Topic: In the tradition of the Melak (because I thought it was) Atolm's latest..  (Read 1846 times)

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When he was firing this over.. I kind of thought that this was going to be v2 of the Melak mesh.  Uh-uh.  This is the vertical Romulan Warbird mesh.  Well, thought that I'd play with the textures and get 'er all mapped up to SFC 2 standards anyways.

HP/DP'ed already (rotated and revised the Melak's hp'ing) so all I have to do is clean up the final textures and this one is also (unexpectedly) coming out of Mare Imbrium as well.

What's it look like?  Well, how about this?  As last time, Atolm's modified original handdrawn textures with my tweaks and illumination maps derived from the original textures:

The textures should be pretty well cleaned up in a couple of days and ready to go..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


  • Guest
GOD thats beautifull.  Good work guys    

Klingon Fanatic

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Wow! Bingo! We have a winner!

Nicely done Atheorhaven and Azel!


Captain KoraH

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Let me know if you'd like me to convert an SFC3 version for you.  


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Hey Capt. that would be cool thanks....just see Atheorhaven about it:)
Oh an thanks Alec  


  • Guest
wow !! thats sweet    


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gettin low on the page


  • Guest
That is a great Romulan model; kudos and thank you's simaltaneously....

lower still on the page.... ha ha  


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Alrighty.. it's up for download.  Have updated the website, just haven't been able to upload the pages because of Internet outage in my area last night.

But both the SFC 1 and SFC 2 versions are complete and up for download.
I'd go into more detail, but I'm at work right now..

SFC 1 version:

SFC 2 version:

So there you are.. I'll get the updated pages up tonight.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by atheorhaven »


  • Guest
I was wondering when someone would make this ship.....can we have some more views?

Rod O'neal

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That's such a cool design idea. The model looks great ingame, as well. Nice design, nice work