I apparently fail at getting FedoraCore5 BONIC working nicely. I was hoping for more than ~50 RAC from the thing.
And yes, I am a Linux n00b
I just took a look at your stats and will make a couple of suggestions.
1st stretch your cache size out to 3 or more days. by keeping it small, the scheduler sends you small wu's that get small credit. The RAC goes up with the big WU's.
2nd You need to hook up with Nemesis andget him to set you up with the enhanced crunchers that you need for AMD-Linux. I use the windows/Intel crunchers and my RAC is double what it would be with the stock issued ones. As long as your not interested in the graphics, this is the way to go. By removing the graphics code from the cruncher, it cuts the time in half and therefore you get twice the credit and RAC.
3rd If you can do it, double your ram to 512. That will also get you bigger WU's. As a matter of fact, if you post what RAM you need, somebody might have some extra lying around and send it to you.