Topic: Star Trek XI  (Read 34761 times)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #40 on: November 19, 2004, 01:19:01 pm »
 Thanks i can wait also execlent work! :thumbsup:

Offline Sapharite

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2004, 01:19:46 am »
Any news on this issue?? :)
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2004, 05:48:11 pm »
I got as far as reading to Act XIII before quitting the read for tonight. Very interesting indeed. Kinda sad that Picard had to go, but its logical since Patrick Stewart has said he doesnt want to do any more Trek movies. Cant wait to finish reading the story. Any chance you can put all this in a word document or something with all acts thus far?
// Darkthunder

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2005, 11:30:18 pm »
RIS Praetor's Pride

Sub-Lieutenant: "De-cloaking now Commander, the Klingons have spotted us, they are raising their...Commander, Multiple Klingon Warships decloaking."
Sela: "Where?"
The Sub-Lieutenant hesitated for a moment: "Everywhere Commander. Reading over sixty ships, they have us surrounded."
Serilla: "They are hailing us."
Sela: "Fools...they have the advantage, and they waste it by all means, put them on screen."
chatI: "Romulan P'taq! We know where your ships are...decloak them now or we will turn your ship into a cinder!"
Sela: "Fleet Captain chatI, your reputation precedes you.  We are here for the same purpose you are."
chatI: "I have no time for your games Commander Sela, decloak your ships."
Sela: "What makes you think we have any more ships?"
chatI turns to an unseen person: <Fire.>
A disruptor bank from the lead Vor'cha class attack cruiser fires a single burst, striking a cloaked Romulan ship squarely between the nacelles, the ship appears in a violent explosion before disappearing again.
chatI turns back to the screen, a smug look on his face.
Sela: "How did you know our ships are here Captain?"
chatI: "You should already know, Intelligence officer to Intelligence officer, that we do not give away secrets that easily Commander.  You have sixty seconds to decloak your fleet and move off."
Sela: "I would have thought that you would have been more grateful for our assistance, afterall, we are fighting the same war."
chatI: "For the moment Commander, I would agree with you, but the Tal Shiar is doing more than just fighting the war with us.  You now have forty five seconds."
Sela: "How can you say that, we are allies now, we are both allied with the Federation against the Parasites, who deserve nothing less than to be eradicated."
chatI: "I can say that because I know better Commander.  Thirty Seconds."
Sela: "Very well, chatI.  You win this time."
Sela pushes a button on her command chair: "Have all ships target his command ship as soon as their Fire Control systems come online."
Serilla raising a disruptor pistol: "Commander, I am afraid I cannot allow you to do that."
Sela jumped out of her seat in rage, on screen chatI's look of puzzlement quickly blossoms into amusement.
Sela: "What do you think you are doing Sub-Commander?!"
Serilla: "I am relieving you of duty Commander."
Sela: "Or so you think."
Sela nodded at one of the guards, who pulled out his disruptor pistol, and trained it first on Serilla, then shifted it to point at Sela.
Serilla: "The Praetor believes that you no longer have any use to us."
Sela: "Your Praetor has gone soft, in the old days, I would have been dead shortly after you exposed my faults to the entire crew.  We have fallen too far."
Serilla: "Perhaps we have not fallen as far as you would like to think Commander."
Serilla discharged the disruptor, Sela crumples to the ground.  The guard grabs her twitching body and hauls it off the bridge.
Serilla sits down in the command chair, presses a button: "I am sorry about the delay Fleet Captain, but certain problems needed to be taken care of over here.  Have the rest of the fleet decloak, and power down their weapons."
chatI: "Am I supposed to trust the woman who just murdered her commanding officer?"
Serilla: "She is not dead, although she will wish she were when the Praetor gets his hands on her.  We request permission to join your task force Fleet Captain, or at the least share information about what we encounter along the way."
chatI: "And why should we let you see our intelligence?"
Serilla: "Logically, we are on the same mission, we should be sharing relevant information so as to maximize our probability for success."
chatI: "I never thought I would be hearing a Romulan talk like that!"
Serilla: "I am half-Vulcan."

