Ladies and gentlemen, this debate over SFC2 vs SFC3 is getting way out of hand and is doing no one any good at all.
A friendly discussion over the merrits of each is healthy and can be quite productive, however, recent discussions hardly fall into this category. Furthermore, this 'debate' is now spreading to other forums and creating enmity between players over two games that are essentially of the same genre. Were this an argument between SFC3 and the latest Command and Conquer game, perhaps it would seem more understandable.
But here, all we are doing is shooting ourselves in the foot
SFC2 is a good game.
SFC3 is a good game.
They are NOT the same game and never will be. End of story.
So, I'm going to ask each and everyone of you, who visit these boards to support your fellow players (SFC2 and SFC3 alike) and make the online Starfleet Command experience a good one for us all. This is not a schoolyard playground, so please do not abuse the freedom of speech we have here by behaving as such. This business of saying "my game is better than your game" really is beyond reproach and some of us really should be setting a better example.