Topic: Nemesis DVD  (Read 9049 times)

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2003, 04:00:03 am »
 Besides, what sort of wedding have you been to? Obviously not one of my family's  wedding

32nd Halcyon

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2003, 10:19:08 am »
Whats to say they haven't got any Photons or Q torps in a Transporter buffer. That'd save massive amounts of space and would be the safest way to carry them.

Personally If I could carry them like this It would allow for an infinite amount of Torps to be accessible.

32nd Halcyon

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #22 on: June 04, 2003, 10:25:49 am »
One thing to note in response to the abovementioned Romulan attack/support of the Enterprise...

The only ship in that batle that had sheilds while cloaked was the Scimitar. Knowing that the Scimitar could easily discover the othe Romulan vessels in the battle would have allowed damaging shots to unsheilded hulls.

My opinion is that the Romulan Val'Dore's were sorta fragile. I would have liked to see them dole out more punishment.  


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2003, 11:08:32 am »

Whats to say they haven't got any Photons or Q torps in a Transporter buffer. That'd save massive amounts of space and would be the safest way to carry them.

Personally If I could carry them like this It would allow for an infinite amount of Torps to be accessible.

They can replicate photon torpedo shells, I presume, BUT, I doubt they can store the warheads- Antimatter is extremely difficult to run through the transporter's pattern buffer.

Besides, they cant put ready-made torpedoes into the transporter for storage- they'll degrade after a while. And dematerializing a damaged torpedo inside your starship would not be A Good Thing.  

Lord Marauder

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2003, 11:15:32 pm »
32nd halcyn,  the tac analysis of the Scimitar from the movie.  She has 52 Disruptor Banks, 27 Photon Torpedo Bays, with Primary and secondary shielding.  A Disruptor ALPHA Strike would definately take out a Valdore class warbird ship, without the scimitar even breaking a sweat. Had Shinzon really wanted to destroy the Enterprise, it wouldn't have even been a fight. The Scimitar would be the Deathstar and the Enterprise would be Alderan. another thing worth mentioning is that each shield facing on the scimitar had 2 full sets of layered shields. Its not easy to get any kind of damage past that kind of shielding. If I'm not mistaken, The Valdore class was supposed to be the Romulans answer to the Fed's Soverign class. Which means that the Validore class would be roughly compareable to the Soverign class in Performance and Firepower. Although Romulan power systems are suposedly much more efficent and are supposed to be capable of producing more energy than compareable systems of other races, but thats just speculation on my part.

I love a good debate.  
Also, not to go off topic or anything, but I would like to know why the Valdore class romulan SHIP isn''t in SFC3 as either standard issue or as part of the nemesis add on pack.

Ok I have added my 2 cents worth.  

Continue on Gentlemen.    

Rogue NineCH

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2003, 02:56:14 am »
I rented the DVD from Blockbuster, I must disagree with you guys on how great this movie actually was.  I watched this movie with a detached interest the whole time.  The wedding scene was nice, however seeing Picard trying to be funny didn't come off well at all.  Picard has always been a very serious person, his jokes in the toast and comments that were meant to be funny and light-hearted appeared forced, not naturally jocular.  I think this is because Patrick Stewart doesn't play characters that are light-hearted at any time, at least not in the films I have seen him in.  Where were the Romulans in this movie?  It seemed to focus more on the Remans and the Picard Clone (I forget what his name is at the moment), aside from the meeting of the Romulan Senate there were very few scenes involving the Romulans up until the battle scene with the two Warbirds and the Enterprise.  I wish this movie had focused more on Riker and the others, I like Picard and Data, but in every movie it was one of these two that saved the day.  A nice twist would have been Riker or Worf performing that critical task.  The "Rape" of Troi really soured the movie for me, I know Berman and Co. are trying to appeal to a more adult audience with this movie and the Enterprise series, but the rape storyline didn't fit well.  I was sad when Data died, but I saw it coming when they discovered B4.  Nemesis was not the worst ST film by far, that title still belongs to ST5, but I liked First Contact and Insurrection more thatn I did this film.

