Topic: the defiant sucks  (Read 16511 times)

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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2003, 12:33:30 am »

  For the Romulans, the plasma damage will be measured by the pulse phaser in the patch. i.e. Romulan has to have almost 5 times as long to charge a plasma (I am guessing they mean plasma light?) that does similiar damage with No pentration chance.

  This is only partially accurate. The rate of decay will be equal between them (averaging out the current difference), however, the plasma torpedo will continue to do considerably more damage, only now, on those rare occasions it does hit, it will do a small amount more damage, whereas you will have to be nearly on top of someone (not difficult with defiant) to actually do good damage with the pulse phasers. Though I may be wrong. The patch updates have been hazy at best. We will have to wait and see.



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2003, 02:54:57 am »
For overpowering, try loading the Defiant up with 4 Antimatter minelayers and going up against a slower ship, really eats the hull away if you lay all 4 in a cluster


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2003, 03:12:36 am »
Whats worse is people who use that configuration plus strong engines and tractors to completely decimate almost any ship. Most ships become either crippled or 'heavily' damaged in one pass of 4 amm's. Now there is nothing more cheesy than that!


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2003, 10:01:39 am »

This is only partially accurate. The rate of decay will be equal between them (averaging out the current difference), however, the plasma torpedo will continue to do considerably more damage, only now, on those rare occasions it does hit, it will do a small amount more damage, whereas you will have to be nearly on top of someone (not difficult with defiant) to actually do good damage with the pulse phasers. Though I may be wrong. The patch updates have been hazy at best. We will have to wait and see.


23) Reduced strength of the pulse phaser over range and brought the plasma torpedoes in line with the new pulse phaser numbers.
I re-read the item in the mythical patch list. and it seems you might be right. The Decay is about the same.
However, I still maintain pulse is better than plasma over time. Pulse can be fired 3 times for every one plasma. (not 5 as I previously guessed. and I am not afraid to admit my math mistakes.)
Pulse can do theorectical 24 points (three times 8) for evey one plasma torp (L/M/H=11/15/20) Not even close.

And remember in the next patch the degradation will be matched (if your interpretation is correct.) so the defiant can forever hold the the pulse phasers over romulans' heads.

And two of them is not enough for defiant?! Pulleez!

Cyberbeer has a point. It is a rather fragile ship. However if it's piloted by a player of equal skill as the tractor-ship, it will be very hard to get the defaint in tractor range. (It's like telling the R-WB+, "easy, you just tractor that D5, and shove down plasR.") And furthermore, the tractoring ship has to be considerably bigger than defiant, (at least a CA, if not BC) to survive such an exchange. (be cause of the weapon arcs. defiant has all 7 the same direction, while the tractoring ship has to spin to bring all weapons to bear)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by 3dot14 »


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2003, 11:31:52 am »
3dot14, I actuallly did not call anyone a dumbass. go and come again.

any numbers i put down was something off the top of my head, not to be concrete.

but it seems to be that if a pulse phaser has a 1/10 (post patch) chance of doing a shield penetrating shot, that is a also a 2/10 chance and further a 4/40 chance. not so? that is what I meant, someone clearly did not understand where i was coming from before they started talking about maths.

defiant might have 7 spots for weapons, but with 1150 mass that could never compare to the sovereign.



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2003, 12:08:13 pm »
But you see, your using probabilities which are maths. Further more 1/10, 2/20 and 4/40 are the same thing, therefore I was meaning to say you dont appear to have a clear grasp of what you are saying. Quite clearly, your use of probabilities, suck, unlike the defiant, which rules. It may not compair to a sovereign but hey for a CL we are talking about probably the most deadly ship of that class.

If you wont accept my half assed appology, too bad. I only make them once, if you want to go around spouting utter clap trap which clearly most people think is just that, then expect them to tell you so.


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2003, 01:35:09 pm »

 defiant might have 7 spots for weapons, but with 1150 mass that could never compare to the sovereign.

