Taldrenites => Dynaverse II Experiences => Topic started by: DarkElf on February 23, 2003, 08:16:25 pm
After some maintence....
Well, its back up! What did you expect?
Hmmm I just logged on this morning logged off and haven't been able to get on since it just counts down to zero... Doesn't seem like anyone else is having a prob though hmmph
I'll restart the server in about 40 mins.
If that doesn't help, reset your internet connection (reconnect), and see if that works. If not, try creating a new account, and I'll transfer your PP to it,
is the server down????
logged on a few hours ago and its not there now
Server went loopy and crashed I believe
Either the internet connection is a little screwed or the server is lol....
Well it seems it's up again.... something just isn't right lol
DarkElf, I have the countdown to zero error too. I can't seem to logg on. Could my id be corrupt? Can you erase it and I will try to relogg on?
Do you have any other suggestions?
I'll reboot again, if you have continued problems, I'll reset your account.
Ill set up the ProcessSentinal to reboot the server every 8 hrs.
Could you please post the reboot times?
Thank you very much!
I will try again, but I am sure my account is messed up.
The first time I logged on the map came up and froze. I never saw my ship or made any moves. I have never been able to log and I make it past all of the CRC checks. It just never connects....
I am up and running now. Thanks DarkElf!