Topic: Star Trek XI  (Read 34759 times)

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Star Trek XI
« on: June 23, 2004, 10:46:37 pm »
hehe...I couldnt resist being the first one to post here  ;D

The scene begins in LaForge's quarters, as he is washing his face before going to bed for the night.
(Comm beeps): "Barclay to Commander LaForge."
LaForge sighs: "LaForge here."
Barclay: "Commander, we ah seem to be having a problem, can you ah come down here?"
LaForge: "What kind of problem Reg?"
Barclay: "The flow to the Nacelles is off again Geordi, but all the computers say that all systems check out fine."
LaForge: "Begin a diagonstic Reg, I'll be right there."
LaForge walks back out in the the main part of his quarters, plucks his combadge off his jacket, and attaches it to his undershirt. Convinced he is not going to be away long, he turns and walks out the door. The door opens and he stops suddenly.
B4: "Hello Geordi."
LaForge: "Da...B4, Hi."
B4: "Is Geordi not happy to see me?"
LaForge: "No...No, of course I am, you just surprised me that's all. Look, I'm going to Engineering, I'll talk to you later."
B4: "Can I come too?"
LaForge: "I don't see why not."
B4 smiles and begins to walk along-side Geordi down the corridor.

Scene: Engineering, Barclay standing over the main console, while an Ensign and two crewmen go about their normal business. Geordi walks in with B4 a half second behind.
LaForge: "What'cha got for me Reg?"
Barclay: "The port nacelle is taking in the power flow as if its working at warp 5, but the starboard nacelle is going as if its at warp 5.2. If both nacelles were using all the power, the ship would be spiraling out of control, but the computer doesn't recognize it as a problem."
LaForge: "Is it the same problem we had two weeks ago?"
Barclay: "No, that's the first thing I checked, I sent Gomez to check on the power relay for the starboard nacelle, she says everything is fine from the inside, we must be losing something into space, but the external sensors aren't picking up anything."
LaForge: "Well, looks like were going to have to go outside, LaForge to Bridge."
Comm: "Maddox here."
LaForge: "We've got a slight problem with the starboard nacelle, Commander, we're going to need you to drop out of warp and prep a shuttlecraft for us.
Maddox: "Anything we should be concerned with Mr. LaForge?"
The Warp reactor suddenly slowed down considerably as the ship drops out of warp.
LaForge: "Not unless we try to break any speed records."
Maddox: "Hmm...guess I gotta tell the Captain that warp 10 is out of the question tommorow eh? The shuttle's ready for you Mr. LaForge, Maddox out.
LaForge: "Well Reg, since you're not letting me get any sleep right now, you're piloting."
LaForge and Barclay walk out the main exit, B4 trailing behind both of them. The two men exchange idle chatter until they get to the shuttle bay, where they find the shuttlecraft Galileo prepped and ready for launch, nodding to the crewman manning the control station, they board the shuttlecraft, then notice that B4 is still following them.
LaForge: "Sorry B4, you're going to have to stay behind."
B4: "I do not understand, am I not Geordi's friend?"
Barclay: "Geordi, remember we're on a tight schedule, and you said yourself that you didnt want to push the engines much harder when we get to the passage."
Geordi: "Right Reg, allright B4 come along, but stay out of the way."
B4: "I will stay out of the way."

Shuttlecraft Galileo launches from the main shuttlebay, sweeps around to the starboard side of the ship and stops near the nacelle pylon, Geordi and Reg look up and down the pylon not noticing anything structurally wrong with it.
LaForge: "Sensors are picking up something, a fracture near the nacelle itself, but, its not near the transfer conduit, what could be..."
Comm: "Picard to LaForge."
LaForge: "LaForge here."
The sound of an explosion over the comm drowns out any reply that Picard was going to make.
Barclay: "Geordi, the torpedo launcher!"
Geordi looks out the viewport just in time to see the Quantum Torpedo launcher on the underside of the saucer explode, a chain reaction of explosions start to work thier way aft.
LaForge: "Reg, get us out of here!"
Barclay: "Already on it!"
As Barclay works his hands over the controls, the shuttlecraft begins to pull away from the Enterprise, the explosions continuing to head aft, until they reach the midsection of the ship, where one final explosion tears the ship completely apart in a warp core breach. The shockwave washes over the fleeing shuttlecraft, and the interior goes completely dark.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Merlinfmct87

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 08:55:27 pm »

Sorta kills the oppertunity for Star Trek XII, no?


Oh wait--There's Voyager!!! Yippie!
Learned the Heart's Filthy Lesson from Joshua Watcher.

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Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Star Trek XI: Act I
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2004, 01:43:34 pm »
Scene opens to a space shot, stars moving by in a warp field. Entering from the bottom of the screen is an Intrepid class starship, NCC-74656 on her bow. (minus, of course, all the uber-enhancements from "Endgame")
Chakotay(voiceover): "Captain's Log, Stardate 58327.4: It's been a week since Starfleet Command lost contact with the Enterprise, we have been assigned to find her, or to determine her fate. We have arrived at her last known coordinates and are proceeding at warp 7 along her last known course."
Scene moves into the bridge, Commander Tuvok at Tactical, Lt. Commander Kim at Ops, Lt. Commander Paris at Helm.
Paris: "Captain, we're going to be entering the passage in about an hour at our current speed, I'm sure B'Elanna has already told you that we'll have to reduce speed to warp 5 before we enter it."
Chakotay: "She has, on several occasions, Tom. Harry, anything on sensors?"
Kim: "Nothing as yet Captain."
Chakotay: "Let me know as soon as you find anythng. Tuvok, my ready room."
Chakotay and Tuvok exit into the ready room, while Tom and Harry remained at their posts.
Kim: "How's Miral doing today? Better than yesterday I hope."
Paris: "The Doc says that she'll be fine after a normal meal, apparently she was a bit unsettled by her first plate of Gagh."
Kim: "Guess she takes after her old man more than you realize, eh Tom?"

Tuvok and Chakotay in the ready room, both standing near the door.
Chakotay: "The entire fleet's on edge, its not every day the flagship just up and dissapears on us. The Klingons have been agitated for the last month, Chancellor Martok and Ambassador Worf seem to be the only people that can keep them communicating with us. What concerns me the most though, is the Romulans."
Tuvok: "Romulans?"
Chakotay: "Ever since the Enterprise destroyed the Scimitar two years ago, the Romulans have been nothing but friendly to us. That worries me, especially after Starfleet shifted some ships away from the Romulan Border after the last Dominion raid."
Tuvok: "You believe that the Romulans are attempting to lull us into complacency and then strike out at us?"
Chakotay: "They've done it before."
Tuvok: "Indeed..."
Comm: "Kim to Chakotay, I've got something sir, a small craft, approximetely 20 light days from here."
Chakotay: "On my way."
Chakotay and Tuvok walk back out onto the bridge and take up their stations.
Kim: "It's the Galileo, sir, a shuttlecraft assigned to the Enterprise, her main power systems appear to be dead. She has life-support, barely, two lifesigns, but three comm-badges on board."
Chakotay: "Tom, slow to impulse, Bridge to Sickbay. Doctor, prepare for patients."
Doctor: "Acknowledged"
Paris: "Entering Transporter range."
Kim: "Beaming them directly to Sickbay."
Chakotay: "Tom, you have the Bridge."
Paris: "My turn...lets see, what pointless task can I have Harry do this time..."
Chakotay smirks as he turns to the turbolift, Tuvok merely raises an eybrow and follows him in.

Sickbay: The Doctor is tending to Barclay, while a nurse tends to LaForge. B4 lies deactivated on the third bed.
Doctor: "Reg! What happened?"
The wounds on Barclay have largely healed over time, though still leaving the marks on his hands and face from where the Helm console exploded when the shuttle was washed over by the shockwave. Geordi just has a few bruises and an almost healed cut along his cheek bone.
Barclay: "The Enterprise...shes... shes...gone..."
Chakotay and Tuvok enter Sickbay, followed quickly by Lt. Torres, who heads over to B4s bed.
LaForge: "Captain, Commander LaForge, thanks for the pickup."
Chakotay: "You're welcome Commander, care to tell me what happened to the Enterprise?"
LaForge: "I'm not sure myself yet, sir. One moment we were using the shuttlecraft to inspect for possible damage to the starboard nacelle, the next minute we're watching the Enterprise's Quantum Torpedo launcher explode.
B4 suddenly sits upright, B'Elanna is holding a spanner and a Tricorder with a grin on her face.
LaForge: "The explosion began a chain reaction that destroyed the Quantum Torpedo magazine, then the Photon Torpedoes, then the Antimatter Storage Pods, then finally the Warp Core itself. What I don't understand, is why the emergency force fields didn't contain the explosion in the Torpedo Launcher."
Tuvok: "Then the Enterprise was completely annihilated?"
LaForge: "There's nothing left of her."
Doctor: "Commander LaForge and Lt. Barclay should be just fine, I don't know about B4, thats why I called B'Elanna up here."
Torres: "B4 wasn't all that damaged, he just had a piece of metal lodged in his positronic matrix. Something I did notice however, is that his matrix arrangement is different that the one that is in his record."
LaForge: "Yeah, I've been working on updating his hardware, trying to make him...more like Data, so far I haven't had much luck."
Torres: "Maybe I can give you a hand later, I still remember a lot from those androids that killed their makers back in the Delta Quadrant."
Chakotay: "Chakotay to Bridge, Tom, resume our previous course, warp 5."
Doctor: "I'd like to keep the two of you here for a few more minutes, I want to make sure that the long period of time on the shuttle hasn't affected you adversely.
Chakotay: "Keep me posted Doctor."
Chakotay and Tuvok leave Sickbay, B'Elanna picks up her tools and turns to leave.
Torres: "Drop by Engineering when the Doctor gets done with you, if you dont mind Commander."
LaForge: "I'll be there Lieutnenant."
Torres walks out the door and the Doctor begins checking on Barclay.

End Act I
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2004, 03:34:35 pm »
Exterior Scene: Deep Space Nine, A Federation Akira Class starship occupies one of the upper docking pylons, while a Klingon Vor'cha Class attack cruiser and a Ferengi Marauder occupy two of the lower docking pylons. The shot slowly moves in towards the operations tower, and will eventually enter Kira's office from the outside.

Kira(Voice Over): "Station's Log, Stardate 58327.5: Representatives from all over the Federation and beyond continue to arrive here at Deep Space Nine, for the upcoming ceremony for the official admission of Bajor into the Federation. Admiral Ross arrived earlier last week aboard the starship Thunderchild. Yesterday morning Grand Nagus Rom arrived from Ferenginar, Quark of course was not especially pleased to see his brother again, but Nog was thrilled to see his father. Chancellor Martok and Ambassador Worf surprised us with their arrival this afternoon, but adjustments have been made to accommidate their presence during the signing ceremony..."