  See, THIS is exactly the problem. There should be no comparison between the third class of ship and the seventh! I mean, it would be like comparing a borg diamond with a sphere prime! But the fact is that while the rating of the ships may go, from lowest to highest, Sabre-Norway-Defiant-Intrepid-Excelsior-Nebula-Galaxy-Sovereign, the actualy abilities of the ships is more like Sabre-Norway-INTREPID-Excelsior-Nebula-DEFIANT-Galaxy-Sovereign.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2003, 01:36:27 pm by Alexander1701 »


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2003, 02:12:42 pm »


 defiant might have 7 spots for weapons, but with 1150 mass that could never compare to the sovereign.

  See, THIS is exactly the problem. There should be no comparison between the third class of ship and the seventh! I mean, it would be like comparing a borg diamond with a sphere prime! But the fact is that while the rating of the ships may go, from lowest to highest, Sabre-Norway-Defiant-Intrepid-Excelsior-Nebula-Galaxy-Sovereign, the actualy abilities of the ships is more like Sabre-Norway-INTREPID-Excelsior-Nebula-DEFIANT-Galaxy-Sovereign.


You forgot the akira that normally gives me more problems than a nebula, excelsior, intrepid and defiant in the hands of a good player. But the idea is right. If anyone thinks that the defiant sucks just try the other races counterparts, like the good old k'tinga to see a light cruiser - because PEOPLE DO FORGET THAT THE DEFIANT IS A LIGHT CRUISER- that really sucks.

For it's cost,mass and weapons the defiant is clearly the best CL in the game.  


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2003, 02:24:23 pm »
The only drawback to a Defiant is that the Romulan Shrike looks a lot better  

I mean you'll still have to watch the rear-end of a defiant, which is probably the most ugly there is (except for borg of course, but their ships don't have 'rear' ends in their ship design). No wonder some people do think the defiant sucks and needs improvement. Taldren could you please improve the looks of the defiant rear-end??

HAHAHAHA just joking a bit about the uber-CL that is called the  Defiant    


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2003, 05:13:36 pm »


i mean that dang ship only has 2 pulse phasers, and a 1 in 6 chance of firing a shield piercing shot thats 2 out of 12,


No one comments on Romulan AI don't fire plasmas. Fine. No one comments on the lack of multi-volley for Polaron. (which enables multi-torp-volley Quantums to rule all.) Fine. The Borg warpcore weakness is at least touched on now and then... The Klingon CL (Ktinga) can't fit an extra yogourt dispenser while Defiant is rolling in engine mass. Fine. This game is newbie friendly. Fine. this game is Fed-centric. Fine. But is that not ENOUGH ALREADY!

And it's in turn, a Federation ship crying foul!
Why is it the Federation always is convinced that there are things afoot to destroy the Feds?
While in fact the races that ARE screwed wordlessly deal with their problems?

Fine. Fine. It is SFC3. I am calm. I am calm... It's SFC3. I am calm...

So how much better exactly does the defiant need to be?

Well, I wouldn't say "no one."  I've been railing about Fed advantages (especially weapons...quantum vs. polaron, the initially undocumented shield bleed through on pulse phasers...another FED ONLY weapon) since the first week of SFC3's release...hehehe.  I haven't been alone, either.  

Funny someone should actually assert that the best CL in the game sucks.  If it does...what does that say about every other CL in the game?



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2003, 07:13:00 pm »


Funny someone should actually assert that the best CL in the game sucks.  If it does...what does that say about every other CL in the game?

What?!?! You mean there are OTHER ships besides Fed?



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2003, 07:19:59 pm »

but it seems to be that if a pulse phaser has a 1/10 (post patch) chance of doing a shield penetrating shot, that is a also a 2/10 chance and further a 4/40 chance. not so? that is what I meant, someone clearly did not understand where i was coming from before they started talking about maths.