I think a storyline involving an incident that brings the Romulans and the Federation to the brink of war, with the Enterprise on a mission of desperation, trying to stop the war woudl have been more interesting.


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2003, 09:30:29 am »


About photons...

... what happened to quantums?  I didn't see or hear that the Enterprise fired or had any in this movie.   [/quote

first why the enterprise was not equipe with transphisic torpedo like in voyager
two why the enterprise was not equiped with the armore like in voyager
tree how come janeway became and admiral, she was a captain for only 7 years on voyager? ,picard is captain for 15 years on the entreprise and still captain?
four where this b4 android come from, the first one was lore
what is that race of slave use by the romuland, never heard of them and how did the get picard dna?



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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2003, 04:21:00 pm »
"32nd halcyn, the tac analysis of the Scimitar from the movie. She has 52 Disruptor Banks, 27 Photon Torpedo Bays, with Primary and secondary shielding. A Disruptor ALPHA Strike would definately take out a Valdore class warbird ship, without the scimitar even breaking a sweat. Had Shinzon really wanted to destroy the Enterprise, it wouldn't have even been a fight. The Scimitar would be the Deathstar and the Enterprise would be Alderan. another thing worth mentioning is that each shield facing on the scimitar had 2 full sets of layered shields. Its not easy to get any kind of damage past that kind of shielding. If I'm not mistaken, The Valdore class was supposed to be the Romulans answer to the Fed's Soverign class. Which means that the Validore class would be roughly compareable to the Soverign class in Performance and Firepower. Although Romulan power systems are suposedly much more efficent and are supposed to be capable of producing more energy than compareable systems of other races, but thats just speculation on my part.

I love a good debate. "

Well, I think Nemisis had potential, but Beavis and Butthead... I mean, Braga and Berman had approached the whole plot ans story wrong.  Putting aside all the little inconsistancies (like Troi's phycic rape for example) the whole Reman race just didn't make any sense!  I mean, this so called "Predetor" made all ships (even a Gemhadar Battleship) seem puny.  How could a subjegated race under the Romluns (a Major Military power in the Alpha Quadrant) even have the economic resources to build such an advanced vessel, and why would the Romulans even allow the Remans to have any Naval ships period!  Ok, maybe the Remans could build one powerful ship, but I seriously doubt it would have been more powerful then the Enterprise.  And why did the Remans even want to attack Earth anyways?  Why not blow up Romulus or take over power ro something like that.  you would think the Remans would want the Federations help.  Ya, Shizon wanted revenge against Humans (I guess that is what he wanted) but it sounds like the Remans more did their own thing then listen to Shizon.  Overall, I can see why people just didn't go to the theaters.  Ya, most movies are not doing well because of the economy, but the whole story just didn't make sense.  

If I was to write a starting plot and wanted to end the TNG cast, why not make it s Romulan Civil War with Tash Yars Daughter at the lead of it or something like that?


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2003, 07:01:24 pm »
Basically, since the Federation will probably become allies with the Romulans, there is no more threat from them.  The Federation, Klingons, and Romulans need a foe that will challenge all of them together.  That is assuming there will be another movie in that time frame...(doesn't look good judging by the income of the last movie, and interviews with Patrick Stewart)...  May be a test of some kind of new device could tear a hole in the space time fabric and bring Species 8472 into the Alpha Quadrant, or some one can think up another species even more threatening??  I think we need to fire Berman and hire someone a little more politically incorrect...    