Voice over ends as the camera enters the office, Kira sitting behind the desk in a Starfleet uniform continues talking...
Kira: "...Admiral Janeway is expected to arrive tommorow aboard the Starship Titan, Captain Riker will also be present during the ceremony, taking the place of the late Captain Picard. Picard has been a great advocate for Bajoran admission, we will all miss him."
Kira presses a button on the console to stop recording then turns to look at the baseball still sitting on the desk. After a moment's hesistation she reaches foreward and picks it up.
Kira: "I hope you're as proud of us as we are of you, Ben."
Kira puts the ball back down and stands up, smoothing out her uniform as she walks towards the exit. As she enters Ops she notices Lt. Nog sitting at his station, the one Chief O'Brien sat at for seven years. Standing over his shoulder was Grand Nagus Rom, apparently very delighted with some of the modifications that Nog had made to the systems in the four years since he left. Ensign ch'Thane sitting on the opposite side of her, at the Science station. Lt. Dax was at the Operations console having a conversation with Lt. Ro, still in a Bajoran Uniform. Ro finished the conversation with Ezri, and walked up to Kira.
Ro: "Colon...I mean, Commander, I just finished going over the changes in the security precautions that the Klingons forced onto us, I wanted to get your approval before I sent my deputies out."
Kira grabbed Ro's offered PADD and looked over it, she nodded and handed the PADD back to Ro. Ezri walked up beside Kira.
Dax: "The Titan is 17 hours away at its present speed, the signing ceremony will take place the day after tommorow, First Minister Shakar will be arriving from Bajor late tommorow night. I've already made arrangements for the Minister and his staff, I'm told that Admiral Janeway and Captain Riker will spend most of their time on the Titan."
Kira: "Quark's not going to do anything stupid during the ceremony is he?"
Dax: "Ro says that she has him under control, I don't doubt her."
ch'Thane: "Commander! Increased elevation of nuetrinos coming from the wormhole!"
Kira: "Any ships due back today or tommorow?"
Dax: "Not anymore."
Kira: "Yellow Alert! This better not be another Dominion raid or so help me I'll ring Odo's neck."
Dax: "The Thunderchild and K'empec have disengaged thier docking clamps and are taking up position between us and the wormhole, the Defiant is crewed and disengaging her docking clamps."
Outside the station the wormhole opens and spits out one hourglass shaped object, then suddenly closes again.
Nog: "What is that?"
Kira: "Last time I saw something like that, was 11 years ago, it brought Dax back from the Wormhole. Nog, get a transporter lock on it and bring it aboard. (taps commbadge) Dr. Bashir, report to Ops."
Nog: "I can't get a lock on it Commander, its....gone."
Dax: "Where did it go?"
ch'Thane: "It just dissapeared Lt. One second it was there, and the next it was gone."
Kira: "I guess I was hoping too much that it was going to be the Captain."
Dax put a hand on her arm: "I'm sure Benjamin would be here if he could, Nerys.
At that moment the lift entered Ops, Dr. Bashir looked around, confused, then looked at Kira.
Kira: "Sorry Julian, false alarm."
Bashir: "That's quite all right Commander, as it was you saved me from a rather annoying lecture from Dr. Menchark.
Kira: "Shouldn't he have been back on the Thunderchild?"
Bashir shrugged: "He couldn't get back to his ship in time, so he instead decided to criticize every aspect of my staff's preparation."
Kira: "Stand down Yellow alert. When you get back, mention that if his preparation was perfect, he would have been back on his ship before it left."
Bashir: "I did, and it shut him up, but only for a few minutes."
Bashir turned and walked back into the lift.
Rom was now sitting at the comm station: "Kira, uh the Defiant is hailing."
Kira: "On screen, if you would be so kind, Rom."
On the screen Commander Vaughn appeared: "Commander, any idea what just happened?"
Kira: "None at all Elias, did you get any better sensor readings than we did?"
Vaughn: "One minute it was there, the next, it wasn't."
Kira: "That's all we got over here too. Return to the station Commander, Kira out."

Scene: Promenade, just outside Quark's, Ro and Taran'atar are standing outside.
Ro: "Well that has to go down as one of the shortest alerts in station history."
Taran'atar: "I would think that you should have shorter results with battle drills."
Ro: "Well, sure, but we never have them with diplomats on board."
Quark, exiting his bar: "Is the Illustrious Commander done scaring off my customers? I had three Klingons that were just about to rent a holo-suite! Now they'll spend the rest of the day on their ship."
Ro: 'Take it easy Quark, if they really wanted your holo-suites, they'll be back."
Quark: "That's easy for you to say, but I know Klingons, once they get themselves primed for battle, they wont calm down for hours."
Taran'atar looks down at Quark menacingly.
Quark: "He's doing it again...he's going to kill me!"
Quark runs off into his bar, Ro looks back to Taran'atar, who was now looking normal.
Ro: "Do you enjoy that?"
Taran'atar: "Commander Kira suggested that Quark is easily intimidated, and that I should do that if he became annoying. Did I enjoy it? ...Yes."
Taran'atar walked away with out saying another word. Leaving Ro to wonder if the last four years had changed Taran'atar, perhaps for the better. She shrugged it off and walked in after Quark.
Ro: "You realize he does that just to annoy you."
Quark: "He doesn't do anything to annoy anyone, unless Odo told him to do it on purpose, he's going to kill me one of these days, just you see."
Ro: "Now you're just being paranoid. He's not going to hurt you."
Quark: "Odo probably told him to do it, to get back at me for..."
Ro: "Odo didn't tell Tarana'tar to do anything to you. Just calm down Quark, look, theres some Klingons entering."
Entering through the main doors are Chancellor Martok and Ambassador Worf.
Quark: "What do I care about Worf? All he ever orders is prune juice."
Martok: "Ferengi! A Bottle of Bloodwine!"
Quark quickly dashed into the back room and comes out with a bottle of Bloodwine, and two glasses. He sets them in front of Worf and Martok, Martok picks up the bottle and begins to pour into both glasses.
Martok: "Tis a shame that the Dominion didn't come to pick a fight, our Warriors have been longing for battle for too long now!"
Worf: "Indeed, a battle, even a small one, would have been a most welcome diversion."
Martok glanced at Quark, and then walked away from the bar, to an upstairs table.
Quark: "Even with Martok buying that whole bottle, I still wont break even for today..."
Ro: "Don't be too sure Quark, the night is still young."
Ro quickly walked out the main enterance, Quark's smile grew as he saw a dozen Klingons walking into the bar just after she left.
Quark: "Gentlemen! Welcome to Quarks! I'll have you know...."

Upstairs, Martok and Worf used the increase in noise to cover their conversation.
Martok: "The conservative movement is gaining momentum again, Worf, unless we find them a target to attack, they may try something against me or the Federation."
Worf: "This peace has been too long for many warrior's taste, I would not desire to see the Empire plunged into another civil war, or worse yet, at war with the Federation."
Martok: "Perhaps an 'Incident' on the Romulan border would help alleviate this sentiment."
Worf: "Of course you know, my friend, that the Federation would not condone an 'incident'. Relations between the Federation and the Romulans is better than they ever have been, and the Federation would certainly like to put thier differences behind them."
Martok: "Pah! Those Romulan pa'taqs are never truely interested in peace, they simply wanted the reprieve while they put their Senate back together!"
Worf: "You know that I agree with you on that, but the Federation wants to believe that the Romulans are sincere in their overtures to form a more permanent alliance."
Martok: "If the Federation Council believes the Romulan overtures, then they are more fools than I gave them credit for!"
Worf: "Starfleet Command will never let the Romulans catch them flat-footed."
Martok: "At least some sanity remains in the Federation!"
Martok chugs his glass of bloodwine and pours himself another, Worf drinks his more slowly, pondering what lies ahead.

End Act II
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Tausi

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2004, 09:33:59 am »
I really hope you get round to posting the following acts and finishing the story lt Q. Was following it on the taldren boards and was gettin hooked!!

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2004, 09:54:30 pm »
The intention of course, was to post a new one every day.  However, Time and Internet have not coincided much since I got home.  I don't have the time to be patient while waiting for a web page to load at 26.4 kbps.  So this is actually the first time I've logged on to this site in a week.  And unfortunately I expect it to be another week before I do again.  Just the way it goes with a dial-up.  I really cant wait to get back to Texas, at least there is a Wireless connection waiting for me.

"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Star Trek XI: Act III
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2004, 09:58:06 pm »
Space shot, enter a Galaxy class starship, at warp.

Riker (voiceover): "Captain's Personal Log, Stardate 58327.5: The Titan is en route to Deep Space Nine to deliver Admiral Janeway to the admission ceremony of Bajor into the Federation. Just a few hours ago, I received word that my friend and mentor, Jean-Luc Picard, has been officially reported as dead, and that I have been appointed to replace him at the ceremony. I haven't felt this way since Tasha Yar was lost, but there is something more, something... different. Deanna thinks I have been avoiding her since I heard the news, and honestly, she is right. Right now I want to sort things out myself, not have my mind read by my wife."

Scene: Ready Room, a particularly distraught Riker staring at the computer monitor, on the monitor is the service record of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. On his desk is the Incident report filed by Captain Chakotay. The door chime eventually breaks his silence.

Riker: "Come."
Admiral Janeway walks into the ready room, a mix of concern and compassion written on her face.
Janeway: "You all right Will?"
Riker: "Of course Admiral, everything's fine."
Janeway: "You're not a very convincing liar Captain."
Riker motioned for Janeway to sit down: "Did Deanna send you here to convince me to talk to her, Admiral?"
Janeway choosing to sit on the couch gestures for Riker to join her: "She had nothing to do with my dropping by, and please, call me Kathryn. I don't quite care for the 'Admiral' title, I get called that all day long."
Riker, sitting beside Janeway on the couch: "Then, if I may, Kathryn, why are you here? You gave me the breifing on your mission 12 hours ago."
Janeway: "As much as I hate to bring it back up in light of the circumstances, the mission has changed slightly. But mostly I am here to talk to you, Starfleet surely will feel the loss of one of its best Captains, but you served with the man for fourteen years, you were not only shipmates, you were friends, and the death of a friend can be a troubling experience. I know you want to deal with this in your own way, so I'm not going to force the issue, but if you need someone to talk to, someone who doesn't quite have as an emotional attachment to the loss as you or your wife, my door is open."
Riker: "I appreciate the concern, perhaps I'll stop by later tonight and discuss it further with you, but I don't think I'm ready just yet."
Janeway: "My door is open, just give me a few minutes notice before you come in. Ok?"
Riker nodded, and Janeway gets up, but just before she leaves, she turns back to Riker.
Janeway: "By the way, I just heard from DS9, Ambassador Worf arrived there earlier today, I understand he looks foreward to speaking with you again."
With that Janeway turns around and heads back out the door, leaving Riker to brood in silence. Riker glanced at the replica of the Enterprise D on the stand against the wall of his ready room.
Riker: "Geordi doesn't think it was an accident, but he didn't come out and say it in his report. I promise you Jean-Luc, I'll find out who's responsible for this and make that person pay. But first...Computer, access service record for Commander LaForge."
Computer: "Accessed."
Riker: "Computer, where will Commander LaForge be transferred to next?"
Computer: "Commander LaForge is deceased."
Riker: "What the hell?...Computer, Confirm last statement."
Computer: "Comfirmed, Commander LaForge is listed as deceased on Stardate 58327.43. Per report by Captain Chakotay of USS Voyager NCC 74656."
RIker stands up: "I just read that report, it stated that LaForge survived."
Computer: "Report states that all aboard USS Enterprise NCC 1701 E, were lost when ship suffered a warp core breach."
Riker: "The core breach that Geordi told him about! How did Chakotay know of the warp core breach?"
Computer: "Enterprise shuttlecraft Galileo 7 was recovered by Voyager with no survivng crewmen on board, records of core breach were found in shuttlecraft's data bank."
Riker grabs the incident report, furiously stabs his fingers down on the PADD looking through it: "What the hell? The report has changed! Computer, when was the report altered?"
Computer: "Report has not been altered since entry into databanks on Stardate 58327.45. Deliberate tampering with an official report is a violation of Starfleet regulation 128, section 23, paragraph 4..."
Riker turns and stormed out of the room before it went on with the Federation Penal code statue.

