Topic: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..  (Read 1712 times)

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converted for sfc2.. can anyone help with this? i want a kit bash.. it would also help if someone has the excelsior model from p81/knox.



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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2003, 02:51:10 am »
Very nice ship you got their!  Just a question though, is that a kit bash of Ent-e engines and Excelcior parts?  It looks like you already know about 3D modeling, why would you need our help?  

Also, not sure If I could help anyways.  I only have knowlege of 3D modeling with Milkshape and its pretty limited in some respects to SFC modeling.


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2003, 08:21:26 am »
knox was the guy who did the orginal kit bash.. i am trying to run him down before anything is done.. i, personally, do not know how to do 3d modeling and what not.. hence why i need the help.. i simply want to convert it to sfc2.. and make another version with TMP nacels to have for both games if possible.

hope that helps. still interested?


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2003, 01:22:13 pm »
Sorry, but at the moment I will have to decline.  I still want to do my Model projects for the community and that could take time.  

Also, I only use Milkshape and its pretty limited compared to 3Dmax.  You might want to ask some modelers that do those projects.  One question though, how many polygons is that ship?   The reason I ask is because I only make my models in low Polygon form so low end systems can use my models.  I never try to go beyond 3000 polys, and I try to hit under 2000 if I can.  Also, I have no experience in making break models.  Break models in SFC3 seem very complicated and I would be happy if I could do it just for SFC2.  
« Last Edit: May 22, 2003, 01:24:54 pm by Magnum357 »


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2003, 03:15:09 pm »
Nanner off the top of my head (and could well be wrong )I think all you have to do is delete the X files (is <shipname>.X not <shipname>.mod or <shipname>.brk) hard points may need to be sorted out
Iam not 100% sure but I think it will work(not got sfc3 loaded so cant try it)


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2003, 04:21:39 pm »
The hardpoint arrangement is different, as is the damage system, so the weapons would fire from weird locations and the damage maps would not show up. The glows will just be ignored and so will those X files, hehe, LOL, they're just pics for the game to load an image of the ship in the ship select screen, SFCII only has the hardcoded UIs so it will ignore them. Sorry I can't be of practical help as I am M6 bound, I just love kitbashing...


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2003, 08:51:51 pm »
thats okay.. i will be patient..

thanks for the note longtooth, it is appreciated.. i do have p81's permission, btw.


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2003, 10:11:29 pm »
If you want to adjust change lightmaps and textures on models or change hardpoints, try the SFC HP Editor. The link is in my sig.  


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2003, 11:06:29 pm »
what if there are no light maps? any tutorials on how to make them?


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Re: i have an sfc3 ship i would liked changed a little.. and..
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2003, 05:29:47 am »
Nannerslug, get me on MSN for what you want by the end of today, i may be able to do something for you either today or tomorow.