Topic: Nemesis DVD  (Read 9180 times)

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Nemesis DVD
« on: May 25, 2003, 08:33:02 am »
Got my copy!  Some cool deleted scenes!  A well put together DVD, and a pretty darn good Star Trek movie.  I recommend it!  Most members of my family do not care for Star Trek, but said they enjoyed this one.  The director definately had some good ideas, too bad it will probably be the last movie...    


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2003, 11:05:11 am »

Got my copy!  Some cool deleted scenes!  A well put together DVD, and a pretty darn good Star Trek movie.  I recommend it!  Most members of my family do not care for Star Trek, but said they enjoyed this one.  The director definately had some good ideas, too bad it will probably be the last movie...      

Yup...It was the best T.V episode I ever payed to see....


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2003, 10:04:21 pm »
I too had purchased the ST Nemesis DVD as well last week and I must say it's a good STNG movie. Although I had wished for a longer battle scene with a little federation fleet versus Romulan fleet action would have happnded. But all in all not to bad of a Star Trek flic.    


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2003, 01:58:46 am »
So what was the director thinking about adding or changing in the movie?  Was he planning to change the plot a little, because I thought the entire plof of the Reman attacking the Federation a little rediculas, but that is just my opinioin.  I'm hoping that had a better plot that might have actually made this more a little more beleiveable.


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2003, 02:03:29 am »
 The directors commentary was worthless. All he said was "this scene is digital, this one is live action" and "I cut this scene down, like every other single scene in the movie" after which he said "I hate Star Trek, and I have no desire for making a Star Trek movie. I am making a Star Trek flavor ConAir action movie". Every now and then he would throw in a "I'm a God at editing" comment as well.

This director had no passion for this movie whatsoever.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tremok »


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2003, 10:22:48 am »
He did say that he was limited to a two hour time frame, and he could have done more if he was alloted more time.  I don't know why there was an allotted two hour time frame when you have movies like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings clock in at around three hours.  Yes, the arguement is going to be why do we need a longer film, when it was not received well to begin with.  May be the battle could have been more involved, may be the plot could have been more developed.  He did work on Gladiator which was a good film.  I would have liked to see a longer, more tactically involved battle from him. Honestly, I did expect more out of the battle seeing how this was probably going to be the last film. Although, it is very hard to squeeze a book into a movie sometimes without leaving important pieces out that could have explained more...    


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2003, 12:41:04 am »
Though the film was decent, the director sure didn't think much on the size of space. The chances of blindly firing at a perfectly cloaked ship and hitting it, even when it is nearby, is virtually nil.



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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2003, 08:26:28 pm »
Any idea if the Region 1 DVD would work on a UK DVD/CDR Combo drive?(Samsung) I have just got the thing and Star Trek 10 would be great as my first DVD. I havent even seen the film yet!  


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2003, 02:21:20 am »
Yes you can buy multi region DVD Players here in the UK (In fact most new players sold here are multiregion now).  I think - and please correct me if I'm wrong - that you'll also need to make sure your TV is capable of playing the US NTSC system.


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2003, 01:24:03 pm »

 The directors commentary was worthless. All he said was "this scene is digital, this one is live action" and "I cut this scene down, like every other single scene in the movie" after which he said "I hate Star Trek, and I have no desire for making a Star Trek movie. I am making a Star Trek flavor ConAir action movie". Every now and then he would throw in a "I'm a God at editing" comment as well.

This director had no passion for this movie whatsoever.  

Maybe you should watch the DVD again. Honestly, it seems as if you may be overreacting/misinterpreting the director's comments.  I think one point worth mentioning with regards to the director is that he was hired specifically as an action movie director.  Although he admits to "not being a Trekkie" as well as not possessing much knowledge of Star trek, he does state that he really wanted to make the film work.  The cast backs him up on this by not only saying that the producers made the right decision in hiring him, but also stating that the director understood that "A Star Trek film can't be an action-movie with a touch of Star Trek, it has to be a Star Trek film first and the action has to be sequenced upon that".

