) ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FireSoul on August 28, 2004, 05:23:22 pm
Uuuuuh... ya think ya got enought anime there, Bossman? :skeptic: :screwloose: ;) ;D

Fumo, fumofumo fumo Fumo!
Fumo, fumofumo fumo Fumo!
Fumoffu! Fumoffu!
Fumoffu! Fumoffu!
Fumo, fumofumo fumo, Fumo.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: SSCF-LeRoy on August 28, 2004, 05:25:21 pm
Uuuuuh... ya think ya got enought anime there, Bossman? :skeptic: :screwloose: ;) ;D

Fumo, fumofumo fumo Fumo!
Fumo, fumofumo fumo Fumo!
Fumoffu! Fumoffu!
Fumoffu! Fumoffu!
Fumo, fumofumo fumo, Fumo.

? ? ? :skeptic:
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 28, 2004, 05:45:58 pm
The only solution that has ever worked is people switching sides to even things out.

<nudges the GDA players>

What about my commitment to coalition?

What about it?  There is not going to be a GW4 if the numbers don't even out.

PS:  It is good to see Cleaven showing his normal amount of class  :thumbsdown:

But the Troll is right, a system where the VC's are relative to the total missions flow would make the number's situation irrelevant.

PPS:  Last time the situation got totally f*cked on a GW server because of a bad setup the server was reset with 100% of the admins supporting that decision.  Please leave the "partisan" BS  out of this thread, I quite frankly do not care about alleged injustaices that happened 3 years ago.  You never move forward looking backward.

Mazzepa,  :thumbsup:   I take back every bad thing I have ever said about you.

PPPS:  Number of players means nothing, total number of misisons flown it the only stat that has any weight.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Grim on August 28, 2004, 06:38:41 pm
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game? as far as i've heard they are just taking a break from D2. There is chance they might come back, everyone needs a break from a game sometime, especially if they have been playing it for several years.

Also i believe some players have took a break due to d2 burnout, i could see this sort of thing happening when a regular dyna schedule was drawn up and the gaps were reduced inbetween each campaign. I dont know if a large amount of the playerbase feel this way, but perhaps some players are struggling to fit in with this schedule.

Just my observation but the flaming that happened over some previous dynas drove off some players also, i know several players who decided to take a break because of what happened previously.

These are perhaps some reasons why the numbers have gone down.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 28, 2004, 06:39:20 pm
THis is the last lop-sided server I am going to have anything to do with.  Playing, admining, whatever. 

My bad, DH.  I thought at least you guys might be proud that the series has been popular and this one seems to be running fairly smoothly. 

Thanks for what you guys have done, at any rate.  I am having fun.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 28, 2004, 06:40:52 pm
SSCF, except for a few pilots, has left the game.

KHH has shown up in force the last 2 servers.

The math seems pretty simple.

True enough.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: SSCF-LeRoy on August 28, 2004, 06:51:47 pm
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Grim on August 28, 2004, 06:58:09 pm
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 28, 2004, 07:26:52 pm
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

There is no better game.   ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Age on August 28, 2004, 07:43:03 pm
I am guessing but it could be all the politics with this game and the sever set ups.This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.There is story behind each server which he writes ad they are great.

I said I am only guessing I could be wrong.What does KHH stand for?
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 28, 2004, 08:05:23 pm


I am gonna be polite.

If you actually were out-numbered it was probably b/c the server had just gone back up.

Until about 2130 this evening, it was 4-6 alliance against 12-15 coalition.

Last night, prime time 2100 EST, there was all of TWO alliance pilots on for over an hour. 

So spare me the blue plague routine.

Why don't you pull your polite head out of where ever you have it, because you might notice that I'm not even playing on that server except to try the missions and the shiplist. Go ahead and cry foul all you want but it isn't me that's ganging up on your poor excuse for a whinge.

As for your little problem with the blue plague, why is it that when the Alliance is outnumbered it's a white wash and when the Coalition is outnumbered it's because the server just rebooted. Pathetic!

You were't even interested in what time it was or what day it was that I came on. Just that it couldn't be possible that what you say is not correct all the time. Next time I drop in and see the same situation I'll send you a nice big fat screen shot just to prove it, then you can cry blue plague all you want. So go cry foul to somebody who cares, or learn to accept that what you saw is not the only way it is all the time.


If you aren't playing on the server, then STFU and go troll elsewhere with your snide, obtuse comments.  You log on once or twice and claim there is no numbers imbalance,  STFU,

If you're to stupid to realise that I'm saying the numbers balance is always changing then go screw yourself. I've logged on about 10 times and seen 10 different sets of odds, from only Coalition players being on, to only Alliance players being on (not counting me).  No wonder you're too stupid to understand the obvious and think it is snide and obtuse. But then this wouldn't be the first time would it? Why don't you tell me about a server where the player numbers and hours played were equal? Or are you too stupid to realise that there has never been one? Perhaps you only favour the uneven, uncontrolled mob pushing matches that we have always had? If so then you may continue to screw yourself because it will suit your stupid affection for mob rule.

Of course if you could be bothered the get a total of player missions run and use that as an indication of player balance instead of using a single snapshot of player odds at any single point in time, then I might have some sympathy.   
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Green on August 28, 2004, 08:29:29 pm
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Cleaven:  I had a look at once stage and it was me (just looking) and Vs 3 Feds and a Kzin. Talk about the Coalition being outnumbered

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>

Strat:  have I just stuck my foot in my mouth?

Bearslayer:  I am gonna be polite.

Holocat: the Hunted Lizard told me to tell you to <BEEP> off

Hexx:  go on TS to hear DH screaming at me

Dogmatix:  I'm not sure I've seen you fly Klingon much.  Have you?  In not, you'll have to try it sometime and tell me how easy it is

Likker:  Who offered to set me up on EVE, was it AJTK?

DH:  it is hard to see the obvious when your head it staying up your colon

Soreyes: OK Doggy Bring on that Monster your flying. I'll take you on again in my MDC....... (Looks at a 1/2 empty bottle of Glenfiddich) Hmmmm I think thats the Scotch talking

FireSoul: What about my commitment to coalition?

The_Joker: I'm sucking at the moment, but I've noticed that enough alcohol makes me feel like I'm flying better, and besides, I'm having fun, outnumbered or not

Lepton: If you aren't playing on the server, then STFU and go troll elsewhere

FireSoul: Fumo, fumofumo fumo, Fumo

DH:  But the Troll is right

Age:  This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.
Sorry Age, almost puked when I read that one.

I know there have been some balanced D2s, but they weren?t that common.  GW has the extra challenge of time so the playing field changed as time goes by.  GW was ? 5 or 6 months ago ( ? ) ? in the interim there have been some departures and additions.  S happens.  Just a game.  A fun game, but still just a game. 

Maybe some tweaks for GW4 would be a good idea.  That doesn't mean the original idea was bad, just that it needs to adapt to the current environment.  No biggie.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Rolling on August 28, 2004, 09:21:41 pm

These are perhaps some reasons why the numbers have gone down.

<hands Grim the Golden Rolling Pin award>
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 28, 2004, 10:38:47 pm
Hell, I miss the SSCF gang as they were always fun to have on teamspeak.  The fleet was an honorable one that knew how to enjoy themselves and realize this is just a game.  You wont see me throwing any stones at them if they found something to do that they enjoy more, instead you will find me supporting them in their friendship and commraderie that has gone beyond just one game.  I really enjoyed flying with them in the past and hope to do so again in the future, and if they are not here in the present, the memory of them will be a cherished one for me, just like the SPQR, and others who have either left or are taking a break.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 28, 2004, 10:45:18 pm
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>


Green...I just withdrew most of what I said in this thread.  It was all taken the wrong way anyway..so I didn't see the point in leaving it there.  I'm just basically going to try and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time, henceforth.  It's not worth trying to reason with people or even try to be good-natured and complimetary.  You just get negative karma anyway...  :)

EVE Is looking pretty good right now...

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Green on August 28, 2004, 11:11:58 pm
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>


Green...I just withdrew most of what I said in this thread.  It was all taken the wrong way anyway..so I didn't see the point in leaving it there.  I'm just basically going to try and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time, henceforth.  It's not worth trying to reason with people or even try to be good-natured and complimetary.  You just get negative karma anyway...  :)

EVE Is looking pretty good right now...

No, don't take it the wrong way.  I jumped on, read all of the posts, and saw a couple of edited neverminds.  Been there too bro.  I just really thought it (nevermind) was a pretty good point to make.

... thus its a "best" reply (IMO).
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 29, 2004, 01:16:01 am
I am guessing but it could be all the politics with this game and the sever set ups.This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.There is story behind each server which he writes ad they are great.


That is the FUNNIEST thing I have read in year!!!  Let's bring in Watertiger to and have the fun never end!!!   :rofl:
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on August 29, 2004, 01:35:46 am

What does KHH stand for?

Klingon House of Hy'Kull
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Bonk on August 29, 2004, 01:39:07 am
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 29, 2004, 01:43:59 am
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>


Green...I just withdrew most of what I said in this thread.  It was all taken the wrong way anyway..so I didn't see the point in leaving it there.  I'm just basically going to try and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time, henceforth.  It's not worth trying to reason with people or even try to be good-natured and complimetary.  You just get negative karma anyway...  :)

EVE Is looking pretty good right now...

No, don't take it the wrong way.  I jumped on, read all of the posts, and saw a couple of edited neverminds.  Been there too bro.  I just really thought it (nevermind) was a pretty good point to make.

... thus its a "best" reply (IMO).

Oh, it's cool...I didn't take ya the wrong way.  I just wanted to give ya the reason behind the "<nevermind>."  I wasn't sure if you new I had just deleted some of my other comments.

It's all good, man.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 29, 2004, 01:46:36 am
I am guessing but it could be all the politics with this game and the sever set ups.This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.There is story behind each server which he writes ad they are great.


That is the FUNNIEST thing I have read in year!!!  Let's bring in Watertiger to and have the fun never end!!!   :rofl:

It was kinda funny. 

We've always had a problem with teams in this game.  One side either shows up more and/or has more dedication and the other tends to get swamped as as result.  Every now and the, we get the mix of dedicated players about right and we have a good campaign.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 29, 2004, 02:01:29 am
Don't forget that minor little foible of people loosing heart when outnumbered. Sometimes it's hard to have fun when the odds are against you, and that just amplifies the effect of being outnumbered. If only the D2 was designed from the start to take into account the nature of online campaigns with variable player numbers.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 29, 2004, 02:28:40 am
Well gee..there are 165 accounts on GW3...even if everyone had two accounts(which they dont)...that's still 82.5 peeps...

On an average split of 41 people per side thats still leaves the question....

Where the hell was everyone saturday morning?

Does most of the alliance live on the west coast?...is this a timezone problem?...should the rounds end later in the day??

This may sound harsh...

But I've been on the other side of this coin before...before Doggy rebuilt the KBF...I would be lucky to see 5 other klinks online ANYTIME of the day.....mostly independant...and rarely having any sort of cohesive plan of attack or leader...

I knew when I logged on...I would be hunted or simply over ran when trying to defend something....but I logged on anyways...

Dog deserves the credit for the reformation of the Klingon empire into a solid fighting force...able to not only hold ground...but to take it as well...

Funny thing...for all the hoopla surounding Klingon role play...our VT voice comms are almost sedate.....no one bites anyones head off...we all communicate what we are doing..and accept reassingment to other areas by consensous...rather than dictate...

I am most proud of my brothers in arms and I am often awed to be amongst them....

And I give a hearty salute to those pilots who fly out to meet us on the field of battle.....in spite of the odds...

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 29, 2004, 03:41:34 am
...should the rounds end later in the day??

Hell yeah!  This was stupid of us to have the rounds end at noon, would have been much more fun to have them end midnight eastern when most could be there fightig tooth and nail.

Hindsight is a real bitch sometimes . . .
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Rolling on August 29, 2004, 06:10:05 am
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Rolling on August 29, 2004, 06:11:04 am
Hell, I miss the SSCF gang as they were always fun to have on teamspeak.  The fleet was an honorable one that knew how to enjoy themselves and realize this is just a game.  You wont see me throwing any stones at them if they found something to do that they enjoy more, instead you will find me supporting them in their friendship and commraderie that has gone beyond just one game.  I really enjoyed flying with them in the past and hope to do so again in the future, and if they are not here in the present, the memory of them will be a cherished one for me, just like the SPQR, and others who have either left or are taking a break.

