
Off Topic => Ten Forward => Topic started by: Toasty0 on November 20, 2003, 03:39:30 am

Title: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 20, 2003, 03:39:30 am
I've seen a lot of photographers shoot women, but I think no one has been able to do it with the complete mastery that Horst did. Just look at the photograph of Marlene Dietrich in which Horst captures both the strength of her soul while at the same time expressing her guarded skeptism.


No one equaled Horst in BW photography. Not even that overrated hack, Ansel Adams.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Crimmy on November 20, 2003, 03:44:32 am
Shew...what a relief...I almost expected a pic of the DC sniper...

Yeah...she's a beauty alright...but she allways looks sleepy to me....
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Fahrenheit on November 20, 2003, 09:18:14 am

I've seen a lot of photographers shoot women, but I think no one has been able to do it with the complete mastery that Horst did. Just look at the photograph of Marlene Dietrich in which Horst captures both the strength of her soul while at the same time expressing her guarded skeptism.

No one equaled Horst in BW photography. Not even that overrated hack, Ansel Adams.


I like both Ansel Adams and Horst.  They just shot different mediums.  The only reason Adams is considered overrated is because his works are widely available and end up being plastered all over the place.

But you can't fault him for that.  He captured some of the most beautiful landscapes on film to date.  I prefer his B&W photos of nature over any other artist, color or black and white.

BTW, would you happen to know a site where I can get some Horst prints?  I'm decorating my apartment in mostly B&W photos.  I'm thinking photos of Greta Garbo, Ava Gardner, Myrna Loy, a couple of Adams prints and maybe one Nagel for a touch of color.

"Collective judgment of new ideas is so often wrong that it is arguable that progress depends on individuals being free to back their own judgment despite collective disapproval." -- W.A. Lewis
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Sirgod on November 20, 2003, 10:10:54 am
It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 20, 2003, 11:24:53 am
I'm thinking of getting rid of my old RB67. I haven't used it for a few years and I need to make room--clear the clutter.

Anyways, the reason I think AA a hack was if you study his shooting style all he did was shoot a million frames then later picked the ones with correct exposure. Of those, he would let others cull the best shots. I believe that in reality AA had no idea what constituted a good photograph.

Horst, otoh, knew composition, lighting, weight, and balance. He also understood the unexplainable, mood and soul. Hell, he owned those things when he composed his work.

Well, that's my opine for what little it is worth.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 04:49:41 am

It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.


Dang it, now another mod I would like to see/work on.  NOT ENOUGH TIME, aaaargh!  Could be pretty cool though (although it woudl be better if the engine could do animations, so you could get the sparkler-engine effect. lol.

more on topic though, go with Myrna Loy.  I LOVE Myrna Loy, there just aren't enough pictures of her out there.  
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 21, 2003, 05:18:28 am
Hah! I I match your Myrna and raise you one Veronica Lake.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 06:40:57 am
Heh, doesn't do much for me.  Looks kinda synthetic (sounds kind of like the Hoshi vs. T'pol threads, lol).  Different strokes for different folks I guess.  
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: jualdeaux on November 21, 2003, 02:11:43 pm


It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.


Dang it, now another mod I would like to see/work on.  NOT ENOUGH TIME, aaaargh!  Could be pretty cool though (although it woudl be better if the engine could do animations, so you could get the sparkler-engine effect. lol.

more on topic though, go with Myrna Loy.  I LOVE Myrna Loy, there just aren't enough pictures of her out there.  

okay, Don't laugh. I haven't had time to play SFC for quite a long time but don't the plasmas torps have some sort of sparkler animation?
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: TB613 on November 21, 2003, 04:14:22 pm
I have to agree with EmeraldEdge about Myrna Loy. She also has the distiction of playing, what is all to rare in the movie indrustry, an intelligent   and capable woman while playing opposite William Powel in the Thin Man movies.
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 06:25:20 pm
I have to admit, I love the Thin Man movies.  I've got them all.  She's also good in the Bachelor and the Bobby-soxer with Cary Grant and Shirley Temple (teenaged Shirley Temple, not the little girl.  Much better looking but I prefered Myrna ), in which she plays a judge (once again an intelligent and capable woman), although I don't think it matches the Thin Man roles.  She had some really good ones, in a lot of movies.  

