Topic: Most likely my last post here.  (Read 3344 times)

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Most likely my last post here.
« on: January 29, 2003, 12:23:56 am »
I have kept silent for the most part since i got sfc1 way back when. This time i cant. I am no longer posting my models and pics here because out of the problay 10000 or more people who read these forums evey week  just dont care any more. It could be "the times" or whatever but thats bull.  THIS IS NOT ABOUT ME DANGIT!  I dont care what you think of me or my work i never did i know i suck at this and i always will , i just wanted to contribute my crap to the community !
    The Good modlers and moders dont even get the respect they deserve any more, Profecional or not.  All i see is rants with 40 replys and crap by trolls .  Even some simple requests get more replys that some peoples hard work.   I kept wondering why most left this place now i know why.

If this post gets me banned so be it!  

Atleast i wont be laging up this forum with posts of my crap any more and peoples HARD GOOD work can be seen and respected! I just hope people show it .  Good Day all.

 Edit dont respond to this post !
« Last Edit: January 29, 2003, 12:25:00 am by Kreeargh »


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2003, 12:34:06 am »
Hey Kree,
  Let me be one who admires your work as I do everyone who has taken the time to post tier work on the forum.
It takes allot of time and effort to do the wondeful work you have done so others may enjoy theenhancements to thier renditions of SFC.
  I bet there are more out there that enjoy all the posts you and the other artists do.
Hopefully I'll be having my own stuff up here to.  


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2003, 02:36:34 am »
Well, I can't think of any of your models off hand, But I know I was looking at some of your stuff a while back and thought it was good, for what it's worth.  


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2003, 01:10:59 pm »
I'm sorry to see you are going, I stopped posting regularly after all the $hit a few months ago about multiple accounts. I think that the smaller modlers make this forum what it is (although it is no longer what it is [posibly due to some of the little people (and big people) leaving like you have]). I wish I could model... But I can't - so you are a hell of alot more talented than me.

I wish you well on your journey... Live long and prosper.


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2003, 06:17:13 pm »
All because you may get only a few replies it doesnt mean your not appreciated.

I know Im lining my self up with this one but arent you over reacting a little? We all knew that when SFC3 hit the shelves that we'd get the rather unsavoury elements from BC etc coming over, and again we all know that unless your name is P81/Rick Knox they dont really care what you do

Im just sorry its got to the stage where people are getting het up over it


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2003, 07:16:37 pm »
Sorry to bump this but  
ITS not because i dont get replys,  " its because others hard work is being ignored"
.  I am letting their work be seen more with the lack of my posts.  I post excatly same thing over there at unless i get banned for some reason my work can be seen there or my site. If i have something worthy i may post here agian but untill then  Let other moders be seen and appreciated.  


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2003, 10:22:15 pm »
Forgive me, but your attitude is silly.  I'll tell you these days I'm pressed for time.  I don't want to spend too much time posting and replying, but I'm doing so now to tell you that I think you ARE   one of the, ecchh!  I hate this term, "better" modelers.  I have installed and do use models you have posted for download and I do that only if I think the model looks good when it is flown.  All you are doing is reducing exposure for one particular modeler.  I myself don't go over to the other forum too much at all, so I'll sorely miss your offerings.    


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2003, 10:39:17 pm »
With all due respect...if you think this is bad, might I suggest checking out the Bridge Commander Files "community" at ?

Now there's a group of unappreciative little gremlins if I've ever seen any.    
« Last Edit: January 29, 2003, 10:41:42 pm by Silverstone »


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2003, 01:13:03 am »
Sorry to see you go. Hope it's only a break and not for keeps.  


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Re: Most likely my last post here.
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2003, 06:56:29 am »

With all due respect...if you think this is bad, might I suggest checking out the Bridge Commander Files "community" at ?

Now there's a group of unappreciative little gremlins if I've ever seen any.      

Now you people were just bitching (massivley) about the "Why SFC3 sucks" and the "Why BC sucks" Threads. So why make a post such as this one? You don't like the same done to you, and several of you proved that with a rather long flame thread. Most of the "ungreatfull" are a bunch of guests/n00bs who don't know jack about much of anything relating to the game and can't even open a rar file without crying, and are the minority. However, there is a substantial ammout of people who enjoy the models that come out of this place and end up in BC. BCU is a much better representation of the BCfiles community anyways. But never the less, and it's forums have created some of the best modders and the nicest guys that I know. Several of them are on my staff.

*edit* I also want to appologise for hijacking this thread.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2003, 07:00:01 am by starforce2 »