They finally set a date for the end. Friday May 30th. After that it is job hunting time.

It has been a very long time since i had to do that.
There are some jobs available elsewhere in the company and I was recommended for some of them by my (former) Supervisor who has already transferred elsewhere. Unfortunately I can't take them as they are too far to commute and my (handicapped) parents need someone reliable to help them at times (which means me).
Our local top boss is using his connections in local business to try and find places for us and there are at least some possibilities coming up, some of which may apply to me.
I do plan to see if my last employer (its been a
long time) is hiring, they did say that if I ever wanted to come back I could

. Both my old supervisors are still there, when I apply I will list them as references

, that ought to attract attention. It would be amusing to go back and in many ways much more convenient physically and my experiences since leaving would apply there if I return.