TY Mog! Remind me on our next server to give you your choice of a 10k pp bonus or a free specialty ship. ;)
TY Mog! Remind me on our next server to give you your choice of a 10k pp bonus or a free specialty ship. ;)
Yesterday I told you how to do this AND how to do it with yer scroll wheel. So where's my 10k pp bonus? :skeptic:
TY Mog! Remind me on our next server to give you your choice of a 10k pp bonus or a free specialty ship. ;)
Yesterday I told you how to do this AND how to do it with yer scroll wheel. So where's my 10k pp bonus? :skeptic:
He was too busy waiting for your super-sized signature to scroll through and missed it.
TY Mog! Remind me on our next server to give you your choice of a 10k pp bonus or a free specialty ship. ;)
Yesterday I told you how to do this AND how to do it with yer scroll wheel. So where's my 10k pp bonus? :skeptic:
He was too busy waiting for your super-sized signature to scroll through and missed it.
Problem fixed. I removed it altogether cuz the size was buggin' me too :P
Boy, you guys sold out!!!
I would get way more for making it bigger.
Tell u what... ask your girlfriend. She had to back away to focus. :rofl: Remember, its not how you use your font, its how big it is. ;)
Boy, you guys sold out!!!
I would get way more for making it bigger.
Kim, you'll actually get more if after that stage ... you manage to make it smaller again. ;)
What? What'd I say? ::)
Are you offering to give me golf lessons, Aurora? Why don't you start by showing me how you grip the club?
I am your knight in shining armor. :-*
I am your knight in shining armor. :-*
I am your knight in shining armor. :-*
Aurora, I'll let you tee off 1st in Likkerpig or Kromas general direction. Feel free to use the new Starfleet issue Anti-matter Top Flights. Those golf balls dont much care if you make it in the hole, they kinda make their own. ;) If there is anything left... I'll whip out my wood and toss one real far.
I am your knight in shining armor. :-*
I think I am gonna be sick!
Aurora, enuf funnin'. Thet pot roast still ain't cookin' itself, them tea towels needs foldin' and Hexx needs a warsh! Git me a couple a bottles a malt likker on yer way back too! Oh, Kroma wants sum scotch, any blend'll do.
Something to brighten your day, Aurora. :)
I said I am NOT coming back. That Kroma has a potty mouth and I am a lady and I will not hang out with riff raff like her, him.. IT. My delicate womanly sensibilities have been offended... I'm just staying here with Dizzy. He KNOWS how to treat a lady, so there.
At least we git to see Dizz's softer side ;)
At least we git to see Dizz's softer side ;)
At least we git to see Dizz's softer side ;)
Come on LeRoy.. don't be jealous now ;)
Is this the same Dizzy that said he didn't like you, Aurora?
It's a love/hate relationship, mog.
Instant mutual attraction/respect for differing views (I like a gal who stands her ground with me. You shoulda seen Tracey G face off against me in GW2, she gave me some stiff resistance and never backed down till the very last second. I like a gal who plays tough...), fiery romance, built upon virtually no foundation or common background, screaming down the tracks at 100mph heading toward certain catastrophe w/o a wing or prayer... Kinda sounds like that redhead I followed up to Washington a few years ago... ;) Wow... what a disaster. Loved every minute of it.
You guys should see our steamy PM's. ;) You know, her pic she sent me... she is quite the hottie.
Diz.. shhhh.. I don't want everyone to kow how easy I am. then I'll have to be beating them all off *sigh*
Diz.. shhhh.. I don't want everyone to kow how easy I am. then I'll have to be beating them all off *sigh*
I edited your post for accuracy.
Diz.. shhhh.. I don't want everyone to kow how easy I am. then I'll have to be beating them all off *sigh*
I edited your post for accuracy.
I was ALL READY accurate, thank you very much, you tutu wearing freak ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!?!? I'm staying away from your precious piglet, isn't that what you wanted ?!?!? I've got Dizzy now... just leave me in peace !!!
The contagion is spreading...
The contagion is spreading...
The contagion is spreading...
Diz.. shhhh.. I don't want everyone to kow how easy I am. then I'll have to be beating them all off *sigh*
I edited your post for accuracy.