Thanks Chuut!!!
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Green on August 29, 2004, 06:53:39 am
Where the hell was everyone saturday morning?


Anyway, won't be on for the next 4 days.  Got a business trip.  Will try to read the forums if I get a chance.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Marikar on August 29, 2004, 08:21:53 am
Wow, another old GFL pilot...  Good to see you Shogun, I remember you as XO for the Roms, If you can remember an old hand I used to be staunch Klingon on the GFL server.  lol.

Things have changed in the GFL.  We now only have a prefered race to play as and we are striving to get good at as many races as possible.  I am playing as Alliance for GW and I am enjoying it, as are some other GFL pilots.  I am sad to say that not too many GFL pilots have made it onto the server, it is August just in case people have not got away from their computer screens, and havn't noticed that most people go on holiday during this month.  Me included.

However even though the Alliance has been outnumbered that is not really the issue.  Personally I do not care if we win or lose the campaign its as long as I had FUN during it.  Its very simple people.  No fun, No play.

But also I don't quit so easily and I will see this server through to the end.  And when we lose (lol im not too optomistic of the Alliances chances this server) I will go down fighting for enery single sector the Coallition gets.

Questions about balancing the sides will need to be looked at after this server, but please don't complain about the numbers of people who are playing coalition.  After all there is more than one race on thier side as well.  A simple way to fix the numbers for now would be to encourage new people to the server to play as alliance until the numbers match.

One point of interest would be to look at the numbers who are registered on the server.  How many are coalition and how many are Alliance.  That would be the real way of checking the player balance.

Finally.  This post is my own opinion, it is not intended to offend anyone but to be constructive.  Remember this is only a game.  One I like to win just like everyone else, but it isn't the end of the world if I lose.
It just hurts a lot.  lol.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Grim on August 29, 2004, 09:03:44 am

Before you think of making changes to the server in order to achieve balance you need to see the turnout in a few more dynas to come that way you can see if there is indeed a problem.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 29, 2004, 09:19:42 am
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.

$400 Canadien is about $11 US  ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Bonk on August 29, 2004, 09:28:47 am
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.

I was going by the price of the first month:
$19.95 US * 12 = $239.40 US ~= $400 CAN

but I see on the prices page:

it is only $14.95 US monthly after the first month:
$19.95 US + ($14.95 US * 11)  = $184.40 US ~= $304 CAN

or if you buy two 6 month blocks:
$19.95 US + ($10.95 US *11) = $140.40 US ~= $230 CAN

It works out to $19.16 CAN per month at the cheapest possible rate, this compares with my phone bill (consider the equipment involved there). It's still way too expensive for me. If it were $2.95 CAN a month I might consider it. (the whole concept still gives me the willies though...)
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 29, 2004, 09:32:41 am
Saturday . . .  UGH . . .  Helping S'Cippy move for the second weekend in a row.   On what was the hottest day of the year.   99 deg. F. and Polar Kzin just don't mix.  I hate when I have to pant.

As for player numbers . . .  the only thing I can think of is a rule that states if you have "X" more players on your side than the other side online then no more players for your side can log on.   

But I don't like rules that say you can't play.

So I dunno.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mazeppa on August 29, 2004, 09:41:35 am

Funny thing...for all the hoopla surounding Klingon role play...our VT voice comms are almost sedate.....no one bites anyones head off...we all communicate what we are doing..and accept reassingment to other areas by consensous...rather than dictate...pilots who fly out to meet us on the field of battle.....in spite of the odds...

Except, of course, for the night the night the Accursed and Still Unknown Ha'DIbaH outbid me on MY FDW, and there was not another one in the shipyard for two lousy hours. I wanted to rip my bat'leth off my I Like Me Wall and rip something up.  I suppose I was a little....cranky that night.

But in general, Crim is right, we are pretty laid back on voice chat.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 29, 2004, 10:53:21 am
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FireSoul on August 29, 2004, 11:27:50 am

$400 Canadien is about $11 US  ;D

Not with the way we're slowly catching up this last year...

Code: [Select]
                               1 CAD            in CAD
American Dollar    0.763126  1.3104
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Nail on August 29, 2004, 12:31:35 pm
HEHE Laid back as in Im the only one who yaps his lip because its too quiet. I guess that what u get when u fly with old people  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Age on August 29, 2004, 01:48:15 pm
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.

I was going by the price of the first month:
$19.95 US * 12 = $239.40 US ~= $400 CAN

but I see on the prices page:

it is only $14.95 US monthly after the first month:
$19.95 US + ($14.95 US * 11)  = $184.40 US ~= $304 CAN

or if you buy two 6 month blocks:
$19.95 US + ($10.95 US *11) = $140.40 US ~= $230 CAN

It works out to $19.16 CAN per month at the cheapest possible rate, this compares with my phone bill (consider the equipment involved there). It's still way too expensive for me. If it were $2.95 CAN a month I might consider it. (the whole concept still gives me the willies though...)
Don't forget the Taxes.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: GDA-Agave on August 29, 2004, 04:37:33 pm
HEHE Laid back as in Im the only one who yaps his lip because its too quiet. I guess that what u get when u fly with old people  ;D ;D ;D

"Yapping" is right.   Someone did say that they had got a mascot for the Klingons in the GW servers.   We all just didn't know who until Nail showed up.   ;D

The "boy" certainly does make things interesting on Ventrilo, though.

<get nudged in the ribs again>

Hey, stop that already!!   Those ribs still haven't completely healed from the beating Chuut gave me the other night. (from 2 PvP matches ON the server, so don't even go there you sickos.   You know who you are!!)

"Current" Klingon lackey
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-AJTK on August 30, 2004, 09:38:08 am
Hey, you all know I dont miss a server, but if I cant play reliably, Im not gonna knowingly F#ck up PvP for both me, my allies and even the nasty bumpy headed bastchies (most of whom I like just as much as the Fricken Good Guys) Im flying with just cause I want to play.

Im hoping that my lag problems this server (as opposed to LB5 when lag was fine) are due to Hurricane Charlies having damaged phone lines/nodes/etc and having higher call volume on fewer lines/switches, etc.

Perhaps by GW4 I will be able to connect reliably again. Course, I actually wouldnt mind flying on KCW (Isnt that the next one?) The D7W is a sweet ship.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: el-Karnak on August 30, 2004, 09:52:00 am
Quote from: Chuut-Ritt
Got no idea who did it Doggy, but I wouldn't let it bother me.  Actually I enjoy getting bad karma from certain people, it lets me know I pissed them off, and certain people I really enjoy pissing off as they deserve it......

Rock on, Kitty!!  :D

Quote from: Julin
Granted, the GW series has taken on a life of it's own.  It was only designed to be a "fun" series to fill time between the main servers.  That doesn't change the core fact of the matter, though, which is this constant bickering about player numbers caused by the changes wroght between given servers.

There are no major D2 dynas to fill time between. Based on what I've seen going on lately, there won't be any for a while too unless something meaningful happens in D2-land.  The dyna dev. forums are dead. DIP forum is dead. The only one with activity is SGODEV.  But that won't last long in the current D2 env. As an after thought, the ISC forum is supremely dead which indicates the community has not been taking care of all the races.  Rom, Lyran forum are in not much better shape.

Why?  Exhibit A:

Quote from: Die Hard
Yup, I am burnt out.   Completely shot.   The 3 weeks of stress of getting this damn thing up and running combined with training, real-life and all this other stuff has got me frazzled and homicidal.

Yep, that looks like a great inducement for all those potential Dyna. admins. out there.

Which is a result of Exhibit B:
Quote from:
Just my observation but the flaming that happened over some previous dynas drove off some players also, i know several players who decided to take a break because of what happened previously.

Flamewars bad. D2 usually seems to get by anyway, but maybe it's not an affordable luxury anymore.  The GW-related flamewars are not encouraging to say the least (cf. Exhibit A).

It's not good to criticize without offering solutions so mine are:

1)  Candor amonst the playerbase. Nothing gets one side rankled up when the other side cannot admit the truth. The truth is that the Alliance is hurting recruitment-wise. It happened in GW1, GW2 and GW3. OK, that's enough evidence, IMHO.  The Mirak are obviously going through Fluf withdrawal. The Feds are built on 3 cylinders:  FPF, F9th and SSCF.  Right now we've got only FPF firing anywhere near 100% efficiency. F9th is sputtering and SSCF is limp as a dead fish regarding D2 playtime.  So, any Coalition posts that contest this evidence, implied or otherwise, are simply put: insulting. You could even call it flame-bait (cf. Exhibit A).  

2) Major dyna. work for future servers.  There's nothing going on.  That needs to change otherwise what's the point in others working on scripts, shiplists, etc.?  Never mind hoping to attract new players.  I have in mind to host a dyna or two near the end of the year. I could push it up if no serious dyna admins. show up.  

Or, would it all be a waste of my time?  It's not good when some admins. feel that way after the dyna. ends. In those cases, it don't matter who won cuz the community lost big-time.  Are we gonna have lop-sided servers (ie. GW1, GW2, LB5, GW3 to name a few dyna samples this year) cuz someone is angry about something? Or, are we all gonna play nice?

It's all up to you...  :D

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mace on August 30, 2004, 10:00:12 am
Well, Is lop sidedness a issue. No so True in some respects. Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided.  I've seen and witnessed those who are not Loyal. It is always an honor to play win or lose to one who is true.  Also I have found some of the posts about battle and Glory  to be enjoyable. Its all the way you want to see it. Although If I had my way, I'd just hunt down the Traitors and the Renegades and Kill them again and again.  ;D

Idiotic post.  This is the kind of crap that drives players away.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 30, 2004, 07:45:18 pm
...should the rounds end later in the day??

Hell yeah!  This was stupid of us to have the rounds end at noon, would have been much more fun to have them end midnight eastern when most could be there fightig tooth and nail.

Hindsight is a real bitch sometimes . . .

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Dogmatix_XC on August 30, 2004, 07:49:51 pm
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell.  Did you ever experience our voicecomms during CW6, Chuut?  I can't remember if you got on then....that's when it was consistently fun.  Now, it's fun about 60% of the time.  We have good days and bad days...heheh.  Some of the guys are just quiet...and then we have our characters. 

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Hexx on August 30, 2004, 09:07:04 pm
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell. 

Figures, the day I leave the coalition a party breaks out...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 30, 2004, 09:38:26 pm
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell.

Figures, the day I leave the coalition a party breaks out...

Duh, that's is what the party was for.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Vorcha on August 30, 2004, 09:52:58 pm
Ya know thats why most of us in GSA don't dyna.  It always ends up as an argument about numbers.  I've done parts of 4 servers (as expendable extra's) and played 2 other servers thru to the end.  At one point or another they all ended up w/ someone or several someone's upset about lopsided numbers.

Ya know what...get over it or try to fix it, but please stop complaining about it.  You guys know exactly who your heavy hitters are player wise.  People who have the time and desire to spend hours playing the dyna.  Pool these guys toghter....divide by 2 and walla...you now have 2 equal groups who are usually on.  Pit these two groups against one another and you have a semblence of balance.  Who cares what race we play I mean come on.  We play for recreation.  I have played every race and most ships 100 times over...I could care less if I'm in a Mirak or a Fed boat.  Sure we have preferences but hey...to make a dyna fun I think people will easily take opposite sides in more equal numbers.

As to the rest of us expendable extras....have us sign up thru a web link and again divide by 2.  You can easily create a form that will help you narrow down the variables.  I.e what race do you prefer....1st choice....2nd choice etc to comb and sort us guys who don't live for dyna.  Pool us into groups as extras for the two main groups.  Not perfect..but workable.  

The idea of capping a server is good in principle, but I agree that we shouldn't descourage people from playing.