Pulse phaser shield piercing chance: 1/6. Call this P
2 pulse phasers in the defiant. Chance of a shield piercing shot is NOT 2/12. Why? because:

Chance of a shield piercing hit = {P(A) * (1-P(B))} + {(1-P(A)) * P(B)} + {P(A) * P(B)} = 5/36 + 5/36 +1/36 = 11/36.

In other words, chance of a shield piercing hit  = (A hits AND B misses) OR (A misses AND B hits) OR (A hits AND B hits)

Sorry for the math, but just had to jump in



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2003, 09:21:08 pm »
blitzkrieg you have nothing to apologize for, nor did I want an apology nor am I offended...can
t people stop thinking that everything someone says is meant to be harsh just because i dont use smiley's so often.

ok so 1 in 10 is the same probability as 2/20(my 2/10 was a typo) however my intention was to show as the battle wears on the more you would have fired throughout the duration of the battle right? so out of 40 shots, you only would have ever had a 4/40 of those 40 shots...maybe you might get 30 out of 40 to go  through, but i wanted to show as that you are firing alot, the chance you have is so slim...this is what I mean.

i have been here for 3 years or something so...well 4 if you count before they got these fancy forums...i was also at the interplay board. i intend no harm. but i will not use smilies. smile here HAHA!

i am never intending to be insulting anyone, however i dont want to be mis understood, and labelled.

back to the defiant. why do people say its a cheese ship...why not say the galaxy is, why are people on its case, because alot of people use, it because its made popular by deep space nine?

talking 2 weapons someone said 2 quantums 2 pulse. what about 3 photon and 2 pulse... or 2 pulse, 1 XF, and 2 photons.
for engines i think maneuverability is most important in this case so i use type 7 thrusters, i think 40 something is enough speed until my officers get more experienced and are able to squeeze upwards of 50 speed out of the type IV impulse so i dont put anything higher than type 4 impulse. i try to bring the warp core and thrusters to the highest.
because when going up a big ship if he gets you in a tractor type 4, and you cant have that high even probably sacraficing everything else in that MASS category then your dead unless you get through his shields and target his tractors. so you need the speed to keep the distance.

what say ye all to that thought?



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2003, 02:01:46 am »
  This is ridiculous. First off, at 1/6 chance of sheild piercing each shot, each volley of 2 shots makes 2/6, or 1 out of every 3 volleys will deal at least some shield-penetrating damage. But what's really ridiculous is that people are saying that the defiant is not 'cheese', as it were, simply because the dreadnaught classes for federation are better. This is to be expected. But, in terms of tactical effectiveness per price, the defiant is the best. To paraphrase: defiant (fully refitted) costs probably around 30k. Sovereign costs around 80k fully outfitted. Would you rather have three player defiants on your team, or a single player sovereign? This is what it really comes down to. And I can say from experience that the defiants are MUCH more dangerous, well so more dangerous than the 10k extra prestige I've left. Put a sabre with the sovereign if it bothers you that much. The point is that a battle like that should be a tie, with 2 of the defiants destroyed, and the third crippled, whereas more likely one or even none of the defiants would die. So please, stop comparing the defiant to the galaxy. We know that BMW makes very nice cars, but that doesn't mean we can't say that the Jetta is a really nice car for the price. In that same way, a Defiant may be less powerful than a sovereign, but for the price, it is brutally overpowered.



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #34 on: January 31, 2003, 03:11:51 am »
I find this arguing over odds to be quite entertaining.  You guys are simply disagreeing over the same basic ideas, just using different terminology.

If you have a 1/6 change to hit, the number of hits you will score (on average) is: (1/6) * (number of shots).  This is a simple number, not a percentage.

An analogy may help.  If I'm rolling dice, my odds are 1/6 to roll a one  everytime.  If I roll 36 dice, I should roll about (6) ones, on average.

This is the scenario we are in when discussing shield piercing effects.

As they love to say in Comb/Perm classes, dice have no memory.