Scene: Admiral Janeway's quarters, she is sitting at her desk.
Janeway: "Thank you for letting me know about this Chakotay, I'll see what I can do to figure it out for you."
Chakotay(over comm): "Thanks Kathryn, I wasn't sure who I could trust with this."
Janeway smiled at him: "I hope you didn't think that you couldn't trust me Chakotay, I'd be dissapointed in you if it came to that."
Chakotay: "I just want you to be careful with this Kathryn, whoever covered up LaForge and Barclay's survival might be who destroyed the Enterprise, I'd hate for them to destroy whatever ship you're on to silence you too.
Janeway: "You had better make sure that they don't get you next, after all, you filed the initial report."
Chakotay: "Tuvok and I have taken precautions, but we will be careful... Gotta go Kathryn, Chakotay out.
The screen went black, replaced immediately by text stating that this communication never took place.
Janeway: "Two can play at this game..."
Janeway stops when the door chimes: "Come."
Riker walks in, still angry and looks directly at Janeway.
Janeway smiled: "Now Captain, didn't I tell you to give me a few minutes notice?"
Riker: "Captain Chakotay's report on the destruction of the Enterprise was altered."
Janeway frowned: "Computer, seal the room... Yes, Will, Chakotay just finished informing me of that fact."
Riker: "Admiral, what the hell is going on?"
Janeway: "I'm not sure yet, but Chakotay and LaForge both believe that the same person or persons who tampered with the report may also be responsible for the Enterprise's destruction. My concern is that whoever was behind it may try again, and right now the more people that know, the more people that are at risk, so keep this to yourself for now, Will."
Riker: "Kathryn, I'm not just going to be pushed aside on this matter."
Janeway: "And I have no intention of doing so, for the moment however, we need to continue with our assignment, afterwards, we can investigate and get to the bottom of this, together."
Riker: "What makes you think there's a conspiracy?"
Janeway: "The fact that Commander LaForge believes that the explosion wasn't an accident combined with the alteration of the report, a well done piece of work I might add. If you hadn't read the report the instant it came in, and if Chakotay hadn't written the report himself, no one would have noticed."
Riker: "That means that they have someone high up the chain of command, or in Starfleet Intelligence."
Janeway: "Maybe so, and maybe now is a good time for you to talk to your wife. Computer, unseal the room."
Riker nodded in agreement, and walked out the door. As Janeway watched him leave, she got up and ordered herself a cup of coffee from the replicator.

Scene Captain's Quarters, Troi sitting behind the desk, eyes rimmed with red, an occasional tear falls down her face. The computer terminal rotating through the pictures of the friends that were lost with Enterprise. Her expression doesn't change much as Riker enters the room. She does, however, get up to embrace him.
Riker: "Imzadi..."
Troi sniffs and suddenly pulls back: "You're angry Will, but not about Enterprise, what is it Imzadi?"
Riker: "The explosion was deliberate, Deanna."
Troi: "You don't know that for sure. But you do...How Will?"
Riker: "I can't tell you right now, I will soon, but for your sake, I can't now."
Troi: "For my sake? Will, whatever are you talking about?"
Riker: "I'll explain after we leave Deep Space Nine, I promise."
Troi: "I'll hold you to that promise. Come, let's try to get some sleep."

End Act III
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2004, 02:18:40 am »
Sounds great do far :)
"Who is this god person anyways ?"


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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2004, 08:28:34 am »
Lieutanant Q if you will have any problems finding another XV acts of this story I want you to know that I have them from Taldren boards right in my Internet cache folder :) Keep it up :)
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
=/\= Kirk =/\= (Polish Division of the Starfleet)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2004, 04:42:10 pm »
Scene: Voyager Main Engineering, Torres is at her main work station, various other people go about their business.
On her workstation are the Positronic Matrices Diagrams of Data, B4, and the Delta Quadrant Android. (Can someone remember the name to these people, cause I cant) Tom Paris enters the scene.

Paris: "You sure you want to mess with this?"
Torres: "I can do this Tom, between Commander LaForge and I we can get B4 to near where Data was when he died."
Paris: "What makes you so sure?"
Torres: "Because I've seen B4's pathways before, and I can see where the problem is already."
Paris: "But LaForge has been working on it for two years now, and LaForge knew Data's Matrix like the back of his hand!"
Torres turned around to rebuke Paris, but at that moment Barclay and LaForge enter the room.
Paris: "Reg! Good to see you!"
Barclay: "Tom, how are you? How's Miral?"
Paris: "I'm fine, and she's beautiful, just like her mother."
Torres glanced at Paris, then to LaForge: "Commander, take a look at this."
LaForge looking at Torres' screen: "So you basically want to do major brain surgery on B4, instead of just the piecemeal stuff that I've done.?
Torres: "Yes, Reg can watch engineering while we do it, we can upload the memories into a temporary file, go in and replace some of the older parts, then download back into B4."
LaForge: "He's still not going to be Data, theres no way we can get to the level that Dr. Soong used to create Data, but this reminds me, we could use parts of Lore to replace those parts. We also wouldn't have to risk someone reactivating him."
Torres: "Lore?"
LaForge: "Lore is, for lack of a better term, Data's brother. Lore was built by Dr. Soong to include the full range of human emotions, he lived among the colonists on Soong's planet. But Lore became a threat to the colonists, so Soong shut him down and had Data built to replace him. We reactivated him, not knowing why he was deactivated and disassembled, the last time he led a group of rengade Borg, when we stopped him that time, we shut him down for what we hope is the last time."
Torres: "That's not in the Starfleet databanks."
LaForge: "Because all of our encounters with Lore have been classified."
Torres: "So where do we find this, Lore?"
La Forge: "I'm not sure any more, he could be at the planet we left him at, but then we have to deal with those Renegade Borg, If Starfleet relocated him, he could be anywhere, and with the computer thinking that I'm dead..."
Torres: "...Then we're out of luck. By the way, how does it feel to be dead? I've always wanted to ask a dead person that."
LaForge shrugged: "Kind of helpless."

Scene: Voyager Ready Room, Tuvok standing in front of the desk, Chakotay sitting behind the desk.
Tuvok: "I have given orders to all my staff to allow only pre-approved authorized personell to have access to the armory and weapons systems, also Torres has compiled a list of her staff that she doesn't consider completely trustworthy, she asked me to foreward it to you. She feels that these people should be kept away from critical systems until further notice."
Chakotay: "Seem's strange that we cant trust Starfleet personell anymore."
Tuvok: "Indeed."
Chakotay: "We've been order to return to Earth with the bodies of Commander LaForge and Lt. Barclay. I wonder if Admiral Paris knows that they're not dead."
Tuvok: "After all that Admiral Paris has done for Voyager, it would seem rather rash to assume that he is now attempting to destroy us."
Chakotay: "I know, so I had Tom drop a hint to him in a personal letter to see where he stands, Tom hasn't said if he responded yet."
Tuvok: "Regardless, I will put the ship on Yellow Alert, covertly of course. The shields will be ready to come online at a moments notice.
Chakotay: "Do you think that someone would really fire the planetary defenses at us?"
Tuvok: "It is a possibility we must not rule out."
Chakotay: "I hope your just being paranoid."

Scene: Voyager Bridge, Kim at his Ops station, a young Trill female Ensign at the conn station, Tuvok's tactical station is manned by a tall Canopian male Lieutenant.
Ensign: "We're going to Earth to deliver the bodies of two people who aren't dead? What is Starfleet thinking this time?"
Lieutenant: "Apparently the message that Captain Chakotay got distorted in its transmission."
Kim: "If only it were that simple."
At that moment the turbolift doors opened to admit an engineer, he immediately went to the ships status board and began working at one of the stations nearby.
Kim: "Excuse me, crewman, but I don't recall there needing to be any work done at that station today."
Crewman: "Just a minor glitch that needed to be corrected, I didn't think I needed to file to work order to fix something this simple."
Kim: "Well you do, go to Lt. Torres and get approval."
Crewman: "But that will take longer than fixing the glitch!"
Kim: "I don't care, get B'Elanna's approval, or step away from the console."
Crewman: "B'Elanna?"
The Lieutenant drew his phaser and leveled it at the crewman: "Commander Kim has given you an order."
Crewman: "Fine!"
The Crewman stormed back onto the turbolift. Kim went over to the vacated station to see what he was up to. He tapped his commbadge.
Kim: "Kim to Chakotay. Captain, can I see you on the bridge?"
Almost instantly the doors to the Ready room opened, and Chakotay and Tuvok hurried onto the bridge.
Chakotay: "What's the problem Harry?"
Kim motioned to the station: "See for yourself, sir."
Chakotay walked over to the station, looked at it, then Kim, then Tuvok, and then back to the station again. He stared at the screen.
Chakotay: "Who?"
Lieutenant: "Crewman Chase, sir."
Chakotay: "Tuvok."
Tuvok tapped his commbadge: "Tuvok to security, confine Crewman Chase to the Brig."

End Act IV
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Tausi

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2004, 09:54:36 am »
Does anyone have the rest of this story backed up somewhere?

Offline Sapharite

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2004, 09:54:31 am »
Yes I propably have but without the permission of it's creator I cannot do anything. That's his story. This story actually was never completed. I've got all XVI Acts of that story... It's a shame that Taldren boards were closed and everything is being made from the begining :(
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
=/\= Kirk =/\= (Polish Division of the Starfleet)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2004, 10:21:03 pm »
Sorry everyone, I forgot just how much a dial-up internet connection sucked, I gave up on trying to post here until I got back to my High-speed connection.  It appears I have a lot of catching up to do.
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2004, 10:27:03 pm »
Appeasing the masses til I get myself caught up.  :-D

Scene: Earth, Starfleet Medical Lab, Top Secret Section. Seven of Nine is working late.

Computer beeps: "Simulation Complete, Nanoprobes show no loss of functionality. Treatment, failed."
Seven: "Computer, increase dosage by 10%."
Computer: "Working..."
Door opens to admit Doctor Beverly Crusher, who seems very annoyed.
Crusher: "Working late again Seven?"
Seven: "Yes."
Crusher paused for a second: "I keep expecting to hear an excuse out of you, but you never give one."
Seven: "Would you like me to give you one?"
Crusher: "Not really."
Seven: "I have noticed that you have been...distant the last few days, you are saddened at the loss of Enterprise."
Crusher: "I lost several shipmates when the Enterprise was destroyed."
Seven: "Did one of them mean something to you?"
Crusher opened her mouth to reply but the Computer interrupted: "Simulation Complete, Nanoprobe effectiveness reduced by 20%. Nanoprobes adaptated in 15.6 minutes and nuetralized the treatment. Treatment, failed."
Crusher: "Computer, increase Omicron Radition levels by 12% and repeat."
Comptuer: "Working..."
Crusher: "When you're done for the night Seven, stop by my office, I have something for you."
Seven nodded and Crusher left the room.

Scene: Starfleet Academy faculty offices, O'Brien walking down the empty hall with a briefcase towards his office.
O'Brien: "This is what you love about the late classes Miles, no one here to remind you that you never went here yourself."
Miles stopped in front of a door and pushed the panel on the side, the door slid open and he walked in.
O'Brien digging through his case: "Let's see now, these can wait 'til tommorow...these I'd better take home with me tonight, so I can get them back to the students Friday. Computer, any messages?"
Computer: "Two Messages are in your inbox."
O'Brien: "Computer, play the first Message."
Bashir: "Miles, It's Julian, Just calling to let you know that the signing looks like its going to go off with out a hitch, I just wish you were able to get some time off to see it in person. Ah well, your probably busy, so I wont bore you with endless details. By the way, I've got a couple of weeks of shore leave coming up, and I thought I'd drop by, let me know if that works for you. Bashir out."
O'Brien: "Be glad to see you again, Julian. Computer, play the second message."
Kieko O'Brien: "Miles, don't forget that today is Wednesday, we promised Mr. Sisko that we would stop by and eat with him. I'll meet you on campus at 1830 so we can take the transporter over there. We don't want to be late like we were the last time. See you soon."
O'Brien glanced at the chronometer: "1820, a few minutes before Kieko arrives, Computer, bring up the roster for Mechanics 201 section 12.
O'Brien sat down at the terminal and began transfering the grades that he gave for the papers that he graded before the his last class.
OBrien: "Well, that should do it, Computer, secure terminal, good night."
Computer: "Good Night."
O'Brien walked out his office door and down the hall.