Another idea is to put together a pool of extras whos job it would be to balance the server.  I.e if I was a part of this group, I sign on and see that the Feds are down in numbers, so I log back out and log on as a fed.  Our job would be to balance...and thats it.  This is a damn silly idea in retrospect but at least I'm trying and not whining about numbers...my god this gets old quick.

When you deal w/ people nothing is perfect, nor will it ever be.  Either deal with it, fix it or leave...these are your choices, and pretty darn easy ones at that.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 31, 2004, 04:17:05 am
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell.  Did you ever experience our voicecomms during CW6, Chuut?  I can't remember if you got on then....that's when it was consistently fun.  Now, it's fun about 60% of the time.  We have good days and bad days...heheh.  Some of the guys are just quiet...and then we have our characters. 

yes I was on during 6.0, took me about a week to be given the password as there was still some paranoia about spying.  Finally you let a relative n00b on as you realized I was doing good things on the ISC front.  Indeed it was a blast.  Squiggy, Socky, Gow, Yourself, etc.  I still remember Gow having an orgasm over roger wilco when we took the last Federation planet in the East..... ;D

Few times have I been on a more fun channel than the Klingon one that server. 
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 31, 2004, 04:40:14 am
Ya know thats why most of us in GSA don't dyna.  It always ends up as an argument about numbers.  I've done parts of 4 servers (as expendable extra's) and played 2 other servers thru to the end.  At one point or another they all ended up w/ someone or several someone's upset about lopsided numbers.

Ya know what...get over it or try to fix it, but please stop complaining about it.  You guys know exactly who your heavy hitters are player wise.  People who have the time and desire to spend hours playing the dyna.  Pool these guys toghter....divide by 2 and walla...you now have 2 equal groups who are usually on.  Pit these two groups against one another and you have a semblence of balance.  Who cares what race we play I mean come on.  We play for recreation.  I have played every race and most ships 100 times over...I could care less if I'm in a Mirak or a Fed boat.  Sure we have preferences but hey...to make a dyna fun I think people will easily take opposite sides in more equal numbers.

As to the rest of us expendable extras....have us sign up thru a web link and again divide by 2.  You can easily create a form that will help you narrow down the variables.  I.e what race do you prefer....1st choice....2nd choice etc to comb and sort us guys who don't live for dyna.  Pool us into groups as extras for the two main groups.  Not perfect..but workable. 

The idea of capping a server is good in principle, but I agree that we shouldn't descourage people from playing.

Another idea is to put together a pool of extras whos job it would be to balance the server.  I.e if I was a part of this group, I sign on and see that the Feds are down in numbers, so I log back out and log on as a fed.  Our job would be to balance...and thats it.  This is a damn silly idea in retrospect but at least I'm trying and not whining about numbers...my god this gets old quick.

When you deal w/ people nothing is perfect, nor will it ever be.  Either deal with it, fix it or leave...these are your choices, and pretty darn easy ones at that.


Even with a balance of raw numbers at the start it is liable to change over time causing the initial set up work to be wasted. And then there is the short term balance as well. Rigth now there are four Alliance players on and only one Coalition captain (Yes Bearslayer I have a screen shot) but the Alliance does not outnumber the Coalition four to one over all. And even if playing numbers were exactly equal there is absolutely no way you can balance total playing time over a two to four week period. During your pre game orgainisation you could get people over or under estimating their playing time further distorting the balance.

What is needed is a system that can allow for changes is raw numbers and handle the variability of playing hours on the fly. This means you cut down on balance planning and don't have to handle any arguements about player numbers, assuming that the system can handle two sides which have a disparity no greater than about 50%.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Rolling on August 31, 2004, 04:45:10 am
Hey, you all know I dont miss a server, but if I cant play reliably, Im not gonna knowingly F#ck up PvP for both me, my allies and even the nasty bumpy headed bastchies (most of whom I like just as much as the Fricken Good Guys) Im flying with just cause I want to play.

Im hoping that my lag problems this server (as opposed to LB5 when lag was fine) are due to Hurricane Charlies having damaged phone lines/nodes/etc and having higher call volume on fewer lines/switches, etc.

Perhaps by GW4 I will be able to connect reliably again. Course, I actually wouldnt mind flying on KCW (Isnt that the next one?) The D7W is a sweet ship.

Wow, AJ.  I didn't know you could talk like this.

You're so different on Eve.  <snicler>
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 07:44:31 am

What is needed is a system that can allow for changes is raw numbers and handle the variability of playing hours on the fly. This means you cut down on balance planning and don't have to handle any arguements about player numbers, assuming that the system can handle two sides which have a disparity no greater than about 50%.

This can be done.   We can use total missions flown as a multiplyer to determine the value of VCs. 

Best Idea I can think of is start every side with a starting number of VCs based on the territory that they have, say 6 planets worth 50 VCs each.  If the server stalemates, each side gets 300 VCs as a base.   Then take the total number of missions flown on each side and use that as a multiplyer.  If side A ran 20% more missions that Side B, than side A would only get 80% of it's earned VCs.  Side A's revised total for VCs would be 240 to side B getting to full 300. I'm going to try this in the not so far future, if anything it will tell us if there is a factor to D2 victory other than who flies the most missions.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 31, 2004, 09:29:14 am
Ya know thats why most of us in GSA don't dyna.  It always ends up as an argument about numbers.  I've done parts of 4 servers (as expendable extra's) and played 2 other servers thru to the end.  At one point or another they all ended up w/ someone or several someone's upset about lopsided numbers.

Ya know what...get over it or try to fix it, but please stop complaining about it.  You guys know exactly who your heavy hitters are player wise.  People who have the time and desire to spend hours playing the dyna.  Pool these guys toghter....divide by 2 and walla...you now have 2 equal groups who are usually on.  Pit these two groups against one another and you have a semblence of balance.  Who cares what race we play I mean come on.  We play for recreation.  I have played every race and most ships 100 times over...I could care less if I'm in a Mirak or a Fed boat.  Sure we have preferences but hey...to make a dyna fun I think people will easily take opposite sides in more equal numbers.

As to the rest of us expendable extras....have us sign up thru a web link and again divide by 2.  You can easily create a form that will help you narrow down the variables.  I.e what race do you prefer....1st choice....2nd choice etc to comb and sort us guys who don't live for dyna.  Pool us into groups as extras for the two main groups.  Not perfect..but workable.  

The idea of capping a server is good in principle, but I agree that we shouldn't descourage people from playing.

Well...that discourages me from playing...as I fly klingon exclusively...and have for years...

Now you can berate me for it...call me baby names....scoff at me....whatever...but no one can force me to log in and play a race I suck at ,or dont enjoy...I wont sit and play in frustration to be someones intelligent AI...I wouldnt expect anyone else should either...

Going to such a system only means a few more players wont play at all....it wont add anything that would help...

Another idea is to put together a pool of extras whos job it would be to balance the server.  I.e if I was a part of this group, I sign on and see that the Feds are down in numbers, so I log back out and log on as a fed.  Our job would be to balance...and thats it.  This is a damn silly idea in retrospect but at least I'm trying and not whining about numbers...my god this gets old quick.

That was tried allready...it was called flying geese...it didnt work out..

Yes it gets old quick....I played for quite a while on the other side of this coin...Again I point out that the klingon empire was deficient in player numbers for quite a while as many pilots simply gave up and moved on....Only Doggy took the time and effort to recruit the remaining Klingons and rebuild the Black fleet...give us a sence of purpose....and point us at the server...

I must point out....there is NO WAY...that players should still be asking access for forums a week into a campaign....this means leadership isnt leading...period...no way around it...

When you deal w/ people nothing is perfect, nor will it ever be.  Either deal with it, fix it or leave...these are your choices, and pretty darn easy ones at that.


My vote is for "deal"....but part of that is to rebuild or inspire the alliance base...

I have NEVER once complained about player numbers...even when on the losing end of things...

When I look and see plenty of alliance pilots here browsing this board instead of on the server...one can only assume they dont want to play...that would be an internal problem rather than an external one....

If the alliance cant muster their own forces...dont expect to get players from your adversaries to help out...

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 09:32:55 am

That was tried allready...it was called flying geese...it didnt work out..

I thought the "Geese" did work and IDSL was a rather balanced campaign.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 31, 2004, 09:41:04 am

What is needed is a system that can allow for changes is raw numbers and handle the variability of playing hours on the fly. This means you cut down on balance planning and don't have to handle any arguements about player numbers, assuming that the system can handle two sides which have a disparity no greater than about 50%.

This can be done.   We can use total missions flown as a multiplyer to determine the value of VCs. 

Best Idea I can think of is start every side with a starting number of VCs based on the territory that they have, say 6 planets worth 50 VCs each.  If the server stalemates, each side gets 300 VCs as a base.   Then take the total number of missions flown on each side and use that as a multiplyer.  If side A ran 20% more missions that Side B, than side A would only get 80% of it's earned VCs.  Side A's revised total for VCs would be 240 to side B getting to full 300. I'm going to try this in the not so far future, if anything it will tell us if there is a factor to D2 victory other than who flies the most missions.

I'm sorry DH...but this only gives a crutch to the side who cant muster a turnout...this isnt golf...and should NOT be handicapped into equality...

This would also drive off a couple players...

I broke down RDSL and the difference in missions run was only 6 missions per hour....hardly something that can be made up for with any kind of balance system...the only way to make up for 6 missions an hour is for somebody to RUN THEM....

I think a better solution would be to redefine what "victory" is....an outnumbered force should claim victory by simply holding key territory...rather than having to take enemy turf when out numbered....

This would require fluid VC's.....but it also runs the risk of turning off the aggressing force who may feel they are in a wild goose chase...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 09:53:30 am

This would also drive off a couple players...

More than a blowout does?  I doubt that.

Before anyone jumps in on this, we are speaking in hypothetical terms. 

You are right though to some degree, within 10% or so I do not think an imbalance exists.

Crim, how can a side that runs less missions win a server unless they get an overwhelming disparaty in PvP VCs?  Even in most cases, the VCs are set up so that isn't possible.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-AJTK on August 31, 2004, 09:54:27 am
Hey, you all know I dont miss a server, but if I cant play reliably, Im not gonna knowingly F#ck up PvP for both me, my allies and even the nasty bumpy headed bastchies (most of whom I like just as much as the Fricken Good Guys) Im flying with just cause I want to play.

Im hoping that my lag problems this server (as opposed to LB5 when lag was fine) are due to Hurricane Charlies having damaged phone lines/nodes/etc and having higher call volume on fewer lines/switches, etc.

Perhaps by GW4 I will be able to connect reliably again. Course, I actually wouldnt mind flying on KCW (Isnt that the next one?) The D7W is a sweet ship.

Wow, AJ.  I didn't know you could talk like this.

You're so different on Eve.  <snicler>

*Personal note to self: Wait till Kimmy is outfitted for mining and only carrying mining drones, then LIGHT HER AZZ UP!*
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 31, 2004, 09:59:34 am

That was tried allready...it was called flying geese...it didnt work out..

I thought the "Geese" did work and IDSL was a rather balanced campaign.

Well...in all honesty...it pissed off quite a few players who felt that sending some of your best pilots to fight for the other team was kinda cheesy in itself...

This also required that the Geese dont have access to the racial forums so that sensitive info wont be passed to the commanders of the opposing team...

To me....this is like the axis powers asking the allies to donate a some British and American troops to even out losing battles in europe...

Or for churchill to ask for some luftwaffa pilots to switch sides and fly for the RAF in the battle of britton...

Now I realize this isnt a "real" war...we arent assigned to our fronts 24/7...and people such as myself CANT fly for more than a few hours at a time.....

But for guys to log on...see themselves out numbered..and simply log off...smacks of "lack of commitment"...and one wonders....if all those guys had stayed on a while longer...how many others would log on...see pilots on their side playing...and stay also...

I really dont want to point fingers....but I play when I can play...regardless of how many of my brothers are online...and regardless of what speed my drones are...or what ships are in my shipyards...I stand and fight...even If I am alone...

I think you know me well enough to see the truth in that...I may go out fast....bit I go out in a blaze brother...and I dont go willingly...

I think that before any kind of system fix is tried...people need to be polled as to the direct reasons they arent flying....and address those issues first...

