LOL - Hey I'm OK.
Jeez those black holes suck! Thanks for the tractor beam guys, I was almost lost in the event horizon! Well could have been worse- Could have been lost in New Jersey
I AM honored.... I thank you all for the cool words. I will be back on track shortly, reality has lately handed me a couple more curves but nothing major. Computer did go down for a couple of weeks, but nothing has been lost. I will complete those ongoing projects ASAP. I did get sidetracked on a weathering/texture tangent, and one or two other SFC related things as well: I guess you can say I mired myself down and lost some steam in the process, so to speak. So yea I guess I did need a break - but not my system (C:) drive lol...
Oh well you guys know by now I'm hot then cold then hot then cold again
My thanks esp. to Qob'nuH. Extrodinarily COOL of you to organize the rescue mission.
Lord Schtupp