Topic: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?  (Read 19667 times)

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EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« on: June 01, 2003, 11:41:46 am »
Im going to install one right now since my computer is crapping out on letting me play 3 without having to wait ten minutes for my mouse to move across the screen...

Which of the SFC 2 games works best when fully up to date?


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2003, 01:11:53 pm »

without having to wait ten minutes for my mouse to move across the screen...

when this happens to me i usually change the batteries in my cordless mouse  

p.s that is if u have a cordless one  


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2003, 01:19:51 pm »

Im going to install one right now since my computer is crapping out on letting me play 3 without having to wait ten minutes for my mouse to move across the screen...

Which of the SFC 2 games works best when fully up to date?  

That would be EAW.  Same as it has ever been.  



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2003, 01:20:26 pm »
currently, for D2 online play, EAW has SQL while OP doesn't.. but otherwise it seems just about equal ..

.. as for GSA play, I really.. *REALLY* wonder why people insist on playing EAW over OP. Really.. What the hell are you guys doing over there in that other room/channel? Hrm?!?
OP's more stable, and has more features.

-- Luc


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2003, 01:31:06 pm »

currently, for D2 online play, EAW has SQL while OP doesn't.. but otherwise it seems just about equal ..

.. as for GSA play, I really.. *REALLY* wonder why people insist on playing EAW over OP. Really.. What the hell are you guys doing over there in that other room/channel? Hrm?!?
OP's more stable, and has more features.

-- Luc  

I've always found OP to be less stable and more prone to lag.  <shrug>

I know EAW has SQL support, but I'm not aware of anyone using it for a big public server.  The current SG3 campaign is using the flatfile because SQL doesn't seem to like having a lot of players on at once.  Hopefully admins are still trying to solve this.  What EAW truly has is a dynaverse and a map that work with less bugs and fewer admin headaches.  And fewer outside-of-the-source material features that no one wanted anyway.  




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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2003, 02:06:16 pm »

I've always found OP to be less stable and more prone to lag.  <shrug>

I know EAW has SQL support, but I'm not aware of anyone using it for a big public server.  The current SG3 campaign is using the flatfile because SQL doesn't seem to like having a lot of players on at once.  Hopefully admins are still trying to solve this.  What EAW truly has is a dynaverse and a map that work with less bugs and fewer admin headaches.  And fewer outside-of-the-source material features that no one wanted anyway.  

I would be prone to believe the contrary, actually.. ..
Betcha the 2 games have the same lag.

Anyways.. I play OP pretty much exclusively .. because I don't see why play EAW when there's so much more on the other side of the fence.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2003, 02:40:42 pm »
2 Things: OP's D2 is broken, and the horrible X ships. Remove both as a factor and it's better.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2003, 02:45:12 pm »
Who said OP's D2 was broken?
.. have you tried it since the last patch? ..  

.. and as for the Xships, you don't have to play them if you don't want to. You know that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by FireSoul »


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2003, 02:54:52 pm »
Here i will say it  i dont care flame suit is now on


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kosh2000 »


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2003, 03:51:20 pm »
I wouldn't say that it sucks. It's a far cry better than nothing at all..

.. but I agree that OP is better. It completely confuses me to watch people play EAW .. and insist on it too.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2003, 05:10:01 pm »
That is a trick question, as neither game is fully patchable, as the games were never 100% finished/corrected.

That being said, EAW has ALL the patches it is going to get, whereas OP has the gameplay portion of the last patch, but not the multi/D2 part of the patch, so EAW is more stable/less likely to cause you to put a 10mm hole in your monitor than is OP.

Once OP gets the multiplayer part of the patch and IF it works... then there will no longer be a reason to play EAW as it is inferior in the availablity of ships, races, weapons, etc.



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2003, 06:07:00 pm »
Again, AJTK, I disagree.

OP beats EAW hands down in standard multiplayer and single player modes.
As for the D2, I hear that even on EAW they use the flatfile DB for the big servers.

