Topic: EVE ANY GOOD  (Read 4666 times)

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« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2003, 04:17:42 am »
Its a click game, there is nothing else to say...

p2p is the future, and I embrace the fact I plan on using a p2p system to support Project FUPU...


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« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2003, 09:50:57 am »
My big problem with this one is the $50 purchase cost along with the $15 monthly fee.

At least with E&B (found this one a bit boring as well) you get the game for free and just pay the monthly costs.

I can't see spending $50 on something that I can ONLY play online.

I won't be getting Final Fantasy XI for the same reason.

 Sometimes I just don't want to play with you meatheads.


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« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2003, 11:09:38 pm »
I'm biased, but try Freelancer instead. It's nearly as persistent as a MMORPG and much more fun. Especially if you get a mod going.

And you don't have to pay anything per month to some big company.

Rod O'neal

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« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2003, 11:34:06 pm »
This is nothing more than people who have 7 digit paychecks trying to turn them into 8 digit ones at the expense of people who worry about everyday things like food, clothing for their kids, and where they're going to get the money for insurance on their cars... They aren't going to be happy until they have ALL the money. Do you have any idea how much these corporate honchos make?
Just a quick story from my own experience. I was working for a company a few years back that the CEO made 26 million a year. That's a sweet 1/2 MILLION DOLLARS A WEEK!!!! The difference between what they offered me for a raise and what I wanted was $32.00 a week. they actually sent an HR representative from corp. HQ to negotiate me down! In the end, I got my raise. It's insane though what these people will do to get every last penny from you, me, and their own mothers. The $50.00 cover price makes them plenty of money for a game. Don't give them another $180.00 annually just to play it, PLEASE!  

Raniz Murjuri

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« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2003, 04:48:27 pm »
Actually i see no valid arguement on a subscription fee.

How many magizines do you subscribe too? How many newpapers do you buy? how about that Cable or Internet bill?

But thats not the point.

MMoRPG's are exactly what your playing but without the time it takes to find the game connect to the server(or computer) and setup the game.
your also paying for the Quality ,and  Persistant world. and Support. (customer service)

These MMoRPG's are the future, your going to see them Pop up all of the Gamming magizines and Advertisements. There's plenty of MMoRPG's you dont even know of yet.

How many of you Know about Shadowbane?

I just finished my experience with Shadowbane.
WHile you were fighting that Klingon or Federation ship AI/Person and then doing the Wash, rinse repeat.

I was Building a City, making political allies, Killing thieves, Signing War treaties, making Ubar Armor, gathering intelligence, Raiding enemy cities, Defending the land i claimed, Getting Assasinated, and overall making an Impact to the World i played on.
Thats what i payed 15 dollars a month for.
And i probably did all that in the same time span it takes for you to win or lose 1 battle against another player.

Shadowbane is the first game to Have ALL PvP game system, But it's Not PvP at all.. it,s Nation v nation
EVeryone has to contribute making everyone liable for the riase and fall of nations, if you were in a nation of course.

*note i left Shadowbane because Ubisoft and Wolfpack cant get a thing right in that game.. it's full of Bugs, server crashes, and lack of Customer support.

the interaction between players id far more exciting than wiating in a room for people to play. i connect to the server and i know there's soemone to fight against or with., and Plenty more things to do than just Washing rinsing and repeating.
Another thing that sets MMoRPg's different from single player/multiplayer games is the Interaction between players.
"The Community" there are no more chat rooms, you dont  have to wait for the game to end to keep the conversation going.
Your right there next to they person. SO if this was Shadowbane and he said "I can kick your #&*!" well you know he's pretty much a dead man. and cant hide away and stay out of your games.
Now he's hunted down, not only by you.. but by the Guild or city you belong to as well.

I'm not going to say SFC is a bad game.. i'm saying theres Limits and MMoRPG's Break those limits.

as for FFXI i wont be playing that either. they said in a statement " the PvP will be totally seperate from the main stream players."
Thats where i enjoy the game, being able to play everyone. makes it a totally different game altogether.
That sense of 1v1 or 200v 1 makes the player think twice about "pissing you off"

MMoRpg's have sent the most annoying crying back to their Singleplayer games. MMoRpg's are not for the faint of Haert anymore.

