OK...good news for all of you, bad news for me...I couldn't sleep. So...heres the next act, enjoy.
Exterior Scene: Starfleet Medical, Earth
Admiral Nechyev, Admiral Jellico, and Dr. Crusher standing in front of a medical monitor. On the monitor is a Human man's bioscan.
Nechyev: "Is he healthy enough to receive the symbiont?"
Crusher: "Not yet, if we were to introduce the symbiont now, it could kill him and the symbiont."
Jellico: "That would not do, he may be a mere vessel, but the unblended have great respect for him, especially the rebels."
Nechyev: "How soon?"
Crusher: "I'll know more in twenty-four hours, until then, all we can do is keep him in the stasis pod."
Jellico: "We can't wait much longer, we may have to take the risk if it can't be done safely tomorrow."
An aide walks into the room: "Admiral, the Starship Exeter is arriving, they have the other on board, and he is alive."
Nechyev: "Excellent, soon Admiral Ross will be joining us, and we can crush the resistance once and for all."
Aide: "Begging your pardon ma'am, but there is more. Two Klingon task forces have crossed into Federation Space and are shooting up any ship they find with us on board. It seems apparent that the Klingons, and likely the resistance, has a method for detecting us inside the hosts."
Crusher: "Once Ross tells us what he knows, I can devise a way to mask us from their sensors."
Jellico: "Good, Lieutenant, make sure the Exeter gets priority clearance to enter orbit."
Nechyev: "Any news on the Borg?"
Crusher shook her head: "We traced one of Voyager's transporter signals to her apartment, they transported six people from her apartment, Seven and Icheb were apparently two of them, the other four we have yet to identify. Professor O'Brien and Admiral Paris are both missing. Paris was due for blending later that day, O'Brien was not a high priority, although in hindsight, he should have been. He was on the Enterprise when we tried this the first time. We have not heard from Seven since, we can assume that the medication to the symbiont is either ineffective, or that they are still fighting over her body."
Jellico: "Besides Riker, La Forge, Troi and Worf, is there anyone else we have to be concerned with having knowledge of us from our first attempt?"
Crusher: "No any of the Enterprise crew that knew first hand of the encounter have been taken care of."
Nechyev: "Riker will no doubt attempt to pick La Forge up as his Chief Engineer, I think we need to prepare a little ambush for the Titan."
Jellico: "I have just the idea..."
Starship Quixote, Ready Room.
Wilson: "This is some kind of joke, right Bren?"
Bren: "I assure you Captain it is not a joke."
Wilson: "And this came directly from Starfleet Command?"
Bren: "Admiral Jellico himself."
Wilson: "So this whole rumor of the Parasites returning is true, and Jellico sent us this list of infected ships. The question remains, why would he have broadcast that, even if he isn't infected, those that are are going to find him quickly."
Bren: "There is a possibility that he may be attempting to deceive us."
Wilson: "But if he's not we need to do something about this. Send a message to DS9. Inform them we need a spare warp coil, before we can join the fray on their side."
Bren: "Then one of their ships will be routed to deliver the warp coil, and we give them the information."
Wilson: "Right...then we can..."
Comm: "Bridge to Captain Wilson."
Wilson: "Go Ahead."
Comm: "Sir...I..I think you better listen to this."
Comm: "...peat...This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise, if anyone can hear me, please respond. My pod is losing..."
Comm: "We've lost the signal, sir."
Wilson: "Append that broadcast to the message, Bren... Bridge, set a course for the source of that signal...Maximum Warp."
Deep Space Nine: Ops
Dax: "The message was rather cryptic, sir. It mentions that they have information from Starfleet that they did not want to transmit on subspace, and then...there's this."
Picard: "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise. My ship has been destroyed by an unknown force, I managed to get into a escape pod just prior to the explosion. My Comm system was damaged, and I have apparently been thrown far off from my original position. My pod is losing power, I have only three days of life-support remaining, anyone within hailing range, please respond. I repeat...This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise, if anyone can hear me, please respond. My pod is losing..."
La Forge: "I'm sorry sir, there's just no way it could be him, Picard was on the bridge when the explosion happened, we never saw an escape pod launch from anywhere on the Enterprise."
Chakotay: "I'm inclined to agree, we did an intensive sweep of the area, there wasn't much left of the Enterprise, and we certainly would have found an escape pod."
Riker: "Could his pod have rode the explosion away from the area?"
Dax: "The possibilities are remote at best, besides, the location the Quixote has traced the signal to, is twenty-seven light-years away."
Riker: "Q?"