Being outnumbered sucks donkey shwang....fighting a battel you know you will lose also sucks...

But once and a while 200 guys stand off 2000....even when they could have run for the hills...

It's about commitment to fight...even with no hope of victory.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 10:04:09 am

To me....this is like the axis powers asking the allies to donate a some British and American troops to even out losing battles in europe...

No, it's more like if you show up to play basketball and bring 2 friends with you and I show up with 4.  Do we play 4v4 or 3v5?

This is a game, not a war.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 31, 2004, 10:09:00 am

This would also drive off a couple players...

More than a blowout does?  I doubt that.

You have to ask how the blowout happens in the first place.... :-\
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 31, 2004, 10:25:30 am

To me....this is like the axis powers asking the allies to donate a some British and American troops to even out losing battles in europe...

No, it's more like if you show up to play basketball and bring 2 friends with you and I show up with 4.  Do we play 4v4 or 3v5?

This is a game, not a war.

Ok...maybe I'm beating around the bush to much in order to be diplomatic...

Using your anology correctly..

It's like having 4 of your friends promise to play B-ball with you against 5 other guys...

Only 2 of those guys drive in the parking lot....see who your playing...and bail out on you...

In game terms ,we would call that a forfiet....in war terms we call it desertion.

In your anology...

You should address you friends inablity to keep a promise to play B-ball ,rather than berate the other guys for showing up with 5 players like they said they would...

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 10:30:35 am

You should address you friends inablity to keep a promise to play B-ball ,rather than berate the other guys for showing up with 5 players like they said they would...

Or only play with people you like.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 10:31:24 am

I'm sorry DH...but this only gives a crutch to the side who cant muster a turnout...this isnt golf...and should NOT be handicapped into equality...

Crim I would like to point out that even though several of Coalition players have made the point that it was through their effort in getting their player to show (wanted to say patted themselves on the back, but it sounds to harsh) up that has lead to the numbers advantage, and therefore by implication that the Alliance has been a bit lacks in this effort leading to their own problems, there has been no acknowledgement of the fact that the  GW server setup for the first 2 campaigns probably did more to encourage this than personnel effort and organizational skills. You even seem to have accidentally hit on the reasons why without coming to the logical conclusion as to why this is which is that it is a lot easy to convince the Coalition player base (which is build around the Klingon empire) to fly on a server that allows them to fly their preferred race than it is to convince players to fly a race they may have never had any experience with and is not their preferred race (Kzin in GW1 and Hydran in GW2). On top of that it seems that the Alliance core (Feds) due to some hard feelings  and a perception of slight after the restart of GW2 and the restricting of the race they invested a lot of time training in (LDR), have decided to try other things instead of GW3. This along with several other factors, namely the GDA going Coalition and, the arrival of the KHH from GZ has probably had more to do with the numbers situation than any efforts to get players out of the wood work, but folks always seem to want to look to reasons that have to do with blaming and demeaning the real effort of those that show up to play regardless of the odds, while falsely believing that their efforts are somehow more noble and deserving even though circumstance beyond there control actually have more to do with this than anything else. To be fair I saw the exact same behavior and lack of understanding from the Alliance when the circumstances of the pre-restart GW2 campaign made playing Coalition to much of a chore to be enjoyable do to the double fighters bug. Players simply jump to the conclusion that the other side is just whining without ever taking the time an effort to understand thing from the other perspective and want to tell them to suck it up. What everyone fails to realize is that this is a game that most play for fun, and if it isn't fun for one side or the other then everyone loses, unless you really like playing with yourself.

I broke down RDSL and the difference in missions run was only 6 missions per hour....hardly something that can be made up for with any kind of balance system...the only way to make up for 6 missions an hour is for somebody to RUN THEM....

No disrespect to Skull but RDSL was propably to radical and experiment to be considered as much of an example of anything. It tested out some interesting concepts with the combined ship list and the FOs as spoilers/balance counter-weights but was just to plagued by tech issues and unintended consequences to be much of a barometer of anything.

I think a better solution would be to redefine what "victory" is....an outnumbered force should claim victory by simply holding key territory...rather than having to take enemy turf when out numbered....

This would require fluid VC's.....but it also runs the risk of turning off the aggressing force who may feel they are in a wild goose chase...

The main problem with fluid VCs is exactly what you mention, since it is impossible to predict preserver with side will need to be the defending vs advancing side VCs would need to be adjustable mid campaign, which will always lead to players feeling their hard work might just be undone mid server, making it really hard to muster the will to play. That is precisely why I like the idea of a total missions run modify being applied to EVENLY DIVIDED STATIC VCs ONLY, as this can be setup pre-campaign and therefore not open to allegations of subjective bias of the admins when determining how o shift VCs mid campaign. I make the point in CAPs about static VCs because they are the only ones directly effected by player numbers, PvP VCs are not and should fall where they lie. This way a pure numbers imbalance as well as the nutter factor will not always be the sole determining factor in campaigns, but rather how well you use those missions. I would also make it such that the modifying of the VCs based the missions flown ratio only take effect if the imbalance in missions flown hit a certain threshold, say a difference of more than 10-20% to one side or the other.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 10:35:41 am
. . . unless you really like playing with yourself.

Just highlighting for all to see.  I'll let somebody more whitty than I make the pun.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 31, 2004, 10:39:57 am
Hmmm....ok...then you were never serious about Playing B-ball in the first place...

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 10:43:56 am

It's like having 4 of your friends promise to play B-ball with you against 5 other guys...

Only 2 of those guys drive in the parking lot....see who your playing...and bail out on you...

In game terms ,we would call that a forfiet....in war terms we call it desertion.

In your anology...

You should address you friends inablity to keep a promise to play B-ball ,rather than berate the other guys for showing up with 5 players like they said they would...

You seem to be under the impression that some promise was broken. I know of no promises having ever been been made.

I personnelly care less about whether my team wins or loses but I know that if there isn't at least the semblance of a fair and balanced game then everyone loses in the quest to have a little fun. Forfiets suck, for all that enjoy the game play more than the bragging rights.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 10:45:06 am
Hmmm....ok...then you were never serious about Playing B-ball in the first place...

Football, baseball, and wrestling were my sports, b-ball was only for fun, never got good at it.  My proudest moment was getting 3 fouls in my 7th grade father-son game.    ;D

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 10:45:32 am
Hmmm....ok...then you were never serious about Playing B-ball in the first place...

Wrong, he simply cared more about the playing than the winning.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-Crim on August 31, 2004, 11:19:13 am

It's like having 4 of your friends promise to play B-ball with you against 5 other guys...

Only 2 of those guys drive in the parking lot....see who your playing...and bail out on you...

In game terms ,we would call that a forfiet....in war terms we call it desertion.

In your anology...

You should address you friends inablity to keep a promise to play B-ball ,rather than berate the other guys for showing up with 5 players like they said they would...

You seem to be under the impression that some promise was broken. I know of no promises having ever been been made.

I personnelly care less about whether my team wins or loses but I know that if there isn't at least the semblance of a fair and balanced game then everyone loses in the quest to have a little fun. Forfiets suck, for all that enjoy the game play more than the bragging rights.

First...it was anology...

Second...when people SAY they will play...and then dont show up...a promise IS broken....whatever the game...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 11:39:03 am

First...it was anology...

Second...when people SAY they will play...and then dont show up...a promise IS broken....whatever the game...

Nobody said they would play and didn't show up.  Most have simply politely walked away in sillence.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 11:40:33 am

It's like having 4 of your friends promise to play B-ball with you against 5 other guys...

Only 2 of those guys drive in the parking lot....see who your playing...and bail out on you...

In game terms ,we would call that a forfiet....in war terms we call it desertion.

In your anology...

You should address you friends inablity to keep a promise to play B-ball ,rather than berate the other guys for showing up with 5 players like they said they would...

You seem to be under the impression that some promise was broken. I know of no promises having ever been been made.

I personnelly care less about whether my team wins or loses but I know that if there isn't at least the semblance of a fair and balanced game then everyone loses in the quest to have a little fun. Forfiets suck, for all that enjoy the game play more than the bragging rights.

First...it was anology...

Second...when people SAY they will play...and then dont show up...a promise IS broken....whatever the game...

I understand it was an analogy, just not one that is pertinent to this situation, as I am unaware of anyone having said they were going to play that hasn't.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 31, 2004, 11:46:11 am
This is quickly become purely academic.

There are two questions here.

1)   Should something be done to address a player number imbalance on a server or not?

My answer:   Yes.  A ciompetitive server is more fun for all.

2)  If answer to question #2 is yes, what is the solution . . .

My Answer:

Several types of approaches:

1)    Player number balance enforcement method

This means sign ups; or server side account restrictions; or limits on player numbers; etc.   Personally I don't like it because it requires forcing players to play a certain race or at time not to play at all.

2)     Player transfer.

The Wild Geese for example.     I'm not a fan of this becuase it ruins the feeling of a team.   That kinda takes the fun out of it for me.

3)     Post server adjustment.

I like the idea of using the difference in missions run to adjust the VCs points.   A simple way would be to adjust the non PvP VC points earned at the end of the game on an equal ratio with the difference in missions run.

This also has the effect of helping out races that run slower missions BTW.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBFLordKrueg on August 31, 2004, 11:58:55 am
You know for the past 2-3 days and nights, the Alliance numbers have VASTLY improved. In fact the Coalition has ususally been outnumbered heavily. Last night it was 2 to 1 in favor of the Alliance for the entire 5-6 hrs I was on. The Alliance has also been steadily making gains on the map.
I just don't see the numbers thing as still being an issue. Obviously, the distress calls have been heard and responded to. I'm quite surprised it's even still being griped about.
A little organization and motivation goes a long way, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 31, 2004, 12:04:02 pm
You know for the past 2-3 days and nights, the Alliance numbers have VASTLY improved. In fact the Coalition has ususally been outnumbered heavily. Last night it was 2 to 1 in favor of the Alliance for the entire 5-6 hrs I was on. The Alliance has also been steadily making gains on the map.
I just don't see the numbers thing as still being an issue. Obviously, the distress calls have been heard and responded to. I'm quite surprised it's even still being griped about.
A little organization and motivation goes a long way, doesn't it?

Yeah.  people tend to see a few days of imbalance and panic prematurely.  Or worse, quit, which just aggravates the issue.

The mission run balancing idea (which won't be done for GW3) is still a good idea because if the numbers are balanced the the adjustment factor will be negligible.  Plus, I really like the idea of helping out the plasma races with this idea.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 12:19:07 pm
You know for the past 2-3 days and nights, the Alliance numbers have VASTLY improved. In fact the Coalition has ususally been outnumbered heavily. Last night it was 2 to 1 in favor of the Alliance for the entire 5-6 hrs I was on. The Alliance has also been steadily making gains on the map.
I just don't see the numbers thing as still being an issue. Obviously, the distress calls have been heard and responded to. I'm quite surprised it's even still being griped about.
A little organization and motivation goes a long way, doesn't it?

We're speaking for future servers so those issue goes away.  GW3 will should not have ANY changes to it's VC structure.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 12:19:53 pm
You know for the past 2-3 days and nights, the Alliance numbers have VASTLY improved. In fact the Coalition has ususally been outnumbered heavily. Last night it was 2 to 1 in favor of the Alliance for the entire 5-6 hrs I was on. The Alliance has also been steadily making gains on the map.
I just don't see the numbers thing as still being an issue. Obviously, the distress calls have been heard and responded to. I'm quite surprised it's even still being griped about.
A little organization and motivation goes a long way, doesn't it?

While this is true, it still doesn't account for the fact that when the total missions run is analysed post server it always seems to come down to the team that ran the most missions won, and in most analysts I have seen the mission imbalance was not negligable. No one is suggesting that a VC balancing method be introduced mid server, that would be utter fauly. We are simply trying to find a way to make numbers issues a thing of the past and never have to have servers effectively end prematurely just because circumstances and the desire to fly the race you enjoy lead to an imbalanced server. That way a fair and level playing field can be maintained regardless of those circumstances allowing more fun to be had as by all. I have played on both sides of this issue, and have personnelly found that it sucks just as much when my team is the one with the numbers as it does when they are the ones at a disadvantage. In fact, I would argue that it is even worse to be on the "advantaged" side as it makes it so much hard to get in a good fight. On SGO I actually switch to Coalition when it became to hard to locate Coalition pilots to mix it up with and had a blast hunting the hoards of Alliance targets, even though my switching sides had luittle to no effect on the greater campaign outcome, other than giving all those Alliance pilots something to shoot at. ;-)
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mazeppa on August 31, 2004, 12:36:50 pm
This is quickly become purely academic.

