Topic: The Wheel - Status  (Read 14707 times)

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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #40 on: February 15, 2003, 03:07:33 am »
After looking at the dump file more, I think the Damage Data Pairs may
actually be Original and Current REMAINING instead of Current DAMAGED.

Had an idea the last couple of days.....
The one thing I never liked about the Dyna was that Base Assaults had to be
repeated (Successfully) until the Defense Value was reduced to 0 before
removing it from Enemy control.
The base always has full strength each battle, while the player has
 to repair and re-arm.

Obviously, everyone complains and says that once a base is beaten,
it should be removed.
I might have a method to remove a base when it's beaten the first time.

Consider this....
While there doesn't seem to be any entry for "Base Assault" as a mission
type, you can get the battleparticipantID's from "BattleParticipant", and from
there cross-reference the type of ships involved for any battle from
If the shiptype happens to be "SB", "BATS" or "BS", we know it was a base

"BattleParticipantShip" will also indicate the final Damage Value of the Base
 and whether it was destroyed.

If the base was destroyed, take the BattleID from "BattleParticipant" and
cross-ref to "Battles" to get the hex location, then index the hex in "MapHex",
and remove the base by updating the BaseType entry to 0.

Use your favorite SQL script interface (php, perl, C++) in a loop run "Backstage" to
constantly search for Bases that have been destroyed and issue an Update
Statement to alter the MapHex table, removing the Base.

If a base is then built in the same hex, the monitoring process should maintain
a log of hex locations and BattleID's where it removed a base so it wouldn't
get confused when it sees a base in the hex again.

Was that confusing enough?  <grin>



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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2003, 04:47:42 am »
It is already possible to set bases to be destructible or indestructible, with the last server update. What most people seem to want is a base that is only destroyed when the DV is reduced to zero.    


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2003, 08:00:01 am »
Thanks Intruder, I have some addional damage blob
data from the same ships damaged and undamaged
that I'll use to check that out.

Having just gotten the shipyards page working, I will
finish that off (see above posts) then move on to the
supply page where I will need this data to repair ships.
I've yet to work out supply and  trade-ins too.

When that is done I can then automate the shipyards
once I can reconstruct the damage and stores blobs
for all the ships in the current shiplist.

My intention is to finish the webpage interface then
move on to automated admin scripts using the
knowledge gained; such as your base monitoring
script idea (interesting possibilites for more than
just bases using this strategy).

Cleaven, are the settings you describe the
PostBattleMinimumRepair and PostBattleRepairRatio
settings under [Base] in the

Also, DarkElf, if you are listening/reading,
what kind of a scheme are you using to
"clean" the SQL database? I would like to
automate this as well...  


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2003, 10:13:30 am »
Thanks for the info Cleaven,
The people I talk to subscribe to the "1 death" rule. They'd like to see a Dyna that worked like
Fed and Empire.

But that's just 1 oppinion.

The "Backstage" scripts are definetly the way to add anhancement to the server.

My pet project has been Economics.

I added a table that broke down each hex, adding a random number of planets to serve
as a basis for a detailed Economic Model.
My Backstage processes operate these planets in a "Supply and Demand" environment.
Each planet is rated for capacity of raw materials, which they harvest.
When a planet needs a resource it doesn't have, it asks for some from one that does.
That planet sends freighters full of that resource to the requesting planet.

This process has the end effect of creating AI freighters that move about with
deliberate missions.

My goal is to make Convoy Raids REALLY affect the Economy.


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2003, 11:12:29 am »
I set up a 10 MB InnoDB file and the DB acts pretty efficiently.  The configuration for InnoDB can be found in MySQL Manual pages.  


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2003, 10:07:08 pm »
Financial constraints will bring The Wheel to a halt
next month.

I have been working on a set of updated scripts
for the ISC Invasion website. The webmap and other
scripts have been vastly improved in the process.

After a few more finishing touches I will post the
scripts for download for anyone who wishes
to use them as "The Wheel To Go" if you will...

I will include instructions for easy setup and
testing. Hopefully I will still be able to contribute
to decoding the database and adding to the D2
by posting on free dial-up accounts (ack!)  in the

Maybe, if I'm lucky, The Wheel will be back on
a bigger and better connection next year.

I hope to have a link to the scripts up by the end
of the week.  


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2003, 10:34:58 pm »
<S> KATrajnsaj,

I am very sorry to hear about this rajnsaj. The SQL WebMap and accessories you made are going to make the GFL D2 dyna have the cutting edge in online user interaction with the dyna during campaign play.  You have done a great job and deserve all the credit the GFL can give.    I will, of course, keep the Wheel's contribution to this dyna and running for the life of the ISC Invasion campaign and for future GFL D2 campaigns.  

 If you need a D2/SQL server then you most certainly can use mine between campaigns when I am online.  
« Last Edit: February 24, 2003, 10:36:41 pm by Karnak »


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #47 on: February 26, 2003, 11:50:54 am »
Thanks Karnak, setting the scripts up on your server
helped improve them a lot.

