Things to do with a new EAW install:
- point the icon that starts the program at starfleet2.exe instead of sfc2.exe so that you avoid the intro movie and associated graphics problems.
- latest patch version is 2036. Download from or or (Interplay won't have the most recent Taldren patch).
- get a Gamespy Arcade account for Dynaverse access.
- download from one of the above sites a program called EzIni.exe for changing your sfc.ini files and use it to enable your volley information, set admiral level, and change screen resolution.
Other useful program is Shipedit so you can view the ships outside of the game.
Post again once you have achieved the first stage of enlightenment.
Same thing applies for OP but add the OP directory into the Start In entry in the properties of the OP icon.