Scene: Outside Starfleet Academy, a few students running to get back to their dorm, Kieko O'Brien, Molly and Kirayoshi are walking up to the Engineering building, as Miles walks out.
Kirayoshi: "Daddy!"
Miles scoops the child up into his arms: "Hi there big guy, can you carry daddy's briefcase?"
Kirayoshi giggles as he takes the briefcase with both hands.
Kieko walks up to Miles and kisses him: "Miles..."
Miles returns the kiss, and takes Molly by the hand: "Hey sweetie, we dont want to keep Mr. Sisko waiting now do we?"
The O'Briens walk off towards the Transporter facility.

Scene: Transporter facility, Icheb manning the transporter station, the O'Briens walk into the facility.
Miles: "Icheb, how are you doing tonight?"
Icheb: "I am fine Professor O'Brien, where are you heading tonight?"
Miles: "New Orleans station, Ensign."
Icheb: "Coordinates locked in Professor."
O'Brien set Kirayoshi down on the platform: "How late you on duty tonight?"
Icheb: "I am set to be relieved in a few minutes."
O'Brien: "Good to hear, we're all set Ensign, Energize."
Icheb activated the transporter, and the O'Briens dissapeared.
Ensign Schulz stepped into the room, he looked at the transporter platform in relief.
Icheb: "You just missed Professer O'Brien."
Schulz: "No I didn't, you're the only one that I know of that he trusts completely to use the transporter on his family. Would you mind telling me your secret?"
Icheb: "I have no secret."
Schulz: "There's gotta be something, were you in one of his classes?"
Icheb: "I had him for two of my Engineering Mechanics classes."
Schulz: " must have done well, I had him for one, but he doesnt trust me at all, every time he checks the coordinates to make sure they're correct."
Icheb: "Perhaps he had to do that with your classwork as well."
Schulz: "Occasionally, but I had 17 Credit hours that semester, I was tired most of the time."
Icheb: "Perhaps if you explained that to him, he would stop checking your transport coordinates."
Schulz: "Ha, like that will ever happen, anyway, I'm here to officially relieve you Icheb."
Icheb: "Thank you Roger, have a good night."
Schulz: "Good Night, Icheb."
Icheb walks out of the room.

Scene: Starfleet Medical Coordination Offices. Seven of Nine walking down the hall towards Dr. Crusher's office. She stops outside the office and presses the call button.
Crusher: "Come in."
The doors parted and Seven walked through. Crusher was sitting at her desk, working on something, which she quickly cleared from her screen."
Seven: "You wanted to see me Doctor?"
Crusher smiled: "How did it go today?"
Seven: "The Radiation treatment you suggested was effective in neutralizing the nanoprobes long enough for them to be extracted. We may have a treatment for people in advanced stages of assimilation, however, the doses required are near fatal. Further study will be needed to determine if the organic tissues can be protected from the radiation to a sufficient degree."
Crusher: "Well then, it seems that you will be leaving us soon then, with nothing left for Borg related medical research, I can't find anything else for you to work on.
Seven: "I understand."
Crusher reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a small box: "Still, I'd like for you to have this, as a thank you for your hard work."
Seven: "You do not need to reward me Doctor."
Crusher: "No, I don't, do I? But I want to, don't open it until you get home tonight."
Seven takes the offered package: "Thank you."
Crusher: "Where do you think you'll go next?
Seven: "Starfleet Tactical has been expressing interest in my working for them again. Perhaps they will transfer me back to them."
Crusher: "I see, well, it was a pleasure to work with you Seven. Good night."
Seven: "Good night Doctor."
Crusher smiled to herself as Seven turned and walked out the door.

Scene: Apartment complex 23, Northside San Fransico, third floor, Seven walks up to her apartment door. She presses her hand onto the door padd and it slides open to admit her.
Seven: "Computer, Increase illumination by 75%."
The computer complied bringing the lights up in the room, Seven looked to the package that Dr. Crusher had given her, her hand reached over to pull the lid off...
Icheb: "Seven!"
Seven: "Icheb, how did you get in here?"
Icheb: "You left the door unlocked."
Seven: "Unlikely."
Icheb: "Then perhaps the door sensor cannot tell us apart."
Seven: "Perhaps."
Icheb looking at the box: "What's that?"
Seven: "A gift from Dr. Crusher. What are you doing here?"
Icheb: "I just wanted to let you know, I have gotten a ship assignment, although Starfleet has yet to tell me what ship it is yet."
Seven: "That is good news Icheb."
Icheb: "Are you all right Seven?"
Seven: "I am...uncomfortable, with my tasks here, they change from week to week, at least on Voyager my tasks stayed relatively consistant."
Icheb: "Perhaps you should request a ship assignment."
Seven: "Without a commision, I would have the same problem aboard a ship as I have here."
Icheb: "But at least on a ship you would remain in the same department. You would not be moving from Engineering to Medical to Tactical on a monthly basis."
Seven: "Perhaps I will put in a transfer request."
Icheb: "I must be going, I had expected you home sooner, but I have a meeting with a couple of my friends at the local diner."
Seven: "Have fun."
Icheb: "I will try, good night Seven."
Icheb walks out the door, as the door closes behind Icheb, Seven reaches once again for the box. She opens the lid and looks inside, a gasp escapes her lips.

End Act V
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2004, 08:49:32 pm »
Scene: Romulan Warship Bridge

Tribune: "Commander, we're nearing the Federation Neutral Zone."
Commander Donatra comes into the picture sitting in her chair: "Thank you Tribune, maintain cloaked status, slow to warp 5."
Tribune: "Yes Commander."
Donatra: "Lay in a course for Federation Battlestation, Deep Space Nine as soon as we clear the detection net."
Tribune: "At warp nine, we should reach the Federation station tommorow evening."
Donatra (to herself): "Just in time for the signing. Excellent."
The Tribune at the helm station overheard part of her comment, but like a good Romulan Officer, chose not to let Commander Donatra know. Curious officers often wound up demoted, or worse, in the Star Empire, questioning a senior military commander was a quick route to an execution.
Donatra: "Bridge to Observation Lounge, we have arrived at the Federation Neutral Zone."
A shadowed man enters from the turbolift: "I am aware of our position Commander, If I may have access to your Communication station?"
Donatra nodded her assent, and Ambassador Spock emerged from the shadow, walking over to the Comm station. He entered in a series of short key strokes before walking over to her chair.
Spock: "These communication codes will get us past any patrols that happen to stumble across us en route to Deep Space Nine. They will believe that we are a cloaked Klingon vessel, performing a Covert Surveillance mission of the Federation/Romulan Neutral Zone."
Donatra: "Which we, of course, will vehemently protest when we "find out" about it."
Spock raises an eyebrow: "Since it is really not happening, what is the need to protest?"
Donatra: "My apologies, Ambassador, the old way of thinking comes as a reflexive habit, of course we would not protest something that did not happen."
Spock: " I see, in any case, I am most eager to get to Deep Space Nine for the signing ceremony, Bajor has worked long and hard to enter the Federation. Its significance will have further reaching implications, which is why the Preator has authorized this mission. We must stand united, as the Dominion are looking more and more likely to strike out against the Alpha Quadrant. Should the Bajoran Sector fall into Dominion hands, both of our nations are at risk to a Dominion offensive. A united front at Deep Space Nine, will prevent all but the most determined attack from succeeding."
Donatra: "I have seen the projections, Ambassador, the fall of the Bajoran sector means the Federation have to fall back a considerable distance, to Starbase 375. It also opens the route to our border stations, if the attack comes rapidly enough, we could lose three sectors before our line stablizes, of course, the Federation will be hurt further, losing an additional fifteen sectors, and cutting them off from the Cardassian Union.
Spock: "The Cardassians would surrender, their fleet is in no condition for a prolonged war. The Klingons wouldn't lose any territory, but they would have to stretch their supply lines to the limit once again, while they would undoubtedly be able to do so, it would put an enormous strain on their economy, so much so that they may have troubles down the road. Together the Star Empire and the Federation can hold the Dominion at bay, but we would need the Klingons involved to push the Dominion back."
Tribune: "Commander, we have entered the Federation side of the Neutral Zone."
Donatra: "Stand By Alert, all crew to their posts."
Spock: "I will be in my cabin meditating if you have further need for me. Jolan Tru, Commander."
Donatra: "Jolan Tru, Ambassador."

Location: Federation Starship Quixote, on patrol near the Romulan Neutral Zone.
Scene: Bridge, Captain Wilson, Human, and Lieutenant Commander Bren, Andorian, standing near the science station.
Bren: "That's a cloaked ship all right, she's moving quite fast too, Warp 7 and accelerating."
Wilson: "Comm Codes indicate that its a Klingon ship, Vor'cha Class, on a surveillance mission."
Bren: "It's going far too fast for a surveillance mission."
Wilson: "Perhaps their orders have changed and they dont want to de-cloak near the neutral zone in case there's a ship monitoring us."
Bren: "If that's a Klingon ship, then I'm a Vulcan's uncle."
Wilson: "I was wondering about those pointed ears of yours, seriously, if it wasn't for the comm codes, I'd order it to stand down right now..."
Bren: "You pink skins put too much faith in your comm codes, if the Romulans have broken our communication codes, then they could be broadcasting our codes right until they decloak behind us and destroy us."
Wilson: "You know, our orders do say that we should investigate all suspicious activity, and a Klingon ship cloaked at warp 8 and still increasing sure looks suspicious to me. Helm, follow that ship, but don't make it look too obvious."
Helm Officer (off screen): Aye, sir."
Wilson: "You have two hours to prove to me that thats a Romulan, If it is, theres five starships that can be here inside of an hour. Two of them are Defiants and ones a Prometheus, I don't care if that Romulan's flying one of those Scimitars, we can easily handle it with six starships."
Bren: "I'll have your proof sooner than that."
Wilson: "With out shooting at it..."
Bren: "Well then, it may take longer than I had initially anticipated."

Scene: Romulan Warbird Valdore Bridge
Tribune: "Commander, I believe we are being followed."
Donatra: "On Screen."
The screen changes to feature the Quixote in the center.
Ante-Tribune: "Federation Starship, Saber Class, threat level, non-existant. Even if she were to fire on us while we are cloaked, we could decloak and destroy her before she inflicted any serious damage to us."
Donatra: "If she's following us she could be tracking our position for other Federation Starships to assist her in dispatching us. How long has she been following us?"
Ante-Tribune: "Approximetely 1 Earth Hour. If she suspected anything, there would be half a dozen Federation Starships converging on our location as we speak, I believe that it is just coincidence that she is paralleling our course."
Donatra: "Cut main power to all systems but warp engines, switch life-support to auxillary power."
The lights on the Bridge dimmed even further.
Donatra: "Now, alter course, 15 degrees to starboard, hold for 5 Minutes, then change course again, 16 degrees to port for another 15 minutes, afterwards, resume our course for the Federation BattleStation."

Bren: "Captain, I've lost them."
Wilson walks over to the science station: "What happened?"
Bren: "They must have noticed us trailing them and cut power. They could be anywhere now."
Wilson: "What was their last known heading?"
Bren: "Their last known heading would take them in the vicinity of Deep Space Nine."
Wilson: "Hmm... Martok is said to be attending the signing ceremony on the station, maybe they got appointed to escort his ship back to Klingon Space after the signing."
Bren: "If they were Klingons, that would be a reasonable assumption. If they were Romulans, they may be trying to disrupt the ceremony."
Wilson: "Regardless, theres more than enough firepower at the station to keep the Romulans from doing any serious damage to the ceremony or the station. I'll put a note of this in my log, and pass the incident report to Starfleet Command, Helm, resume our previous course, Warp seven."