Now I've got some movies to watch
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Zenister on November 23, 2003, 04:25:24 am

I'm thinking of getting rid of my old RB67. I haven't used it for a few years and I need to make room--clear the clutter.

Anyways, the reason I think AA a hack was if you study his shooting style all he did was shoot a million frames then later picked the ones with correct exposure. Of those, he would let others cull the best shots. I believe that in reality AA had no idea what constituted a good photograph.

Horst, otoh, knew composition, lighting, weight, and balance. He also understood the unexplainable, mood and soul. Hell, he owned those things when he composed his work.


welcome to the world of modern photography AA knew this, Horst didnt.

Photographers (for the most part) are not artists they are documentors there is a fundamental difference.

portraiture is a different animal as well, but when your dealing with subjects you dont have complete control over...bracketing it the best way to ensure you do capture the 'magic moment'

many photographers pay lip service to 'getting the right shot' but most professionals leave hundreds of bad ones 'on the floor' they just dont tell you about them..

Horst should have studied painting instead but its a bit passe, and requires some abilities that cannot always be taught...anyone can be taught to take a good photo, after that its just a matter of timing....

my .02
Title: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 20, 2003, 03:39:30 am
I've seen a lot of photographers shoot women, but I think no one has been able to do it with the complete mastery that Horst did. Just look at the photograph of Marlene Dietrich in which Horst captures both the strength of her soul while at the same time expressing her guarded skeptism.


No one equaled Horst in BW photography. Not even that overrated hack, Ansel Adams.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Crimmy on November 20, 2003, 03:44:32 am
Shew...what a relief...I almost expected a pic of the DC sniper...

Yeah...she's a beauty alright...but she allways looks sleepy to me....
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Fahrenheit on November 20, 2003, 09:18:14 am

I've seen a lot of photographers shoot women, but I think no one has been able to do it with the complete mastery that Horst did. Just look at the photograph of Marlene Dietrich in which Horst captures both the strength of her soul while at the same time expressing her guarded skeptism.

No one equaled Horst in BW photography. Not even that overrated hack, Ansel Adams.


I like both Ansel Adams and Horst.  They just shot different mediums.  The only reason Adams is considered overrated is because his works are widely available and end up being plastered all over the place.

But you can't fault him for that.  He captured some of the most beautiful landscapes on film to date.  I prefer his B&W photos of nature over any other artist, color or black and white.

BTW, would you happen to know a site where I can get some Horst prints?  I'm decorating my apartment in mostly B&W photos.  I'm thinking photos of Greta Garbo, Ava Gardner, Myrna Loy, a couple of Adams prints and maybe one Nagel for a touch of color.

"Collective judgment of new ideas is so often wrong that it is arguable that progress depends on individuals being free to back their own judgment despite collective disapproval." -- W.A. Lewis
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Sirgod on November 20, 2003, 10:10:54 am
It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 20, 2003, 11:24:53 am
I'm thinking of getting rid of my old RB67. I haven't used it for a few years and I need to make room--clear the clutter.

Anyways, the reason I think AA a hack was if you study his shooting style all he did was shoot a million frames then later picked the ones with correct exposure. Of those, he would let others cull the best shots. I believe that in reality AA had no idea what constituted a good photograph.

Horst, otoh, knew composition, lighting, weight, and balance. He also understood the unexplainable, mood and soul. Hell, he owned those things when he composed his work.

Well, that's my opine for what little it is worth.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 04:49:41 am

It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.


Dang it, now another mod I would like to see/work on.  NOT ENOUGH TIME, aaaargh!  Could be pretty cool though (although it woudl be better if the engine could do animations, so you could get the sparkler-engine effect. lol.

more on topic though, go with Myrna Loy.  I LOVE Myrna Loy, there just aren't enough pictures of her out there.  
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 21, 2003, 05:18:28 am
Hah! I I match your Myrna and raise you one Veronica Lake.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 06:40:57 am
Heh, doesn't do much for me.  Looks kinda synthetic (sounds kind of like the Hoshi vs. T'pol threads, lol).  Different strokes for different folks I guess.  
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: jualdeaux on November 21, 2003, 02:11:43 pm


It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.


