
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: KAT J'inn on August 26, 2004, 09:28:30 am

Title: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 26, 2004, 09:28:30 am
I over did it last night.   Ugh.   Went out.   Drank too much wine.   Came home grumpy and hit the scotch.   Then I made a really big mistake.   I logged onto the game.

I hope I wasn't too stupid.


Now why do I have a receipt from D.C. Escort Service in my wallet????    Arrrghh   and I have these "After Drinking Mystery Bruises."      Let's not even talk about the angry Shop Rex phone messages.   <shudder>

Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: FPF-AJTK on August 26, 2004, 09:34:27 am
Yeah, but does it hurt when you sit down, thats the question...
Oh, and do you smell like Kromas perfume?
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 26, 2004, 09:36:42 am
Yeah, but does it hurt when you sit down, thats the question...
Oh, and do you smell like Kromas perfume?

SHUT UP!!   I'm trying not to barf here as it is!!


Must get greasy food.  And coffee.  Lots of coffee.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 26, 2004, 11:16:10 am
I over did it last night.   Ugh.   Went out.   Drank too much wine.   Came home grumpy and hit the scotch.   Then I made a really big mistake.   I logged onto the game.

I hope I wasn't too stupid.


Now why do I have a receipt from D.C. Escort Service in my wallet????    Arrrghh   and I have these "After Drinking Mystery Bruises."      Let's not even talk about the angry Shop Rex phone messages.   <shudder>

Wow, that is a scary conicidence. I too went out to dinner and got good and drunk last night, wokeup this morning and my mouth taste like a cat crapped in it.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: SSCF-LeRoy on August 26, 2004, 11:35:35 am
I over did it last night.   Ugh.   Went out.   Drank too much wine.   Came home grumpy and hit the scotch.   Then I made a really big mistake.   I logged onto the game.

I hope I wasn't too stupid.


Now why do I have a receipt from D.C. Escort Service in my wallet????    Arrrghh   and I have these "After Drinking Mystery Bruises."      Let's not even talk about the angry Shop Rex phone messages.   <shudder>

Of course then there was that incident where I t-bombed ya in mission... <snicker>
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT Chuut-Ritt on August 26, 2004, 11:39:53 am
The Barry Manilow seranade was kinda entertaining actually.   And that Elton John /  Kiki Dee bit with you and Kroma as a duet was priceless J'inn.

Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: 762_XC on August 26, 2004, 01:59:03 pm
wokeup this morning and my mouth taste like a cat crapped in it.

Another successful mission for Cats in Black.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 26, 2004, 03:45:07 pm
Well my head still hurts.   I think there is only one thing to do.  Get more alcohol in my blood.   I'm going to a happy hour.  I'll be thinking of you guys while staring at the miniskirts.     NOT!!!!  :P

I'll be on later.    Hopefully a brunette.   If not that,  then the server.


Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Hexx on August 26, 2004, 04:16:46 pm
So see you about 10ish then?  ;D
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 26, 2004, 04:22:56 pm

I'll be on later.    Hopefully a brunette. . .

What's his name?   ;D
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 26, 2004, 04:24:43 pm
Well my head still hurts.   I think there is only one thing to do.  Get more alcohol in my blood.   I'm going to a happy hour.  I'll be thinking of you guys while staring at the miniskirts.     NOT!!!!  :P

I'll be on later.    Hopefully a brunette.   If not that,  then the server.


Jinn rumor has it that the best place to find a sexy brunette in a short skirt is on the server. But I insist on being on top.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: 762_XC on August 26, 2004, 07:53:09 pm
That's the spirit J'inn! Hair of the dog!!
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 26, 2004, 08:55:46 pm
Let see . .  .

Hexx:    KMA!!!


Kroma:  I'd say KMA . . . but in your case I'll stick with a STFU.  Safer.

762:  Erm . . .   not sure if you are being sarcastic or not . . .  so here's a safety KMA!!!

The rest of you all:   KMA!!!

Yes it's *()$(*&$(*&*$  10:00PM and I'm home.  Sans Bimbo!  Again.   


J'inn the Not so Stable

Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: 762_XC on August 26, 2004, 09:18:17 pm
Sans Bimbo! 

Life is good.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: FPF-DieHard on August 27, 2004, 08:08:33 am
 Sans Bimbo!  Again.   