There are two questions here.

1)   Should something be done to address a player number imbalance on a server or not?

My answer:   Yes.  A ciompetitive server is more fun for all.

2)  If answer to question #2 is yes, what is the solution . . .

Look, have you seen the game play the last few days?  The current situation is competitive.  The Alliance and the Coalition are deeply involved in an ebb and flow.  

It looks like the Alliance has fixed their numbers problem, and there is a lot of action going on at the front lines.

The major gameplay problem is that the first few days the Coalition had a really good. focused plan, a really strong turnout, and the Alliance was either unable or unwilling to react to what we were doing.  And their turnout was less than usual.  So we took the Mirak planets.  I presume that action had a major and long-term effect on the Mirak shipyard.  Many of us have wondered what the Alliance was doing down by 18, 18 as we took the Mirak planets, since we saw no real purpose in that.  Keep in mind that we had to take planet assaults and a Federation Frigate could run several  quick patrols under us, so it would have been easy to keep those planets.  

Also, we have been very, very alert to any attempts by Alliance pilots try and win cheap hexes by signing on to play AI instead of us during the wee hours.  Many Coalition Pilots were quite peeved at the "Father's Day Stunt", and "Remember Father's Day" is now something of a Coalition mantra.  

So I would argue that the Alliance is in the position they are in right now due to a failure to respond to our rather brutal move against the Mirak in the first few days, and our response to Alliance tactics we have seen on previous servers.   We cannot help turnout.  Based on current Alliance numbers, the server looks competitive.  Maybe the SSFC absence is a factor, but the Alliance can still field a major force.  

In RDSL, when we were being out-missioned, our leaders started beating the bushes and trying to get our player base energized.  Maybe the Alliance has done the same thing for this server.  Based on the current situation, can they win?  I dunno.  But they can sure have a blast trying, and if they at least draw a line and hold fast, they can claim a moral victory.  There is a LOT of good gameplay lest in GW3.

The real question is do we have a long term problem with our player base?  I think so, and intend to open a thread to discuss possible solutions after the server.  I've been playing this game since 1999.  I don't play any other game to any real extent.  I cannot imagine playing any other game right now.  If this game goes away, I cannot imagine a game exciting me like this one does.  

The long-term solution---that is, being in a position where we play this game for the next few years-- is something we need to work toward as a community.  In order to do that, we will need to put away egos and realize that there will be no Dynaverse unless we get rid of all our little agendas, learn to trust each other, and find ways to keep this game going.  I think there is a real solution out there, but we have some hard work ahead of us.  

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 12:46:06 pm

The real question is do we have a long term problem with our player base?  I think so, and intend to open a thread to discuss possible solutions after the server.  I've been playing this game since 1999.  I don't play any other game to any real extent.  I cannot imagine playing any other game right now.  If this game goes away, I cannot imagine a game exciting me like this one does.  

The long-term solution---that is, being in a position where we play this game for the next few years-- is something we need to work toward as a community.  In order to do that, we will need to put away egos and realize that there will be no Dynaverse unless we get rid of all our little agendas, learn to trust each other, and find ways to keep this game going.  I think there is a real solution out there, but we have some hard work ahead of us.  

 :thumbsup: + karma for you
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 01:25:06 pm

Look, have you seen the game play the last few days?  The current situation is competitive.  The Alliance and the Coalition are deeply involved in an ebb and flow. 

It looks like the Alliance has fixed their numbers problem, and there is a lot of action going on at the front lines.

I agree. It has been fun and I am not really worried anymore about this one having the fun taken out of it anymore do to numbers imbalances.

The major gameplay problem is that the first few days the Coalition had a really good. focused plan, a really strong turnout, and the Alliance was either unable or unwilling to react to what we were doing.  And their turnout was less than usual.  So we took the Mirak planets.

Very well executed too.

I presume that action had a major and long-term effect on the Mirak shipyard. 

Not in the least as far as I can tell. Have never had to wait more than a cycle to get the ship I wanted to fly, and I have tried to fly them all.

Many of us have wondered what the Alliance was doing down by 18, 18 as we took the Mirak planets, since we saw no real purpose in that.  Keep in mind that we had to take planet assaults and a Federation Frigate could run several  quick patrols under us, so it would have been easy to keep those planets. 

A decision was made (and a bit of a gamble) that it would serve us better to go after the uncontested neutral VCs while the getting was good, when it appeared that defending the Mirak space was a losing effort. The gamble was and is that the Mirak could always reclaim it later if the numbers balanced out later. Personnelly I was against leaving it undefended, but was willing to go along with the collective decision.

Also, we have been very, very alert to any attempts by Alliance pilots try and win cheap hexes by signing on to play AI instead of us during the wee hours. 

This is were you completely lose me Zeppa. I fail to see why you think it necessary to demean and ascribe to sinister motives every action that your opponents take. No one that I know of has attempted to deliberately signs in at odd hours so that they can  "win cheap hexes by signing on to play the AI".  The guys that I know are playing during the odd hours do so because that is when there schedule dictates they can play, and for no other nefarious reasons. Sad that you continue to harbor such misconstrued and ill feeling to the folks you play this game with though.

Many Coalition Pilots were quite peeved at the "Father's Day Stunt", and "Remember Father's Day" is now something of a Coalition mantra. 

So let me get this straight, you think it is good planning and organization when the Coalition has their act together and makes a big push with numbers and a plan of attack during the opening move a server, but is a cheap "stunt" when the Allaince did the same thing durning the closing moves of a server. Clearly you are letting your one sided prespective color your impressions of these two largely identical planning and organizational achievements. How unfortunate that you must always ascribe your opponents accomplishments as cheap and unfair while your own are always noble and inspired. It is no wonder there are so many miscommunications and so much bad blood when people act like this. I don't mean to just pick on you Zeppa either, as I have seen the same types of rationalization come from the Alliance camp as well, it's just sad.


 Maybe the Alliance has done the same thing for this server.  Based on the current situation, can they win?  I dunno.

And I don't care, it is balanced enough for me that it is fun to play and that is all that really matters. But it could have very easily gone the other way, leaving you with nothing to do but take cheap hexes against the AI, which you seem to have a great deal of distain for. Maybe you should be thanking the Alliance players that stuck it out and helped bring the numbers back to a more even balance as opposed to demeaning their tactics, pointing out their failures, and patting yourself on the back. It's a lot harder to keep up moral and get players to show up to play after the imbalance is established than it is to do the initial recruiting pre-server. Thus I would suggest you take a more positive and supportive tone, and maybe even thank the folks that have given you a more competitive server to play on, as opposed to deriding them. I think all our collective fun would be greatly enhanced if more people from both sides practiced a little more of that.


 But they can sure have a blast trying, and if they at least draw a line and hold fast, they can claim a moral victory.  There is a LOT of good gameplay lest in GW3.

I for one intend to.


The real question is do we have a long term problem with our player base?  I think so, and intend to open a thread to discuss possible solutions after the server.  I've been playing this game since 1999.  I don't play any other game to any real extent.  I cannot imagine playing any other game right now.  If this game goes away, I cannot imagine a game exciting me like this one does. 

The long-term solution---that is, being in a position where we play this game for the next few years-- is something we need to work toward as a community.  In order to do that, we will need to put away egos and realize that there will be no Dynaverse unless we get rid of all our little agendas, learn to trust each other, and find ways to keep this game going.  I think there is a real solution out there, but we have some hard work ahead of us. 

I am in complete agreement here, and feel much the same about the game as you do. But would point out that is all we are doing here. No one is suggesting a change mid server. We are just discussing it now because the issues are fresh in our minds and some of us are stuck at work and can't get on the server.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Capt_Bearslayer_XC on August 31, 2004, 01:59:30 pm
You know for the past 2-3 days and nights, the Alliance numbers have VASTLY improved. In fact the Coalition has ususally been outnumbered heavily. Last night it was 2 to 1 in favor of the Alliance for the entire 5-6 hrs I was on. The Alliance has also been steadily making gains on the map.
I just don't see the numbers thing as still being an issue. Obviously, the distress calls have been heard and responded to. I'm quite surprised it's even still being griped about.
A little organization and motivation goes a long way, doesn't it?

Which just means my post had the desired effect.

Getting some people off their arses and back on the server.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mazeppa on August 31, 2004, 03:37:26 pm
Kroma, I do not see how you can keep all those quotes in order on this wee little message screen.  I will try and do the same, but no promises. 

Also, we have been very, very alert to any attempts by Alliance pilots try and win cheap hexes by signing on to play AI instead of us during the wee hours. 

This is were you completely lose me Zeppa. I fail to see why you think it necessary to demean and ascribe to sinister motives every action that your opponents take. No one that I know of has attempted to deliberately signs in at odd hours so that they can  "win cheap hexes by signing on to play the AI".  The guys that I know are playing during the odd hours do so because that is when there schedule dictates they can play, and for no other nefarious reasons. Sad that you continue to harbor such misconstrued and ill feeling to the folks you play this game with though.

Well, I am certainly not trying to demean anybody, I was just addressing what I thought was a standard Federation/Alliance tactic.  Kroma, did you play RDSL?  Do not remember.  During RDSL, I observed that during odd hours, a large group of players would log on, accomplish an objective, and log off.  I even commented on this at the time in a post (probably on the old Taldren Forums) in which I called this tactic "The Surge".  I do not remember ANYBODY denying that they were doing this, so I filed it away as something we would have to be alert for in the future.  (I suppose you could say that it is hard to deny you are NOT doing something, but I would have expected somebody to say they were not doing this.  Or maybe at the time they wanted to encourage our paranoia ;))
I saw this more in GW2, especially the Father's Day thing.  Maybe you are not seeing this tactic on this server, but it sure looked like it was something the Alliance did in the past, so I do not want to see us nailed with a similar tactic again.  Maybe we should cancel our planned 3AM operation Wednesday morning. 

Many Coalition Pilots were quite peeved at the "Father's Day Stunt", and "Remember Father's Day" is now something of a Coalition mantra. 

So let me get this straight, you think it is good planning and organization when the Coalition has their act together and makes a big push with numbers and a plan of attack during the opening move a server, but is a cheap "stunt" when the Allaince did the same thing durning the closing moves of a server. Clearly you are letting your one sided prespective color your impressions of these two largely identical planning and organizational achievements. How unfortunate that you must always ascribe your opponents accomplishments as cheap and unfair while your own are always noble and inspired. It is no wonder there are so many miscommunications and so much bad blood when people act like this. I don't mean to just pick on you Zeppa either, as I have seen the same types of rationalization come from the Alliance camp as well, it's just sad.

Kroma, I am surprised you do not see a distinction between the two.  Here is the distinction.  The Coalition made their move at the BEGINNING of the server, when traditionally there are a lot of players on.  Our operation was going to take place no matter what kind of opposition we faced.  It was in the open, and we were ready to take on all comers to accomplish our mission.  Also, there was PLENTY of time for the Alliance to stop us, even when we took those planets.  There was no automatic score when we took those planets.

The Father's Day Operation was a different matter.  A LOT of the frustration of that operation was due to the server going down RIGHT BEFORE THE OPERATION WAS TO TAKE PLACE, and most of the Coalition went to bed, not knowing when the server was going to come up.  When the server came up, the alliance came on in great number, and began hitting hexes where there was no human opposition. 

Some of us suspected skullduggery in the timing of the server outage right before the operation was to kick off.  I have since come to the conclusion that it was not a sinister act, just one of those Fateful Things That Happen at a Critical Moment in Dynaverse History. I actually regret my suspicions.  But understand that that outage did indeed contribute to the success of the operation. 