Here is a link to a download page for the scripts
(should remain up once I go offline...)

Just unzip the package into its own folder (zip password - "rollin").

Edit the "mapcfg.php" file to match your servers settings.
(currently has my settings...). Most of the settings should
be self explanatory (comments in file...).

Upload the all the files to their own folder on your webserver
and simply point your browser to that folder. (assumes default
index file on server is "index.html" - if not just link directly to the
index.html file).

Note: there are two asteroid types still missing from the map script
but I haven't encountered them on any map yet... If you see a hex
on the map that has no terrain type text - that is one of them -
please note the number for the terrain type and I can add it to the
next revision.

Also note that the server status detection is geared to work with the
dns2go service from It should work on real domains
too but I havent properly tested that yet.

If there are any troubles or questions just post on this thread -
I'll keep an eye on it when I can.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by rajnsaj »


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #48 on: February 26, 2003, 03:03:46 pm »
You are also welcome to use my server anytime you like rajnsaj, if you need somewhere to host scripts.


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #49 on: February 27, 2003, 11:33:00 am »
Thanks Demandred, thats very generous.

Feel free to download the zip file and post
it on your server too.

I just discovered the nasty popups on that free site.
(like gator, funny how they dont show up on the first few viewings...)

I just suspended my account with my ISP for this Sunday.
(I might be able to be back up in May... I hope, I hope...)



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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2003, 05:17:06 pm »
A friend has generously offered to temporarily
host The Wheel - it's on a keen ADSL connection
I tested at 1250/640 kbps down/up (wow).  
Complete with RW base station and webpage up at:
 The Wheel ... enjoy!    

I hope to get on and play a bit on a big server
when I get my new place, see you soon!


  • Guest
Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2003, 09:04:27 pm »
Glad to hear the Wheel will be back up Rajnsaj, glad too see you back as well.


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2003, 07:12:53 am »
Thanks Tracy,

I have some changes and upgrades to come
for The Wheel this summer.  I have some bits of
the D2 database left to work out how to decode
and access by scripts as well. Communications about the
database structure have resulted in the genesis of
some very good ideas for the long term too.

 I hope to be back online for the ISC invasion
or sooner.  I might be able to logon to play a bit from my friend's
place till then.  


  • Guest
Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #53 on: March 27, 2003, 11:51:34 am »
You (and everyone else) will see an EaW Server titled "SQL Test" has been up for the past few days.
This is mine, and I'm starting to put into operation the ideas we talked about.

I have (4) servers set up, though only the SFC Server is now online.
It is running EaW 2036 and MySQL.
Since they seemed to have brought OP up to parr with EaW, once I get some consistant operation with SQL,
I will be pulling EaW and installing OP 2538.

The other servers will be a Web Server (Apache and PHP), a server strictly for Voice Chat Servers, and
a PC that will operate as "Background SQL Ops". I know you understand that term.

None or these servers are "screamers" as far as power goes, 800Mhz - 1 Ghz, 512 RAM , so that's one of the reasons
I am using multiple servers.

I won't be running any Campaigns on this server yet. I need to collect data from players running around on it, and develope
the background ops processes.
I will ask that anybody who has the time, log in to this server and run any type of missions offered, even forfeit a few to
provide as wide a selection of data as possible for the research.

During the process, I will gladly post details of what is being developed if anyone is interested.
One of the first background tasks I'll be developing is "Wormholes", first between locations on the same server, then,
if it works, between locations on different servers. You can figure out the implications yourself. <grin>



  • Guest
Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #54 on: March 27, 2003, 12:01:03 pm »
Cool, welcome back rajnsaj.


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Re: The Wheel - Status
« Reply #55 on: April 05, 2003, 02:15:47 am »
For anyone who may be interested....

Tonight turned out to be very productive. I finally got the router settings right and now both the Web Server and the Game Server are online.

The Web Site can be reached at

As I said before, the non-standard port is used because many worms target the standard HTTP Port 80. This way it's a bit tougher for scanners.

I got that piece of wisdom from an acquaintance (rajnsaj) who is doing the same as I am, but is quite a bit ahead of me in his efforts.

I'm re-writing the pages to reflect what is going on now, and will include a section about the progress of the Project as I go along.

The Game Server is running SFC2:EaW version 2036 with a MySQL database for records. The Web Server also has an SQL database, and the intent is to cause them to interact.

I have a small bit of tinkering yet to do to see if I can run the client from a separate PC on my LAN, allowing the server total control over the PC. Hopefully this will improve the operation.

Probably by Weds of next week, I will be able to plug in SFC2:OP and see how that works.

Regardless of which game is being used, the Server Name will be "SQL Test" for simplicity.

I still have a 3rd server under construction which will be used for other types of servers. Maybe Elite Force or as a Voice Chat Server.