I was ALL READY accurate, thank you very much, you tutu wearing freak ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!?!? I'm staying away from your precious piglet, isn't that what you wanted ?!?!? I've got Dizzy now... just leave me in peace !!!
Diz.. shhhh.. I don't want everyone to kow how easy I am. then I'll have to be beating them all off *sigh*
I edited your post for accuracy.
I was ALL READY accurate, thank you very much, you tutu wearing freak ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!?!? I'm staying away from your precious piglet, isn't that what you wanted ?!?!? I've got Dizzy now... just leave me in peace !!!
He's my biatch too!!!
The contagion is spreading...
Diz.. shhhh.. I don't want everyone to kow how easy I am. then I'll have to be beating them all off *sigh*
I edited your post for accuracy.
I was ALL READY accurate, thank you very much, you tutu wearing freak ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!?!? I'm staying away from your precious piglet, isn't that what you wanted ?!?!? I've got Dizzy now... just leave me in peace !!!
He's my biatch too!!!
Dizzy is part of our playgroup? Was he the one wearing the outfit Durin brought?
I can fee lit...
The Madness...
QuoteI can fee lit...
The Madness...
Not you too?
The contagion is spreading...
I can fee lit...
The Madness...
I got cabin fever it's burning in my brain
I've got cabin fever it's driving me insane
We got cabin fever, we're flipping our bandanas
Been stuck in space so long we have simply gone bananas!
The contagion is spreading...
I can fee lit...
The Madness...
I got cabin fever it's burning in my brain
I've got cabin fever it's driving me insane
We got cabin fever, we're flipping our bandanas
Been stuck in space so long we have simply gone bananas!
I'd be careful with the fruit references. Aurora has some sort of thing for fruit, Dizzy might get a little unstable if she jumps ship for you....
Ketamine... ketamine....
isn't that the stuff you put in camping lanterns?
Ok, I huffed it once or twice, but the headache wasn't worth it.
Ketamine... ketamine....
isn't that the stuff you put in camping lanterns?
Ok, I huffed it once or twice, but the headache wasn't worth it.
I can't believe this... I said I was finished with you !!! F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D ! I am here with Dizzy and you just can't handle it, can you ? I am NOT gonna jump ship and how DARE you say something so digusting about me !
Ketamine... ketamine....
isn't that the stuff you put in camping lanterns?
Ok, I huffed it once or twice, but the headache wasn't worth it.
I believe you're thinking Kerosene, but considering the facts above I doubt you cared at the time. :p
I can't believe this... I said I was finished with you !!! F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D ! I am here with Dizzy and you just can't handle it, can you ? I am NOT gonna jump ship and how DARE you say something so digusting about me !
Ketamine... ketamine....
isn't that the stuff you put in camping lanterns?
Ok, I huffed it once or twice, but the headache wasn't worth it.
I believe you're thinking Kerosene, but considering the facts above I doubt you cared at the time. :p
QuoteI can't believe this... I said I was finished with you !!! F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D ! I am here with Dizzy and you just can't handle it, can you ? I am NOT gonna jump ship and how DARE you say something so digusting about me !
Hey baby, lets not fight in public. This isn't the trailer park, you know.
Lets go back to the double wide, you can throw some empties at me, then get to work on dinner. Sound good hun?
I think your favorite movie is on the Oprah channel tonite, "The Burning Bed". After that is "The Lorena Bobbit Story".
We can cuddle on the sofa bed and watch your favorites. I won't even play dutch oven tonite.
QuoteI can't believe this... I said I was finished with you !!! F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D ! I am here with Dizzy and you just can't handle it, can you ? I am NOT gonna jump ship and how DARE you say something so digusting about me !
Hey baby, lets not fight in public. This isn't the trailer park, you know.
Lets go back to the double wide, you can throw some empties at me, then get to work on dinner. Sound good hun?
I think your favorite movie is on the Oprah channel tonite, "The Burning Bed". After that is "The Lorena Bobbit Story".
We can cuddle on the sofa bed and watch your favorites. I won't even play dutch oven tonite.
QuoteI can't believe this... I said I was finished with you !!! F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D ! I am here with Dizzy and you just can't handle it, can you ? I am NOT gonna jump ship and how DARE you say something so digusting about me !
