
Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: Herr Burt on February 26, 2003, 09:20:06 pm

Title: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: Herr Burt on February 26, 2003, 09:20:06 pm
Well, hello best  beloved.  There's been a lot of talk about Rom and Gorn fighters, but what -- you may ask -- about the charming lads in blue?  What will they have?  Funny sideburns?  Pants tucked into boots?  Short mini-skirts?  (Hmmmm... actually, that last one isn't so bad.....)

Well, cheer-up my PC Pal.  It seems that starfleet has redesigned their fleet once more.  And this time, they didn't ask any silly engineer who wanted to route the phasers through the warp coils when there are asteroids around.  Nooooooo!  And they didn't settle for one scooby snack.  They didn't settle for two scooby snacks.  They didn't even give it up at three scooby snacks.  No no.....


Play nice kiddos.  And happy warmongering!

-Herr Burt  
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: theRomulan on February 26, 2003, 10:31:16 pm
Woohoo! The funny thing is, i was thinking about this while eating dinner. I was like "hmm... feds would fair a lot better if they were able to actually charge the one photon that they wanted, or switching that one photon to overload, without having to do two, or what not.  I always wondered why they didn't just do it like that when they patched the game.  Oh well.  I'm happy about this.  
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: gornrule on February 27, 2003, 01:50:32 am
  You ALMOST got me.  Nice ship.  But I can see it now.  IF I played Freddie for a campaign, my name would be Fwarlock, and I don't think I could handle that much abuse, even if I did it to myself.

Lord of all things Gorn
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: TheMaverick on February 27, 2003, 03:04:48 am
Oh that's good... Oh mister Hurrpp can you arrange that setup for warlock it would make it just so much easier to razz him
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: KRolling on February 27, 2003, 06:47:35 am
Oh, is that the "Rolling Pin"????!!!!
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: 762 on February 27, 2003, 08:33:17 am

Woohoo! The funny thing is, i was thinking about this while eating dinner. I was like "hmm... feds would fair a lot better if they were able to actually charge the one photon that they wanted, or switching that one photon to overload, without having to do two, or what not.  I always wondered why they didn't just do it like that when they patched the game.  Oh well.  I'm happy about this.    

You must have been eating poptarts for dinner.
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: KRolling on February 27, 2003, 08:44:28 am
Or maybe Froot Loops??
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: theRomulan on February 27, 2003, 09:38:23 am
Freshly baked chocoloate chip cookies actually.      
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: Scipio_66 on February 27, 2003, 10:22:01 am
A little pronunciation guide, for those of you not in the GDA.  (You poor bastards.)

The man's name is Warlock.  But he sticks the first letter of whatever race he's flying at the start
of his name so he shows up with the rest of the race in the player list.  So:

Gwarlock = /Gee War lok/
Kwarlock = /Kay War lok/
Rwarlock = /Arrrrrr.... War lok/, matey.

Fwarlock = /Ef War lok/.

Can't you just imagine a server with everyone going around saying "Hey, man, *F* Warlock!"

<snicker>  Hey, Walter old buddy, what's it going to take to get you into that blue spandex?
These ships are new, still rolling off of the assembly line, and there is plenty of time for me to
create one that you would find irresistable.  Come on, buddy.  Talk to Unca S'Cippy.
We can make this happen!

-S'Cipio the Slanderer  
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: KRolling on February 27, 2003, 10:30:00 am
Now I always thought the first letter was silent.
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on February 27, 2003, 10:34:19 am
How about some parity...split the hard points on other races cruisers where possible

And what kind of bribe would be required to slip in the D77?

Its only  "pocket " BCH after all  and weighs over 210 anyways.......MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!..

er I mean...outside the FA its only a damn D7 with an extra set of engines
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: **DONOTDELETE** on February 27, 2003, 11:11:34 am

But with no Klingons in this campaign I guess we could settle for a R-K77RB right Crimmy????  

Ack!...no I meant for RODSL
Title: Re: DOE: Federation Scooby Snacks
Post by: Scipio_66 on February 27, 2003, 12:48:18 pm

Now I always thought the first letter was silent.  

But if the first letter were silent, we wouldn't be able to say, "F Warlock!"  And that wouldn't be nearly as much fun.

Hmmmm.... I know there is a joke in here somewhere about not being able to get very far in life without saying "is", but it escapes me.  Valcarve, you got anything?
