blitzkrieg you have nothing to apologize for, nor did I want an apology nor am I offended...can
t people stop thinking that everything someone says is meant to be harsh just because i dont use smiley's so often.
ok so 1 in 10 is the same probability as 2/20(my 2/10 was a typo) however my intention was to show as the battle wears on the more you would have fired throughout the duration of the battle right? so out of 40 shots, you only would have ever had a 4/40 of those 40 shots...maybe you might get 30 out of 40 to go through, but i wanted to show as that you are firing alot, the chance you have is so slim...this is what I mean.
i have been here for 3 years or something so...well 4 if you count before they got these fancy forums...i was also at the interplay board. i intend no harm. but i will not use smilies. smile here HAHA!
i am never intending to be insulting anyone, however i dont want to be mis understood, and labelled.
back to the defiant. why do people say its a cheese ship...why not say the galaxy is, why are people on its case, because alot of people use, it because its made popular by deep space nine?
talking 2 weapons someone said 2 quantums 2 pulse. what about 3 photon and 2 pulse... or 2 pulse, 1 XF, and 2 photons.
for engines i think maneuverability is most important in this case so i use type 7 thrusters, i think 40 something is enough speed until my officers get more experienced and are able to squeeze upwards of 50 speed out of the type IV impulse so i dont put anything higher than type 4 impulse. i try to bring the warp core and thrusters to the highest.
because when going up a big ship if he gets you in a tractor type 4, and you cant have that high even probably sacraficing everything else in that MASS category then your dead unless you get through his shields and target his tractors. so you need the speed to keep the distance.
what say ye all to that thought?