Allright, I read some tutorials, but I am still having trouble editing hardpoints, sepcifically AI hardpoints... I put a model(s) in playable race slots, and had them all but bare except for the officers in DefaultLoadOut... I then ran the skirmish mode, and refittted it with a decent layout, (play tested them, they worked fine then) then saved it in the CustomLoadOUt, where I then copy and pasted to DefaultLOadOut... I moved these ships' stats over to AI slots, like extra Ferengi Marauders. It still says they have invalid hardpoints, and it freezes up when you load a mission with them. I ran D'deridex's Hardpoint editor, but it shows the same layout, and all the hardpoints match up numerically in DefaultLoadOut. I also added .gf files accordingly. What is going wrong- there is like 15 ships I went through this process with,; they are Atolm's Gorn and Vulcan ships... AAAAGH! What am I doing wrong and what will amend this? Thank you for any and all responses.