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #29 on: June 08, 2003, 07:27:38 pm »
Does Star Trek really need an evil empire for it to succeed?  Why is their a push to make a new bad guy all the time?  Can't Beavis and Butthead... er... I mean Berman and Braga just hire a talented writer for once (that knows Star Trek history) and write well written stories?  Star Trek VI didn't really have an evil empire (well, sort of), the story was a different focus.  And I don't mean copying the latest headlines today.  B & B say they don't write enterprise based on real world events (like 9/11), Bullsh*t!!!!  Anybody with half a brain can figure this out they use real world events all the time.  

Come on people.  The writer for Babylon 5 did one hell of a job writting Si Fi stories, surely B & B can hire some competent writers once in a while.

32nd Halcyon

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #30 on: June 08, 2003, 09:14:33 pm »
There have always been villans in ST. There always will be, providing ST stays alive. I agree that the storyline for Nemesis could have had a more difficult plot. The Fact that they produced a "Uber ship" like a borg cube might be considered lame. It would have been more impressive if there was a full scale deployment of Romulan forces at various places all over Federation territory.

I guess you can figure out, I like to see nice large ship battles. It would be cool if there was a TNG Startrek movie that didn't just involve the TNG crews we've come to know and love.  What sorta villans could there be?

Perhaps they might revisit the Time travelling line of movie. Why not encompass the three era's into a movie. Battles from each era being pulled into one time frame.(including the future)

Any Ideas?  


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #31 on: June 09, 2003, 01:04:24 am »
With all of Troi's pre-wedding luggage, there was no room for p and q torp's.



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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2003, 09:00:15 pm »

32nd Halcyon

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #33 on: June 21, 2003, 05:38:27 pm »
good one. but... They didn't really need clothes for their visit to Betazed
 I really want to see what kinda ship Riker is captaining


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #34 on: June 22, 2003, 10:43:07 pm »
Hi all, I watched the film once, I will for some reason beyond my understanding try to answer some questions posed here.  (depressed?  too much time? who cares!)  I will also put some of my thoughts about the whole thing.

Q: What will the basis for the next film?
A: If (thats a big IF) there is a new film soon (less than 5 years) I would expect it to be with the Enterprise crew.  Since the TNG is over, the Voyager is home and DS9 is, well, DS9 :-)  I don't see any other possibility, unless, there is a new ST film with new crew and new ship (Enterprise E or E ver 2?) and if that goes well do a new series with that crew.  Perhaps the TItan? who knows.  I would prefer to see another TNG crew movie (or even series for that matter) since they mean to me a lot more than a tv series.  But, that is another story and no I am not crazy.  Still I doubt we will see another TNG crew series.  

Q: What of Picard's future?
A: I think this depends on where they want to take the ST world to later on.  Perhaps in a future series he will appear as admiral for 1 min or something.  

A:In a possibility of Picard accepting the admirals position perhaps he could go to a new ship, say Titan?

About the Remans boarding the Enterprise and perhaps having to take more shots before they go down.  I just don't see the logic behind it.  With the exception of the Borg who had shields, how could ordinary matter (skin, leather, personal armor) stand to a strong phaser hit?  This thing is supposed to be able to vapourise you at the highest setting!

I never understood how some people like the Valdorre class.  I LOVE the look and feel of the TNG Warbird, you know, the green hollow thing.  Perhaps they could send a fleet of them to fight the big A but, if the odds were in favour of the good guys, where would the fun be?

Regarding the low number of torpedoes, well, from my experience you don't always have full capacity of ammo on a warship unless you know you will get in trouble soon.  There is no reason to carry all that danger material all the time like you are ready to invade a planet (back to ST of course and not real life warships) any day.

Regarding Piccard being funny in the wedding.  Well...he was always full of humour IMO.  There were plenty of times he said funny things, sure, not HAHAHAHAHA funny, but funny whatsoever.  And being funny doesn't mean you are not serious.  Take me for example, or not.

BTW, one of the above posts said "I think a storyline involving an incident that brings the Romulans and the Federation to the brink of war, with the Enterprise on a mission of desperation, trying to stop the war woudl have been more interesting. " but, isn't this exactly what happened in the movie?