* sorry for bad spelling and or hard to read ares of this post.  


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« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2003, 05:01:56 pm »

I'm biased, but try Freelancer instead. It's nearly as persistent as a MMORPG and much more fun. Especially if you get a mod going.

And you don't have to pay anything per month to some big company.  

You dont even have to pay for the game if you dont like M$

Rod O'neal

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« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2003, 12:14:52 am »

Actually i see no valid arguement on a subscription fee.

How many magizines do you subscribe too? How many newpapers do you buy? how about that Cable or Internet bill?

That's my point. How much more of your money do you want to give to make others rich?
Of course, everyone's free to pursue their pleasure anyway that they want to. If you feel that it's worth it then that's up to you. I'm not trying to belittle or ridicule you. Truely, I'm not. I just see this sort of thing all the time. I'm in the retail business and we have a term for service fees that we used to give people for free but decided to see if people would be willing to pay for them instead. It's called "charging for air". You could have it for free if you refused to pay for it. It's like banks charging you to give them your money to use. Without it, they wouldn't be in business. Since the product that they're selling couldn't exist without it. If you're willing to pay for it though, they're willing to take your money. Support the Game mfgs. that don't charge and avoid the ones that do and they'll stop charging. Trust me, they won't stop making games.  

Raniz Murjuri

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« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2003, 11:20:08 am »

That's my point. How much more of your money do you want to give to make others rich?
Of course, everyone's free to pursue their pleasure anyway that they want to. If you feel that it's worth it then that's up to you. I'm not trying to belittle or ridicule you. Truely, I'm not. I just see this sort of thing all the time. I'm in the retail business and we have a term for service fees that we used to give people for free but decided to see if people would be willing to pay for them instead. It's called "charging for air". You could have it for free if you refused to pay for it. It's like banks charging you to give them your money to use. Without it, they wouldn't be in business. Since the product that they're selling couldn't exist without it. If you're willing to pay for it though, they're willing to take your money. Support the Game mfgs. that don't charge and avoid the ones that do and they'll stop charging. Trust me, they won't stop making games.    

No ones going to force you to buy anything.

But with your View of why they sell subscriptions. i expect to see you playing games like these for a long while while everyone else crosses the line to MMoRpg's.
Like i said before the future is looking into MMO's Look at Planetside. they have labeled it MMoRPg and yet all it reaally is a FPS. there is no real Lore to the game.
And with you arguing about money all the time.. why do you buy games in the first place?
Didn't you just give $20 to Gamespy to play your game there multiplayer?
I dont see your point on subscription fees, anymore than you see it. You see it as "You pay us, so we can get richer"
I see it.. "you pay us, so you can get better quality Support, Fixes, An overall Playablility"  


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« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2003, 02:52:51 pm »
Well i dont have a promblem about paying i was just wondering if any one has played it and how was it .15.00 month is not much how much do think server admins spend a month running there server for the sfc2,sfcop,sfc3.Trust me its a lot more than you think the problem seems to be peploe take things for granted these days .


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« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2003, 04:12:51 pm »

Well i dont have a promblem about paying i was just wondering if any one has played it and how was it .15.00 month is not much how much do think server admins spend a month running there server for the sfc2,sfcop,sfc3.Trust me its a lot more than you think the problem seems to be peploe take things for granted these days .  

Well kosh, to answer you original question, it was a pretty fun game and quite pretty.  It just seemed like one of those games that would become boring and tiresome after a while.  I guess it just didn't hit me as being one of those games I just had to have and play forever.  Though plenty of those games that did hit me that way have turned out to be dogs.  MOO3 would be the latest example(maybe it's patch will save it).

There is really only one game series that has lived on my harddrive since it came out, SFC, well that and Diablo 2 but it's my kids that like to play that online.



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« Reply #30 on: June 01, 2003, 06:57:08 pm »
^People are recommending GalCiv as an alternative to MOO3.  


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« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2003, 07:17:08 pm »

^People are recommending GalCiv as an alternative to MOO3.  

I looked at it for a little while, but I was soo let down by MOO3 that I just have no faith in the genre anymore.

Maybe if they had a demo I'd try it out.

I'm thinking Star Empires IV may be the one to buy and it's darn old.