Topic: OT: Picking a fight  (Read 1174 times)

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Clark Kent

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OT: Picking a fight
« on: October 07, 2003, 06:33:39 pm »
No, not really.  I'm just a little excited and wanted to share.  I've learned that I'll be getting a hefty check, and amongst other things, I'm going to use the money to upgrade to a new computer from my 1.2 GHz AMD- athlon Compaq.  Now this is where things may get ugly.  The new copmputer is going to be an Apple iBook.
I like the Compaq I have to an extent.  I love the games I have on it (SFC games, of course), that aren't available on Macs, but games aren't everything.  I like the general architecture of it, I like many of the things that this Compaq has allowed me to do- Office, Scanning, 3D art, and much much more.  BUT, and this is a big but, I HATE  Windows.  I'm tired of the crashes, the freezes, the difficulty loading programs it's supposed to be optimized for.  I have a 400 mHz iMac running OS X and OS 9.2.1, and where the Compaq freezes, the iMac surges ahead in equivalent programs.  Where the Compaq Crashes, the iMac sits and waits for me to give it a new command while I reboot the PC.  Where the Compaq drags, the iMac snaps.  I don't mean this to bash on PCs.  After going to a PC a few years ago (hewlett packard then) I learned to appreciate them, and got away from my hardcore Mac ways.  PCs are fine machines, and I really have learned to appreciate my compaq.  My only real complaint has to do with the Windows OS.  I'm running Windows ME, and took the advice of several people  to switch to Windows 2k pro.  The switch killed my system, and I lost around 400 megs of downloaded material I had forgotten to backup.  Windows has always been bad luck for me, be it 95, 98, ME or 2k.  I've messed with XP a little, but after reading about not being able to reload the system or upgrade the computer(there are some old posts regarding this in the general forums), I said no way to that.
The PC is not going the way of the dodo for me.  I'll still keep it and keep playing SFC, although any model work I do will most likely be on the iBook, and some other games I like, and if need be I'll sell it for a newer, faster PC to play games on, but the iBook will take over for the majority of my needs- music, business, papers, websurfing, etc.
Just wanted to share, hope I dodn't offend anyone,


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Re: OT: Picking a fight
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2003, 08:42:11 pm »
ive gotta agree with u here... macs are more easier ot work with and not so prone to catching viruses either...
but then again ; just install linux (redhat, mandrake, whatever) and youll probs will be gone just the same  

Captain Ron

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Re: OT: Picking a fight
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2003, 11:14:53 pm »
XP pro and up are much less limiting, on the hardware tinkering and reinstalling stuff, but also costs more.

Both have advantages and disadvantages, what it comes down to is what you need to do and which platform best fits it.

Clark Kent

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Re: OT: Picking a fight
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2003, 11:41:38 pm »

ive gotta agree with u here... macs are more easier ot work with and not so prone to catching viruses either...
but then again ; just install linux (redhat, mandrake, whatever) and youll probs will be gone just the same    

yeah, but will linux run SFC games, MS Office, et al?  Actually, I have office 2000 on my PC, and office 2001 on my iMac (I don't think there is an Office 2000 for mac, 2001 is the closest thing), and I like the Mac version much much more.  It just runs so much cleaner, and even though it's made for pre OS X systems, it still has never crashed or caused me problems, which is more than I can say for Office 2000 for my PC.  
Back to linux, I do have a copy for mac, but it's old, very old- 1996 to be exact.  I don't know how useful it would be, or if I could even install it on my iMac.  I don't have a PC version, and assume that the Mac version would not work on a PC.
Captain Ron, XP pro is pretty expensive, and most of the computers I'd want to buy come with the home version.  If I buy an iBook after the end of this month, I get the newly released Panther version of OS X, and upgrading to newer, more advaced versions of a Mac OS is extremely cheap relative to upgrading Windows.
I like the Mac interface, the ease of use (I personally feel the Mac OS's are easier to use), and the tightly nit community (much like how I like the SFC community).  Some of the people you come accross in the mac world are uppity and snobbish, but you get that in most places, and the vast majority of people rush to your aid and are extremely supportive, whther you're in an forum or a seperate third party forum.  For PCs, it's not impossible to find, but I have had difficulty finding it- this place being a great exception to that.


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Re: OT: Picking a fight
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2003, 04:34:46 am »
I can't disagree with you, the Mac is generally a superior machine and I totally miss mine, but she died many moons ago.

I loathe Windows operating systems - they cause much mischief, mayhem and grief, and despite running XP on my PC, I've seen little in the way of benefit from the 'overwrite' (definitely can't call it an upgrade).  While I can't speak for running SFC on a Linux system, I can affirm that you'll definitely be able to find equivalent software to MS Office et al for the Linux OS which usually is either free or costs a fraction of the equivalent MS software; and you should also find these packages are compatible with MS document formats, so it might be worth investigating.

I know that when I get the pennies sorted for it (one day), I want to host a Linux based server rather than MS ... ahhh, the pipedreams, they keep flowing...
