Hmmm this is along the same lines of the Lyran AI. IF the AI takes off like a bat our fo hell it will either turn off the ESG and never charge it or it will set it to 50% but run so fast it never has the power to charge the ESG.
Karnack,E.D. or Tacy there anyway within the EAW API to set up a parameter that by default the AI helping the player initially is set to defend the players ship(s) maintain a matching speed until the AI OPFOR closes to within a defined distance. Then reset the AI help mission parameters to offensive.
I would rather see continued Fleet Control for the Help. But anything that keeps the AI from charging off into battle by itself is better than nothing.
Or maybe a communication window trigger possibly. Make the player hail the friendily AI give the player the option of setting the AI parameters.
1. Hail AI help
2. Tell AI to attack nearest target
3. Tell AI to fly escort and match my speed
Then fleet control isn't used but the player has some limited control over the AI.