This is my opinion: There is no way in hell EAW is better than OP.
-- Luc


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2003, 06:12:27 pm »
Heck, I like both games.  I just wish I could play OP on Gamespy just once.  I haven't tried playing EAW on GS but I should experiment and see if I can.  If OP can fix multiplayer and I'm able to at least play on GS, I would pick OP over EAW.

Hey, does anyone know where I can get the latest patch for EAW?  I have the latest for IP (2538) but I can't play on GS for some reason (I'm just a modem user).  I would like to experiment playing EAW online since I can't do it with OP.  


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2003, 06:50:12 pm »
The latest EAW patch can be had here I believe:

You can also get the OP patch from SFCX, as well as a variety of other downloads, including the mission packs and shiplists.  


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2003, 06:51:34 pm »
Oh, and OP no contest.  It's just got more, and you don't certain things you don't have to use it so...  


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2003, 06:57:37 pm »

Heck, I like both games.  I just wish I could play OP on Gamespy just once.  I haven't tried playing EAW on GS but I should experiment and see if I can.  If OP can fix multiplayer and I'm able to at least play on GS, I would pick OP over EAW.

Hey, does anyone know where I can get the latest patch for EAW?  I have the latest for IP (2538) but I can't play on GS for some reason (I'm just a modem user).  I would like to experiment playing EAW online since I can't do it with OP.    

Do you play with a personal firewall program on the machine itself, or any machine along the way? That may cause problems. We have knowledge of all the needed ports for GSA play.


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2003, 07:14:16 pm »
here is a news flash for all who have been saying OP is better than EAW and vice versa,

op IS eaw and eaw IS op. The only real differnce in the two is the ship selection and the differnt bugs each has. They both play the same for me i.e., same game engine, therefore same gameplay. there is no real gameplay differences at all.

In my humble opinon OP should have been a true expansion to EAW, and many others believe this as well, That ios why most old timers dont play it, its not because that it is bad but because of the way it was released. Taldren kinda stabbed everyone in the back on that one. They COULD have made it a stand alone AND an EAW expansion but chose not to, SO we are stuck with two almost identical games to play .

I say Live with it and play whichever one you want to.



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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2003, 07:36:10 pm »
Being somebody who plays online from a long ways away, I have found OP to be more stable for multiplayer, in so far as I don't drop as much. There are still the occasional D2 problems but it is probably not right to compare the lastest EAW server with 30 or 40 on it, to OP with 10-15 players.

So, with the latest updates making the OP weapons and rules the same as EAW, OP wins on gameplay because it has extra weapons, graphics, and stability.

D2-wise there are now features, like neutral co-op that seems to mostly work which, in my mind, leaves EAW for dead. The only hindrance is that admins are more familiar with using the older, simpler EAW server settings. But, like a petrochemical economy, it can't last. EAW is listed as final, while OP is awaiting at least one more update. Not to say that somebody couldn't do again to EAW, but what's the point? If you are going to spend time adding to a game, then add to OP on the basis of coding lessons learnt from SFC3 which is supposed to be based on the OP code. (OP is supposed to a generation ahead of EAW in code but I have only had this explained to me by outsiders.)

When OP-D2 didn't work there was no question. Now that OP D2 has been demonstrated as no longer suffering from the old problems this is no longer a valid stance.

I'm pretty sure OP uses a later version of DirectPlay too.    


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2003, 07:45:13 pm »
I ran 'strings' on the OP exe. It is a small linux application that removes any non human-readable charaters and allows you to read any text left. .. and based on the symbols I saw, the 2 games use the same DirectPlay version. In fact, I'm pretty sure this game would run on DirectX 7!

.. however.. to call both games "identical" .. HELL NO.  They may be very similar, but they are far from being identical. Hell, I submit my shiplist as a good reason to play OP over EAW.

-- Luc


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Re: EAW or OP, which is better when fully patched?
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2003, 08:09:51 pm »
I guessed that a later version of DirectPlay was the reason for the better stability.