End Act VI
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2004, 09:01:17 pm »
Exterior Shot: Galaxy Class USS Titan approaching Deep Space Nine.

Riker(Voice Over): "Captain's Log, Stardate 58328.6: We have arrived in the Bajoran Sector, we will have docked with Deep Space Nine in a matter of moments. Admiral Janeway and I have already commented on how stiff each other looks in our Dress Uniforms. Why Starfleet can't make comfortable Dress Uniforms, I'll never understand. Commander Troi, Admiral Janeway and I will be attending the signing ceremony, which Lieutenant Ro has assured me will go as smoothly as possible when you mix Klingons, Humans, Ferengi, and Bajorans in the same room. In any case, I am prepared should a fist fight break out."

Exterior Scene: Titan docking with Deep Space Nine's upper pylon.

Interior Scene: Admiral Ross, Commander Kira, and Lieutenant Ro awaiting outside the docking port. Ro is still wearing a Bajoran Militia uniform. Admiral Ross and Commander Kira are in Starfleet Dress Uniforms. The docking port slides open to admit Admiral Janeway, Captain Riker, and Commander Troi.
Ross: "Kathryn, welcome to Deep Space Nine."
Janeway: "Bill, how nice to see you again."
Kira: "Captain Riker, Commander Troi, Welcome Aboard."
Riker: "Thank you Commander. Hello Ro."
Ro: "Captain Riker."
Kira: "This way, Admiral, Commander. Captain Riker, someone is waiting to speak with you in Quark's."
Riker: "Sirs, if you'll excuse me."
Janeway and Ross both nodded, Riker went off towards the Promenade, a few steps behind him Lieutenant Ro followed.
Ro: "I hope your still not upset at me Will."
Riker stopped, and turned to face her: "After the Dominion war, there wasn't much left to be upset about, the Maquis were right, and the Federation was wrong. I notice you're not in a Starfleet uniform Laren, you know that the amnesty deal applies to you as well don't you?"
Ro: "I'm not sure If I want to be back in a Starfleet Uniform again."
Riker began walking again: "Where will you go? The Militia will formally be absorbed into Starfleet after the signing."
Ro: "I'm not sure of that either."
Riker and Ro stop before a hatch, which slides open to admit them to the Promenade, off in the distance the word Dabo can be heard all the way from Quark's, followed by more than a few cheers.
Ro: "I've taken enough of your time, Captain, I have some rounds to make."
With that Ro hurried off into the crowd. Riker watched her go, and then turned and headed towards Quark's, the crowded promenade made navigation difficult, but after a few moments he arrived at the door.
Quark: "Captain Riker! What a pleasure to see you again, There's always a space for you at the Dabo Table!"
Riker: "Perhaps later Quark, I've heard that someone is looking for me."
Quark: "Upstairs, I suppose, can I get you a drink?"
Riker: "I'm techincally on duty Quark, try again after the ceremony."
Riker turned and walked over towards the stairs, as he climbed up the stairs he grinned as he recognized the owner of the voice he just heard. Reaching the top of the stairs he looked to find where the voice came from.
Riker: "Worf!"
A massive arm grabbed his as he looked into the face of Ambassador Worf, grinning at him.
Worf: "Captain Riker, it is good to see you again."
Riker: "Likewise, how have you been?"
Worf: "Well, and yourself?"
Riker: "To tell you the truth, I haven't been sleeping well lately?"
Worf laughed: "Deanna keeping you up nights?"
Riker laughed with Worf: "Something like that."
Worf led Riker over to the table that he was sitting at, Chancellor Martok stood up as they approached.
Martok: "Captain Riker, Worf speaks very highly of you."
Riker: "Thank you Chancellor, I am proud to call Worf my friend."

Scene: Admiral Ross's suite, Janeway and Ross are sitting on a couch.
Ross: "I see, your right Kathryn, that situation is very disturbing."
Janeway: "If they can easily falsify a report, then they can easily do something else, something more sinister."
Ross: "Any ideas as to who is responsible?"
Janeway: "None."
Ross: "It could be a few Changelings, I would have thought Odo could keep them in line, but lately I'm beginning to doubt it."
Janeway: "How can we find out if they are Changelings?"
Ross stared at her momentarily, then said: "That's right, you were in the Delta Quadrant for the entire war. They have to revert back to their natural state every 18 hours or so, they can also be exposed with phasers set just above heavy stun. Phaser sweeps got too ineffective though, they could stay ahead of the sweep and we didn't know it. The best way to determine whether they're a changeling or not is to get a blood sample from them."
Janeway: "We're not going to go back to those now are we?"
Ross: "Perhaps on a limited basis, Starfleet personell only for now. If our random screening turns up nothing, then perhaps we will relax it, or if another cause surfaces. The Klingons never stopped doing it their way, a point of honor now I guess, whenever they're about to give or recieve important information, they take their daggers out and cut open their palms."
Janeway: "We're not going to be slicing open our palms at the ceremony are we?"
Ross: "No, they only do it when its an internal matter, they claim that some humans are too squemish for the site of bllood, then they burst out into laughter. I'll bring the subject up at this weekend's Command meeting, without menitioning the relation to the Enterprise Incident. As far as I'm concerned, you and Captain Riker can head up the investigation."
Janeway: "Thank you. Will will be happy to hear that."
Ross stands up: "Shall we get going? The ceremony begins in an hour."
Janeway gets up: "After you."

Scene: Ops, Dax at the Operations Console, Nog at the Engineering Station, and ch'Thane at the Science station.
Dax: "Kinda quiet up here with everyone in the Wardroom."
Nog: "I'm just glad that I'm not there, all those senior officials in that room, I'd feel like I was a cadet again."
Dax: "Need I remind you Nog, that you never really did graduate, so in a sense, you still ARE a cadet."
Nog: "Not really Ezri, Captain Sisko made sure that I did graduate, I just never walked down the aisle with the rest of the Hew-mons."
Dax: "I was just teasing you Nog, you don't have to take everything I say literally, especially when I'm the one in charge at the time."
ch'Thane: "Commander? I'm getting an odd reading off the outer docking ring."
Dax: "What kind of reading Ensign?"
ch'Thane: "It almost looks like...Romulan Warbird decloaking!!"
Dax: "Red Alert! Shields up! All hands to Battlestations!"
Nog: "We're being hailed..."
Dax: "On Screen."
Commander Donatra's face replaced the Warbird Valdore on the monitor.
Dax: "This is Lieutenant Commander Ezri Dax of the Federation Starbase Deep Space Nine. What is your purpose for being here?"
Donatra: "My Apoligies for not signaling ahead Commander Dax, but had we taken the time to go through all the Diplomatic Channels, we would never have been able to get here in time. I am Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore. I have a courier on board who wished to be present at the signing ceremony, and I also would like to pledge the Valdore in the defense of this station should any Dominion craft attack it."
Ross (Entering from the Turbolift): "Your presence is most apprieciated Commander, would you care to come aboard?"
Donatra: "I and one other would be delighted to come aboard. Valdore out."
Dax: "Stand down Red Alert...again. Sorry Admiral."
Ross: "Don't worry about it Commander, you couldn't have known that they weren't going to open fire."
Ross turned his attention to the transporter pads as two figures began to materialize.

Admiral Ross looked up to see Commander Donatra and Ambassador Spock appear on the Ops transporter pads.
Spock: "Permission to come aboard admiral?"
Ross: "Granted, Ambassador. Welcome aboard. Although, I am curious as to what interest you and the Romulan Empire have in the admission of Bajor into the Federation."
Donatra, Stepping off the pad: "Admiral, the Romulan Empire is aware of the troubles that the Dominion has been causeing in the last few months, the Empire's intentions are to prevent another Quadrant-wide war by stopping the Dominion before they enter the quadrant. Towards that end, I have been authorized to negotiate the presence of a Romulan task force to be based at Deep Space Nine."
Ross: "I see. Well, that discussion will have to wait until after the ceremony, which wont take too much longer. If you'll follow me..."
Ross leads Donatra and Spock into the Turbolift, Nog comes up beside Ezri.
Nog: "Just when you thought things were going to be boring..."

Scene: Ward Room. Captain Riker and Commander Troi are conversing in a corner with Ambassador Worf and Chancellor Martok. Admiral Janeway is with First Minister Shakaar and Commander Kira near the dias. A number of Bajoran officials are conversig with their Federation counterparts. Admiral Ross, Commander Donatra and Ambassador Spock walk into the room.
Martok: "So! A Romulan Pa'taQ decides to intrude on this celebration!"
Worf: "Chancellor, this Romulan Commander saved the Enterprise two years ago by siding against her Praetor."
Martok: "So, that she is a traitor to her own people is reason to embrace her?!"
Donatra: "That Praetor that you refer to was going to eradicate every living thing on Earth, if I hadn't intervened. The Imperial Senate believed that my Honor, and some trust that I have earned in the Federation , would be sufficient reason for my representation of the Romulan Empire at these proceedings Chancellor. I am offended that you question my honor. Were I the type of animal that you describe me as, this station would be a charred hulk by now.
Shakaar: "Please! There is no need for this bickering on this day of celebration. This is a time for rejoicing, not confrontation!"
Martok looked to Shakaar, then back to Donatra, before snorting and walking back over to Worf.
Riker: "Chancellor..."
Martok: "I do not need to be lectured on what the Commander did for you Riker. She is a Romulan, she will turn on you when the time is right. You will never know peace as long as their Empire is allowed to exist."
Troi: "Perhaps Chancellor, but I sense no deception on her part, I believe that she is sincere in her claims, whether the Romulan Government is or not, is an entirely different matter altogether."
Donatra walks up to First Minister Shakaar, Admiral Janeway excuses herself and moves to converse with Admiral Ross and Ambassador Spock.
Donatra: "Thank you, Minister. I understand that Romulan relations with your people have not always been on the best of terms. Perhaps we can start out anew, the Romulan Empire will sacrifice soldiers to protect your planet from a Dominion Attack."
Kira: "The Dominion are a problem Commander, but any ships you donate to the defense of this system will soon have to be sent through Federation Channels."
Donata: "Of course, Commander. I was merely suggesting that, if at anytime you feel that the Federation is not doing their best to defend your people, the Empire is ready to assist you."
Shakaar: "We appreciate the offer Commander, if it becomes neccessary, we will remember it."
Janeway: "Ambassador Spock, I have been looking foreward to meeting you for some time now. My former securtiy chief, Tuvok, has told me a lot about you."
Spock: "Indeed...ah yes, Tuvok, I believe I met him while he was on the Excelsior. Is he well?"
Janeway: "He is Ambassador, he is currently serving as First Officer on Voyager."
Spock: "Your old command. I see...Admiral, you remind me of another young Admiral that I knew a long time ago."
Janeway: "Oh? And just who would that be?"
Spock: "James Kirk. You see, I told him at one time that it was a mistake that he had made when he accepted the promotion to Admiral. How commanding a Starship was his first, best destiny. I saw in him, his desire to be on a ship again. I see that same desire in you Admiral."
Janeway: "I don't believe you were touching me Ambassador, has you skills become that much improved that you can read minds without needing contact?"
Spock: "Not at all Admiral, I have reading the emotions that Romulans, and Humans, wear on their faces. The expression on your face almost exactly matched Kirk's expression when the Enterprise was mentioned in his presence."
Janeway: "I see. Perhaps you are right, but whether I like it or not my place is in the Admiralty."
Ross stepped up onto the dias and spoke up: "May I have your attention please... Thank you. I would like to thank you all for coming today. We are here as representatives from the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Ferengi Alliance, and the Bajoran people, to witness this ceremony, to formally induct the Bajoran people as full fledged members of the Federation. If I may say a few words before we begin...I don't think that anyone here would argue the impact that one man has had on this course. Captain Banjamin Sisko spent the last seven years of his career helping the Bajoran people recover from the atrocities that the Cardassion Union had inflicted upon them. He rose up and became a champion of Bajor in the Federation. Respected by all the Nations attending today, we know that this moment would not be possible without the actions of Captain Sisko. First Minister, I present to you the constitution of the United Federation of Planets."
Shakaar stepped up onto the dias and accepted the paper copy of the constitution, he smiled as he looked over the assembled crowd: "Today marks the end of a long struggle. This struggle however, we have not shouldered alone, and we are eternally grateful not only to the Federation, but also to the Klingon and Romulan Empires, who without thier help, we would not be where we are today. On behalf of the people of Bajor, I..."
Shakaar is interrupted by an hourglass shaped object that suddenly entered the room, it drifted over to the dias and hovered in front of Shakaar before moving off to the side of the room. A flash of light enveloped the room, as the light faded and people's vision returned a collective gasp was released... "Emissary!"

