And here is the team page

The team overall is headed back into the top 200 once again

Project statistics
Name of Project: SETI@Home
Total credit granted: 5,555,458,634 cobblestones
Total Recent Avg Credit: 20,973,241 cobblestones
Total users: 406,826 users
Total teams: 37,040 teams
Total hosts: 844,541 host(s)
Total Countries: 239 different countries
Statistics for Taldren
Total credit granted: 1,853,228 cobblestones
Total Recent Avg Credit: 13,022 cobblestones
Total Members: 162 users
Active Members: 14 users ( 22 in XML)
# Member Countries: 5
Total hosts: 145 host(s)
Team Rank TC: 211 of 37,040
Team Rank RAC: 104 of 37,040