Topic: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?  (Read 19670 times)

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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2003, 10:43:22 pm »
no contest.. OP.

the only problem with OP presae - is the dyna hex thing with the pirates layer underneath.

op as a matter of fact has always had more stable multicode than EAW. it is also true that no campaign that i am aware of actively uses sql - thats op or EAW..

op has more arcs (boom arcs anyone?), more ships (wyn,LDR, some monitors)- and an advanced era.

i agree - i have never understood why some believe that eaw is superior. its not. if i had to put my money somewhere - it would be in op.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #21 on: June 02, 2003, 01:27:44 pm »
Guys: Being Good and Being Popular are two different facts.

OP is Better, EAW is more popular.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #22 on: June 02, 2003, 01:46:25 pm »
EAW is better now in my mind for one reason...

No one plays OP on GSA.

70 or so everynight for EAW.  There it is folks... when you get EVERYONE to move... I might too.



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #23 on: June 02, 2003, 01:52:28 pm »
Maybe if you move everyone else will follow.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2003, 01:54:20 pm »
The simple fact is that as long as there are X ships in the default shiplist many won't come within miles of it.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2003, 02:00:39 pm »
therein lies the most (pardon the rudeness) LAME excuse ive ever heard. there is no reason in the world that those people have to use or play with x ships. in fact, even on a server, the FYA can be pushed back so far or simply removed from the shipyard completely - all without having to do a think to the shiplist.

so, it is a very narrowminded and poor excuse. however, i do know that it exsist.



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #26 on: June 02, 2003, 02:21:18 pm »
I think there is a rather easy way to settle this point.  Sales.  How many copies of EAW were sold vs OP.  I suspect OP sales were low and encompassed a larger fraction of novices who rarely played it and dumped it considering the low player base for OP.  I myself bought OP after having a friend's install of EAW and SFC1 purchased with my own money on my machine for a while which I had gotten out of.  I stopped playing OP altogether for just the reasons above, no players, no dyna, X ships BS.

While OP might be "better" because it has more "stuff", I still don't think it has a player base especially if sales were low and new copies are hard to come by.  Why hunt around for OP when you already have EAW fully patched with working dyna and consistent player base?

Be that as it may, what has OP really got to offer?  Phaser arcs?  New ships?  Supposed stability?  Oh, yes!  Pirates!  Don't think the whole pirate thing has enough umph, enough meaningful context to be compelling.  Look at player race preferences.  Most played races are TOS races with feds leading substantially. Throw in some pirates no one has ever heard outside of SFB  that are not fully SFB implemented (custumization of ships, etc) and you have a recipe for a yawn.

Doesn't seem like enough to entice me to switch nor most people who have EAW and are comfortable with it.   BTW are magic photons still in effect in OP?

Fact is Taldren shot itself in the foot with OP.  While they may have had the best intentions, the fiasco ruined any transition to OP.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #27 on: June 02, 2003, 02:36:37 pm »
pirates not fun  i guss you never played on the triangel then and no dyna on op hmm some of the biggest servers where and still are on op .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kosh2000 »


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #28 on: June 02, 2003, 04:20:12 pm »
I find myself in agreement with Nanner... this is MOST disconserting!



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #29 on: June 02, 2003, 04:24:15 pm »
Look. I'll let you guys figure it out: I have some testing to do, and then a shiplist to start updating.

-- Luc


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #30 on: June 02, 2003, 05:17:58 pm »
Hmmm, I could write a huge / long post on the pros and cons of both. I started in SFC1 and have played (and admined / hosted) in many online matches and campaigns. However I will refrain.

Sufice it to say it's your call. OP and EaW are great games. IMHO it's OP that wins but understand that's my take.

I will say this however, all the reasons that people have given here as to why they think OP is not worth the effort is just more FUD posting by those "hurt" by Taldren putting out a standalone game instead of an expantion to their first love. The fact is that if this game (OP) HAD been made as an expansion then EaW would have almost completely disapeared as a game. OP uses a new graphics engine and polishes much of the base game mechanics as well as adds some good (and bad) new toys. All that would have replaced the EaW versions thus EaW would have become OP! (However you'd still have those players that would refuse to install it and remain "pure" EaW so the current split would probably still been there, they just wouldn't be such a huge majority.)

I only wish they had made it an expansion, it's a better game and would have closed out EaW by allowing Taldren to drop support instead of forcing them to bow to those that just won't let go. But they didn't ... I wonder if anyone ever thought that maybe that was, by some fluk, by design. Or maybe they should just count their lucky stars that they still have an EaW to play and it was never "expanded" on.

Play OP or EaW as you wish. As for me I'll stick with OP which is a better game IMHO.  


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #31 on: June 02, 2003, 05:32:24 pm »
Can you flip hexes in OP or is that still broken? That was the whole thing I was woried about and should have been what I asked in the first place. Sorry for the trouble...


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #32 on: June 02, 2003, 05:39:16 pm »
Flipping hexes works just fine IF the map is setup correctly. Come out to Tech Wars and see.

We are having a base issue but it doesn't seem to be game related. More likely it's a setting on the server (or a mission problem) but we're working on it. If you are going to come out to Tech Wars be sure and visit first and pickup the OP+ and ED Mission packs (in SFC:OP section in Downloads) and "install" them (readmes are included).

Hope to see you out there!    
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #33 on: June 02, 2003, 06:04:32 pm »

Can you flip hexes in OP or is that still broken? That was the whole thing I was woried about and should have been what I asked in the first place. Sorry for the trouble...  

Some people just don't listen, and even then they still ask the wrong questions.

Good luck in whatever you do.  


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #34 on: June 02, 2003, 06:05:12 pm »
So flipping hexes works -  if you make all pirate races
non-playable and make all hexes on the cartel map belong
to one cartel which is allied to all empires?
That sounds broken to me.