The other formulas mentioned only come into play when discussing the odds of getting a *specific*  number of hits (such as 1, none, or all), or when calculating roll totals.  If you are rolling up stats for an RPG character (which tend to use totals of several rolls), then these odds come into play.

[I'm gonna go off the deep end here, you can quit reading]

So, if you wanted to know how many Pulse shots you would have to shoot to have (for example) an 80% chance of getting a piercing hit, then you would have to use other math.  

Hmm, how does this go? IIRC, that's a polynominal on the order of the number of shots:

O = odds of piercing as a percentage
S = shots taken

Odds of single pierce = ( (1/O)^S - (1/O-1)^S ) /  ( (1/O)^S )

So... that means the odds of rolling a one on a six sided die in 10 rolls is about... 84%.  Yep, that sounds about right.  Anyone check that for me?  It's been a long time since college.



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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #35 on: January 31, 2003, 04:38:44 am »
I think the Defiant is so good that after I have been destroyed in my current Klingon state with little chance of getting back into the game again quickly I will get myself a Defiant and stick with it, see how many humans I can take down etc. I would find this more interesting than any statistical analysis, the proof is in the pudding or so they say.

I see this configuration for AI flying around quite a bit, 2 pulse phasers and 2 quantum torps. With high manouverability plus heavy shielding and armour I think this could be a devestating combination. This particular AI has been quite devestating in certain PvP I have entered into, helping out a human player whoop me real bad.

****Boring Maths Time****

You see, ignoring the shield piercing shot (as its pure cheese to even peirce shields with such a heavy weapon put in a primary slot), you get 2 x 8 damage for the pulse phasers and 2 x 13 for the Quantum Torps (including the high amount of internals these can cause) = 42 damange in one alpha strike. Am I right or is this a decent amount of damage? You then have the power to run away and out manouver your opponant, soak up what shots get in on you and place yourself in position to alpha the same side of the ship you just hit again.

Well anyway I will be trying out this theory, hope to see while I do
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Blitzkrieg »


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #36 on: January 31, 2003, 07:06:55 am »
Personally, I never felt there was anything inherently wrong with the Defiant having 2 pulses and 2 quantums. It is, after all, the way most people feel the ship should be armed based on DS9.

However, the shield-piercing aspect of the pulse phaser essentially makes it a fast-loading heavy weapon, not a slow-loading primary. Remove the shield-piercing (I don't recall pulse phasers from DS9 being shield-piercing per se) and you have a more reasonable ship, because it will have to actually get past shields to cripple an enemy (not that it's hard to do with qauntums on board).

While the Feds DO need a side-effect weapon, it should be a heavy weapon, and it should be something more in-line with Fed characteristics, like improved weapon targeting (they're always targeting weapons on the shows to neutralize the threat while minimizing casualties). Leave the shield-piercing to the brutal Klingons.

Anyway, it's all moot, since Taldren will never change the pulse phaser to remove shield-piercing. We all just have to live with it.


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #37 on: January 31, 2003, 07:09:18 am »
Oh, and in case people forget, the purpose of the pulse phaser is supposed to be improved effectiveness against the Borg. In this game, the Borg have no shields, so shield-piercing is absolutely useless in that regard.


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2003, 07:17:27 am »
Well, I'm not so sure the Feds DO need a side effect weapon.  Why?  Because they have something else nobody else does.  Proxies.  In fact they are the only race that has an optional firing mode on any of their weapons, and they have them on two, so......  


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Re: the defiant sucks
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2003, 07:55:05 am »
I just wanted to say, that after seeing the pitiful excuse of a Defiant in Armada 2, I was thrilled with the SFCIII Defiant. Look at the series, for crying out loud! The Defiant was the ONE ship that caused the most problems for the enemy! You should just be glad Taldren didn't put a cloaking device on it. The Defiant is not a CL, if we went with the way it performs in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, it should be better than a Galaxy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Trekker »