Hey baby, lets not fight in public. This isn't the trailer park, you know.
Lets go back to the double wide, you can throw some empties at me, then get to work on dinner. Sound good hun?
I think your favorite movie is on the Oprah channel tonite, "The Burning Bed". After that is "The Lorena Bobbit Story".
We can cuddle on the sofa bed and watch your favorites. I won't even play dutch oven tonite.
Would you please stop STALKING me !!!! I have Dizzy now.. he likes me.. he's nice to me.. he doesn't live in the trailer park.
Why don't you and Chrome Dome go cuddle up on the couch and watch some more Jerry Springer re-runs. Hell.. maybe you should phone the producers up and see about you and Kroma appearing. It could be an epsiode on how people who leave a good thing for a scalely disgusting tutu wearing homaphrodite freak who smells bad.
Diz.. shhhh.. I don't want everyone to kow how easy I am. then I'll have to be beating them all off *sigh*
I edited your post for accuracy.
I was ALL READY accurate, thank you very much, you tutu wearing freak ! Why can't you just leave me alone ?!?!? I'm staying away from your precious piglet, isn't that what you wanted ?!?!? I've got Dizzy now... just leave me in peace !!!
He's my biatch too!!!
Dizzy is part of our playgroup? Was he the one wearing the outfit Durin brought?
QuoteI can't believe this... I said I was finished with you !!! F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D ! I am here with Dizzy and you just can't handle it, can you ? I am NOT gonna jump ship and how DARE you say something so digusting about me !
Hey baby, lets not fight in public. This isn't the trailer park, you know.
Lets go back to the double wide, you can throw some empties at me, then get to work on dinner. Sound good hun?
I think your favorite movie is on the Oprah channel tonite, "The Burning Bed". After that is "The Lorena Bobbit Story".
We can cuddle on the sofa bed and watch your favorites. I won't even play dutch oven tonite.
Would you please stop STALKING me !!!! I have Dizzy now.. he likes me.. he's nice to me.. he doesn't live in the trailer park.
Why don't you and Chrome Dome go cuddle up on the couch and watch some more Jerry Springer re-runs. Hell.. maybe you should phone the producers up and see about you and Kroma appearing. It could be an epsiode on how people who leave a good thing for a scalely disgusting tutu wearing homaphrodite freak who smells bad.
NO ! Dizzy is NOT part of your sick play group. He is ABOVE that !
...he doesn't live in the trailer park.
...he doesn't live in the trailer park.
Wanna come over to my place, Aurora? It's not much, but the views are nice. C'mon in and make yourself at home. Just ring the buzzer when you're settled and I'll tell you what level I'm on. We can watch cool battle vids of me blowing up Kroma's ships. ;)
The Sky Shack ([url]http://cg-art.com/espace-f/sky.mansion.jpg[/url])
You people are really scaring me!!!
<runs out of the doublewide, beats off a gator and continues to run>
<looks back>
Oh.... sorry, Kroma. It was dark.
<runs away>
You people are really scaring me!!!
<runs out of the doublewide, beats off a gator and continues to run>
<looks back>
Oh.... sorry, Kroma. It was dark.
<runs away>
You people are really scaring me!!!
<runs out of the doublewide, beats off a gator and continues to run>
<looks back>
Oh.... sorry, Kroma. It was dark.
<runs away>
No need to apologize, saves me the trouble.
You people are really scaring me!!!
<runs out of the doublewide, beats off a gator and continues to run>
<looks back>
Oh.... sorry, Kroma. It was dark.
<runs away>
No need to apologize, saves me the trouble.
You people are really scaring me!!!
<runs out of the doublewide, beats off a gator and continues to run>
<looks back>
Oh.... sorry, Kroma. It was dark.
<runs away>
You people are really scaring me!!!
<runs out of the doublewide, beats off a gator and continues to run>
<looks back>
Oh.... sorry, Kroma. It was dark.
<runs away>
What I'd like to know is...
Can you people PLEASE take this discussion off premises? This is private property ya know and I WILL call the cops if'n y'all don't git outta my yard!