End Act VII
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2004, 08:44:16 pm »
Scene: Voyager Sickbay. Crewman Chase lies dead on the main operating table, another security officer lies dead on a side bed, whilst a third is sleeping on the third bed. The Doctor is examining Crewman Chase. Chakotay Enters.

Chakotay: "Report Doctor."
Doctor: "I've finished my autopsy of crewman Chase, he died of third degree phaser burns. But thats not the most interesting result. Take a look at crewmen Sinclair. As you can see, the cause of death is pretty obvious, his neck was broken. More to the point, his head was almost ripped off his shoulders. Commander Tuvok said that Chase did this with his own two hands, which led me to believe that their was a possibility that he is not human."
Chakotay: "Is he not human?"
Doctor: "No, he is one-hundred percent human. I've also ruled out bionic implants and genetic engineering..."
Chakotay: "Then what Doctor?!"
The Doctor turned crewman Chase over onto his front: "Do you see that sticking out of his neck? That's a parasite, and not just any parasite. From its current position it has direct contact with Chase's Cerebal Cortex. It in effect, was controlling everything that he was doing. We have encountered this before."
Chakotay: "We have?"
Doctor: "Yes, seventeen years ago to be precise, they had inflitrated the highest levels of Starfleet Command, besides ultimately killing a few Admirals, Captains and destroying the Horatio, they had not done a lot of damage, but only because Picard and Riker managed to stop them before they could do serious damage. The rest of the incident is classified even higher than I can access, so I was hoping you could access the rest of it. If not, Commander LaForge had first hand experience with them, perhaps he could help you more."
Chakotay: "I intend to ask him right now...thank you Doctor."
Chakotay turns to leave but is interrupted by the comm system.
Kim: "Bridge to Chakotay."
Chakotay: "Go ahead Harry."
Kim: "Sir, a vessel has just dropped out of warp directly ahead of us. Akira Class...Registry NCC-63531...USS Cartwright. Her sheilds are up and her weapons are armed."
Chakotay: "Shields up, but maintain Yellow alert, I'm on my way."

Chakotay enters the Bridge: "Status."
Kim: "Unchanged, Cartwright is still closing on impulse power, weapons are armed."
Chakotay: "Hail them."
Tuvok: "No Response."
Chakotay: "Tom, three-quarters impulse."
Paris: "Aye, sir."
Tuvok: "Incoming message, Audio only."
Dodge: "This is Captain Dodge of the starship Cartwright. Captain Chakotay, you will stand down and place yourself under arrest, your brazen attack of an unarmed civilian transport will not go unpunished. If you do not stand down immediately, I have orders to destroy your ship."
Tuvok: "They have closed the channel."
Paris: "What is he talking about?"
Chakotay: "I don't know, Tuvok, open a channel."
Tuvok: "Channel opened."
Chakotay: "This is Captain Chakotay, I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding, we have been en route to Earth ever since we picked up the..."
Kim: "They're Firing!"

Tuvok: "Foreward Shields are holding..."
Chakotay: "Return fire! Tom, Evasive pattern alpha-seven!"
Tuvok: "Direct hits...their shields are holding."
Chakotay: "Tuvok, when you get their shields down, target their weapons systems, I don't want to hurt them any more than we have to."
Tuvok: "Aye, sir."
Chakotay glanced down at his terminal: "Tom, course 115 mark 21 2/3 impulse."
Paris: "115 mark 21, slowing to 2/3 impulse."
Voyager shuddered as more phaser fire washed over her port shields.
Kim: "Port shields are holding."
Chakotay: "Hard to port! Photon Torpedoes, full spread!"

Kim: "Their port shields are buckling!"
Tuvok: "Fireing Phasers."

Kim: "Thier port shields have failed, Tuvok damaged one of their torpedo launchers."
Voyager shuddered again.
Tuvok: "Aft shields are buckleing, sir.
Chakotay: "Tom, Evasive Pattern Delta-four. 3/4 impulse.
Kim: "They're powering up their warp engines...they're coming about!"
Voyager shook violently, the status board at the rear of the ship let out a shower of sparks.
Kim: "Aft shields are down!"

Tuvok: "Direct hits...their torpedo pod has been disabled."
Kim: "Minor damage reported from deck 7 sir, force field in place and holding."
Chakotay: "Tom, get them off our tail."
Paris: "One shaken Akira, coming up."
Tuvok: "Aft torpedoes firing, direct hits, their foreward shields are down to 30%."
Voyager shuddered, the status board lit up a section of the ship near the aft torpedo launchers.
Kim: "Starboard shields are down to 40%.

Paris: "Hang on!"
Voyager lurched sharply to Port, as she righted her self again, Tuvok pressed every blinking fire button on his console.

Chakotay: "Tuvok, Hail them."
Dodge: "You wont get away with this Chakotay, there will be more ships waiting to stop you. Surrender to me now, and your crew will get off light."
Chakotay: "Captain Dodge, we haven't done anything wrong."
Dodge: "You expect me to believe that?! We have the log recorder of a Civilian transport, the Lady Jane, its last entry showed Voyager Firing on it. How can you say that you've done nothing wrong, you killed 300 defenseless men, women and children, you bastard!"
Chakotay: "If I had really done that Captain, then explain to me why I didn't just destroy your ship? Voyager has been at warp since we picked up Commander LaForge's Shuttlecraft from the Enterprise."
Dodge: "Your story might have some merit Captain, if Commander LaForge wasn't dead!"
Chakotay: "But he's not dead Captain, you can come over and talk to him yourself if you want to."
Dodge: "Your own report said that he was dead, and now you say that he's alive? We should never have let you Maquis back into the Federation, you can't be trusted ever!"
Chakotay made a cutting motion.
Tuvok: "Channel Closed."
Chakotay: "We're obviously not getting anywhere with him, Tuvok, target his Impulse engines and his port nacelle, disable them both. Tom, resume our previous course, warp 6."

End Act VIII
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Re: Star Trek XI
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2004, 08:56:29 pm »
Scene: Deep Space Nine, Wardroom. Janeway, Ross, Riker, Kira, Worf, Martok, Dax and Bashir are gathered around Ben Sisko who is sitting at the head of the table.

Ross: "Well Ben, that makes two admission ceremonies you've crashed, fortunately after every Bajoran in the room finished praying to you, Shakaar signed the document anyway."
Bashir: "Amazing, his Bio-signs are exactly the same as they were during his last physical, only a few days before the Dominion War ended."
Janeway: "So he hasn't aged a day since he left? Sounds like Ben has found the fountain of youth."
Kira: "The Prophets wouldn't just take anyone, they took the Emissary because it was his time."
Sisko: "It wasn't really my time, Kira, the Prophets just needed to make me understand something. Something I still don't understand. I guess that they feel that I will come to understand it soon enough."
Dax: "Benjamin, are you all right?"
Sisko: "A bit confused, Old man, but other than that, I feel fine."
Martok: "Captain Sisko, It is good to see you again, old friend!"
Sisko: "Chancellor, how are you?"
Martok: "I will feel better after we toast your return to us, here, I have a barrell of my finest bloodwine to share on this glorious occasion!"

Defiant Bridge, Vaughn and Tenmei sitting at their stations.
Vaughn: "Prynn, Bill will most likely transfer me back to special ops now that Sisko is back, I had hoped to try to mend the fence with you one last time before I left."
Tenmei: "Commander, you just don't get it, I dont want to mend anything with you! The only reason I remained here was because I didn't want to request a transfer. I have a job to do here, and I was not about to let you get in the way of that! So, if you asked me here because you wanted a heart-to-heart, I'm going to have to ask permission to be dismissed....Sir!"
Vaughn: "You're going whether I give permission or not aren't you? Dismissed Ensign."
Tenmei stormed out of the bridge, leaving it empty. Vaughn watched her go, then sighed to himself.
Vaughn: "There's too much of her mother in her for it to be that easy Elias."
Vaughn glanced around the bridge, laughing slightly to himself, before getting up and walking into the Ready Room.
Vaughn: "Maybe I can convince Bill to get me one of these..."

Deep Space Nine: Ops, Nog and ch'Thane at thier stations.
ch'Thane: "I'm surprised that you weren't one of the first ones to go and greet Captain Sisko when he appeared."
Nog: "Shar, you can't keep someone like Captain Sisko away from here long, besides, he needs to pick up his baseball before he leaves."
ch"Thane: "Baseball?"
Nog: "It's a Hew-mon game, nine players...ah...I'll show you it sometime, its a lot easier to explain if you can see it too."
ch'Thane: "Whatever you say...uh...Nog...take a look at this."
Nog: "Now what?"
Nog walks over to the station.
ch"Thane: "Why would the station computer be asking for Admiral Janeway?"
Nog: "I don't know, I've never seen anything like it. But still...Ops to Admiral Janeway."
Janeway: "Janeway here?"
Nog: "Liuetenant Nog here, sorry to disturb you admiral, but the computer is asking for you. Whatever that means."
Janeway: "Thank you Lieutenant, Janeway out."
Nog: "Well, she at least knows what it is...I just wish I knew now..."

Deep Space Nine: Unnocupied Quarters. Janeway walks in.
Janeway: "Computer seal the room, access message encrypted Upsilon-56 authorization, Janeway, Pi-225.
On the wall monitor Chakotay's face appeared.
Janeway: "Chakotay?"
Chakotay: "Kathryn, I know your not going to believe this, but Voyager was attacked by a Federation Starship a few hours ago."
Janeway: "Attacked? By a Federation Starship?"
Chakotay nodded: "The USS Cartwright, an Akira class vessel, came up to us and claimed that we had attacked and destroyed a civilian transport, and that if we did not surrender immediately that he had orders to destroy us."
Janeway: "A civilian transport? I take it that since your talking to me, you declined him and returned fire?"
Chakotay: "Yes, we disabled the ship and continued on our course for Earth, we're only a couple hours away now, but if that false report winds up on another Captain's desk, we could be fighting again as we enter the Terran system."
Janeway: "I haven't heard any report of Voyager or any other Federation Starship attacking a civilian transport, and I dont think Admiral Ross has either. But this conspiracy seems to be growing beyond just a Starship's destruction and it's coverup.
Chakotay: "There's more Kathryn, but first, you remember our first contact with the Malon?"
Janeway: "What about it?"
Chakotay: "Remember how you refused to leave the bridge until we had navigated through that section of space?"
Janeway: "That's not how I remember it Chakotay, as I recall, I sequestered myself off into my quarters and refused to come out, and I didn't come out until we were attacked. What are you trying to do Captain?"
Chakotay: "Good, Commander LaForge said that anyone who was infected would have a hard time remembering minute details about past experiences."
Janeway: "Infected? By what Chakotay? Stop talking in riddles!"
Chakotay: "Stardate 41775.5, several key personell in Starfleet Command are infected by alien Parasites that take over their bodies, one of the tell tale signs of infection are that they can't remember pieces of their own history. Picard and Riker killed the infected Admirals and the mother, but not before a message was sent out. They're back Kathryn."
Janeway: "How do you know?"
Chakotay: "One of our crewmen was infected by one of them, we killed him before he could do to us what they did to Enterprise. I have reason to believe that Starfleet Command has been infected once again. I'm taking a risk, but I'm going to see If I can contact Admiral Paris, determine whether he's been infected or not, after that, well, we need to rendezvous, they're not going to be as easy to beat this time."
Janeway: "Is their anyway we can detect them without asking twenty questions?"
Chakotay: "The Doctor thinks so, he's including a Tricorder setting in the transmission, It will be accessible under file Chase-35. Make sure you get it into a Tricorder, Kathryn, the Doctor has set it to erase itself after being acessed."
Janeway: "Understood Chakotay, Rendezvous with the Titan, in the FoxTrot sector, that should give us some cover, from anyone looking for us."
Chakotay: "Understood, what about the Romulans, thats right on their doorstep?"
Janeway: "I know it is, if all goes well, we may have a Romulan joining us there. Janeway out."
Janeway looked around the quarters: "Now where am I going to find a Tricorder? Computer, unseal the room."
The Door opened up and Janeway jogged out of the room.