Keep in mind that the Alliance only had to make CONTACT with the Federation and screencap it.  They did this after a bitter fight with the few pilots online.  They received a whole kit and kaboodle of VP's for the deed.  Even though the server end was quite a while away, and there was no remedy, even if a hundred Coalition pilots logged on and retook each and every hex.  In retrospect, we should have guarded for this possibility, but I am not sure what we could have done to defend against it, except prepare a phone tree.

 So, yes, we are now mindful of these kind of tactics. 

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 03:47:07 pm

Keep in mind that the Alliance only had to make CONTACT with the Federation and screencap it.  They did this after a bitter fight with the few pilots online.  They received a whole kit and kaboodle of VP's for the deed.  Even though the server end was quite a while away, and there was no remedy, even if a hundred Coalition pilots logged on and retook each and every hex.  In retrospect, we should have guarded for this possibility, but I am not sure what we could have done to defend against it, except prepare a phone tree.

 So, yes, we are now mindful of these kind of tactics. 

yeah, you are right.  These 76 VCs were bullsh*t.  Blame J'inn   ;D

We are all guilty of thinking the worst of each other.  99% of the time, nothing is sinister on either side. 

I just need to learn to control my temper and not fly off the handle right away.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 31, 2004, 03:56:28 pm
Et Tu?  Die Hard!!??

HEY!!!   Whadday expect!!   Perfection??   Here I am working my little bitty fingers to the bone making a D2 for you guys.  <sniff>  I basically quit working, eating, getting manicures, EVERYTHING IMPORTANT!!  Just so my fellow D2ers could have a happy time.  <sniff>

And what do I get.   PICK PICK PICK!!!!

Did anyone say "Gosh J'inn that looks stupid"  BEFORE IT STARTED.


Oh no!!  It's just Monday morning quarterback city here.  <sniff> 

I have feelings <sniff>   Don't you people care?  <sniff>

<looks up to see if anyone is buying it>

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I got stress.

Pick pick pick!  That's all I get!    It's just like that time when I was in law school and I got caught cheating.  Bitch bitch bitch.

Where is the love??


Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mazeppa on August 31, 2004, 04:00:16 pm

Keep in mind that the Alliance only had to make CONTACT with the Federation and screencap it.  They did this after a bitter fight with the few pilots online.  They received a whole kit and kaboodle of VP's for the deed.  Even though the server end was quite a while away, and there was no remedy, even if a hundred Coalition pilots logged on and retook each and every hex.  In retrospect, we should have guarded for this possibility, but I am not sure what we could have done to defend against it, except prepare a phone tree.

 So, yes, we are now mindful of these kind of tactics. 

yeah, you are right.  These 76 VCs were bullsh*t.  Blame J'inn   ;D

We are all guilty of thinking the worst of each other.  99% of the time, nothing is sinister on either side. 

I just need to learn to control my temper and not fly off the handle right away.

I find it hard to Blame J'inn on this one.  I think he saw this kind of scenario in in some Starfleet Battles or Federation and Empire book or magazine, and thought it would be cool to add.  Nobody (Except some inspired wag with the Alliance/Hydrans) thought that condition would be attempted.  The fateful error with the addition was that in SFB or F&E you have all the players at the game shop while the Hydrans try and make their run, and here you have a situation where some players went back to the game shop after hours.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 04:02:18 pm
Et Tu?  Die Hard!!??

HEY!!!   Whadday expect!!   Perfection??   Here I am working my little bitty fingers to the bone making a D2 for you guys.  <sniff>  I basically quit working, eating, getting manicures, EVERYTHING IMPORTANT!!  Just so my fellow D2ers could have a happy time.  <sniff>

And what do I get.   PICK PICK PICK!!!!

Did anyone say "Gosh J'inn that looks stupid"  BEFORE IT STARTED.


Oh no!!  It's just Monday morning quarterback city here.  <sniff> 

I have feelings <sniff>   Don't you people care?  <sniff>

<looks up to see if anyone is buying it>

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I got stress.

Pick pick pick!  That's all I get!    It's just like that time when I was in law school and I got caught cheating.  Bitch bitch bitch.

Where is the love??


you had to tell them about the baby-sitting . . .   :P
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 31, 2004, 04:02:36 pm

I find it hard to Blame J'inn on this one.

<runs up to Mazeppa and licks him right on the face>


Excuse the tuna breath.  I had a snack.

<sticks tongue out at Die Hard>


Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mazeppa on August 31, 2004, 04:02:58 pm
Et Tu?  Die Hard!!??

HEY!!!   Whadday expect!!   Perfection??   Here I am working my little bitty fingers to the bone making a D2 for you guys.  <sniff>  I basically quit working, eating, getting manicures, EVERYTHING IMPORTANT!!  Just so my fellow D2ers could have a happy time.  <sniff>

And what do I get.   PICK PICK PICK!!!!

Did anyone say "Gosh J'inn that looks stupid"  BEFORE IT STARTED.


Oh no!!  It's just Monday morning quarterback city here.  <sniff> 

I have feelings <sniff>   Don't you people care?  <sniff>

<looks up to see if anyone is buying it>

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I got stress.

Pick pick pick!  That's all I get!    It's just like that time when I was in law school and I got caught cheating.  Bitch bitch bitch.

Where is the love??


See my post above if you are looking for positive thought directed at you.  


Recently I posted a question about my monthly fees for playing on the GW series.  I have since received several PM's  asking "What Fees?".

So Who else is paying to play?  Just me?  The web site SAID "A Play For Pay Server"!

I need an answer from you on this issue, buddy.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 04:09:13 pm

I find it hard to Blame J'inn on this one.  I think he saw this kind of scenario in in some Starfleet Battles or Federation and Empire book or magazine, and thought it would be cool to add.  Nobody (Except some inspired wag with the Alliance/Hydrans) thought that condition would be attempted.  The fateful error with the addition was that in SFB or F&E you have all the players at the game shop while the Hydrans try and make their run, and here you have a situation where some players went back to the game shop after hours.

yup, the point is there was nothing malicious involved in it, just a mistake made in planning.

Hindsight being 20/20, the Alliance should have had to have held LOS for a certain amount of time for that to count.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KBF-WillWeasel on August 31, 2004, 04:11:12 pm
A decision was made (and a bit of a gamble) that it would serve us better to go after the uncontested neutral VCs while the getting was good, when it appeared that defending the Mirak space was a losing effort.

Neutral VC's? I am not aware of any neutral planets having VC's, Build points yes. VC's no.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 31, 2004, 04:17:57 pm
Oh you're just paying the fee for the coalition.   Will Weasel said to bill you.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 04:20:57 pm
A decision was made (and a bit of a gamble) that it would serve us better to go after the uncontested neutral VCs while the getting was good, when it appeared that defending the Mirak space was a losing effort.

Neutral VC's? I am not aware of any neutral planets having VC's, Build points yes. VC's no.

They aren't worht VCs and after Wednesday at noon, they hold no value except for supply purposes.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Hexx on August 31, 2004, 04:50:22 pm


Did anyone say "Gosh J'inn that looks stupid"  BEFORE IT STARTED.


Well not to bring it up but...   ;D
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on August 31, 2004, 04:57:52 pm
 The fateful error with the addition was that in SFB or F&E you have all the players at the game shop while the Hydrans try and make their run, and here you have a situation where some players went back to the game shop after hours.

That's unfair.  The alliance didn't go back to the shop after hours.  The shop was open for business.  The alliance just kept playing after we went home.  I actually thought the 76 VC's were perfectly fair and fairly earned.

The difference between the behaviour of the two teams is easy to explian.  The Alliance had an operation planned, and we did not.  They had a desperate situation.  They were do or die.  They had a specific start time.  They had a specific goal.  They had days to arrange their schedule to ensure the max players on at the onset of their plan.

We had a lead and a lot of confidence.

Given the two situations, which of the two teams would you consider most likely to hit the refresh button over and over until the server came back up?  We knew from day one that we needed to be on the lookout for this Hail Mary pass.  We should have suspected that a post-crash at the end would be our most vulnerable moment.

The fact that it was Father's day is irrelevant.  They had dedication and discipline.  We had a good holiday with our families.  They made a big score.  We still scored more points based on what we accomplished over the course of the entire server.  So what's the beef?

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 31, 2004, 05:04:43 pm
I'm surprised at the suggestion that a team which doesn't turn up with all it's forces (god knows how you work out how many that is) should forfeit the match.

That just strikes me as really stupid. How can you apply any of that sort of organised ruling to an online game that will be played over several weeks when there are no organised numbers or playing times. At the start of the server nobody can tell how many players will turn up and how long they will play for. And to contend that there is inherent balance in the existing system as long as everybody "who said they would turn up"  does just doesn't make sense either.

There is no inherent balance in two large mobs (of no determinate number) pushing at each other over a two week period, while some players from each side mill around or go and eat or sleep or whatever. You can't even tell how many there are really on each side. I defy anybody in favour of mob rule to tell me exactly how many players they have on their side. In fact I defy anybody in favour of mob rule to even come up with a system to count how many players they have on their side. Does a player who runs only one mission count? Five missions? Twenty? Any real player would have run hundreds surely? And you are going to do this before the server starts? Seriously?

And how do you make allowances for withdrawals. "Oh look, one of the other teams players actually died, they'll have to forfeit now because all of their team isn't here. Oh and some of his friends went to the funeral, Double forfeit on them. Or maybe it's just a plot to get us to accept a phony forfeit because they have got us on double secret forfeit for not continuing to play on Martian Independence Day (and they know we are devout Martians). The mind boggles at the stupidity of this crap.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: el-Karnak on August 31, 2004, 05:10:03 pm
 The fateful error with the addition was that in SFB or F&E you have all the players at the game shop while the Hydrans try and make their run, and here you have a situation where some players went back to the game shop after hours.

That's unfair.  The alliance didn't go back to the shop after hours.  The shop was open for business.  The alliance just kept playing after we went home.  I actually thought the 76 VC's were perfectly fair and fairly earned.

The difference between the behaviour of the two teams is easy to explian.  The Alliance had an operation planned, and we did not.  They had a desperate situation.  They were do or die.  They had a specific start time.  They had a specific goal.  They had days to arrange their schedule to ensure the max players on at the onset of their plan.

We had a lead and a lot of confidence.

Given the two situations, which of the two teams would you consider most likely to hit the refresh button over and over until the server came back up?  We knew from day one that we needed to be on the lookout for this Hail Mary pass.  We should have suspected that a post-crash at the end would be our most vulnerable moment.

The fact that it was Father's day is irrelevant.  They had dedication and discipline.  We had a good holiday with our families.  They made a big score.  We still scored more points based on what we accomplished over the course of the entire server.  So what's the beef?


As an ISC visitor to the Alliance camp, I can say this:  the clues for the Hail Mary Hydran Expedition Operation were there for the Coaliton to pick up on.  We had people unobtrusively deep striking the intended route to soften up the hexes.  Anyone that monitors the news board would have seen a trail of hex hits show up in the bottom right-corner of the dyna map. The only question was whether is was a rogue deep striker or something more serious in the making.  A quick glance at the rules and a logical SitRep analysis of GW2 in its waning days may have sent up red flags about the Hydran Expedition VCs.

The operation was planned many days in advance. In fact, I was surprised that the secret operation was not leaked somehow before it happened.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Lepton on August 31, 2004, 05:35:54 pm

Kill the D2.  It is an inherently unfair, unbalanced system that rewards people with nothing better to do than plug away at the AI.  I don't care how much tactical delusions of grandeur and/or comradery arguements anyone makes.  Any of those supposed D2 positives could be easily transfered to a GSA-based campaign where things would really be determined by planning and player skills, not just by showing up with more numbers.

What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

It amazes me how insular this community is.  There are scores of ways that people have made campaigns and competitive structures in the absence of something in the game code to provide it.  Hell, back in the SFC1 days when there was no D2, there was the SFConline Campaign, right?  Take off your blinders and think outside of the D2 box.

You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along as the community of players would have produced its own campaigns, etc. to create organized play, so I don't want to hear any of this D2 nostalgia.  It (the D2) just happens to be the system that was available.  Any other would have done as well, if not better.  Stop trying to fix a broken system and create your own.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 05:38:52 pm
Kroma, I do not see how you can keep all those quotes in order on this wee little message screen.  I will try and do the same, but no promises. 