Chakotay: "As much as Q loved to play around with you, I don't think he would have spent the time to save Picard's life and move him that far away. Besides, if it was Q, Picard would have shown up right beside you by now."
La Forge: "Apparently Q didn't play with you as much as he did with us."
Riker: "Even if its not really Jean-Luc, we need to go see what the Quixote has for us. Admiral, the Titan is ready to go as soon as the spare Warp Coil is aboard."
Janeway: "Good luck Will."
Starship Quixote: Bridge
Baker: "Sir, we are approaching the source of the signal."
Wilson: "Slow to impulse, Lieutenant."
Baker: "Aye, sir."
Bren: "A rather odd place for an escape pod to be, this asteroid field is the densest field in the quadrant."
Wilson: "Any sign of the pod?"
Bren: "Not yet Captain."
Wilson: "Jeannie, can you plot a course through this?"
Baker, smiling: "With my eyes closed sir."
Wilson: "You can leave them open if you don't mind, Jeannie."
A light shrill sounded on the bridge, before turning into Star Wars' Imperial March.
Wilson glanced over towards Bren: "Must you?"
Bren: "I thought it would set the appropriate mood."
Wilson: "Thanks a heap...now I'm going to see a Star Destroyer around every asteroid."
Bren: "Would that be such a bad thing?"
Wilson shook his head instead of answering, turning his attention back to the main viewscreen.
Bren: "Not reading any power signatures inside the field, however there appears to be some background interference that was not here when the field was last charted two years ago."
Wilson: "Interference caused by what?"
Bren: "Unknown, however the interference is limiting our effective scan radius to only five hundred thousand kilometers."
The ship shuddered.
Wilson: "Jeannie?"
Baker: "Sorry sir, it was either that one or the one that would have torn a hole in our port nacelle."
Wilson: "Are we going to get any room to maneuver? I got a bad feeling about this..."
Bren: "We have just passed through the locally most-dense part of the field, approximately six million kilometers dead ahead is a break in the field, only a few large asteroids in that immediate vicinity."
Wilson: "Jeannie...if someone or something starts shooting, head straight for that break. Red Alert."
The alert klaxon sounded around the bridge.
Bren: "I am still picking up nothing, but you are correct, this is an ideal place for an ambush, and given the disappearance of two dozen Starfleet vessels in the last week...It is best to be prepared."
Starship Titan: Bridge
Data: "At our present velocity, we will arrive at the rendezvous coordinates in approximately fifteen minutes."
Riker: "A rendezvous in the middle of the densest asteroid field in Federation space...what was Captain Wilson thinking?"
La Forge: "He probably expected the Defiant to come to rendezvous, not the Titan."
Data: "The largest vessel known to have navigated this field was the USS Bozeman NCC-1941, Captain Bateson reported in his log that his survey of the field was cut short when an asteroid impacted his ship, and compromised it's structural integrity, he later added that no ship larger than an Oberth class science vessel should be assigned to charting this Field, a recommendation that Starfleet has followed ever since. It should be noted, that this was the last mission the Bozeman was reported to have completed before her disappearance near the Typhon Expanse."
Riker: "How do we get to the rendezvous point?"
Data: "Captain Bateson did notice that there was room for a larger ship, in certain areas of the field. I believe I can plot a course linking those areas. While using a modified Phaser burst to cut through asteroids that are in our way."
Riker: "How soon until you can have the modifications done?"
Data, pressing a few buttons: "They are done now, Captain."
Riker: "Take us in Mr. Data."
Beauty shot of the Titan moving into the asteroid field, occasionally firing a phaser blast at a large chunk of rock in her way. The rock being hit disintigrates upon impact. Smaller rocks pulverize themselves constantly on the Titan's foreward shields, creating a shimmering effect in front of her. All in all, I picture this to be a beautiful sight... (makes me wish I had any kind of talent in CGI)
Data: "Captain, we are approaching the Rendezvous coordinates, I am picking up the Quixote, bearing 114 mark 218. She appears to be holding station near a large asteroid."
Riker: "Hail them."
Sloane: "No response sir."
Riker: "Any chance they are damaged?"
Data: "Not that sensors can detect...curious...I am detecting a large jamming field inside the asteroids, sensors and communications are extremely hampered."
Sloane: "Reading six...no seven contacts...closing rapidly on us."
Riker: "Battlestations!"
Data: "I have no Identification on the incoming contacts, there appears to be no record of these ships in the Starfleet database."
Riker: "Get us some room to Maneuver, target the closest vessel and prepare to fire..."
End Act XVIII (I think there needs to be a "Mwuhahahaha" smiley