Scene: Deep Space Nine Infirmary, Bashir is double-checking the scans he took of Captain Sisko, Admiral Janeway strolls in.
Bashir: "Admiral, what can I do for you?"
Janeway: "Tricorders?"
Bashir points to cabinet: "Over there...Is something the matter?"
Janeway dashed over to the cabinet, fished out a Tricorder: "Computer download program Chase-35 to this Tricorder, authorization: Janeway, Pi-225."
Bashir: "Admiral...?"
Compuiter: "Download complete."
Janeway turned on Bashir and ran the Tricorder over him: "Stardate 41775.5, Doctor, what do you know about that date?"
Bashir opened his mouth to answer, then noticed the Phaser strapped to Janeway's waist, or more specifically, the setting on said Phaser: "I was still in the Academy at that time Admiral, I don't recall anything out of the ordinary about that date. May I ask why your Phaser is set to kill Admiral?"
Janeway grabbed another Tricorder, and began fiddling with both: "You're clean, I dont have much time to explain right now Doctor, Computer, access Starfleet Headquarters records for stardate 41775.5 and display for Doctor Bashir. Watch that file, take this Tricorder I'm about to give you, and start scanning personell on the station, you may want to take a Phaser with you after you see the file."
Bashir accepted the Tricorder: "Anything in particular I will be looking for?"
Janeway turned and dashed out of the room: "You'll know after you see the file."
Bashir sighed and turned to watch the file.
Janeway jogging out through the Promenade: "There's got to be more than three thousand on board, I'll never be able to scan them all...better start with Bill...then get to Ops."
Janeway stopped at the information terminal, and punched in the request: "Good, two birds with one stone..."

Deep Space Nine: Ops, Dax has joined Nog and ch'Thane, while Kira, Ross, Sisko and Riker are in the office.
Nog: "It's good to have him back, isn't it Ezri?"
Dax: "It sure is, Nog. I am a little concerned for him though, a lot has changed since he left, will Starfleet let him back in so quickly?"
The turbolift came up to the Ops deck to admit Admiral Janeway, she jumped off the life before it was completely up and ran the Tricorder over a crewman off to the side.
Dax: "Is there something I can help you with Admiral?"
Janeway: "Stardate 41775.5."
Ezri let out a gasp. Janeway looked right at her.
Dax: "They're back, aren't they?"
Janeway finished running the Tricorder over her: "Yes, Lieutenant, they are. How did you know?"
Dax patted her stomach: "Curzon knew about the incident."
Nog looked around very confused: "Incident? Who's back?! What is going on, Sir?"
Dax turned to Nog, while Janeway ran the Tricorder over Shar: "Remember when you lost your leg, and I had to work you through the depression you had over it?"
Nog: "You didn't help much Ezri, Vic ultimately was who got me over it."
Janeway finshed up with Shar and looked over at Dax, wordlessly Dax nodded.
Janeway bolted through the doors to the office, Ross turned and looked rather annoyed, while Riker and Kira merely grinned.
Janeway ran the Tricorder over Ross: "Excuse the interruption Bill, but we have a crisis growing on us rather quickly."
Ross: "What kind of crisis, Kathryn?"
Sisko: "The Parasites..."
Everyone in the room turned and stared directly at Sisko.
Janeway: "How could you have known?"
Sisko stood up and looked out the window: "It's why I have returned."

End Act IX
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Star Trek XI Act X
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2004, 08:58:34 pm »
Scene: Voyager Bridge, at BattleStations.

Paris: "Awfully quiet here."
Chakotay: "Too quiet, any response from Admiral Paris yet?"
Paris: "Yeah, hes been on Betazed the last couple of months, he only got back last night, If hes been infected, it will mean that they've been here a lot longer then we expect."
Chakotay: "We'll get in and get out, Tuvok, Tactical?"
Tuvok: "Detecting two Sabre Class Starships on patrol of Utopia Planitia, a Nova class in Orbit of Earth, and an Excelsior near Jupiter Station. If they deem us a sufficient threat, there are also two Starships at Utopia Planitia that are in the final phases of construction, and could be used against us."
Kim: "As if the odds weren't already stacked against us."
Chakotay: "Try not to attract thier attention, Tom, just a nice steady course, when we get the Admiral aboard, I want all the speed that you and your wife can give me."
Kim: "Captain, I'm getting a transmission from Earth...It's Icheb."
Chakotay: "On speakers."
Icheb: "Captain Chakotay, I'm at Seven's apartment, she needs medical attention imediately."
Chakotay: "Starfleet Medical is far better equipped to handle Seven than we are right now Icheb."
Icheb: "Sir, I have reason to believe that Starfleet Medical is the reason she is ill. She is holding in her hand the box that a gift from Doctor Crusher gave her. I didn't trust Starfleet Medical, so I asked Chief O'Brien for advice, and he told me to contact a starship. When I noticed Voyager coming in, you became the logical choice."
Chakotay: "Very well Icheb, when we get in range we will beam you and Seven aboard."
Icheb: "Cheif O'Brien will be joining me at this apartment in the next few minutes, can you transport him as well?"
Chakotay: "Why would O'Brien want to come aboard?"
La Forge: "Its possible that Seven has been infected by a parasite and when Icheb reported the protusion to O'Brien he recognized it for what it is."
Chakotay: "Icheb, we're 5 minutes out, can you describe Seven's symptoms? The Doctor is on the channel now."
Icheb: "She's unconcious and unresponsive, she has what appears to be a tail of some kind sticking out of the back of her neck, and that tail is thrashing quite vigorously. Almost as if it's in pain."
Doctor: "Her nanoprobes could be attempting to destroy the parasite."
Chakotay: "Icheb, standby. Doctor, do you think thats likely?"
Doctor: "It's possible, Seven of Nine's Nanoprobes are there primarily to supplement her human immune system. If the nanoprobes have detected the parasite and labeled it as a threat, is very possible that they could be attempting to either destroy it or assimilate it."
Chakotay: "Could nanoprobes become an effective way to counter the parasites?"
Doctor: "Unlikely, the number of nanoprobes needed to destroy a creature this size is more than we can replicate, even extracting them from Icheb and Seven as fast as they are produced, we would never have enough to treat everyone. Over time, it certainly is possible, but until then Icheb and Seven appear to be the only ones immune to infestation."
Chakotay: "Assuming that the Parasites aren't resistant to the nanoprobes."
Doctor: "Exactly."
Tuvok: "Captain, The Nova is breaking orbit, she's moving behind Earth, the Ardenne is also breaking orbit and heading this way."
Chakotay: "What about the Sabres?"
Tuvok: "Curious...the Sabres have begun firing on each other..."
Kim: "The Ardenne has gone to warp!"
Chakotay: "Shields up!"
Kim: "We can't transport with our shields up Captain."
Chakotay: "I'm aware of that Harry."
Tuvok: "The Ardenne is dropping out of warp...she is firing on the Nova."
Chakotay: "What is going on?"
Tuvok: "We're being hailed, Audio only."
Comm: "Chakotay, Admirals Ross and Janeway send their regards."
Kim: "Sir, the Galaxy-Class Jovian is powering up, she's cleared her moorings...the Yeager is disengaging from the battle and is heading our way."
Tuvok: "The Jovian is firing, Quantum torpedoes..."
Kim: "The Yeager has been hit, she's losing life-support...She's been destroyed sir!"
Paris: "Coming up on Transporter range in 30 seconds..."
Chakotay presses a button on his console: "Drop Shields, Admiral Paris, Icheb, prepare for transport."
Kim: "The Jovian is trying to power up her warp engines, The Nova has been disabled, the Ardenne is forming up along side, Captain Rodgers is hailing."
Rodgers: "Greetings Captain, I hope you're planning to get out of here quickly."
Chakotay: "We have a quick exit planned, what about you?"
Rodgers: "Lead the way."
Chakotay: "Think you can keep up Charlie?"
Rodgers: "I seem to remember that it was you who had trouble keeping up with me Chakotay."
Kim: "Energizing Transporters. The Admiral and Icheb's party are aboard."
Chakotay: "Foxtrot Charlie, and don't spare the horses."
Rodgers: "We're right behind you."
Paris: "Engaging Warp Engines."
Tuvok: "The Jovian is not offering pursuit."
Kim: "She couldn't get her Warp Core powered up enough to offer a reasonable pursuit."
Paris: "Warp 3 and accelerating."
Chakotay getting out of his chair: "Harry, make sure the Ardenne is keeping up, I'll be in Sickbay."
Chakotay walks into the turbolift.

Scene: Voyager Sickbay, Barclay is running a tricorder over Admiral Paris, while the Doctor is scanning Seven on the main Biobed. Icheb and the O'Briens are off to a corner awaiting scanning.
Barclay: "Well, Admiral, I'm no doctor, but you have no trace of a parasite in you."
OParis: "Thank you Mr. Barclay, but I think I should be going to see Captain Chakotay now."
The door opened to admit Chakotay
Chakotay: "Admiral, Welcome aboard."
OParis: "Thank you Captain, now can you please explain to me why you had my son get me aboard?"
Chakotay handed Paris a PADD: "I think this will explain it better than I can Admiral."
Admiral Paris takes the PADD and starts reading it: "I see... Do you have quarters prepared for me Captain?"
Barclay scanning Molly O'Brien, hands the Tricorder to Chief O'Brien: "If you'll follow me Admiral, I...I'll take you there."
Barclay leads Admiral Paris out of Sickbay, Cheif O'Brien finishes scanning his family, Chakotay walks up to the Doctor.
Doctor: "The preliminary scan shows that Seven's nanoprobes are attempting to destroy the parasite, but the parasite is not going with out a fight. The Parasite seems to have been saturated with Omicron radiation, the Parasite is fine, but Seven's nanoprobes are being deactived before they can do any serious damage to the creature. I am preparing an adrenaline shot to counter the radiation."
Chakotay: "Why adrenaline?"
Doctor: "Adrenaline is basic enough that I am reasonably certain that the creature will not reject it. I'm also hoping to get the creature out alive, for study. There has to be a way to get the creature seperated from the victim with out killing the victim."
Chakotay: "What happened to the one that was in Crewman Chase?"
Doctor: "The Phaser burns affected the creature too, it died inside of Chase, unfortunately his injuries were too severe for him to survive as well. Computer, erect a level 3 containment field around the surgical bay."
A forcefield springs into exsistance surrounding the bay, the Doctor walks through it and stops next to Chakotay.
Doctor: "I'll let you know the moment there is a change, Captain."
Chakotay: "Thank you Doctor."
Icheb: "Captain, Thank you for picking us up."
Chakotay: "You can thank me by helping B'Elanna out in Engineering, Ensign."
Icheb: "Aye, Sir."
Chakotay: "Chief, I think Commander LaForge wants to see you, he said he'd be in the mess hall."
O'Brien: "Aye, Captain, Thank you, Sir."
Chakotay watched the Chief and his family leave sickbay, then turned back to give Seven another look, before finally walking out himself.