Dang it, now another mod I would like to see/work on.  NOT ENOUGH TIME, aaaargh!  Could be pretty cool though (although it woudl be better if the engine could do animations, so you could get the sparkler-engine effect. lol.

more on topic though, go with Myrna Loy.  I LOVE Myrna Loy, there just aren't enough pictures of her out there.  

okay, Don't laugh. I haven't had time to play SFC for quite a long time but don't the plasmas torps have some sort of sparkler animation?
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: TB613 on November 21, 2003, 04:14:22 pm
I have to agree with EmeraldEdge about Myrna Loy. She also has the distiction of playing, what is all to rare in the movie indrustry, an intelligent   and capable woman while playing opposite William Powel in the Thin Man movies.
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 06:25:20 pm
I have to admit, I love the Thin Man movies.  I've got them all.  She's also good in the Bachelor and the Bobby-soxer with Cary Grant and Shirley Temple (teenaged Shirley Temple, not the little girl.  Much better looking but I prefered Myrna ), in which she plays a judge (once again an intelligent and capable woman), although I don't think it matches the Thin Man roles.  She had some really good ones, in a lot of movies.  

Now I've got some movies to watch
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Zenister on November 23, 2003, 04:25:24 am

I'm thinking of getting rid of my old RB67. I haven't used it for a few years and I need to make room--clear the clutter.

Anyways, the reason I think AA a hack was if you study his shooting style all he did was shoot a million frames then later picked the ones with correct exposure. Of those, he would let others cull the best shots. I believe that in reality AA had no idea what constituted a good photograph.

Horst, otoh, knew composition, lighting, weight, and balance. He also understood the unexplainable, mood and soul. Hell, he owned those things when he composed his work.


welcome to the world of modern photography AA knew this, Horst didnt.

Photographers (for the most part) are not artists they are documentors there is a fundamental difference.

portraiture is a different animal as well, but when your dealing with subjects you dont have complete control over...bracketing it the best way to ensure you do capture the 'magic moment'

many photographers pay lip service to 'getting the right shot' but most professionals leave hundreds of bad ones 'on the floor' they just dont tell you about them..

Horst should have studied painting instead but its a bit passe, and requires some abilities that cannot always be taught...anyone can be taught to take a good photo, after that its just a matter of timing....

my .02
Title: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 20, 2003, 03:39:30 am
I've seen a lot of photographers shoot women, but I think no one has been able to do it with the complete mastery that Horst did. Just look at the photograph of Marlene Dietrich in which Horst captures both the strength of her soul while at the same time expressing her guarded skeptism.


No one equaled Horst in BW photography. Not even that overrated hack, Ansel Adams.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Crimmy on November 20, 2003, 03:44:32 am
Shew...what a relief...I almost expected a pic of the DC sniper...

Yeah...she's a beauty alright...but she allways looks sleepy to me....
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Fahrenheit on November 20, 2003, 09:18:14 am

I've seen a lot of photographers shoot women, but I think no one has been able to do it with the complete mastery that Horst did. Just look at the photograph of Marlene Dietrich in which Horst captures both the strength of her soul while at the same time expressing her guarded skeptism.

No one equaled Horst in BW photography. Not even that overrated hack, Ansel Adams.


I like both Ansel Adams and Horst.  They just shot different mediums.  The only reason Adams is considered overrated is because his works are widely available and end up being plastered all over the place.

But you can't fault him for that.  He captured some of the most beautiful landscapes on film to date.  I prefer his B&W photos of nature over any other artist, color or black and white.

BTW, would you happen to know a site where I can get some Horst prints?  I'm decorating my apartment in mostly B&W photos.  I'm thinking photos of Greta Garbo, Ava Gardner, Myrna Loy, a couple of Adams prints and maybe one Nagel for a touch of color.

