Topic: Building Campaigns  (Read 3405 times)

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Building Campaigns
« on: May 27, 2003, 10:46:59 am »
I put together a Campaign for SFC2, but when I run it, it fails to generate missions. Is this just stupidity, or is there something wrong with the game.



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Re: Building Campaigns
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2003, 03:33:49 pm »
There is a file in the meta assets folder that you need to edit and make a mission pool for your campaign, but  I don't remeber what the file is called.  


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Re: Building Campaigns
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2003, 06:05:21 pm »
Could you be more specific Tiger?

Did you create some missions to add to a campaign, or did you create a new .mct file for a campaign, or ...?
(Lots of different things can go wrong in lots of different places, so the more info the better)


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Re: Building Campaigns
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2003, 06:47:33 am »
I made some custom missions, and some that were already made, and put them on a copied .mct file(i used the ISC-FED because that was at the top).  The Campaign loads fine(as a Federation), but doesnt generate.

Hope that helps,


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Re: Building Campaigns
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2003, 08:07:37 am »
Unfortunately there are lots of problems that can cause missions not to appear, but without generating any warning messages.

Some of the common ones I've run across are:
(1) Messed up .mct file - e.g. names mismatch between the mct file and the actual mission, numbering errors, etc
(2) Messed up messages.cpp file - one of the nastiest ones to find, could be a problem in a single string, could be a mismatch with the .h file
(3) Bad drafting specifications in the main .cpp file - the mission exists, but can never find the right combination of participants to draft
(4) Bad reporting of results - in the victory conditions or victory state .cpp files, if the reporting isn't done or is messed up then sometimes the mission simply isn't offered

A lot of this has to do with the way the scripts are handled by the engine - they get loaded and (partially) run when the engine is deciding which missions to offer a player (i.e. right after a move on the map), they get loaded and (partially) run when the player accepts, to try and pick the draftees, and then they get loaded and fully run one final time to actually play out the mission.

As a result, if something goes wrong in that very first partial run then the mission never gets offered to the player, but the scripter doesn't get to see what went wrong.

Ugly huh?

One of the things you can do is to have your script print debug messages to a file - that way you can see a bit of what it's doing in those initial partial runs.



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Re: Building Campaigns
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2003, 12:19:36 pm »
OK ill try that...also there is 3 old FMSE missions that i threw in there as fixed ship missions...could these be screwing it up??
