Taldrenites => Starfleet Command Mods => Topic started by: Don420 on June 29, 2004, 12:00:03 am
is it possible to mod the shuttles in op like giving them fighter photons
dont see why not... they are in one of the lists... either ftrlist or shiplist.txt
lol i've seen someone using hacks on gsa a while back who put ppd on his shuttles, was a nasty suprise.
So yeah it must be possible.
they musta switched the ftrlist on u grim... heh ;)
use shipedit and in the fighter list chose the shuttles and add weapon to it (you can add phaser A if you want) that can be cool :)
lol i've seen someone using hacks on gsa a while back who put ppd on his shuttles, was a nasty suprise.
So yeah it must be possible.
As far as I remember you can put every weapon on shuttles and fighters (included in ftrlist.txt file)
Have fun :)
All weapons are interchange-able with another. Fighterlist weapons can be on the Shiplist and Shiplist on the Fighterlist ..etc...
Don't forget about the unlisted weapon called the TRB
With the new patch there is no longer TRB Ancient Angel. This weapon was divided into TRBL (low repulsor beam) and TRBH (high repulsor beam). This weapon is sharing an icon with PPD and a sound file with Phaser 4 :) Aaaaah don't forget the fact that this weapon do not have any controls. I'll be working on this issue soon :)
Enjoy :)
You have any idea if the new TRB are available in the EaW version off hand.. ?
This is the first I heard about what they did with them in OP. Thanks for the info!
Now they haven't been installed in the EAW source code yet. They propably will not be included in EAW. Before the crash of Taldren INC this company had focused only on patching the OP. I haven't seen any progress on the EAW for past 8 months. The OP is progressively being patched. :) Maybe we should do sth like Atrahasis did - write a petition but to where?? Since Taldren is gone I don't even know who is responsible for that kind of stuff... :)
I'll be trying to do sth about that but I can't say it'll work :)
:banghead: I think TRB and some concept art is about as far as Taldren went on SFC GAW before Activision bought out the franchise. I think they put everything they developed into OP and released it while they still had the rights. That would Also explain why OP was released with so many bugs. Anybody wonder why so many are bitter about SFC3? Still, if SFC3 were done better, I wouldn't have been so angry. Recently, Paramount has been moving on doing something with ST gaming, so new developments are likely. Either someone will get the rights to develop a new SFC or maybe, just maybe, SFC will be declared "dead," and the source code will be made available.
They really need to re-release SFC OP so more people can get in on it!
:o Yeah you're right. I hate Activision for their presence on the gaming-market. If I had such big company I would try to kick them out for the non released SFC:GAW... Aaaargh. Just imagine how this SFC would look like... aaaaaargh.... ??? >:(
:banghead: I think TRB and some concept art is about as far as Taldren went on SFC GAW before Activision bought out the franchise. I think they put everything they developed into OP and released it while they still had the rights. That would Also explain why OP was released with so many bugs. Anybody wonder why so many are bitter about SFC3? Still, if SFC3 were done better, I wouldn't have been so angry. Recently, Paramount has been moving on doing something with ST gaming, so new developments are likely. Either someone will get the rights to develop a new SFC or maybe, just maybe, SFC will be declared "dead," and the source code will be made available.
They really need to re-release SFC OP so more people can get in on it!
There was something in either the developement stages or it was already developed and there was no puplisher for this game.It would have been different though as source from Taldren told me much more SFC3 but with some of Orion Pirates in it.It would be nice if someone bought out Interplay do to this but there is no more Interplay atleast for now.The last word I heard is the president of Interplay is going to rebuild the company.I just wonder where all the cd keys went to.That is what we need the most as players who lost theres need them.