I used to be an HTML monkey ;-)

Well, I am certainly not trying to demean anybody, I was just addressing what I thought was a standard Federation/Alliance tactic.  Kroma, did you play RDSL? 

Yes but flew as a first one, so wasn't at all involved or aware of any strategic manuvering from either the coalition or alliance.

During RDSL, I observed that during odd hours, a large group of players would log on, accomplish an objective, and log off.  I even commented on this at the time in a post (probably on the old Taldren Forums) in which I called this tactic "The Surge".  I do not remember ANYBODY denying that they were doing this, so I filed it away as something we would have to be alert for in the future.  (I suppose you could say that it is hard to deny you are NOT doing something, but I would have expected somebody to say they were not doing this.  Or maybe at the time they wanted to encourage our paranoia ;))

Not sure if they did or didn't plan this out deliberately, but what I am trying to covey to you is that your characterization of there means of scheduling and making big pushes is no more honorable or dishonorable than the Klingon push at the beginning of the server. Instead of immediately jumping to the conclusion that they are doing this as some sort of cowardly stunt to avoid PvP, maybe you might consider that the timing of their coordinated Surges was simply a matter of logistical scheduling, that results from the fact that the Alliance team members tend to generally have different hours of the day that they are available to play.

I saw this more in GW2, especially the Father's Day thing.  Maybe you are not seeing this tactic on this server, but it sure looked like it was something the Alliance did in the past, so I do not want to see us nailed with a similar tactic again.  Maybe we should cancel our planned 3AM operation Wednesday morning. 

It is not your dilegence in protecting against such that I take issue with, it is the characterization that it is cheap and dishonorable that I find offensive. You seem to be implying that the Allaince players are trying to simply cheese or skirt the rules somehow by coordinating and scheduling their limited time online so that they can have maximum effect. Thus what you call a cheap stunt, I call well organized.

Kroma, I am surprised you do not see a distinction between the two.  Here is the distinction.  The Coalition made their move at the BEGINNING of the server, when traditionally there are a lot of players on.

So if your opponent doesn't tailor their offensives to what you feel is the traditional model of dyna play it is to be considered a cheap tactic? Maybe instead of deriding them as cheesers you look at it as innovative and inspired tactical thinking. Personally I don't buy your implication that you planned your move for the beginning of the server so that you would deliberately encounter maximum resistance. More likely since the server started on a weekend the scheduling lended itself to what was most convenient for time for your player base to all get online for the push, since it has often been noted that the large majority of the coalition player base has more gaming time on the weekends. So please don't try and spin this as if you did it that way because it is the only honorable way to organize an offensive.

It would have been just as easy for the Alliance players to have rationalize yourfirst  weekend push as a cheap stunt on the opening day when it traditionally takes a few days before everyone gets into the grove. Thus they would have been attributing your well planned and executed (IMO) surge as a cheap stunt, that attempted to exploit the fact that you new you would be facing largely AI in missions. This would be demeaning to your efforts and organization, and if I had heard one single alliance play voice such an opinion you can bet I would have given them a serious tounge lashing for being cry babies.

Our operation was going to take place no matter what kind of opposition we faced.  It was in the open, and we were ready to take on all comers to accomplish our mission.  Also, there was PLENTY of time for the Alliance to stop us, even when we took those planets. 

Once again you make a loosly veiled slam as to the honor of those you play this game with (which I find completely counter productive to the betterment of the dyna play for all), in that you imply that the Allaince have been doing something underhanded, and that if you had shown up to resist they would have all fled home to there mommies.

There was no automatic score when we took those planets.

I'm sorry did I mis something here? Did the Allaince get a say in the VC and server setup that I was unaware of? Why are you making it sound like it is there fault that the VC conditions were setup as they were. In fact GW2 was delirately setup to favor the Coalition (heck when it initially wasn't playing out that way it got reset so that it would in fact play as such). The automatic score VC was created to counter balance this unbalanced setup and try to reflect the spirit of the SFB general war and not do to some backdoor pork barrel package lobbied for by the Allaince. They had nothing to do with the setup, they just played the game by the rules that were posted. Maybe if more Coalition player had bothered to login and test as well as offer feedback pre-server when it was requested and con\cerns with this setup could have been addressed.

The Father's Day Operation was a different matter.  A LOT of the frustration of that operation was due to the server going down RIGHT BEFORE THE OPERATION WAS TO TAKE PLACE, and most of the Coalition went to bed, not knowing when the server was going to come up.  When the server came up, the alliance came on in great number, and began hitting hexes where there was no human opposition. 

Some of us suspected skullduggery in the timing of the server outage right before the operation was to kick off.  I have since come to the conclusion that it was not a sinister act, just one of those Fateful Things That Happen at a Critical Moment in Dynaverse History. I actually regret my suspicions. 

Sorry to have to disagree with you here but this is utter nonsense. I was on the server 1 hour before the planned operation occured and didn't leave until it concluded, and your facts are way off. When the server went down there were only 2 Coalition players on (Futar aka Dib? and one other I don't recall). When it came back up 15 minutes later, do to the fact that I had to call Dhs hungover butt and get him out of bed since the box had completely powered itself off and I could get in remotely to reboot the server package, only Futar returned. So I guess technically you are right since at least 50% of your players didn't return, which some might consider most.

The most disturbing part of your mis-recollection of the facts is the myth that quickly built up around the event, and appears to have gain creedence with each retelling in the coalition camp about the sinister reasons for the server outage and timing of the push. Which is exactly the point I have been trying to make on the forums the last 2 days, that your (and I mean your as in both the die hard coalition and allaince memebrs) lack of exposure to each other in anything other than an adversarial role continues to foster these baseless conspiracy theories and general unwarrented anamosity between a bunch of generally good guys and gals that have way more in common than not, which is the real shame here.

But understand that that outage did indeed contribute to the success of the operation. 

As I noted above, that is total horse crap. 1 additional player would have made no difference What really did you in was that the one player didn't get a post up on taldren or in your forums alerting your player base to the offensive. I know becuase I was monitoring taldren and watching the recent post date on the coalition forum wondering how soon before word got out that the Allaince was making a last ditch effort for the only VCs still realistically available to them that latein the game.

Keep in mind that the Alliance only had to make CONTACT with the Federation and screencap it.  They did this after a bitter fight with the few pilots online.  They received a whole kit and kaboodle of VP's for the deed.  Even though the server end was quite a while away, and there was no remedy, even if a hundred Coalition pilots logged on and retook each and every hex.  In retrospect, we should have guarded for this possibility,

Please also keep in mind that this has nothing to do with the Allaince players, it was a pre-posted server VC condition that was publically posted a week and a half before the server started and comments were welcomed and encouraged publically by the admin, a call that apparently fell on deaf ears.

but I am not sure what we could have done to defend against it, except prepare a phone tree.

Now that is good tactical and organizational thinking, considering the VC setup of that server, but a day late and a dollar short unfortunately. Just chalk it up to experience.

So, yes, we are now mindful of these kind of tactics. 

Mindful is good analytical thinking and shows that you have learned from a mistake, but implying that you are being mindful of a cheap stunt is derogatory and belittling of the efforts of those who stuck it out on the server for the Alliance in light of the overwhelming advantage that was given to the coalition to make the server a more SFB true defensive battle for the Hydrans.

It just seems to me Zeppa, that when you describe the planning and organization of the coalition you rationalize it as noble and fair, but when you describe similar (yet not tactically identical) organization and planning on the part of the Alliance you assume the worst in people. This to me is  at the heart of every single issue facing the dyna today, and unless both sides decide to grow up and start acting like adults  and working together the dyna won't have much life left in it. And that is something I think we can both agree would be a bad thing, as I feel you are someone that loves the game as much as I do.

Please know Zeppa that I am taking the time to explain all this to you precisely because I respect you and have always found you to be an honorable pilot, if I didn't think so I wouldn't waste my breathe. I just think that many of us on both sides keep suspecting and assuming the worst in each other, and I know for a fact (as someone who has played for both sides pretty evenly over the years) that those negative feelings are completely baseless.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 05:39:36 pm

Kill the D2.  It is an inherently unfair, unbalanced system that rewards people with nothing better to do than plug away at the AI.  I don't care how much tactical delusions of grandeur and/or comradery arguements anyone makes.  Any of those supposed D2 positives could be easily transfered to a GSA-based campaign where things would really be determined by planning and player skills, not just by showing up with more numbers.

What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

It amazes me how insular this community is.  There are scores of ways that people have made campaigns and competitive structures in the absence of something in the game code to provide it.  Hell, back in the SFC1 days when there was no D2, there was the SFConline Campaign, right?  Take off your blinders and think outside of the D2 box.

You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along as the community of players would have produced its own campaigns, etc. to create organized play, so I don't want to hear any of this D2 nostalgia.  It (the D2) just happens to be the system that was available.  Any other would have done as well, if not better.  Stop trying to fix a broken system and create your own.

It's still fun, despite the headaches.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 05:43:57 pm
A decision was made (and a bit of a gamble) that it would serve us better to go after the uncontested neutral VCs while the getting was good, when it appeared that defending the Mirak space was a losing effort.

Neutral VC's? I am not aware of any neutral planets having VC's, Build points yes. VC's no.

VC/build points whatever. I just play for fun and don't really care all that much about the winning, so probably wasn't paying that close of attention. I just want an enviroment that we can all have some fun in.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Lepton on August 31, 2004, 05:44:53 pm

Kill the D2.  It is an inherently unfair, unbalanced system that rewards people with nothing better to do than plug away at the AI.  I don't care how much tactical delusions of grandeur and/or comradery arguements anyone makes.  Any of those supposed D2 positives could be easily transfered to a GSA-based campaign where things would really be determined by planning and player skills, not just by showing up with more numbers.

What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

It amazes me how insular this community is.  There are scores of ways that people have made campaigns and competitive structures in the absence of something in the game code to provide it.  Hell, back in the SFC1 days when there was no D2, there was the SFConline Campaign, right?  Take off your blinders and think outside of the D2 box.

You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along as the community of players would have produced its own campaigns, etc. to create organized play, so I don't want to hear any of this D2 nostalgia.  It (the D2) just happens to be the system that was available.  Any other would have done as well, if not better.  Stop trying to fix a broken system and create your own.

It's still fun, despite the headaches.

So might be anything else, if not more so than the D2.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 31, 2004, 05:49:52 pm

Kill the D2.  It is an inherently unfair, unbalanced system that rewards people with nothing better to do than plug away at the AI.  I don't care how much tactical delusions of grandeur and/or comradery arguements anyone makes.  Any of those supposed D2 positives could be easily transfered to a GSA-based campaign where things would really be determined by planning and player skills, not just by showing up with more numbers.

What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

It amazes me how insular this community is.  There are scores of ways that people have made campaigns and competitive structures in the absence of something in the game code to provide it.  Hell, back in the SFC1 days when there was no D2, there was the SFConline Campaign, right?  Take off your blinders and think outside of the D2 box.

You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along as the community of players would have produced its own campaigns, etc. to create organized play, so I don't want to hear any of this D2 nostalgia.  It (the D2) just happens to be the system that was available.  Any other would have done as well, if not better.  Stop trying to fix a broken system and create your own.

It's still fun, despite the headaches.

So might be anything else, if not more so than the D2.

build and they will come then Lepton.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Lepton on August 31, 2004, 05:53:00 pm

Kill the D2.  It is an inherently unfair, unbalanced system that rewards people with nothing better to do than plug away at the AI.  I don't care how much tactical delusions of grandeur and/or comradery arguements anyone makes.  Any of those supposed D2 positives could be easily transfered to a GSA-based campaign where things would really be determined by planning and player skills, not just by showing up with more numbers.

What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

It amazes me how insular this community is.  There are scores of ways that people have made campaigns and competitive structures in the absence of something in the game code to provide it.  Hell, back in the SFC1 days when there was no D2, there was the SFConline Campaign, right?  Take off your blinders and think outside of the D2 box.