Deep Space Nine- Infirmary

Bashir: "I have no clue about where to start."
Wildman: "Perhaps we should start with what we do know and work from there."
Dax: "It can't be as hard as you think it is."
Doctor: "It's much harder."
Janeway: "I'm inclined to agree."
Quark(entering): "Here it is...where do you want it?"
Bashir: "Put it on the bio-bed over there Quark."
Quark: "Now...about the method of payment..."
Kira: "Later Quark."
Quark(leaving): "All right, maybe I'll just take it out of my lease..."
Icheb: "Now what do we do?"
Chakotay(entering): "I know it's not quite Neelix's cooking Seven, but..."
Seven: "A cake?"
Janeway: "Welcome back Seven."
Seven: "I was under the impression that we were coming to Deep Space Nine to study the parasites that had infested Admiral Ross and Loc..Captain Picard."
Doctor: "We are, but you haven't had anything in the way of solid food for the last three weeks, and while a cake isn't the healthiest thing for you to eat, it is appropriate, since it is a sort of family reunion."

USS Titan

Riker: "How goes the repairs Geordi?"
La Forge: "Very quickly sir, at the rate we're going, we should be combat capable again in two days."
Riker: "Good, I don't like sitting around here with my hands tied."
Troi: "Will, have you gone to see him?"
Riker: "The man in that holding cell is not the man I once admired Deanna.  Unless they have a way to pull that thing out of him right now, I don't want to go see him."
Troi: "Will, he's fighting it, he has to be.  Remember what he said in the ward room.  It was the exact same thing he said when he was Locutus fourteen years ago."
Riker: "That doesn't prove anything Deanna."
La Forge: "Actually Captain, if we remember the original report correctly, the parasites couldn't access certain parts of the their victims memory, its quite possible that he is fighting it."
Data: "Captain, I have just broken the encryption of the FedComNet.  It appears that fourty-five Federation Starships have been destroyed in the last three weeks and have been blamed on the rebellion.  We appear to have been responsible for fourteen of the attacks, including the Quixote, whose destruction was greatly exaggerated."
Riker: "News of my death...  Mr. Clemens, Data?"
Data: "Yes sir...the report conjured up the similarities between..."
Riker waved him off: "Inform Admiral Janeway."

Deep Space Nine - Ward Room

Sisko: "We've been on the defensive for too long Admiral."
OParis: "And how do we go on the Offensive?  We can't just indiscriminately destroy every Federation Installation between here and Starfleet Headquarters!"
Calhoun: "Why not?"
Rodgers: "We need a way to nuetralize the parasites with out killing the hosts, we have no idea just how much of Command, and the fleet is infected."
Wilson: "First we need to be able to detect them again."
Riker (entering the room): "Admiral, "I've made contact with a couple of Starships, they'll be here in a couple of hours."
OParis: "How do we know we can trust them Riker?"
Riker: "Let's just say the Captains of those ships don't believe anything the FedComNet has been saying about us, and I know both of them rather well."
Sisko: "Who?"
Riker: "Captain Bateson of the Bozeman."
Calhoun: "Who else?"
Riker breaks into a grin: "Your wife, Mac."

Deep Space
Captain Shelby (Voice Over): "Captain's Personal Log, Stardate: 58341.4.  I knew Mac and Riker weren't responsible for the attacks that have been attributed to them over the last three weeks.  All I needed was a message from one of them to tell me where to meet them.  That pained look in Riker's eyes, I remember seeing that before, the first time he saw Captain Picard on the screen, telling us that Borg crap..."

A Galaxy class starship enters the screen from the left, oriented so the top faces the camera, the camera moves closer rapidly and pulls in to the Captain's Ready room, Shelby sitting at her computer idlely plucking items off the screen.

Shelby: "..Riker tells me that Mac is already there.  I wonder just how Mac got himself involved without telling me first."
Mueller (Comm): "Bridge to Captain Shelby.  Captain, we're approaching the Bajoran System."
Shelby: "I'm on my way, Kat."
Arex: "Captain, a Klingon flotilla has just decloaked in front of us, they're demanding to know our business in the Bajoran system."
Shelby: "Tell Worf, that the Trident is here to kick some parastical exoskeleton."
The view screen changed to show Worf, in full Klingon battlearmor staring back with an amused look on his face.
Worf: "Captain Shelby, Welcome to Bajor."
Shelby: "Thank you General Worf."