All that aside, after I saw the movie in the theatre, I was one of the first people to post about how AWESOME the movie was.  However after seeing it again on DVD, I cooled of a bit.  The movie is still great but I've changed my opinion as to where it ranks among my favorites. (Previously #1, now maybe #3 or 4).  My only complaint (which I feel could be blamed on the director) is that the film is advertised as "A generation's final journey" and according to the cast, writers, producers, etc, the underlying theme of the movie is FAMILY.  Although, I think that the theme is totally appropriate and I really like the storyline, I have a problem with the fact that the "Star of the Show" was not highlited at all in the film.  So who is the "star" that Im referring to???  It's not who, It's what....... The USS Enterprise.  TOS made a Star Trek tradition out of characterizing the one of the constants throughout the series and the movies.  Plus, 3 out of the 5 series were even named after the Vessel (or space station) which the crew resided on.  I think that this issue was one of the blatant omissions in the film.  I mean think of it......  
               - A generations final journey
               - Data's destruction is mourned
               - Riker and Troi get commissioned to the USS Titan
               - Picard is clearly at the end of his illustrious career
               - Not a damned word is mentioned about how great it was to serve on the enterprise
To me, that is a huge faux-pas of the film.  

Besides that it was great.

Memo to anyone who said they were upset that they paid movie-ticket prices for a 2-hour long TV episode.....
Get a grip.
1rst: the special effects were way better than anything we've seen from ST on TV.

2nd:  Star Trek has always been a TV Franchise so what the hell did you expect?!? I challenge you to find another TV series adapted to film that hasn't tackled similar issues.

3rd: This movie in, it's own way, brings about an EPIC adventure with some similarities to Star Wars.  We see multiple missions on different planets/regions. There's a combination of Romance, deep morality queries, and a multilayered underlying theme.  On top of that, there's hand to hand combat, phaser battles, and Starship battles.  All of these things have been staples of the success for Star Wars (Which I have never heard of being compared to a TV series.).  How can you compare Nemesis to a TV series when it delivers on everything that defines an epic movie adventure.

IMO the above points clearly separated Nemesis from next sundays broadcast of Enterprise, or some TNG re-run.  If thats not a convincing enough argument, then I propose that you sit down and start writing the next script yourself, or you'll never be satisfied.  To  put it bluntly we've had 5 series' worth of script writing and story ideas, plus 10 movies. I've also read many of the Star Trek books available such as the entire SCE series, DS9 Millenium, Badlands, The Brave and the Bold, and the Left hand of Destiny.  To be honest, none of the books I've read could even warrant a movie, so if you're still not satisfied with Nemesis' originality then your solution is WAAAAAAYYYYY beyond my comprehension.  

Anyway, As a final Nemesis comment, my only other complaint is that the ending of the movie left me with more questions than answers.  

Questions like.....Will B4 become Data? (Most likely)
                            What Class ship is the USS Titan?
                            What will be the basis for the next film? (TNG, Voy, DS9, Enterprise?)
                            Will admiral Janeway return to the bridge of a starship someday? (LOL JK)
                            What of Picard's future?
                            Geordie Laforge?

Anyway, I'm sure there's more question that just aren't coming to mind as I write this, but finishing a movie this way could be hazardous with regards to expectations for the next film.  In other words, if these question go unanswered in the next film, I'll probably be dissappointed no matter how good it is.  

My wish list......
      1.  More fleet-wide battles showcasing more ship classes.  
      2.  Cast Combination (Voyager/ DS9 / and TNG) which demonstrates the constance of the Star Trek Universe.  I dont really care which cast members specifically, although I wouldnt mind seeing "Captain Tuvok". ( but that's just the Vulcan in me talking )
      3.  More Klingons.  Klingon's aptitude for war makes everyone a bit nervous. (Good for augmenting suspense in a movie).

Sorok out!



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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2003, 07:41:31 am »
Very good post Sorok.

I purchased the Nemisis DVD as well as went to the first showing of the movie in theaters. My girlfriend fell asleep during the pre-combat phase -- but she was impressed by the ship combat and the fighting scenes.