I didn't know you were into Latin Chicks  ;D
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: FPF-AJTK on August 27, 2004, 09:33:00 am
Poor, Poor J'inn. You should start representing hookers, dude, and let them work off their fee. You know, some "pro-BONE-o" work?
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT J'inn on August 27, 2004, 10:27:03 am
"pro-BONE-o" work?

Sends to Printer
Blows up
Hang on wall in office
right under the following to signs.

Client's Rule Number 1:  Pay Your Lawyer

Client's Rule Number 2:  Listen to Your Lawyer

Client's Rule Number 3:  Shut the Hell Up

Client's Rule Number 4:  If you say, "It's About Principle"  you are an idiot

Client's Rule Number 5: Never Sue Poor People

Client's Rule Number 6:  Pigs Get Fed, Hogs Get Slaughtered.  Don't Be a Hog.

Client's Rule Number 7:  Don't Piss Off Your Lawyer
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT MRess on August 27, 2004, 11:18:01 am
I over did it last night.   Ugh.   Went out.   Drank too much wine.   Came home grumpy and hit the scotch.   Then I made a really big mistake.   I logged onto the game.

I hope I wasn't too stupid.


Now why do I have a receipt from D.C. Escort Service in my wallet????    Arrrghh   and I have these "After Drinking Mystery Bruises."      Let's not even talk about the angry Shop Rex phone messages.   <shudder>

Been there done that (last Sunday). Know the feeling.

Now to make you jealous...

The difference was when I woke up, I had no mystery bruises and the presence of a gorgeous young brunette. Oh that smile first thing in the morning...

I'm not lying.
I have witnesses.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Kroma BaSyl on August 27, 2004, 11:21:49 am

I'm not lying.
I have witnesses.

To hell with witnesses!! We want pictures!
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT MRess on August 27, 2004, 11:24:27 am

What if I told you the Digital camera was full, before she arrived?
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Mog on August 27, 2004, 01:26:33 pm
Mress, I am jealous of you using that picture. I love that cat in Shrek, awesome addition to the film.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Hexx on August 27, 2004, 01:38:32 pm
Mress, I am jealous of you using that picture. I love that cat in Shrek, awesome addition to the film.

The sad thing (well for me ) is that I downloaded the same pic like a week before it showed up on his.
I was just to lazy to get some space to host it.

Now I'm going to look like a wannabe Mress..
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Vaul on August 27, 2004, 02:01:50 pm
Look at it this way, at least you've been spared using a pin-up of some sleazy hitman who couldn't even whack his mark...
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: KAT MRess on August 27, 2004, 09:38:07 pm

Now I'm going to look like a wannabe Mress..

Oooooo, I have an emulator?
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Holocat on August 27, 2004, 09:48:31 pm
Mress, I am jealous of you using that picture. I love that cat in Shrek, awesome addition to the film.

The sad thing (well for me ) is that I downloaded the same pic like a week before it showed up on his.
I was just to lazy to get some space to host it.

Now I'm going to look like a wannabe Mress..

Can't you upload directly to here?  There seems to be an option in there to upload directly from one's machine... does it work, or is the picture i'm seeing for my avatar not appearing on anyone else's machine?
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: SSCF-LeRoy on August 28, 2004, 12:42:23 am
Mress, I am jealous of you using that picture. I love that cat in Shrek, awesome addition to the film.

The sad thing (well for me ) is that I downloaded the same pic like a week before it showed up on his.
I was just to lazy to get some space to host it.

Now I'm going to look like a wannabe Mress..

Can't you upload directly to here?  There seems to be an option in there to upload directly from one's machine... does it work, or is the picture i'm seeing for my avatar not appearing on anyone else's machine?

I see yer avatar just fine.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Holocat on August 28, 2004, 02:34:54 am
Mress, I am jealous of you using that picture. I love that cat in Shrek, awesome addition to the film.

The sad thing (well for me ) is that I downloaded the same pic like a week before it showed up on his.
I was just to lazy to get some space to host it.

Now I'm going to look like a wannabe Mress..

Can't you upload directly to here?  There seems to be an option in there to upload directly from one's machine... does it work, or is the picture i'm seeing for my avatar not appearing on anyone else's machine?

I see yer avatar just fine.

Thanks.  Good to know.  And proves the point.
Title: Re: OUCH!!!! Hangover City
Post by: Bossman on August 28, 2004, 03:19:34 pm
Just be glad it isn't a tragedy like the pic below!
