Actually, the first question should be:
Is that really Tracey in that pic? And if so, then why does she look like someone just licked the red off her candy?
That mean lookin' face gives me the willies <shudders>
I get that same look when I have PMS, which thank god for those around me doesn't happen often.. otherwise if looks could kill, they would be dropping like flies. Or.. my hair makes me think more of Medusa, so maybe turning to stone. (Ha ! Beat you to it Tracey, lol)
Of couse,. maybe she just didn't get that little leather number on quite right and it caused a little chaffing ? (BTW, Trace... Bag Balm works well for chaffed skin, LOL)
Well, I'm not going to comment on whether her assests are on loan or not... I've all ready been there and done that and I'm now bored with the subject.
Though, if they are indeed real, I'd like to know where she gets her bras cause even my Victorias Secrets don't quite do that for me...