Topic: Ok... So im trying to put this moddel for sfc 2 into my sfc 3 game...  (Read 1148 times)

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  • Guest
But... I have run into one thing that may be bad...

First off, does anyone know if Dawn's Valdore has pre-existing hardpoints on the 3-d moddel?

If it does, are they the same as the ones on the version of his moddel for armada?

If not, considering that I dont have any 3-d moddeling programs, would it be a problem if I just went in and added hardpoints on my own?


  • Guest
I am pretty darn sure it has existing HP. (I can check it out later, email me for more info if you want)

but I don't have Armada, I can't tell you if they are the same.

What do you mean by adding new hardpoints?



  • Guest
Open up each model in CV and check. Some hardpoints are Armada specific though (like borg, damage, etc...)  


  • Guest
Yea, sorry for not sounding the nevermind, but I found some programs to at least be sure the hardpoints were there. Since I found the CV last night, I think Im gonna move the hardpoints to different locations to match up with the interfaces I have layed out