(Is this the "more complicated" server gf setting that was mentioned? -  bah!)

I am currently testing a customised multi-race shiplist on OP and
have just discovered that I do NOT really have 15 races to work with
but only eight, as in EAW, as outlined above. I am going to have to
bump 3 empires from the shiplist (or combine as in SG3) in order
to achieve the desired effect.

I have noticed other issues that I will not outline here that I have never
seen in EAW.

The "Masters Arena" has been running on SQL for some time now.
(Granted it is not popular...) SQL allows me to play on a D2 server
from behind the same router (with loopback) because I can edit my
IP address in the SQL db - allowing me to be drafted properly.
(But one feature of SQL - It will support higher player numbers
but this has NEVER been properly tested - LB3 was our best chance to
test but this was lost.)

FireSoul, does this mean that Arctic has finished his patch and we will
have SQL for the OP D2? Or at least the cartel map will be fixed?



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #35 on: June 02, 2003, 07:15:44 pm »

So flipping hexes works -  if you make all pirate races
non-playable and make all hexes on the cartel map belong
to one cartel which is allied to all empires?
That sounds broken to me.

(Is this the "more complicated" server gf setting that was mentioned? -  bah!)

Incorrect.  You have to set all pirate cartel hexes NEUTRAL. But if you wanted to you could include pirates and they would affect the hexes much like they did. The pirates are purely optional now. As for ridiculing this as not "more complicated", well, not all are such an "expert" as you.  


I am currently testing a customised multi-race shiplist on OP and
have just discovered that I do NOT really have 15 races to work with
but only eight, as in EAW, as outlined above. I am going to have to
bump 3 empires from the shiplist (or combine as in SG3) in order
to achieve the desired effect.

Have you ever seen anyone say that there are 15 races in OP? Please provide a link. There have ALWAYS been 8 races and 8 pirates and they have ALWAYS been seperate. Get your information right before making assumptions that just make you another FUD poster.


I have noticed other issues that I will not outline here that I have never
seen in EAW.

That's because it is OP not EaW. If you assume that it will work just like EaW then ... well, you know what they say about assuming.


The "Masters Arena" has been running on SQL for some time now.
(Granted it is not popular...) SQL allows me to play on a D2 server
from behind the same router (with loopback) because I can edit my
IP address in the SQL db - allowing me to be drafted properly.
(But one feature of SQL - It will support higher player numbers
but this has NEVER been properly tested - LB3 was our best chance to
test but this was lost.)

That's nice but SQL was not put in to correct your playing issues. As for high player numbers I will agree that testing has been dreadful and on the few times that it was used on a EaW campaign the results were not good.


FireSoul, does this mean that Arctic has finished his patch and we will
have SQL for the OP D2? Or at least the cartel map will be fixed?  

Articfire has not been heard from (at least not on these forms) for a long time. No one can tell what his status is. Regardless many of us continue to work to improving OP. Hopefully we will get SQL support too but ...


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #36 on: June 02, 2003, 07:34:10 pm »
Thanks for the tips and pleasant reply Castrin,

Umm, ANYONE who tries to play on a D2 server from behind
the same router will not be able to be drafted unless they can
edit the live db. This is not just my playing issue. You know full well
what other advantages SQL has over the flatfile.

Oh and thanks for your ASSumptions - I never made any comments like this.
Sigh - make a valid point on these forums and your person is attacked - never fails.

OK then, I do not have eight races and eight pirate cartels to work with,
just eight races - there happy? (sufficiently pedantic?).

I have been unable to affect the DV of any hex as a pirate in any way.
I'll let you know when I do. (have tested from three of eight cartels on the stock map)

Thanks again, I'm sure you're really a nice guy that just gets a tad defensive about OP.



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #37 on: June 02, 2003, 08:18:22 pm »

Thanks again, I'm sure you're really a nice guy that just gets a tad defensive about OP.

You wouldn't believe the amount of time we've put into it either. It's our favorite.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #38 on: June 02, 2003, 10:00:33 pm »

Umm, ANYONE who tries to play on a D2 server from behind
the same router will not be able to be drafted unless they can
edit the live db. This is not just my playing issue. You know full well
what other advantages SQL has over the flatfile.


This is wrong. You can be drafted. But you will be unable to answer the draft. This is based on you having a home router that is not fully NAT capable for more than one internal address. Larger commercial systems would not have this issue, as seen in local nodes for cable suppliers.
The way you phrase it also indicates a misunderstanding, in so far as you can get the exact same response from a router where the port triggering does not work correctly, ie you can draft, but can't answer on the required port when drafted by others (which has nothing to do with SQL).


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #39 on: June 02, 2003, 11:05:15 pm »
Well all I know is that if you are local to the D2 server it will see your local IP address
which is useless. Yes, you can be drafted but the mission will count down to zero
as your local IP address cannot be seen from the internet.

So, if I edit my IP address in the DB, drafting will work.

As I understand it, the router has nothing to do with why the D2 server sees the local IP address
an not the WAN address. One public IP address is all I have. If you are local to the D2 server it
will always see the local IP address.

Have you ever run a D2 server (on both the flatfile and SQL) behind the same router as a client?
If so then maybe you can explain this further to me, as the experience would add credibility to your claims.

"This is based on you having a home router that is not fully NAT capable for more than one internal address"
um, why does port forwarding work to multiple internal addresses then?

This is most confusing.

EDIT: I must emphasise that the D2 server sees YOUR LOCAL IP ADDRESS - it does not matter
what port the client responds on if the IP address in the db is a local one, it just will not work.

Edit Again ( ): The real question here, as FireSoul has hinted, is, will the cartel map be fixed
in the next patch? Will SQL be added? Is there really another patch for OP coming?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Bonk »