Praetor's Pride:
Serilla: "Ship's Log, Federation Stardate: 58341.4.  For the remainder of this mission, we will be using Federation standard time units, while encoding our time stamp into the file itself, this will make it easier for the Federation to know exactly what will be happening, and when it happened on this mission.  Normally we would not be allowing our ship's logs to fall into what some would consider enemy hands, but we must show the Federation that we can be trusted to work together for common goals, the Dominion before, the Parasites now, and the Borg or something even more dangerous later.  While chatI appears to be a man of honor, something about him disturbs me.  Perhaps it is my predjudice towards him as a Klingon, but still... Klingons normally abhore the work of intelligence, which means he can put aside his honor for the work, or else he is very good at what he does.  Niether of those possibilties are favorable. I do not intend to fire the first shot, but I will not allow our ships to be used as sacrificial lambs for Klingon glory.

End Act XXII
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2005, 11:32:46 pm »
Well...Im back from my Christmas hiatus, and as you can see, ive put up the next part.  Not too much more to go.  I would say we are reaching the Climax of the story in the next four or five parts.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Sapharite

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2005, 03:38:11 am »
Lol Way to go...  ;D Looks great. I thought this will be forgotten story ;D
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #46 on: January 21, 2005, 05:55:52 am »
I can't wait myself to see another part  :D
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2005, 05:07:37 pm »
neither can I
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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #48 on: February 11, 2005, 05:55:57 pm »
Well guys, It appears that you may be waiting indefinately.  My computer just caught a nasty cold.  Trying to restore the OS on my C: Drive is proving to be a futile effort.  I have a laptop, which is what I am posting on right now, but I have no access to the story.  Fortunately, all of my recent programs and all of my documents are located on the D: drive of my PC.  So, while I can't get at it, the D: drive appears to be completely untouched.  (DOS is a wonderful tool, maybe I should see if I can find a copy of Win 3.1, you know, something small that will do basic stuff until I can find a way to purge the C Drive w/o reformatting)

Anyway, I'll be in and out of here occasionally with updates on my progress, (The Virus protection on this laptop is a year old, so im not staying online for any length of time, and only going to places I trust), just sit tight, who knows, I may be able to write up more of the story on the fly.


"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #49 on: February 12, 2005, 11:28:51 am »
Hope you get everyting sorted out.  If all else fails, you can get an extrnal drive kit and pull out your D: drive and make it an external to hook up to your laptop, or any other machine you feel like running your disk to.  I have no idea of the cost, but if you have a CompUSA store nearby I think they'd know.
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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #50 on: March 08, 2005, 01:38:45 am »
Well, things are sorted out, to an extent.

Turns out my computer didnt catch a virus, but rather the C: Drive grew old and died. (Eight Years old in July)  Sounds like the controller card burned out.  After installing a new OS on my D drive, I have access to the story line, If I could just find my CD key for MS Office, I would be good to go.  As it stands, I should have the next part up some time before the end of the week.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2005, 03:30:58 am »
Damn no progress :(
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
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Re: Star Trek XI Act XXIII
« Reply #52 on: April 20, 2005, 11:41:46 pm »
Apologies all around, back at home with a dial up now, and what little time I spend online is spent at a brand new Massive BattleTech Online Simulation game that is about to enter its beta stage.

IKV Bortas:  Some where beyond charted space.
chatI's Quarters, Serilla and chatI present
Serilla: "I still do not understand why you are disinclined to trust me Captain."
chatI: "We are both Intelligence officers Commander, drop the pretense, you are always hiding something, same as I."
Serilla: "I'm not asking you to give away vital secrets of the Empire.  I'm asking for coordination and cooperation in a hunt for a most insidious species."
chatI: "And I am not sure that putting my trust in a Romulan would not get myself killed."
Serilla: "I noticed that you do not feel the same way about putting your trust in the Federation."
chatI: "The difference is that the Federation has honor, they have proven themselves trustworthy!"
Serilla: "The Romulan Star Empire values honor...more so..."
chatI: "The Star Empire only values honor to themselves, a non-Romulan is not considered worthy!"
Serilla: "If that is your opinion, then I will be on my way, do not come crawling for help, for you will not find any from us."
chatI: "Commander..."
Serilla: "Yes, Captain?"
chatI: "Good hunting."
Serilla: "And you, Captain."

