Taldrenites => Starfleet Command Mission Scripting => Topic started by: SSCF Hooch on June 21, 2003, 07:45:08 pm
I used to program many, many years ago but it was not my cup of tea then. I have become curious again and would like to butcher my mission pack
and take a cut at scripting for giggles.
Would one of you fine people here give me a brief run down on the basic stuff I need?
I have:
XP Pro for an OS
GForce 4 128 meg AGP
2.1 Intel CPU
Intel MB PC 133
1.5 gig of SDRAM
Creavtive Labs Audigy Gamer SC
being crazy helps...
Then you need to find a copy of VC++6.0sp5. I suggest Ebay as it is no longer supported by Microsoft with their release of VS.Net.
Then go to http://www.khoromag.org/ to get the latest scripting API for EAW or OP. Make sure to drop off ten bucks with paypal while you're there.
Then, of course, what will you do with all this software without the proper directions? Go to http://www3.telus.net/NuclearWessels/sfc/api.html for the answers you'll need.
Then see a doctor for a script of prozac. You'll need it. 
If you have any difficulties setting up the API you can also grab Firesoul's setups, see this thread for more details
And Toasty, I would have listed insanity as a 100% fundamental requirement 
Yes. Go take a look at http://klingon.stasis.ca/sources_and_utils/ for the prepackaged utilities and build environments.
-- Luc
Another idea is to get some of the Taldren code for the stock missions to have a look at.
Also Hooch, if you need any help with anything, you know of course to ask me on MSN. I can send you anything that you need.
Another idea is to get some of the Taldren code for the stock missions to have a look at.
Also Hooch, if you need any help with anything, you know of course to ask me on MSN. I can send you anything that you need.
A N Y T H I N G?
<Toasty0 slips out the side door>
Sorry about not putting up a link to your fine site.
You can find complete OP scripts to look at >here< .
Thanks folks
I have my old "Borderland C++ Standard" from my OSU days. Is this enough to start or am I hosed?
I have my old "Borderland C++ Standard" from my OSU days. Is this enough to start or am I hosed?
You're hosed...
The Scripting API will only work with Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0. Service Pack 5 is the current patch for it, the download for which is about 130MB or thereabouts.
I've managed to corner a copy of VC 6.0 last year, and let me tell you I am guarding it with both my PCs.
I wish there was something I could do to help you, legally that is.
-- Luc
I have my old "Borderland C++ Standard" from my OSU days. Is this enough to start or am I hosed?
You're hosed...
The Scripting API will only work with Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0. Service Pack 5 is the current patch for it, the download for which is about 130MB or thereabouts.
Are you saying that I cannot load this up and patch it to the current standard?
The Taldren Scripting API contains files and libraries written to be used with Microsoft Visual C++ v6.0
To the best of my knowledge, they don't work with any other compiler, including Borland C++. Sorry, Hooch...
I used to program many, many years ago but it was not my cup of tea then. I have become curious again and would like to butcher my mission pack
and take a cut at scripting for giggles.
Umm Hooch,
Judging by your posts about your past (playing in bands), the Wang Punch Card Computer was obsolete in 1980.