Personally I enjoyed the movie very much. A few things I think should have been done:

1. The Remans - From what was said in the movie Remans were shock troops. Even though this usually means "cannon fodder", it also mean tough as nails. It would have been way cool to see a the Reman's that boarded the Enterpise take mutliple phaser shots before going down to massed fire. The contrast between the usually death prone Starfleet red shirt and a Reman assault trooper would have went a long way to making the boarding action seem very dire. Also no one boards a ship from one location or direction. They should have had multiple teams of Remans engaging different points of the ship -- including the bridge.

2. Romulan tactics in the battle against the Scimitar - Everyone here knows Romulans are sneaky, and never show all their cards at once. Why then are two Warbirds decloaking in the same vicinity at the same time, prior to expected combat with a superior opponent??? The battle should have featured 3 Valdorre class warbirds. The prime warbird would have decloaked first to initiate comms with the Enterpirse and give the viewer a "hmmmm..." effect. The other two warbirds decloak only when the order to attack is given - and then no more than two at a time. The Space battle with the Enterprise whizzing around spouting photons torpedoes in the midst of decloaking and cloaking warbaird would have been breath-taking.

Other than that the movie was great is is well worth the money paid to add it in to the collection. One thing though - how come deleted scenes are left out of the DVD copy of the movie? Are they planning on adding the new scenes to a "Collectors Edition", like Lord of the Rings?


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2003, 12:36:16 pm »
About photons...

... what happened to quantums?  I didn't see or hear that the Enterprise fired or had any in this movie.  


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2003, 01:12:08 pm »
Didnt you see them fire those 4 quantums? I bet that they just had a limited supply. I mean, they even ran out of PHOTONS...


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2003, 02:13:32 pm »
No!  I didn't.  I'll go back and look, though.  Maybe you can clue me in: whereabouts in the battle scene??


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2003, 02:18:45 pm »
It may have been where deanna was aiming. Yes, i think thats it. You can see them, they are blue.


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2003, 02:44:15 pm »
Actually that was a quirck that I noticed too.  In fact, I must have heard the phrase "Photon Torpedoe's" at least three times during the battle sequence, but every time we saw the torps, the were unmistakeably quantum-blue.  


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2003, 05:12:23 pm »
Yup, she fired 9 q torps in rapid sucession that disabled their cloak. They only have one front q launcher, so when they passed it they had to use photorps. Plus qtorps may have been in short supply considering the the federation is in peace time.


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2003, 09:25:01 pm »
 On screen we saw 23 photons and 9 quatum torpedoes fired.

Just so you know, if the Enterprise had only a few basketball court sized storage room for her torpedoes, she would have enough room for hundreds if not thousands of torpedoes. And considering the size of the Soveriegn class, a few basketball courts would be nothing.


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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #18 on: June 03, 2003, 10:01:05 pm »
LIKE I SAID, it was peace time, and she was diverted from a WEDDING. Last time I checked you dont need hundreds of Quantum Torpedos in a wedding.

Lord Marauder

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Re: Nemesis DVD
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2003, 02:37:24 am »
To comment on the low number of Photon Torpedo's I cannot see why they would have so few of them. The Enterprise-E is a Federation Drednaught and one of the FLAGShip's, and is considered one of, if not THE most powerfull Ship(S) in the federation Navy. Take present day Naval ships as an example. Those BIG gun Turrets carry more than just 32 heavy rounds to pound targets. That doesn include the payload of Missiles(Often Nuclear) that these ships can carry.  As the Enterprise-E is a flagship, I would have thought that it would have a bigger payload than it does. The Soverign Class is not like a Galixy class ship.  It's not a Floating Hotel like the galixy classes were. The Soverigns were suppose to be Combat Vessels First, and everything else Second. Therefore it stands to reason that they should have had a bigger paylod of P&Q torps than they had. It doesn't matter if they were at war or not. Most Combat Naval vessels usually carry a very high payload of Shells. Definately more than 32 of them. There is also the fact that Photon Torpedo Casings are not very large at all. This means that The Enterprise-E should have had At least Double or even Triple the payload that was fired. The NCC1701-B carried a Payload of 30 Photons. That was a standard Heavy Cruiser Exploration Ship. One would think that the Soverign Class would have a wee bit more than that.

This ends my Rant.