Boring? SFC3's mod servers don't seem boring to those who play on it - quite a following I see in the forum (I'm only going from forum posts here - I stopped playing SFC3 after a week). As for SFC2/OP, those who play on there don't find it boring either.
I just had a cool battle on SG3 server. My Lyran BCP+ v a Gorn DNF and a DDF. Far from boring, had me on the edge of my seat, with ebbs and flow in how the battle went.
SFC is far from boring, for me and many others here. It may get stale every now & then, but a little break and back I come raring for more. Coming up to my 3rd year online playing it in August - been time very well spent, and for very little financial outlay. Thanks Taldren for what you've made for us so far, PLEASE continue to add to it. It rocks and deserves to get even better!