RIS Praetor's Pride:
Sela: "What did you learn?"
Serilla: "Enough that your suspicions were correct, that Klingon Cruiser has been heavily refitted with Federation Technology.  Scanners, sheilds, and Engines at the least."
Sela: "Well then, we will just have to make sure we give the Klingons a wide berth."
Serilla: "Captain chatI was not very accomidating, he seemed more worried about being the victim of an elaborate deception than recieving the help that we offered."
Sela: "Someone should tell Captain chatI, that paranoia will get him killed one day..."
Serilla: "Indeed it will.
Sela: "Helm, new course, two-five-seven, mark four-four.  Warp eight, maximum stealth flight."

IKV Bortas:
Gos'Iek: "The Romulan flagship has gone to warp, and engaged its cloaking device."
Vashar: "The taJ is reporting that they have acquired their target and are tracking.  If I may, sir, why did you reject Commander Serilla's offer?"
chatI: "An old earth saying Lieutenant...'Just because you are paranoid, does not mean that they are not out to get you.'  Besides, when was the last time you have seen a Romulan Disruptor with a 'Stun'

Vashar: "They are not normally issued to Romulan Officers, Tal Shiar or otherwise."
chatI: "That is correct, that whole takeover was staged, Commander Sela is still in charge over there. This whole thing has her scent all over it."
Gos'lek: "Captain! picking up seventeen contacts on long range scanners, they appear to be of the same design that ambushed the Titan!"
chatI: <Battle Alert!>

RIS Praetor's Pride: Twenty minutes later.
Serilla: "Impressive, chatI's fleet destroyed sixteen of the seventeen ships, while only loosing a pair of aging Bird of Preys."
Sela: "What is more impressive is that he let the other one go, and is actually not attempting to overtake it.  The Accipitor is reporting that the slowest ship in his fleet, an even older D-7W, is only at 75% of it's maximum speed."
Serilla: "By letting the ship go, he hopes that it will lead them to the Parasite's homeworld."
Sela: "We will see if that is the case."
Serilla: "We have received a message from Eagle Squadron, they found something they thought that you should see immediately."
Sela: "Alter course to rendezvous with Eagle Squadron.  Any word on what this something is?"
Serilla: "It appears to be a Federation class Six shuttlecraft."
Sela: "Class Six? Those have not been assigned to starships for twenty years."

IKV Bortas:
Gos'lek: "Apparently, the shuttlecraft was assigned to the USS Ferdinand Magellan, Starfleet registry NCC-21357, a Venture class long range exploration cruiser.  According to our database, the ship was lost until 2362, when it returned seemingly oblivious to the passage of time."
chatI: "It does not seem likely that such a vessel could have operated in this region of space for as long as it did, without encountering these parasites."
Vashar: "It is likely that the Magellan brought the parasites into Federation Space during the first encounter, it is also likely that, unlike the Magellan herself, the shuttle may have more detail on what occured during her extended mission."
chatI: "hmmph...score one for the Romulans then."
Gos'lek: "Not neccesarily...I can access the shuttlecraft's computer by remote, hopefully, without the Romulans realizing what is happening."
chatI: "Qa'pla!"

RIS Praetor's Pride:
Serilla: "Unfortunately, it appears that the shuttle's computer has been wiped clean."
Sela: "When? How?"
Serilla: "There is no indication as to when it was wiped, but it appears that the computer was wiped by remote.  I have the science section going over the ship's computer to find out when or who wiped it clean."
Sela: "The Klingons...chatI...he's responsible somehow.
Serilla: "You believe that chatI would have deliberately wiped the shuttle's computer to prevent us from getting it?  How would he have had to time to get in and do this, with out us detecting him?"
Sela: "I do not think he did it deliberately, I think his incompetant science officer tried to access the computer, and wiped it while accessing it."
Serilla: "A most...Commander...twenty-eight Bio ships are approaching at high warp, one of them is bigger than any encountered before!"
Sela: "Battle Stations.  Sub-Commander, please report to the Pheonix, as her new CO."
Serilla: "New CO?  What am I to do with the current one?"
Sela: "Kill him, he failed to prevent the shuttle from falling into Klingon hands, the Tal Shiar does not tolerate failure."
Serilla: "By your command."
Sela: "Good Hunting Commander."