I haven't watched most of the Voyager episodes, so I am not sure what those transphisic torpedoes are.  But, if I remember correctly from someone talking about the final episode of Voyager, the captain decided to do something that made the whole voyager to go back in time and not take part into some events or something.  So, if those torpedoes were developed acquired during that years, why how would the feds have them?

I can't answer how Jenaeway became so quickly admiral but Picard is still a captain because he WANTS to.  He refused promotion a couple of times at least I think.  Same as Riker (till now).
I don't know where B4 came from, but I am sure it wasn't lore.  But there is a logical explanation for that.  In one of the series 7th season episodes, Data discovers his "mother". (no spoilers don't worry).  Where she tells him that his father created at least 3-4 more androids before Lore.  Perhaps it was one of them, or perhaps he created one secretly after DAta.  Perhaps it has something to do with Data being stuck for centuries in earths desert (if you remember the episode).  There could be many ways from where the B4 arrived.

I don't remember how they got the dna from picard but I think it was answered in the movie.  If not I am sorry.

If I remember correctly from the movie the ship was built secretely and lets face it, the romulan empire is not a small piece of real estate.  I am sure they could manage to hide it.  Plus if I remember correctly the BIg A (Schizon for the rest) had several allies in Romulus that were supporting him, in one way or another.

I also don't see why the big 3 would ally for good with each other.  Just because the feds destroyed a common enemy?  

In general I liked the movie a lot.  I would still prefer another story, like Q doing one of his tricks and sending the E on another galaxy where a super vilain race has conquered that galaxy and wants to expand (don't ask why) and now that they know that Milky way is divided, yum yum!Or is it yam yam? Hmmm.

Anyway, I am one of the few that don't have anything against B&B.  I would prefer some changes here and there and some more careful reading of past scripts (cough borg in enterprise series), still, they are not bad IMO.  Could be worse! could be like Star Wars.


32nd Halcyon

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #35 on: June 24, 2003, 11:45:52 am »
the reason the borg are in the "past" is because the time line was altered from First Contact. The sphere that was blown up had to fall to earth somewhere. Why not in the Polar regions. I think the Enterprise series has enormous potential due to the fact that their timeline has been repeatedly changed. The suliban(sorta sounds like a noodle soup eh?) have damaged the timeline a few times.

I think it would be kinda cool if there was a series on the time travelling and the special group within StarFleet that tries to correct these strange time issues.  


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #36 on: June 24, 2003, 12:34:15 pm »
But any change in the enterprise time line would make the first encounter with the borg different.  At least they would know what the borg are or that they exist...  But since the TNG was created before the enterprise, the writers of E should be more careful about it.  I remeber as to why the borg appeared but they still IMO shouldn't appear, at least not like that.  Perhaps it would be better if noone actualy left alive to see how they looked like or how they are fighting.  The funny thing is that that episode is one of my favourite in E series.  Oh, and I do like the whole series a lot.  No where near the TNG of course . :-)


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2003, 06:57:53 pm »
So, these deleted scenes....are in a seperate part on the DVD or integraded with the movie?  Are there any scenes with Wesley? (He was one of my favourite characters).


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Nemesis DVD
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2003, 08:33:02 am »
Got my copy!  Some cool deleted scenes!  A well put together DVD, and a pretty darn good Star Trek movie.  I recommend it!  Most members of my family do not care for Star Trek, but said they enjoyed this one.  The director definately had some good ideas, too bad it will probably be the last movie...    


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #39 on: May 25, 2003, 11:05:11 am »

Got my copy!  Some cool deleted scenes!  A well put together DVD, and a pretty darn good Star Trek movie.  I recommend it!  Most members of my family do not care for Star Trek, but said they enjoyed this one.  The director definately had some good ideas, too bad it will probably be the last movie...      

Yup...It was the best T.V episode I ever payed to see....