You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along as the community of players would have produced its own campaigns, etc. to create organized play, so I don't want to hear any of this D2 nostalgia.  It (the D2) just happens to be the system that was available.  Any other would have done as well, if not better.  Stop trying to fix a broken system and create your own.

It's still fun, despite the headaches.

So might be anything else, if not more so than the D2.

build and they will come then Lepton.

If I could, I would.  Since I am not able to, the only option I have is to convince others to do so.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 05:53:46 pm

It's still fun, despite the headaches.

So might be anything else, if not more so than the D2.

No reason we can't do both, or all 3 if you includes the GZ league.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 31, 2004, 05:55:18 pm


Did anyone say "Gosh J'inn that looks stupid"  BEFORE IT STARTED.


Well not to bring it up but...   ;D


Hexx was right.   I was wrong.

THERE!!  Ya Happy??

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Lepton on August 31, 2004, 06:00:59 pm

It's still fun, despite the headaches.

So might be anything else, if not more so than the D2.

No reason we can't do both, or all 3 if you includes the GZ league.

Except all this piss and vinegar and sweat and effort goes into the D2 development and bitching.  GZ only came about by focusing exclusively on developing a league.  There would need to be a dedicated development team for any other campaign effort, not some red-headed step-child that gets the cold leftovers when the D2 is not in full effect.  And it's not about both.  It's about what is better and what is worth focusing effort on.  A broken system or something created from the ground up?
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Durin on August 31, 2004, 06:02:38 pm
Three things for me..

1) I've been too busy to play anything.

2) I'm burned out on sfc anyways.

3) I'm looking into Jump to lightspeed, coming out this fall.


I want to blast those rebel scum into small bite sized pieces.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 06:09:41 pm

3) I'm looking into Jump to lightspeed, coming out this fall.


I want to blast those rebel scum into small bite sized pieces.

Whoa . . .   Now this might make me think twice . . .
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 06:23:37 pm

Except all this piss and vinegar and sweat and effort goes into the D2 development and bitching.  GZ only came about by focusing exclusively on developing a league.  There would need to be a dedicated development team for any other campaign effort, not some red-headed step-child that gets the cold leftovers when the D2 is not in full effect.  And it's not about both.  It's about what is better and what is worth focusing effort on.  A broken system or something created from the ground up?

But not everyone is able to participate in the GZ league and not all will be able to participate in Max's campain.

Some players like fighting the AI and have not intention of becoming PvPers.  Nothing worng with giving them a place to play to.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Lepton on August 31, 2004, 06:25:40 pm
I've seen previews of it.  It might look pretty, but it looks as if it is awful gameplay.  I hope I am proved wrong as I would buy this.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Hexx on August 31, 2004, 06:37:22 pm


Did anyone say "Gosh J'inn that looks stupid"  BEFORE IT STARTED.


Well not to bring it up but...   ;D


Hexx was right.   I was wrong.

THERE!!  Ya Happy??

Sadly enough yes.

Just got my lawyers bill for setting up my corporation.

Since I can't think of a way to punish him...
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 06:39:04 pm

Just got my lawyers bill for setting up my corporation.

Sub-contracter for Santa Claus?   :lol:
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Cleaven on August 31, 2004, 07:38:23 pm
The big advantage of the D2 is that it is a persistant online game, available to anybody (even he that shall not be named), at anytime of day or week, with any skill level, flying any ship he can buy in the shipyard. None of the alternate offerings have those features. The trick is to keep those features and make the game one which has a meaningful win/loss outcome, instead of a "we lost because of the Father's Day Massacre" outcome (whatever that may be).

Things which will counteract the features of the D2 are rules and restrictions on what people can play, when they can play it, and how they can play it.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Age on August 31, 2004, 08:09:50 pm

Kill the D2.  It is an inherently unfair, unbalanced system that rewards people with nothing better to do than plug away at the AI.  I don't care how much tactical delusions of grandeur and/or comradery arguements anyone makes.  Any of those supposed D2 positives could be easily transfered to a GSA-based campaign where things would really be determined by planning and player skills, not just by showing up with more numbers.

What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

It amazes me how insular this community is.  There are scores of ways that people have made campaigns and competitive structures in the absence of something in the game code to provide it.  Hell, back in the SFC1 days when there was no D2, there was the SFConline Campaign, right?  Take off your blinders and think outside of the D2 box.

You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along as the community of players would have produced its own campaigns, etc. to create organized play, so I don't want to hear any of this D2 nostalgia.  It (the D2) just happens to be the system that was available.  Any other would have done as well, if not better.  Stop trying to fix a broken system and create your own.
I wouldn't go that far as it still has some life left it.It needs some different kind of severs to come out other than GW campaign.There is still a lot of life in the D3 access servers for over ten years as for D2 hopefully ten.I have an Idea of such a server if anyone is interested in hearing about but don't laugh.Let me know if you want to hear about it.It will be different I will tell you that.There is no need to kill the D2 c'mon now as there are several others who still want to play on it.They are possibly taking a break from it and those that are still waiting.What is this a D2 mutiny?Please spare me the rhetoric.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Father Ted on August 31, 2004, 08:35:23 pm
I've seen previews of it.  It might look pretty, but it looks as if it is awful gameplay.  I hope I am proved wrong as I would buy this.

Forgive me for being presumptive, but I'm going to call you 'Marvin' from now on. You see, Doug Adams wrote the "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy" books, and one of the characters was a robot named Marvin who was always depressed and never had anything positive to say about anything. Therefore Lepton, I dub thee....MARVIN.  :carmen:
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: GDA-S'Cipio on August 31, 2004, 08:38:42 pm
You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along

No, I wouldn't have.  I've tried the types of structures  you continually espouse, and they simply don't have all of the strategic options that the D2 does.

But if you build one, I'll give it a look.

Trolling for a better D2

Well, you're half right.  :P

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: likkerpig on August 31, 2004, 08:47:12 pm
I wouldn't go that far as it still has some life left it.It needs some different kind of severs to come out other than GW campaign.There is still a lot of life in the D3 access servers for over ten years as for D2 hopefully ten.I have an Idea of such a server if anyone is interested in hearing about but don't laugh.Let me know if you want to hear about it.It will be different I will tell you that.There is no need to kill the D2 c'mon now as there are several others who still want to play on it.They are possibly taking a break from it and those that are still waiting.What is this a D2 mutiny?Please spare me the rhetoric.

Heh, I wouldn't take Lepton's gloom and doom as gospel Age. Lepton has a hatred for the D2 and hex flipping going back a long time, and he's entitled to his opinion, but that is something to keep in mind when reading his posts. D3 is a moot point in this issue, they seem to be busy with infighting as usual.
I have greatly enjoyed GW3, as I have all the campaigns. There is still a pool of very creative and talented people interested in the D2, so long as they keep coming up with the good stuff people will play. Myself I am eagerly awaiting Chris Jones's Universe at War mod... the TNG races (and others) using the OP platform.... ferengi and cardassian... drool. (ya I'm a DS9 geek). Curious to see what he did with the andro's and tholians....

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Grim on August 31, 2004, 09:17:46 pm
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Bonk on August 31, 2004, 09:20:04 pm
What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

I had started exactly that (F&E style) with a group but they wanted to make a single player game first which hasn't happened yet, anyway I may dig it out and take another look (webmap hooked up to forums and gamespy id... if we could figure out the command line parameters to start a D2 mission directly (or even the multiplayer setup) from a webpage link of battles selected to be resolved by SFC, there we go... I still like the D2 though too, have known its quirks this long and still hope to see them fixed.

P.S. I just found two command line arguments for OP (should work for SFC3 too):
StarFleetOP.exe -Host (Directly to -> "Create Multiplayer Game")
StarFleetOP.exe -Client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Directly to ->"Select Game" on host machine)

I just copied my shortcut and added (space)-Host after the quotes in the target on the shortcut properties
and tested the client parameter from a command line.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: KHH Jakle on August 31, 2004, 09:38:08 pm
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Grim on August 31, 2004, 09:46:20 pm
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

Its just my personal opinion that i dont like gz or a league based system, these opinions are based on a long time ago, yes i know there have been supposed changes however my opinion of it would be hard to sway in fact i would say its impossible but thats just me.

I have nothing against other people playing gz or any other league based system, if you looked at my post above i think its good that there is d2, normal gsa play, gz and soon max's campaign, this will give more of a variety to the players and i am course all for that.

Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 31, 2004, 10:42:36 pm
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

Its just my personal opinion that i dont like gz or a league based system, these opinions are based on a long time ago, yes i know there have been supposed changes however my opinion of it would be hard to sway in fact i would say its impossible but thats just me.

I have nothing against other people playing gz or any other league based system, if you looked at my post above i think its good that there is d2, normal gsa play, gz and soon max's campaign, this will give more of a variety to the players and i am course all for that.

GZ is totally different now and it is run by great people, you should check it out.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Grim on September 01, 2004, 04:58:56 am
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

Its just my personal opinion that i dont like gz or a league based system, these opinions are based on a long time ago, yes i know there have been supposed changes however my opinion of it would be hard to sway in fact i would say its impossible but thats just me.

I have nothing against other people playing gz or any other league based system, if you looked at my post above i think its good that there is d2, normal gsa play, gz and soon max's campaign, this will give more of a variety to the players and i am course all for that.

GZ is totally different now and it is run by great people, you should check it out.

No chance, but like i said its good there is a variety of gameplay out there for those who want something different.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Capt Jeff on September 01, 2004, 06:31:20 am
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

BRAVO !!!    (+ karma for Grim)

I've worked 6 nights a week for the last year now (around 10 hours a night),  and when I get off work, I'm usually in a mood to blow stuff up by then.  Log on time at 7:00 am is not ideal for massive PvP, but I have fun with the friends that are online at that time in either coop or PvP.   I know what I do in the mornings will help later in the day when more people show up, hence the reason D2 is really multiplayer inside multiplayer.

GSA/Ladder would be hard to find at 7 am Eastern, and I like for my work to carry over from day to day, so that is what makes D2 so fun for me.
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Mazeppa on September 01, 2004, 06:58:16 am
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

BRAVO !!!    (+ karma for Grim)

I've worked 6 nights a week for the last year now (around 10 hours a night),  and when I get off work, I'm usually in a mood to blow stuff up by then.  Log on time at 7:00 am is not ideal for massive PvP, but I have fun with the friends that are online at that time in either coop or PvP.   I know what I do in the mornings will help later in the day when more people show up, hence the reason D2 is really multiplayer inside multiplayer.

GSA/Ladder would be hard to find at 7 am Eastern, and I like for my work to carry over from day to day, so that is what makes D2 so fun for me.

GZ play is NOT a continuing ladder any more, and has not been that for a while.  It is a divisional league, with a weekly 3 v 3 match.  You and your teammates play the other side 2 out of three.  So you just need to clear your schedule for an evening or an afternoon usually. 
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Age on September 01, 2004, 02:53:55 pm
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

BRAVO !!!    (+ karma for Grim)

I've worked 6 nights a week for the last year now (around 10 hours a night),  and when I get off work, I'm usually in a mood to blow stuff up by then.  Log on time at 7:00 am is not ideal for massive PvP, but I have fun with the friends that are online at that time in either coop or PvP.   I know what I do in the mornings will help later in the day when more people show up, hence the reason D2 is really multiplayer inside multiplayer.

GSA/Ladder would be hard to find at 7 am Eastern, and I like for my work to carry over from day to day, so that is what makes D2 so fun for me.
The Dynaverses style of game is suppose to be like a MMORPG style of play.I read this somewhere on another board.This what the Dyna is supposed to be like.Good Post Jeff
Title: Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
Post by: Vorcha on September 01, 2004, 03:40:37 pm
I've seen previews of it.  It might look pretty, but it looks as if it is awful gameplay.  I hope I am proved wrong as I would buy this.

Forgive me for being presumptive, but I'm going to call you 'Marvin' from now on. You see, Doug Adams wrote the "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy" books, and one of the characters was a robot named Marvin who was always depressed and never had anything positive to say about anything. Therefore Lepton, I dub thee....MARVIN.  :carmen:

Hahahaha  Brain the size of a planet and they ME to take out the rubbish...how typical hahahahahahaha  One of my fav characters from that series :)