IKV Bortas:
chatI: "Hmm...what do you make of the larger bio-ship?"
Gos'lek: "It appears to be a dreadnought of some type, the ships are dropping out of warp."
chatI: "Transfer the sensors from the taJ to the main screen."
Gos'lek: "One moment Captain...It appears the larger ship is not a dreadnought at all...It is a Carrier, over 500 smaller bioships are launching from it."
chatI: "Hmm... Warriors, It appears we have a choice, we can leave the Romulans to their own devices, and continue persuit of this smaller VeQ, or we save the Romulan's worthless hides in glorious battle."
Vashar: "I believe I speak for all of us here when I say, today is a good day to die."
chatI: "Indeed it is, Battle Alert! Best Speed for the Romulan Fleet!"
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Sapharite

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #53 on: April 21, 2005, 02:13:03 am »
Lol  ;D I don't bother about the delay I just bother about this story... Great Act  :notworthy: :notworthy: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Carry on ;)  8)
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2005, 12:01:36 pm »
Great story Q, but Im confused about one thing...Serilla shoots Sela and takes her off the rbdige, and then shes back in command?? im lost!!! lol

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2005, 10:43:50 pm »
It was a ruse, Serilla and Sela were trying to get chatI to trust Serilla.  (back story that may or may not be revealed Sela and chatI will have a history that will make chatI suspicious of anything Sela does)

Sorry for the confusion.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #56 on: April 26, 2005, 03:50:25 am »
Thanks  ;) The story is awesome... I've read many e-books last time but they do not match your writing :D
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2005, 08:14:16 pm »
Hey Lieutenant Q,

I've just finished a marathon reading session (one of several) and managed to finish what you've written so far. You've got a good thing going here and I really hope you manage to continue and finish it. Things are coming to a climax here and I'm eager for the conclusion.

I was glad to see towards the end that only 43 Starfleet ships are dead... the proliferation of your battle scenes made me think it was much higher! (I am kinda curious as to how a century-old Excelsior can take out a decade-old Nebula, though). I do like that we finally find out that there is a reason the Enterprise-E was destroyed right at the start, and that it's not just for the shock value or a hook. You also raised my hopes with Sela being nailed on her bridge, then dashed them again with it turning out to be a ploy. *sigh* Flaming Sela... always scheming. *smile*
Jaeih won't be happy if she reads that! Donatra does give me hope for the Star Empire in your universe, though.

Anyway, keep going! I want to find out how you end it!
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The Doctor: "Must be a spatio-temporal hyperlink."
Mickey: "Wot's that?"
The Doctor: "No idea. Just made it up. Didn't want to say 'Magic Door'."
- Doctor Who: The Woman in the Fireplace (S02E04)


Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #58 on: May 31, 2005, 10:09:28 am »
Hey Lieutenant Q,

I've just finished a marathon reading session (one of several) and managed to finish what you've written so far. You've got a good thing going here and I really hope you manage to continue and finish it. Things are coming to a climax here and I'm eager for the conclusion.

I was glad to see towards the end that only 43 Starfleet ships are dead... the proliferation of your battle scenes made me think it was much higher! (I am kinda curious as to how a century-old Excelsior can take out a decade-old Nebula, though). I do like that we finally find out that there is a reason the Enterprise-E was destroyed right at the start, and that it's not just for the shock value or a hook. You also raised my hopes with Sela being nailed on her bridge, then dashed them again with it turning out to be a ploy. *sigh* Flaming Sela... always scheming. *smile*
Jaeih won't be happy if she reads that! Donatra does give me hope for the Star Empire in your universe, though.

Anyway, keep going! I want to find out how you end it!

Not all ships of a class are built at the same time.  There must be over 50 Excelsior-class ships in the fleet, and they couldn't possibly all be built in 2284.  The Excelsior was intended to have transwarp drive so her hull was designed to withstand much greater stress than other ships, which is why they've lasted so long.  Also keep in mind that the Excelsior's crew might've had better battle skills than the Nebula's.


Keep it up!  Love the story so far, as well as the Klingon/Romulan ongoing mistrust of each other.
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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #59 on: May 31, 2005, 01:58:32 pm »
When the Excelsior class was designed and built, it was designed to last for 350 years. It was designed to be constantly refitted,much easier than its predecessors.