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Quote: I wonder why the PHB only does 1/3 the damage to sheilds. I take it then that the PHB is not a good weapon to use against sheilds, only to fire through unsheilded targets.
Quote:Are the PH-G2's in SFB too? I don't think I ever heard of them etheir. And from the looks of their damage effect they seem to have a lot longer range then the old PH-G. Although I don't have the Manual for X ships (aside from the one in Advanced missions) I thought the PH-G2 was suppose to be the damage values of a PH-2 only fired 4 times. I might be wrong on that, just heard it somewhere is all.
Quote: From the 2538 Patch Read Me File7)Shield reinforcement is no longer applied to downed shields when taking damage.
Quote:Quote: I wonder why the PHB only does 1/3 the damage to sheilds. I take it then that the PHB is not a good weapon to use against sheilds, only to fire through unsheilded targets. If I recall the Phaser B is flawed in its code, or I should say that ships shields are flawed. Ships shields, even when down have 1 point of energy, therefore the phaser B impacts that and not direct to the hull like it should. I may be wrong but I seem to recall this discussion on the old forums some months ago. It is one of the thing the next patch for OP may fix, I hope.