Can you people PLEASE take this discussion off premises? This is private property ya know and I WILL call the cops if'n y'all don't git outta my yard!
Come on over to my trailer. You gotta see what we got in the basement.
Thanks again Durin for the gimp suits.
Can you people PLEASE take this discussion off premises? This is private property ya know and I WILL call the cops if'n y'all don't git outta my yard!
Come on over to my trailer. You gotta see what we got in the basement.
Thanks again Durin for the gimp suits.
Uh...trailers don't have basements.
Oh, crap! <locks door and grabs shotgun>
You people are really scaring me!!!
<runs out of the doublewide, beats off a gator and continues to run>
<looks back>
Oh.... sorry, Kroma. It was dark.
<runs away>
No need to apologize, saves me the trouble.
Yeah... I'm sure you're good at it, but who wants to beat themselves?
Are you offering to give me golf lessons, Aurora? Why don't you start by showing me how you grip the club?
If it will get me out of my current Kroma Likkerpig love triangle, gladly, lol
"Hooch, bake me a pie!" on the clubhouse wall again. Your're gonna fix the damage.
LeRoy: Drat! Foiled again!
Are you offering to give me golf lessons, Aurora? Why don't you start by showing me how you grip the club?
If it will get me out of my current Kroma Likkerpig love triangle, gladly, lol
Sorry Aurora but you would have better luck navigating the Bermuda triangle in a raft without a compass ;)
Its kinda like Hotel California.
...he doesn't live in the trailer park.
Wanna come over to my place, Aurora? It's not much, but the views are nice. C'mon in and make yourself at home. Just ring the buzzer when you're settled and I'll tell you what level I'm on. We can watch cool battle vids of me blowing up Kroma's ships. ;)
Do you like golf? It's incredibly fun at my mini-course... The multi-platform course... I keep double stroking into the water, but when you make it, WOOT! I keep breaking the glass tho... But it's fun!
After some fun vids and snacks, let me show you the islands in my skyflyer. ;) We will pack a lunch and eat out.
The Sky Shack ([url]http://cg-art.com/espace-f/sky.mansion.jpg[/url])
...he doesn't live in the trailer park.
Wanna come over to my place, Aurora? It's not much, but the views are nice. C'mon in and make yourself at home. Just ring the buzzer when you're settled and I'll tell you what level I'm on. We can watch cool battle vids of me blowing up Kroma's ships. ;)
Do you like golf? It's incredibly fun at my mini-course... The multi-platform course... I keep double stroking into the water, but when you make it, WOOT! I keep breaking the glass tho... But it's fun!
After some fun vids and snacks, let me show you the islands in my skyflyer. ;) We will pack a lunch and eat out.
The Sky Shack ([url]http://cg-art.com/espace-f/sky.mansion.jpg[/url])
See, Ham Hock... Dizzy knows how to treat a lady.
I don't know how you think you are going to impress anyone with that stupid banjo and living in that trailer park. Perhaps you should sit back an observe how Dizzy treats a lady. You could quite possibly learn something....
...he doesn't live in the trailer park.
Wanna come over to my place, Aurora? It's not much, but the views are nice. C'mon in and make yourself at home. Just ring the buzzer when you're settled and I'll tell you what level I'm on. We can watch cool battle vids of me blowing up Kroma's ships. ;)
Do you like golf? It's incredibly fun at my mini-course... The multi-platform course... I keep double stroking into the water, but when you make it, WOOT! I keep breaking the glass tho... But it's fun!
After some fun vids and snacks, let me show you the islands in my skyflyer. ;) We will pack a lunch and eat out.
The Sky Shack ([url]http://cg-art.com/espace-f/sky.mansion.jpg[/url])
See, Ham Hock... Dizzy knows how to treat a lady.
I don't know how you think you are going to impress anyone with that stupid banjo and living in that trailer park. Perhaps you should sit back an observe how Dizzy treats a lady. You could quite possibly learn something....
Just a couple days ago you were calling me Ham Bone.
Now some slick dude with book learnin' an money shows up and you are gone!
At least I still have Kroma.
And my basement "friends".
It was Kroma who was calling you Ham bone..
You don't pay attention to ME...
