Topic: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply  (Read 6583 times)

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No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« on: June 24, 2004, 10:57:03 am »

Black Democrats hold heated meeting with Nader
Caucus wants independent to drop out

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A meeting between independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader and members of the Congressional Black Caucus turned into a shouting match Tuesday, after Nader made it clear that he would not drop out of the race.

At a closed-door meeting in the basement of the Capitol, lawmakers could be heard shouting at Nader to get out of the race. When the meeting was cut short by a floor vote, several of the members stormed out of the room.

Nader emerged from the confrontation appearing calm but slightly shaken. He described the meeting as "a robust exchange."

He told reporters that he tried to explain to caucus members that he will help elect presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry in November by splitting the conservative vote and siphoning support from President Bush.

"We agree on the issues," he said. "But we have differing strategies to defeat George W. Bush."

That reasoning didn't seem to convince caucus members, all of whom are Democrats.

"He made it clear he's going to stay in the race," said Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, the chairman of the caucus. "It became abundantly clear to us that this is about Ralph Nader, and we were sorely disappointed."

"This is the most historic election of our lifetime, and it is a life or death matter for the vulnerable people we represent." said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas. "For that reason, we can't sacrifice their vulnerability for the efforts being made by Mr. Nader."

"I told Mr. Nader today that a vote for Ralph Nader is really a vote for George Bush," said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-California.

But Peter Camejo, the Green Party activist who is Nader's vice-presidential running mate, said he was "surprised by their lack of understanding of the growing trend towards independent action.

"It's a new phenomenon they're confronting," he said.

Cummings, who at one point described Nader as an "aider and abettor" in promoting Bush's policies, said he believed the meeting had an impact on Nader, even if he's refusing to leave the race.

"If nothing else, we believe we had an impact on his conscience, and now we pray he will synchronize his conscience with his conduct," he said.

Many Democrats fear that having Nader in the race will draw away enough left-leaning voters to tip key battleground states into Bush's column, giving him an electoral college victory. But Nader insists that he will also draw votes from conservatives and independents upset with the president.

In my opinion, the American way would be to encourage more people in the race, not fewer.  I guess that's the Democratic Party's way.
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Offline Chris SI

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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 01:24:00 pm »
I saw this on the wire before:


Democracy (and Democrats) in action, on the very same day Kerry said of Republicans, "Once again, it's my way or the highway, shut the door, lock the people out, don't let them take part in the democracy, don't respect the institution. Don't show the common courtesies that actually bring people together to find the common ground":

Democrats attempted to put a roadblock in front of independent candidate Ralph Nader's efforts to gain access to the presidential ballot in Arizona, with the filing of a lawsuit by two Arizona residents challenging the validity of the petitions submitted by Nader's campaign.
The suit underscores the determination of the Democrats to try to frustrate Nader's efforts to qualify for state ballots. It is a shift from four years ago, when party officials and the campaign of Vice President Al Gore generally ignored Nader, who was running as the Green Party candidate, in the hope that his campaign would not attract support.

The suit, filed in superior court in Maricopa County in Phoenix, charges that, of the 21,512 signatures on Nader's petitions, only 6,045 are valid. State law requires Nader to submit 14,694 valid signatures to qualify for the ballot.

Although state law prohibits a political party from filing or financing such suits, the state party provided space in its office for volunteers and staff members working on their own time to review the signatures.

"We did this on our own," Arizona Democratic Party Chairman Jim Pederson said. "I hasten to say we're not taking action on behalf of the Democratic National Committee or the Kerry campaign."
If the United States is a free Republic, why is the Democratic Party attempting to block possible opposition through the courts?
Taldren poster known as FFZ

Offline Abfalter

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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 03:20:00 pm »

In my opinion, the American way would be to encourage more people in the race, not fewer.  I guess that's the Democratic Party's way.

It's a well-worn and tired bit of political double-talk when you call something "Un-American" when it does not fit your political desires.
The broken logic being:
  - I am doing what I think is best for America.
  - They are not doing what I think is best.
  - Therefore, what they are doing is not what is best for America
  - Hey, they are so Un-American!!!

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Offline Darth Sidious

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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2004, 05:16:10 pm »
Just goes to show how ego plays into things

Offline Sethan

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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2004, 08:11:14 pm »
Everyone seems to have missed the part of the first article that I find most interesting:

Nader emerged from the confrontation appearing calm but slightly shaken. He described the meeting as "a robust exchange."

He told reporters that he tried to explain to caucus members that he will help elect presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry in November by splitting the conservative vote and siphoning support from President Bush.

"We agree on the issues," he said. "But we have differing strategies to defeat George W. Bush."

Nader isn't trying to win - he's trying to hand the election to Kerry.
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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2004, 08:37:21 pm »
 I see this as a blatant attempt to subvert the political process. If the Dem's have to this its pretty lame.
 I am losing more an more faith in them every day.
 And i agree completely, We definitely need more COMPETENT people running. To block the 2 party strangle hold.
 Having more candidates would be a wake up call to our current parties, that business as usual just will not work any more. And hopefully improve the quality of government.

Offline Byzantine

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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2004, 08:57:54 pm »
???  What conservative vote is Nader going to siphon off?  I don't know any conservatives dumb enough to go for that.

Offline Mentat Jon

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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2004, 09:01:38 pm »
???  What conservative vote is Nader going to siphon off?  I don't know any conservatives dumb enough to go for that.

I think im arrogant enough to speak for every Republican and Conservative on the lower 48 and Alaska and hawii, and all the ships at sea.

No Conservative is going to vote for someone as left wing as Nader..
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Offline Chris SI

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Re: No Third Party Candidates Need Apply
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2004, 09:41:00 pm »
I find it highly unlikely Nader is being honest in his justifacations.
Taldren poster known as FFZ