"Collective judgment of new ideas is so often wrong that it is arguable that progress depends on individuals being free to back their own judgment despite collective disapproval." -- W.A. Lewis
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Sirgod on November 20, 2003, 10:10:54 am
It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 20, 2003, 11:24:53 am
I'm thinking of getting rid of my old RB67. I haven't used it for a few years and I need to make room--clear the clutter.

Anyways, the reason I think AA a hack was if you study his shooting style all he did was shoot a million frames then later picked the ones with correct exposure. Of those, he would let others cull the best shots. I believe that in reality AA had no idea what constituted a good photograph.

Horst, otoh, knew composition, lighting, weight, and balance. He also understood the unexplainable, mood and soul. Hell, he owned those things when he composed his work.

Well, that's my opine for what little it is worth.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 04:49:41 am

It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.


Dang it, now another mod I would like to see/work on.  NOT ENOUGH TIME, aaaargh!  Could be pretty cool though (although it woudl be better if the engine could do animations, so you could get the sparkler-engine effect. lol.

more on topic though, go with Myrna Loy.  I LOVE Myrna Loy, there just aren't enough pictures of her out there.  
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Toasty0 on November 21, 2003, 05:18:28 am
Hah! I I match your Myrna and raise you one Veronica Lake.

Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 06:40:57 am
Heh, doesn't do much for me.  Looks kinda synthetic (sounds kind of like the Hoshi vs. T'pol threads, lol).  Different strokes for different folks I guess.  
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: jualdeaux on November 21, 2003, 02:11:43 pm


It's funny that you mentioned B&W ToastyO. right when I was waking up, I was thinking to myself, It would be kinda neat to make a SFC mod using old Vintage ships from the older B&W serials ie. FlashGordon, BuckRogers, etc.

and yes, I also like Horst, and Adams.


Dang it, now another mod I would like to see/work on.  NOT ENOUGH TIME, aaaargh!  Could be pretty cool though (although it woudl be better if the engine could do animations, so you could get the sparkler-engine effect. lol.

more on topic though, go with Myrna Loy.  I LOVE Myrna Loy, there just aren't enough pictures of her out there.  

okay, Don't laugh. I haven't had time to play SFC for quite a long time but don't the plasmas torps have some sort of sparkler animation?
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: TB613 on November 21, 2003, 04:14:22 pm
I have to agree with EmeraldEdge about Myrna Loy. She also has the distiction of playing, what is all to rare in the movie indrustry, an intelligent   and capable woman while playing opposite William Powel in the Thin Man movies.
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: EmeraldEdge on November 21, 2003, 06:25:20 pm
I have to admit, I love the Thin Man movies.  I've got them all.  She's also good in the Bachelor and the Bobby-soxer with Cary Grant and Shirley Temple (teenaged Shirley Temple, not the little girl.  Much better looking but I prefered Myrna ), in which she plays a judge (once again an intelligent and capable woman), although I don't think it matches the Thin Man roles.  She had some really good ones, in a lot of movies.  

Now I've got some movies to watch
Title: Re: Can this guy shoot women or what?
Post by: Zenister on November 23, 2003, 04:25:24 am

I'm thinking of getting rid of my old RB67. I haven't used it for a few years and I need to make room--clear the clutter.

Anyways, the reason I think AA a hack was if you study his shooting style all he did was shoot a million frames then later picked the ones with correct exposure. Of those, he would let others cull the best shots. I believe that in reality AA had no idea what constituted a good photograph.

Horst, otoh, knew composition, lighting, weight, and balance. He also understood the unexplainable, mood and soul. Hell, he owned those things when he composed his work.


welcome to the world of modern photography AA knew this, Horst didnt.

Photographers (for the most part) are not artists they are documentors there is a fundamental difference.

portraiture is a different animal as well, but when your dealing with subjects you dont have complete control over...bracketing it the best way to ensure you do capture the 'magic moment'

many photographers pay lip service to 'getting the right shot' but most professionals leave hundreds of bad ones 'on the floor' they just dont tell you about them..

Horst should have studied painting instead but its a bit passe, and requires some abilities that cannot always be taught...anyone can be taught to take a good photo, after that its just a matter of timing....

my .02