It's always Kroma, Kroma, Kroma...
Likkerpig, that freaking picture in your sig is givin me an F'ing headache! My eyes are trying to focus on her eyes and they cant do it. My head feels like its gonna blow up like the martians on Mars Attacks!
:cuss: :ufo:
It was Kroma who was calling you Ham bone..
You don't pay attention to ME...
It's always Kroma, Kroma, Kroma...
Ooopse, sorry Aroma.
When yer done with the city boy,
come back home, 'k ?
Steal some of his fancy likker too!
It's AURORA, you sexy beast.Ok hun, I'll just call you the "Big A" from now on. Always willing to listen to you babe.
Say it with me, "A Roar A"
NOT aroma...
Aroma (Which strangely enough rhymes with Kroma... coincidence.. I think not) is what causes the gagging reflex to kick in when you get too close to Kroma. Maybe you should invest in some Vick's Vap-o-Rub.. could help..
Likkerpig, that freaking picture in your sig is givin me an F'ing headache! My eyes are trying to focus on her eyes and they cant do it. My head feels like its gonna blow up like the martians on Mars Attacks!
:cuss: :ufo:
Would you prefer a torso shot like that?.. :o
QuoteIt's AURORA, you DAFT PIG. (Didn't think I'd Notice, DID you ?!?!?!)Ok hun, I'll just call you the "Big A" from now on. Always willing to listen to you babe.
Say it with me, "A Roar A"
NOT aroma...
Aroma (Which strangely enough rhymes with Kroma... coincidence.. I think not) is what causes the gagging reflex to kick in when you get too close to Kroma. Maybe you should invest in some Vick's Vap-o-Rub.. could help..
You shouldn't be so nasty to Kromy, you both being soccer moms and all. I figured you two finally clicked.
I lost my sense of smell years ago, the morning after a night of Lucky Lager and 7-11 hot dogs. Lesson learned: never dutch oven yourself!
I can't take the picture down sweetcakes, it's the last one I took of you!
Hey, I love Kroma.. she/he/it is da bomb.. so, just leave her/he/it out of this. You expect me to suddenly begin treating her/him/it differently ? She/he/it will think I don't like her/him/it anymore. And I just won't have that. Whatever Kroma is, Kroma has feelings too and I am not going to hurt her/his/its feeling by suddenly acting any different.
Now, studmuffin, please change that <insert favorite expletive here> picture.
Hey, I love Kroma.. she/he/it is da bomb.. so, just leave her/he/it out of this. You expect me to suddenly begin treating her/him/it differently ? She/he/it will think I don't like her/him/it anymore. And I just won't have that. Whatever Kroma is, Kroma has feelings too and I am not going to hurt her/his/its feeling by suddenly acting any different.
Now, studmuffin, please change that <insert favorite expletive here> picture.
lol, quit changing my words, Swine !!!
I guess if I have to sacrifice myself for the good of the people, then I will... I'm coming home.. now change that picture !!!l
Sorry Big A, sweetcheeks. Didn't realize you girls were getting along so well. My bad.
The picture stays until you come home and let me take a "better" one!
Hee hee hee
I guess if I have to sacrifice myself for the good of the people, then I will... I'm coming home.. now change that picture !!!l
Likkerpig, that freaking picture in your sig is givin me an F'ing headache! My eyes are trying to focus on her eyes and they cant do it. My head feels like its gonna blow up like the martians on Mars Attacks!
:cuss: :ufo:
Would you prefer a torso shot like that?.. :o
Of course. Perhaps we could get Tracy, Aurora and Kimmy to pose for it? Sorry Kroma, I want no part of seeing your goodies.
I guess if I have to sacrifice myself for the good of the people, then I will... I'm coming home.. now change that picture !!!l
Take that Dizzy, ya city slickin' rube!
Not sure what wine to serve with dinner tonite though. What goes best with gopher stew? Baby Duck or Spumante Bambino? Maybe some Thunderbird? Man, livin' near a highway cuts down on the grocery bills!
Soon as I get some film for the camera a new picture will go up.
Here's a pic of the neighbors:
I think they are KRolling and LeRoy, not sure about the guy with the bandana. So hard to tell without the uniforms...