Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: FPF-DieHard on August 06, 2004, 12:30:27 pm
When you make that updated installer for GW3 BETA, could you toss in that Test EEK mission from SGODev?
sure, will upload shortly...
edit: done.
Um, where is it? I'm leaving for the movies in 20 minutes.
No biggie, I can change the test server later tonight.
The bitch is back! WB DH, you bad ol puddy tat.
Um, where is it? I'm leaving for the movies in 20 minutes.
No biggie, I can change the test server later tonight.
Right here:
(4.26MB - includes NW's latest OP Missions and an EEK test mission)
(192KB - if you already have NW's latest OP missions and the EEK test mission)
First test of Kar_ePatrol.scr (on the Gravity Well):
drb and I (both Kzin - I edited his hydran account to Mirak control) took an ePatrol - drb was hosting as I'm local, I CTD'd before my last ship came up in mission, drb continued on to finish the mission in 16,15 ... reported on the webmap recent battles page (2004-08-06 22:04:17).
(also confirmed double fighters in the current EEK2.1 deep space patrol and melee action)
Also I just edited the installer with missions, somehow I slipped in the stock starbase construction mission and included it in the removal on uninstall. Now fixed. If you end up missing your stock starbase construction mission just let me know and I can post it for you.
(note the missions in this installer are not on the test server yet... not till DH gets home from the movies anyway...)
Second ePatrol on the Gravity Well (hex 16,16 2004-08-06 23:01:27) no CTD this time, we both finished the mission, but had double fighters... 6 wings of 3(?) for a RN+ and an LN.
Thanks!!! Server is back up with the newest missions
Cool, I'll check it out.
I just logged in OK but got disconnected from the server before the map loaded. Now its not in the list. You workin on it or did I break it? lol...
edit: OK, its back up now all seems fine...