First to the film room problem- It didnt do everything that I did... It didnt re-enforce my forward shield, which made the replay end with neither of us blowing up...
I have Uberd out both my Valdore model and my Promethius model to use alot of hardpoints and a few other things that they normaly wouldnt have... So I was testing to see if my Promethius could finaly be the ship to take down the Valdore (till I nerf all of my Uber ships...) and it had a higher BPV, so I thought I could get over that alpha strike I had devised... (1-19 hardpoints facing ahead) Unfortunatly when the Valdore finaly used her Alphastrike, It punched straight through a 100% shield AND Totaly destroyed my ship... And trust me, There was no way to get more power into that F-SHIELD-X that got punched through...