End Act X
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)

Offline Lieutenant_Q

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Star Trek XI Act XI
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2004, 09:07:38 pm »
Exterior Scene: USS Titan at warp

Riker: "Captain's Log, Supplemental: Deep Space Nine and the Titan have both been checked out, The station had almost twenty infected members on board.  My Chief Engineer, Mr. Stafos has remained on the station to assist Lt. Nog with sweep of the station to determine if there has been any sabotage.  In the Interim, Geordi will be taking over my Engineering department following our arrival at the Foxtrot sector to Rendezvous with the Starships Voyager and Ardenne.  The Starship Thunderchild has taken Admiral Ross to Starbase 375, escorted by General Martok's flagship and the Starship Defiant under Captain Ben Sisko.  The Valdore is escorting us, cloaked."

Interior scene: Riker's Ready Room, Janeway and Riker sitting across the table from each other.

Riker: "I Imagine you'll be eager to see your old command again Kathryn."
Janeway: "I believe I will indeed Will, hopefully I wont have to chastize Captain Chakotay for mishandling her, while I was away.
Riker looks up as the door chimes: "Come."
Commander Donatra walks into the room: "I've just recieved word from Romulus.  They are taking this parasite invasion seriously, and are sweeping Fleet Command and the Imperial Senate for any signs of the parasites.  Getting the information out to the Warbirds, will be a problem however.  The Valdore checked out with no infestations, but there has been very limited access to my ship in the last several months."
Janeway: "How long do you expect a full sweep of the Romulan Starfleet to take?"
Donatra: "As long as either the Captain or the Tal Shiar operative on the ships are uninfested, less than a day, but if the senior positions on a ship have been compromised, we will never hear from that ship again, or they will be reported back as fine, only to ambush a task force from within.  I would say it will be weeks before Command believes that all ships are safely accounted for."
Janeway: "Our fleet has a different problem, with much of the admiralty already infected, it doesn't take much to label those of us uninfected as traitors, so we will be fighting with ships that are uninfected, but they don't believe that there is an infection going around.  And they know who's has been infected and who hasn't."
Riker: "Add to the problem that only a small fraction of the crew of an infected Starship have even been infected.  Chakotay got lucky with the ability to disable the Cartwright, we're not going to be that lucky throughout this crisis."
Donatra: "The stance of my government on this is not yet decided, there are rumors that this will be viewed as an internal Federation matter if the Romulan fleet shows no sign of infestation.  However, if infestations are found, the Senate may back your loyalist forces."
Riker: "Nothing like a firm commitment from the Romulans..."
Donatra: "Politics in the Empire make firm commitments difficult, however, I will give you this, the Valdore will fight by your side with or without Senate approval."
Comm: "Bridge to Captain Riker, we're approaching the FoxTrot sector sir."
Riker: "On our way."
Riker and Janeway get up and follow Donatra onto the Bridge.
Riker: "Any sign of Voyager or Ardenne?"
Troi: "Nothing as yet, but the background interference is rather high in this sector."
Sloane: "Our effective scan range is 2 Light Years, but we are still a parsec from the rendezvous point.
Riker: "Keep Scanning, Lieutenant."
Sloane: "Warbird Decloaking dead ahead...they're hailing."
Riker: "Slow to Impulse, On screen."
Sela: "Captain Riker, how good to see you again."
Riker: "Commander Sela, what can I do for you?"
Sela: "Strange as this may sound, Captain, but we're on the same side this time.  I found a parasite infested crewman on my ship."
Riker: "Did he do any damage?"
Sela: "He tried to destablize our Singularity Drive, I vaporized him myself."
Riker: "I see, have you seen two of our starships in the area?"
Sela: "Voyager and Ardenne? Yes, my helmsmen is transmitting their coordinates now.  Commander Donatra, will you return to the Valdore?  We have a few things to discuss in private."
Donatra: "Captain, If you'll excuse me."
Riker nodded, and Donatra entered the side turbolift.
Sela: "We will talk later Captain Riker, Sela out."
Janeway: "You knew that woman Captain?"
Riker: "She claims to be an old friend's daughter, only shes just about the same age as Tasha Yar would have been."

Valdore Transporter Room, Commander Donatra materializes on the pad.
Sub-Commander Lorren: "Commander, Commander Sela is on the Lepton band."
Donatra: "Very well, I will take the transmission in my cabin."
Lorren salutes and Donatra walks off down the corridor, stops outside her cabin door, and walks into the spartan room.
Sela: "Donatra, how good to see you again."
Donatra: "Sela, I trust you have a good reason for using the Lepton band this close to a Federation Starship?"
Sela: "Riker will be suspicious, but he will not be overtly scanning us, the Lepton band is secure."
Donatra: "I would not be so sure, be careful that we do not lose the advantages we get from this channel.  Why could what you have to say not be presented in person?"
Sela: "I wasn't going to inform Riker that we were having troubles with our transporter system as well.  In any case, the parasites have been found, rather high up the Senate and the Fleet Command.  The Senate has overwhelming approved a declaration of war on these parasites.  Initially our aims and that of the Federation coincide, therefore your request to assist the Federation loyalist in their coming civil war has been approved, ultimately however, our aims are to eradicate the parasite's homeworld, something the Federation will certainly not condone, but we do not care, our purges will prevent us from being pulled into the civil war, and a limited involvement on our part will keep our casualties to a minimum, so the Federation, and the Klngons will not be able to stop us when we bomb their homeworld to rubble."
Donatra: "We still need to find out where their homeworld is."
Sela: "I've reviewed the Tal Shiar file on the first incident, they know the general direction of where it is.  They trust you more than they trust me, I want you to get that information from them, and relay it to my command ship.  I'll personally head up the task force that destroys their homeworld.  You will take command of all Romulan Forces operating inside Federation Space."
Donatra: "Understood Commander, Donatra out."

Sloane: "Captain, picking up two Federation Starships, dead ahead, the Ardenne and Voyager."
Riker: "Slow to Impulse, open a channel."
Sloane: "Channel Open."
Chakotay: "Welcome to the Foxtrot sector Captain Riker."
Riker: "Welcome indeed, we dont have much time to waste, can you and Captain Rodgers transport aboard the Titam as soon as possible?"
Chakotay: "We'll be over in ten minutes."
Troi: "Will...Geordi...he's alive...on Voyager!"
Riker: "You didn't believe Captain Chakotay?"
Troi: "Chakotay, said he was dead."
Riker: "No, the report was altered to say he was dead, possibly to cover up the Enterprise's destruction.  Lieutenant, escort Captains Chakotay and Rodgers to the Conference Lounge when they get on board."
Sloane: "Aye, sir."
Riker heads for the Conference Lounge enterance, followed quickly by Troi.
Riker, after the door opens: "Well Admiral, our little mutiny is about to get a little larger."
Janeway: "I'd say its already quite large now isn't it?  I intend to transfer my flag to Voyager after this conference, we have another Admiral with us right now, Admiral Paris is currently on Voyager."
Riker: "Admiral Ross will be attempting to get us some more starships to aid us, but how many do you think he can get?"
Janeway: "Bill is rather resourceful, I'd imagine he can get at least a third of the fleet with no problem."
Riker: "This is strange, not knowing who to trust, even more so having someone like Commander Sela allied with us.  She'll backstab us the first chance she gets."
Janeway: "Only if its in her best interests, Will."
Troi: "One thing is definate, this is not going to be easy."
Janeway: "Were anything in life easy, it wouldn't be very exciting then would it?"
Troi: "Touché, Admiral."

Titan Transporter Room:
Lieutenant Sloane activates the Transporter and 3 figures materialize on the pad.
Sloane: "Admiral, Captains, welcome aboard.  Captain Riker has asked me to escort you to the briefing room."
Paris: "Just a minute, son.  How do we know you haven't been infected?"
Sloane: "Then you would never have made it over in one piece Admiral, but if you wish to scan me..."
Paris pulls out his tricorder as Sloane spreads his arms wide, looking rather disgusted in the process.
Sloane: "Satisfied?"
Paris: "You wouldn't notice another reprimand for insubordination would you?"
Sloane: "No."
Paris: "We'll see about that..."

Titan Briefing Room:
Comm: "Bridge to Captain Riker. Sir, a transmission is coming in from Starbase 375, Admiral Ross.
Riker: "Patch it through in here Ensign."
Comm: "Aye Sir."
Ross: "Captain, are we ready?"
Riker: "Admiral Paris, Captains Chakotay and Rodgers just came aboard, they'll be here..."
The Door to the corridor opens to admit the above three.
Riker: "...right now sir."
Ross: "Owen, how was your trip to Betazed?"
Paris: "Would have been better if I didn't come back into the middle of a crisis."
Ross: "I understand, I'll be brief people, Chancellor Martok says that he will support us in a Civil war, he and Ambassador Worf have been looking for a fight to give their people, and this seems to be the best one that is presenting itself.  I've only made contact with about 50 or so starships that I can be reasonably certain are not infected.  Captain Riker, Captain Rodgers, I hate to give this to you as your first mission, but the Soveriegn is one I can be sure is infected, and shes gathered a task force around her.  Martok has sent attack squadron fourteen to rendezvous with you in sector 388.  Intercept and deal with the Sovereign.  Captain Chakotay, you will rendezvous with the Starships Defiant and Excalibur, and head to sector 201, where you will meet with the starship Dakota, determine whether she is friend or foe, we can't let that ship run loose if she's against us."
Riker: "Admiral, if you have another assignment for Captain Rodgers, give it to him.  I'll have a few Romulan ships helping us out here.  In fact, why not have the Klingons meet up with Rodgers and get another ship?"
Ross: "If you feel that you can trust the Romulans, then Captain Rodgers, you will rendezvous with attack squadron fourteen and recon the starship T'Kumbra.  Any other comments?  No...then good hunting, Ross out."
Paris: "Romulans?  I think I'll put my flag on the Ardennes then Riker."
Janeway: "Commander Donatra seems to be an honest officer, as far as Romulans go anyway."
Chakotay: "Commander LaForge came up with a way to detect the parasites with the main sensor dish and internal sensors.  So theres no more need for manual scans with the Tricorders, and we can tell from a distance whether a ship has infected crew on board."
Rodgers: "With the sensor modifications in place, we will still need to close to with in 50 kilometers to get a complete scan, which means we're going to be taking a lot of weapons fire if we make the scan."
Riker: "What about a cloaked ship?  Could they make the scan with out being detected?"
Chakotay: "There's no reason why they would be detected any easier, so the two of you get the easy assignment, you can have the Romulan or Klingon ships scan your target, we have to get pummeled if that big Prometheus class ship is against us."
Paris: "I thought the Defiant had a Cloaking Device?"
Rodgers: "That's right, she does, the Romulans loaned us another cloak for the Defiant after the war."
Janeway: "So these first few missions should be easier than we think."
Troi: "Only if the ships are on our side, Admiral.

End Act XI
"Your mighty GDI forces have been emasculated, and you yourself are a killer of children.  Now of course it's not true.  But the world only believes what the media tells them to believe.  And I tell the media what to believe, its really quite simple." - Kane (Joe Kucan) Command & Conquer Tiberium Dawn (1995)